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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6296815 No.6296815 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ taste?
is this correct?

Favorite Game designer : ZUN
Favorite Game Studio : TypeMoon , ALICESOFT
2D shooting games: Touhou series
AVG : Umineko
Strategy : Sengoku Rance
JRPG : Ar tonelico
MMO : Cosmic Break, Iris online

>> No.6296820
File: 21 KB, 522x399, 1286913388212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVG: Umineko

>> No.6296824
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>MMO : Cosmic Break, Iris online

>> No.6296828

I only play JRPG current one being Atelier Rorona/Totori.

>> No.6296825

Of course not.
ZUN is just fron the Touhou beta fans gathered here.
Most people here have not played more than two Alicesoft games and TM is very plorized.
Touhou is right, cause the only 2D shooter affectionados are Touhou fans.
Sengoku may be right, but not many strategy games are dicussed here regardless.
Ar Tonelico has dedicated threads due to VN elements. Many like other JRPGs.
MMOs, are a flavor of months shit.
2 years ago, we played Mabinogi

>> No.6296829
File: 136 KB, 400x400, meiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVG: Umineko

>> No.6296835

>Sengoku may be right, but not many strategy games are dicussed here regardless.
Utawarerumono is generally liked on /jp/.

>> No.6296836
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>Cosmic shit

>> No.6296842

Big Bang Age too.
We had a few Eisen No Aselia threads.
Not many strategy games come up for discussion, is the point

>> No.6296844

>Cosmic Break
>Sengoku Rance
>Ar tonelico

I guess I'm not /jp/

>> No.6296851


>> No.6296857
File: 71 KB, 848x480, [HorribleSubs] Sora No Otoshimono Forte - 03 [480p].mkv_snapshot_00.19_[2010.10.15_14.37.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite Game designer : ZUN
>Favorite Game Studio : ALICESOFT
>2D shooting games: Touhou series
>AVG : Umineko
>Strategy : Sengoku Rance
>JRPG : Ar tonelico
>MMO : Cosmic Break, Iris online

>> No.6296858

We are not a hivemind.
We agree to almost nothing to have clear majorities.
For every thread concerning a topic and people post, there are as many who IGNORE it.
Such lisst are retarded.

>> No.6296869

Umineko is AVG
japan agreed.
Don't bother them about it.


▼『うみねこのなく頃に ~魔女と推理の輪舞曲~』

>> No.6296874

I giess such shitty writing is traumatizing for a child/

>> No.6296875

You completely missed the point, dumbass

>> No.6296876

It's all wrong.

>> No.6296886

The point was that Umineko is pure shit so the simple thought that it could be the favorite of anyone with a brain is kinda unbelievable.

>> No.6296888
File: 411 KB, 900x506, umi28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

102 US dollars for umineko? Fucking lol. I'll never pay that much for that shit.

>> No.6296893

Yeah that just about sums it up

>> No.6296900

How did you a picture of Caster like that.
Or is this some kind from Hollow Anthrax?
I am confused.

>> No.6296901

lol remember when /jp/ loved Umineko before it's become "mainstream"

>> No.6296930

Before it became utter shit, it was episode 3.
Afterward you had a bunch of fangirls who came here due to the anime from /a/, animesuki and gamefaqs but they were never part of /jp/.

>> No.6296942

More like
>lol remember when /jp/ loved Umineko before it became shit at episode 4

>> No.6296955

OP is pretty spot on. Though like what others have said, people went to I don't really like Umineko anymore once it turned crappy recently.

>> No.6296958

He really, really is not.

>> No.6296968

>really is not
It's like you don't post on /jp/ at all.

>> No.6296971

Then tell me even thing that make Umineko good, other than the soundtrack.

The plot? The writing? The complexity of the characters?

Seriously I can somehow understand why some people love Type-Moon even if I disagree but I can't see anything good about Umineko.

The plot is pure shit, the writing is pure shit, the pacing is pure shit, the characters are shallow and mostly uninteresting.
What the fuck is there that make it good?

>> No.6296976

Oh boy. What you find shit, others find good.
You will not get it since it does not appeal to you.
Don;t start this again

>> No.6296980

90% of /jp/ is always toohoo. I wouldn't mind if it was actually about the games and not fandom moe shit. /jp/ has no class.

>> No.6296983
File: 23 KB, 424x320, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296985

Amount of discussion =/= /jp/ LOVES IT 10/10.

Umineko is just the type of game that will create lots of discussion no matter what, it's an ongoing mystery for fuck's sake.
If you remember the threads, you'll see that there were lots of bad criticisms in them with people calling it mediocre or shit but still arguing about it because no matter what if you see a puzzle, you will want to solve it.

In the same way, a VN like Symphonic Rain that is pretty much unanimously considered great here doesn't get much discussion, because there isn't much to say about it.

>> No.6296990

No answer, probably because you have nothing to say.
As expected from an Umineko fag.

>> No.6296993

I am not that giy and I do not like it either.
Just dislike shitstorms.

>> No.6296998

>Amount of discussion =/= /jp/ LOVES IT
are you dumbfuck autistic? the more people talk about something, they more engrossed they are about it, obviously the more they love it. they won't discuss shit they don't like at all. autist.

>> No.6297006

A small circle making constant threads=! /jp/ many people like it. You forget that so many people ignore the threads. Just because ether is a constant Ar tonelico thread, does not mean MANY /jp/ posters care.
Not to mention you may talk about it but being NOWHERE near your favorite.

>> No.6297024

Right. Yeah. Enjoy your I'm not in the majority so I'm auto-cool club.

>> No.6297029

Considering I only played episode 1-3 and part of 4 before dropping it since I really disliked it yet I also heavily participated in the theory threads, even starting the whole ShKanontrice here.
I would say you are wrong.

Some genres are just more "discutable" than others.

>> No.6297036

...Yeah. My whole point is it is not a majority, and you retort 'You think you are cool cause you are a minority'. And again, 'participating in discussion=! favorite'.

>> No.6297040

>he still thinks he's not being anti-popular

>> No.6297042

>AVG : Fate Stay/Night
>Online gaming : Melty Blood

good old times

>> No.6297044

>JRPG : Ar tonelico
>Ar tonelico
Bleh...it's not even designed to be one..., it just happens to have some elements of it.
It's as much of a "JRPG" as Galaxy Angel is an RTS.

>> No.6297045

I like Umineko, it's just not my favorite.
I am pretty much saying you are making retarded leaps of logic.
Good luck with greentext

>> No.6297051
File: 66 KB, 500x312, vic23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect OP.

/jp/'s favourite strategy game is Victoria II.

Excuse my lack of saved images on this laptop.

>> No.6297054

From what I remember in all the favorite VN thread Clannad usually had the most votes by a wide margin.
Been a while since there was such a thread though.

>> No.6297061 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 1280x1024, no income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, do you know if this could be considered a bug?

>> No.6297064

Galaxy Angel is more of an RTS than Ar Tonelico is a J-RPG.

>> No.6297073

I thought we were all general Paradox fans.

>> No.6297082

We really have not talked much about clannad for 2 years, and more VNs have come out. But it was liked quite a bit for sure.

>> No.6297084

And now EU3 is getting another expansion that adds a sengoku period campaign.

mite b cool

>> No.6297088

Generally yes.

Vickie 2 with EU3 following are the ones most predominantly talked about.

>> No.6297093

Well there isn't much to talk about.
No mystery and no powerlevel.

>> No.6297143
File: 1.66 MB, 1376x806, republicoftexas3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Victoria II, don't you feel Texas is way too OP in the new patch?
Starting with a brigade of guards and a fort really is too much. Poor Mexico is easily forced into a complete cession during the Texas War of Independence.

>> No.6297384

Wouldn't have happened if they hadn't spent all their resources on tequila.

>> No.6297398

brb planning rance mod for eu3 divine wind

>> No.6297406

Favorite Game designer : Urobuchi Gen
Favorite Game Studio : Nitroplus
2D shooting games: Touhou series. Baldr Series.
AVG : Biko series.
Strategy : Big Bang Age Sengoku is old good.
JRPG : Rance should be here. But no.
MMO : Currently? Cosmic Break. Or that other online game we played months ago. We change every few months to a different one.

>> No.6297415

Oh right, there was also that SO3Mariafag. Though, most of us go SO2 >>> SO3 when he shows up.

>> No.6297421

Where is Elona?

>> No.6297422

>Favorite Game designer : Urobuchi Gen
He doesn't design the game.

>> No.6297427
File: 11 KB, 176x219, koucrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have a Shogun 2 TW mod of that.

Then again
>Shogun 2

>> No.6297462

Don't cry, Nack.

>> No.6297483

Bull. /jp/'s favorite MMO is Kingdom of Loathing.

>> No.6297565

You mean real life.

>> No.6298172

That reminds me, Shogun 2 can't come soon enough!

>> No.6298178

>Sengoku Rance

>> No.6298196

/jp/'s favorite MMO is stock trading.

>> No.6299634

FOREX Online
