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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6290863 No.6290863 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/.

Today, my laptop died for a while, and we had to send it for repairs. And then, I started imagining the worst case where all of my files would get wiped and I would have to start all over...

But the thing I was the most worried about, were my Umineko files. ...Is that bad?

>> No.6290865

Yes. It mean you have a terminal case of autism.

>> No.6290873

Just skip through it with fast forward.

>> No.6290874
File: 44 KB, 242x269, 1287093865831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send your laptop in for repairs
>didn't back everything up to an external and delete it from laptop

>> No.6290881

Repair it yourself.

>> No.6290891
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [TZM]Hyakka_Ryouran_Samurai_Girls_02[720p][66E8A5FA].mkv_snapshot_03.07_[2010.10.11_19.47.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just skip through it with fast forward.
>thinks you have to go through every chapter again

>> No.6290894

>Today, my laptop died for a while, and we had to send it for repairs.
I'd be more worried about your 'other' files.
Say hi to the party van for me.

>> No.6290905


>I started imagining the worst case where they find my CP folder and send v& to me

Fix'd for OP and most of /jp/

>> No.6290915

I can't really speak for OP, but I don't think anyone would be so stupid as to send a laptop with CP in for repairs. Sure, you might hear about people getting caught that way, but that's the thing. They got caught because they did that. Since retarded criminals exist, there will be an abundance of people getting caught for doing things that would obviously get them caught.
