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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 233 KB, 800x639, 915cc2744ba6eb4cef7b34e4317783e9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6294204 No.6294204 [Reply] [Original]

Cosmic Break general:

Good job on Hotglue winning the tournament!

>> No.6294217

/v/ shit. Rweported

>> No.6294218



>> No.6294225


Log in to collect your prizes for the two whole days you'll get to have them.

>> No.6294229

reported for encouraging this band os shitpost artists.

>> No.6294242

Reported for not taking it easy.

>> No.6294244
File: 117 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20101015_2313_12_520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's going to be a 3rd beta

Yes we won.

>> No.6294248


>> No.6294263

Thanks for the Pepen /jp/!

>> No.6294273

We should probably have waited to make this thread until after the excitement died down, so we don't get a bunch of /a/ shitting it up.

Oh well.

>> No.6294280

Where are the recorded vids?

>> No.6294287

Can the hotglue winners post their builds? I am curious on how well they are built.

>> No.6294296

SDGO was an /a/ guild right?

>> No.6294301

Not really a specific board guild, but most of them are weeaboos anyways. I guess they're from SD Gundom Online.

>> No.6294312
File: 45 KB, 150x200, udonge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ tears, so delicious.

>> No.6294314

What part gives you those golden butterflies?
And which one gives you a mini crim?

>> No.6294320

Ouka dancing is fucking hot.

>> No.6294328 [DELETED] 


Butterflies is butterfly effect. It's attached to a maril march in one of the garapons.

mini-crim can only come from challenge cubes. I'm the only one in loyalty(and possibly the game) with one because I grinded over 100 challenge cubes until I got one.


The bots we used for the tournament are explicitly fagbuilds that we won't be using otherwise. You shouldn't either because they rapidly suck the fun out of the game.

>> No.6294336
File: 1.30 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_2430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys make me so proud.

>> No.6294348

I thought MoD's games were far more impressive considering they used actual strategy instead of turtling with gay builds.

>> No.6294351
File: 53 KB, 370x383, 1284153576673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is asking about Hotglue, not Loyalty scum. Know your place. (4th place)

>> No.6294354

Generic highly tune air and support hopper.

>> No.6294359

Are you retard or blind sir? MoD had the same builds every other clan had.

There is no "strategy" just a simple tactic. You may have liked their games but the way they acted was one of the reasons they lost.

>> No.6294364

You mad LOYALTY's cardfag team lost?

>> No.6294366

>Crimrose's boobs jiggle when she dances


>> No.6294368
File: 61 KB, 405x600, 949e91064155bfd8ce7dba5769f88341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotglue confirmed for master race. I'm happy to be a cog in the glory machine.

Aika Online: First Place [x]
Cosmic Break: First Place [x]
My heart: First Place [x]

>> No.6294373

Both the cardfags heavy team went home early.
LOLoyalty and flakeyfags both lost to superior team with inferior bots.

>> No.6294377

Troll here.

We don't really care too much about this loss. We got our victory by shutting up the shit talkers in MoD.

GG, again.

>> No.6294388
File: 186 KB, 877x1076, ogxMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6294391

SDGO here, congratulations on your win. Only your clan really ever believed we could make it to the top two. It was a fun fight in the end, you guys were great opponents.

>> No.6294395 [DELETED] 
File: 935 KB, 1286x4196, terriblebuildsdonotusethese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here. I only ended up using the first one because it never died. The last 2 I didn't even finish tuning. I mostly tried to act as bait to lure the enemy away from my team while they healed.

>> No.6294394
File: 502 KB, 843x1200, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6294397
File: 258 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101016_1436_52_515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loyaltyfag here

It can't be helped, SUGOI SUGOI Hotglue!

>> No.6294401
File: 379 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101015_2335_49_979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6294402
File: 88 KB, 300x356, Untitled-1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SDGO should just merge with us. I mean, you already have a handful of your members in our IRC from time to time.

Also; Iris Online.

>> No.6294403

Hey, thanks for keeping up with us, we (well me as a spectator anyway) really enjoyed the bout.

>> No.6294414

Remember all that trashtalk LOYALTY spewed during the past few weeks along with gm radio?

What happened?

>> No.6294419
File: 151 KB, 1020x767, NomoeNomercy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used two of these for the tournament. They're mathematically built to perfection.

Of course, they're ugly as sin, so it was only for the tournament. I'll stick to my moebots now that that is over.

>> No.6294420

SDGO was without a doubt the best opponent we had. That last push you guys did was scary to tell the truth.

Great match.

>> No.6294421


This is the only bot I used. I had some as backup, but I never died. Which surprised me because I was acting as bait the entire time so my team had a chance to heal.

That rush at the end against SDGO was awesome. Nearly died there.

>> No.6294428

I was only at one of the radio events, the last one I think, and they just talked about animu. What kind of things did they say? Cause its all too delicious now with their tears.

>> No.6294432

Look at their thinly veil attempt at sarcasm.

>> No.6294435
File: 43 KB, 800x800, crimbitinghat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.6294442

MoD fought SDGO evenly without using any hoppers and beat LOYALTY with only 1. using crim-chan to attack the power spot was pretty strategic if you as me.

>> No.6294448 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 600x616, 1281321744215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick and tired of getting styled on in MMOs by hotglue.

You are all a bunch of talented players. The most professional, the most selfless, the most tactful bunch. I can count on one hand the number of hotglue I've played with that I can go toe to toe with. Everybody else is an deleterious gaming wizard who can decimate anyone.

You do favors for hotglue, they invite you to hang out. And still they continue to check up on you after you left. It's like I've never experience such genuinely real people before, though I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. I shouldn't expect everyone to live up to hotglue's standards.

>> No.6294456
File: 48 KB, 600x616, 1281321744215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick and tired of getting styled on in MMOs by hotglue.

You are all a bunch of talented players. The most professional, the most selfless, the most tactful bunch. I can count on one hand the number of hotglue I've played with that I can go toe to toe with. Everybody else is an dexterous gaming wizard who can decimate anyone.

You do favors for hotglue, they invite you to hang out. And still they continue to check up on you after you left. It's like I've never experience such genuinely real people before, though I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. I shouldn't expect everyone to live up to hotglue's standards.

>> No.6294472

We need one saying that hotglue cheats on tourneys now.

>> No.6294484


>> No.6294488

MOD did well, they had a nice strategy in the beginning and stuck with it. As for card hoppers, I don't think any would have wanted to get near the MOD team since they are so good at trapping them with winberrels. If any enemy team had decided to abuse card jumpers, that team would probably have been the easiest picking.

>> No.6294494
File: 359 KB, 600x617, hotgloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.eulgtoh htiw sOMM yalp ot gniyrt fo derit dna kcis m'I

.gnihtyreve evresed yeht kniht ohw sessecnirp elttil yssip si esle ydobyrevE .ysae ti ekat ot elba era taht htiw deyalp ev'I eulgtoh fo rebmun eht dnah eno no tnuoc nac I .hcnub sseltcat tsom eht ,hsifles tsom ,etaredisnocni tsom ehT .stnuc citsitua fo hcnub a lla era uoY

.scimanyd puorg dnatsrednu ot stsitua na tcepxe t'ndluohs I .desirprus eb t'ndluohs I sseug I hguoht ,erofeb elpoep dnuora neeb reven ev'uoy ekil s'tI .meht rof sgniht gniod eunitnoc dluohs uoy ekil leef llits yeht dnA ."sknaht" gnikcuf yas neve t'nod yeht ,eulgtoh rof srovaf od uoY

>> No.6294498
File: 5 KB, 128x128, flag3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can someone convert this to 16bit index color for me with photoshop?
It takes time to download photoshop

>> No.6294516

Ffuuuuuu CS3 won't let me do it. How to photoshopped durr durr

>> No.6294526

Image>Mode>Color index>pallete>less than 16

>> No.6294527
File: 369 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101015_2336_31_544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6294530

No good, 16-bit is grayed out, can't select it. Hence the durr durr

>> No.6294535


>> No.6294537
File: 11 KB, 128x128, flag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try with this.
This is in 32bit png.

>> No.6294547
File: 6 KB, 128x128, c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks bad ingame though. Why does yours have those things on the sides?

>> No.6294556

Mode set, but I can't upload it here due to dupe image detector.

>> No.6294557

Oh god its terrible.
Original artist for crimbitinghat need to tone his image into 16bit pallete color.

>> No.6294559

disregard that i cock sucks

>> No.6294570
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1287213436608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6294572
File: 221 KB, 582x617, vitabitinghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could try the original one.

>> No.6294599

Shit, I set the mode to 16-bit but CB still doesn't recognize it as 16-bit. Back to CS3 to hump the save menu.

>> No.6294601
File: 8 KB, 128x128, red4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm working on one but the colors keep coming out poorly. I'll see what I can do but I suck at this.

>> No.6294613
File: 350 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101015_2337_08_337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't even use this guy at all, yet was probably the most highly tuned up one. Going in close range was too risky in both games and cardfags were surprisingly absent.

>> No.6294622

are those baltheon arms? what's the point of having 2 of them if you don't have moving burst?

>> No.6294623

O...kay. Going back to bed.

>> No.6294634
File: 326 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101016_1539_24_023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is because of Cosmic Break color limitation. Probably have to do the color using the ingame color editor.

>> No.6294660

Low ammo.

>> No.6294681
File: 3 KB, 128x128, flag1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was impatient and was in the middle of making my own crimbitinghat flag, so here it is. You might have to switch the colors around a bit to make it look right, but you won't have to edit anything.

>> No.6294701

That tuned out nice.

So do I just open >>6294601 as a saved skin then? I'm clueless, and I don't have photoshop.

>> No.6294759

I'm sick and tired of seeing hotglue cheat for tournament and getting away with it in MMOs.

You are all a bunch of fucking cheater. The most unprofessional, the most selfish and the most disgusting game hackers/cheaters that I have seen. I can count on one hand the number of hotglue I've played with that are legit clean players. Everybody else is an lowlife cheater and hacker.

You expect them to be fair players in guild/clan tournament but they just go around clan hopping, fixing the tournament, aimbotting and end up cheating their way to victory. It's like I've never experience such blatant cheating in a game before, though I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. I shouldn't expect an autists to play the game fairly and not resort to cheating their way to win.

>> No.6294760

You might be able to open it and drag it around, the other option is to use the ones like >>6294681, which are probably complete skins for part/all of the flag, and you would just use the load option with the part selected.

>> No.6294777 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 128x128, Crimrose0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My final flag. I don't feel like doing anymore right now.

>> No.6294778

Original artist here, thanks for liking that pic.

Haha, what. I e

>> No.6294784
File: 4 KB, 128x128, Crimrose0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My final flag. I don't feel like doing anymore right now.

>> No.6294795

ooh nothing, just how hotglue will fail because of our silly infighting and self-trolling.

I'm getting bloated by loyalty tears though

>> No.6294807
File: 94 KB, 584x439, crimbitinghatflagcolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are the colors to make it easier. Not sure if it is needed.

>> No.6294813

I guess outsiders will never understand that the people doing the anti hotglue threads are actually the same people in hotglue.

>> No.6294823

I don't understand, how can I input those values?

>> No.6294829


Go to the paint edit thing and click the third tab at the top. Choose the flag from the drop down menu and you will see a box like that at the bottom. For the top 3 color sets, you choose them out of the box on the right. The others you input manually.

>> No.6294834
File: 80 KB, 359x362, crf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6294899

Suddenly I'm more bored of this game than I have ever been. I need some new fun build to play.

>> No.6294934

The only bots I want this flag on are my Ivis and my Ouka Kamuro.


>> No.6294969

Try making a bot with a high movement stat and 40 TGH. Buff HP too if you can. I wonder how a bot that's heavily focused on surviving would be like. A SUP with all damage resistances and all cost/HP upgrades along with 40 TGH. A bot that is focused on not dying once throughout a match.

In fact maybe a medi-aide with growing wonder who only carries shields. A pure healbot. I wonder how useful it would be.

>> No.6295051

what should I do with my ouka dayu? I can't seem to hit anything with her wind attack and her melee is akward to use. I noticed she does pretty good damage to the power spot though. should I give her 40 tec and upgrade her projectile?

>> No.6295058

>I wonder how a bot that's heavily focused on surviving would be like.

Try double-shield, Izuna booster (double if you can manage) S AIR with 40FLY. That's the only thing I play, I seldom die even in JP matches (especially thanks to their phenomenal support units. )

>> No.6295062

how about a land robot with 3 lancerlot shields and one shield shotgun?

>> No.6295069

That's overkill. In fact, swapping one of the shields for a mini bazooka is also a good idea, as you tend to survive matches with both shields intact and Izuna BS ammo runs out rather fast.

In addition, you need a way to actually deal damage.

>> No.6295087


I already survive until the end of matches easily. So I'm going to do the opposite. Tiny low cost suicide bots.

>> No.6295101

So do Ijuna Kamui's

>> No.6295130

Videos are up
semifinal HG vs. LOYALTY - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niWznlLMza0
final HG vs. SDGO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JE2UUi1VNg

>> No.6295149

Ivises. Ivises everywhere.

>> No.6295165

where can I watch the MoD vs LOYALTY game? I was speccing LOYALTY so I didn't get to see them charge out at the beginning.

>> No.6295168

What's with all the autism and trash talk in this thread? I thought you guys liked to take it easy and were priding yourselves on being the 'smarter' 4chan clan. Well, I had fun watching all the matchess and congratulations on your win, eventhough it seems you didn't really deserve it.

>> No.6295192

Did you see the threads a few weeks ago when the first rounds of the tournament were over? LOYALTY was doing 5x the trash talk and buttranging, and now that they've actually lost (pretty hard at that by that for being so 'good') the delicious tears just won't stop. Just look at the thread >>6294432 pointed out, they're shielding themselves from their own butthurt by being overdramatic.

>> No.6295197

>praises all around for SDGO and Hotglue
Are you perhaps maybe not in any of these 2clans?
Frustrated at not even making 3rd place?
>you didn't really deserve it.
Who do you think deserve it?

>> No.6295211


Imho the most entertaining match of the torunament, as neither team cared about winning enough to make this a campfest, but enough to give their best.

Also, all 4chan clans are pretty much the same, which means fun, but damn hypocritical. That's perfectly natural, though. Sure, it's just a game, but there's still "us" and "them".

>> No.6295213

I don't know. Their trash talking always seemed like they were just dicking around while some of the stuff in this thread just seems dead serious and mean.

I'm not from any of the semifinal clans.

>Who do you think deserve it?
Men and SDGO always acted classy, so i guess either of them. But you won and thats that.

>> No.6295230

>Men and SDGO always acted classy
>their leaders thrash talked all the time especially /m/en even inside their own clan
Take off your anti-hotglue and decide for youself.
I dont blame you though, they probably infect you with autism if you get near them.

>> No.6295443

Is Iris Online and Legend of Edda any good?

>> No.6295471
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101016_0642_44_276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulation Hotglue. We should all get together and have a dance party before OB2 ends.

>> No.6295474

- I love penis
- I love penis in my mouth
- When I have a penis in my mouth I go SLURPSLURPSLURPGLUGLUGLUG

>> No.6295500

I played Legend of Edda...........GRINDY AS FAWKING HELL !! but not bad I guess. Lvl cap currently 40.

>> No.6295520
File: 391 KB, 798x768, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal insults, personal insults everywhere ;_;

I think these message are all clan broadcasts instead of private messages too.

>> No.6295586

I believe that's Metal. From what I gather, the higher-ups have valid reasons to mock him.

You should take off your pro-hotglue and realize it's all the same shit. Conflicts happen everywhere, no matter how silly the reason is, no top4 clan is any better or worse than the rest.

As an unimportant bit of MoD cannon fodder I'm just glad that nobody cares about me and I don't have to get into quarrels.

>> No.6295607

How the fuck is the score for boss quests calculated? I got a time 1 minute faster than previous and that only resulted in some 15 points difference.

>> No.6295610

>pro-hotglue and realize it's all the same shit
I insult hotglue in /jp/ and their irc channel constantly everyday. I don't see how this is relevant on who won the tournament. Based on skills alone, they won.

>> No.6295617
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1263505345337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosmic Break
>Based on skills

>> No.6295633

I meant to say they used their cheating skill and SICP expertise in coding aimbot for their tournament victory.

>> No.6295651

Valid reasons?

>> No.6295653

Probably got accused of spying for /jp/ and sdgo.

>> No.6295669
File: 1.32 MB, 2347x1877, berzelius,ark of desire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably got accused of spying for /jp/ and sdgo.
Nope, seeing as StrikeFreedom (#1 dude on SDGO) is in our channel all the time. Kampfer is trashtalking him for spreading shitty builds and sucking overall.

>> No.6295672

"I prefer looks over performance and functionality"

>> No.6295681

You can't see how it is relevant to the tourney because it isn't.
You yourself admit that you just like to fling insults at everyone so I guess there's no point in elaborating on this.

You're Metal, right? Well, you're a mediocre player, and while there's nothing wrong with being mediocre, you think that you're good. You refuse to listen to any advice, you give bad advice to the newbies yourself. In addition, you got all worked up after some silly teasing by Kampfer and the rest, so it's only normal they'd want to tease you more. No hard feelings dude, but think about it a little.

Come on, there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6295693

Wait, you're Metal, right?

>> No.6295698


>> No.6295708
File: 223 KB, 500x700, 12466998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT fags calling other people fags while sucking cocks

>> No.6295715
File: 230 KB, 770x565, 33456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotglue here, half of us prefer moebots over functionality and performance

>> No.6295721

>eventhough it seems you didn't really deserve it.
>deserve it
>all teams fling insult
>best team won in the end
Sorry but what? Based on your criteria, team like Judgement and Nofunallowed are the one that is supposed to win.
You know what they call this in real life? Fairplay award.

>> No.6295729
File: 43 KB, 300x300, 8324780_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>best team won in the end

>> No.6295732
File: 48 KB, 192x270, baw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no moebot can equip the scarf, some of them can't equip the flag or dance belt either.

isn't it sad?

>> No.6295733

>in real life


>> No.6295740

I cant put them on my seraph and my lily cant even wear the scarf.

>> No.6295741

What are the stats of the awards, anyway?

>> No.6295745

>700 point crimrose harrasser
That's a functional bot.

>> No.6295750

Ocost/capacity head/leg/BS that you wear around just for looks.

>> No.6295754

what kind of logic are we talking about?

>the teams (cept for judgementglue) were all using overall same performing bots
>the teams were on mirrored maps
>the teams had same amounts of players on each team

doesn't that pretty much leave the whole thing to best team wins? unlike certain mmos crits are actually fixed on CB and pretty much only happens on first hit for a fixed period of not taking damage.

>> No.6295802
File: 129 KB, 445x368, accstats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scarf and dancebelt are actually worthwhile to equip. The flag is just for showing off.

>> No.6295825
File: 46 KB, 427x463, heavyberrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, cool, thanks.

>> No.6295826
File: 61 KB, 289x315, ac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get S/M melee core
>put ouka legs and izuna arms on it

instant awesome

>> No.6295838
File: 474 KB, 600x800, SNAAAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I see Cosmic Break. And it's glorious.

>> No.6295851

Seems they changed this in the JP version, I've seen Ivis with the scarf.

>> No.6295858
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101013_1058_50_841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because I main Laz, it doesn't mean I can't play other bots. Heck, I'm honestly an AIR player (or was, in OB1 at least), and I can also play support.
>You refuse to listen to any advice, you give bad advice to the newbies yourself.
Somewhat true and false. I listen, test it out, and give back according to my experience. I don't make up bullcraps. If it works for me, I'll tell you it works for me. "Advices" such as telling me to play a cardhopper or Ivis are ignored, however.

No point in playing this game if everyone is just playing cardhopper and AIBISU BUREKUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

>> No.6295908
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101013_1146_09_698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I don't understand how the scoring works anymore. I did 300 less damage and 1 frag less than Lyrenth, and he's more than double my score

>> No.6295933

Judging from the score chart, he tanked the whole opposite team while you yourself are getting free potshots at them.

>> No.6295970

Taking more hits from the enemy team seem to raise your contrib.

Also, attacking the ps raises your score without showing up as damage.

>> No.6296002


It's not hits, it's dealing damage while you're targeted/locked at.

>> No.6296009

Has anyone uploaded a skin for the flag? I can't seem to get the colors right.

>> No.6296039

Metal dammit where were you? Your team lost to SDGO by only like 200 points because you weren't there. It would've been cool if you'd beaten them.

>> No.6296142
File: 65 KB, 348x371, 1287184107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296197


I can't either. I want to put my waifu on mine

>> No.6296215
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101008_1838_29_227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture is from a MoD vs MoD practice, CW team vs non-CW members, just a few minutes before the CW.

Long funny story actually. There was suppose to be a tryout for the CW team a few weeks back. I went there, waited 20 minutes, and no one showed up. I'm pissed off, so I went out to party. Next day I asked, and they're like, "it's over dude, you weren't there". Apparently whoever was in charge of the tryout was half an hour late, and it's my fault not knowing that he would be half an hour late. Either way, I wasn't "qualified" for the CW team because I wasn't in the tryout. I went to talk to Annexis, and he was all up in my pants trying to get me to go through the trouble of getting on irc before he'd rearrange another tryout for me. From what I learned last time, it's nothing but abuses in there, so I didn't go. After SDGO vs MoD, Kampfer and Wulfgar sent these messages to all clan members (>>6295520)

That's rather amusing, because I'm the guy in the frontline fighting and dodging ivises, while he's in his d-girl, shooting his balls across the map.

>> No.6296258
File: 4 KB, 128x128, Crimfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a flag made by rina if anyone wants it.

>> No.6296272

Can we get a Crimbitinghat on the dance belt too?

>> No.6296316

You're clearly an amazing player suppressed and overshadowed by a bunch of douchebags. Maybe start up your own clan or something.

>> No.6296319


welp, first off, that was practice, and not srs bsns at all. i can tell from the lyrenth-not-being-in-the-top-10 and from having seen many lyrenths-in-the-top-10s in my time.

second, you're so fucking bad that even if you managed to pass the "tryouts" you wouldn't have been on the team.

as a matter of fact, even if you were in the vs sdgo fight, we'd have put you on perma item duty like we did with redapple last week.

thirdly, we blame you because you're so easily butthurt about everything. and because it really is your fault.

last but not least, the only reason you're still in the clan is because annexis is too pussy to boot your fail ass.

oh, did i mention you suck. (you aren't even in the top 10 consistently any more)

>> No.6296401

Why is there /m/ clan drama in a /jp/ thread?
