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629019 No.629019 [Reply] [Original]

I'm posting this every day until a dojin of Nanaya becoming a superhero with Shirou as his sidekick is made.

>> No.629033

That would be pretty nice.

>> No.629034

I'd buy it.

>> No.629037

Fuck yeah

>> No.629050

Shirou: But people die when they are killed.

Nanaya: ...

[thumbs up]

>> No.629052

nanaya-man fighting for freedom and rape

>> No.629062

[Nanaya] They don't ever seem to quiver in fear when I make my entrance... you think I'm missing something?

[Shirou] I dunno Seven Days. Maybe you need a catchphrase.

[Nanaya] Catchphrase... I dunno. What could I possibly say?

[Shirou] Well why not just appear from the darkness and say. "I am the bone of my sword-"

[Nanaya] Stop RIGHT THERE. I am NOT saying something so STUPID! ... maybe if I opened up with something more like... I am the TERROR that COMES IN THE NIGHT!

[Shirou] Yea yea! Then you could say "I am the bone of my sword-"

[Nanaya] STOP IT!

>> No.629078


>> No.629085

Shiki as Darkwing and Nanaya as Negaduck.

>> No.629096

i would like better Shiki and Shirou or Shiki and SHIKI.

>> No.629111

What about Shiki and Shiki and Miyako as Gos?

>> No.629194


No no no it'll go like this.

Shiki will be DW, Shirou will be Launchpad and Illya will be Goslin.

It works for her because she has that hyperactive personality that matches her. And Emiya Kiritsu can be her "grandfather" who had the sheath of Excalibur hidden so she's being perused by the bad guys (who are working for Chaos or hell even Dio) and they think she knows where it is.

Course the big reveal is that the dorky sidekick had it all along inside him.

>> No.629227

Shiki could be the main hero with Shiki as his sidekick. Shiki would man the command center. SHIKI would be the vilain. Then Shiki's head could be floating in a tube.

>> No.629254
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>> No.629536
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With mystic eyes of death he's
ready for a fight
swoops out of the shadows
Shiki owns the night
the dead apostles scheme
but their number's up! (3-2-1)

Tohno Shi(ki)! When in distress you call TS!
Tohno Shi(ki)! Chokushi no Magan...
Tohno Shi(ki)! Tohno Shiki, yeah!

With a blur he dissapears
master of surprise
Who's that demon killer with
the mysterious blue eyes

>> No.629551


Is ANYBODY here a good singer?

>> No.629563


>> No.629580

Fuck yes.

>> No.629598

So which Shiki is in charge?

>> No.629599

I'd gladly sing it in all its glory, but I don't have any sort of a microphone.

I'll see if I an get ahold of one soon.

>> No.629609


I'm alright, albeit a bass. I'll give it a go in a while. Maybe.

>> No.629670

[Shirou] Oh I'm your biggest fan TS!

[Shiki] That's Tohno Shi-... wait you are?

[Shirou] Oh yea! I read all about you in the paper. Heck I even put all your news paper clippings in an album!... course it's a small album.

[Shiki] Wow... a fan! Really!? Oh I mean umm... really?

[Shirou] Oh yea.

[Shiki] Well thank you citizen. Now where's my- OH CRAP! MY KNIFE! I DROPPED MY KNIFE! I CAN'T CUT THINGS WITHOUT IT!

[Shriou] I thought it was your mystic eyeball doohiki's that did that.

[Shiki] Yes but I can't very well CUT something without something sharp- HEY YOU! That sword you got! Can I use it?

>> No.629690
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>> No.629711


[Shirou] AHHH!!

[Shiki] WHAT IS IT!? Dead Apostles!? Zombies? My sister!?

[Shirou] I forgot my coat back at the burger joint.

[Shiki] A crisis of EPIC proportions...

>> No.629755

Why is Shiki surprised about having a fan? i am sure he has lot of fangirls , and fuck them regulargy.

>> No.629762


Shiki is actually unpopular if you read the VN.

>> No.629769

unpopular my ass, of course the girls are more popular, but Shiki is popular himself.

>> No.629780

He means unpopular at school. For mostly 2 reasons: he's sick all the time and he's got DEATH AURA

>> No.629963

He's got the best friend(s) you could ever hope for, though, few as they are.

>> No.629995

well, everyone is always trying to get him to join clubs and shit so he's not exactly a social pariah.

>> No.630001

Well, Akira wants his manmeat. I consider that popularity.

>> No.630002

...The other red haired kid? And Ciel?

>> No.630024
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I imagined Shiki summoning skeith.

I've been playing way too much //G.U. lately.

>> No.630041

Considering the fact that the only women Shiki ever attracts seems to be those who are insane, demonic or related to the occult I'd assume that his popularity among the school is actually somewhat minimal.

Also: Inui was a delinquent.

>> No.630047

go play Tsukihime again, faggort.

everyone wanted him in their club. He's sort of that typical very popular loner ero-game lead.

Also, Satsuki was perfectly normal before she became a vampire.

>> No.630055
File: 103 KB, 640x597, 1210912830088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagining ilya with her voice...

not sure if want

>> No.630060


>Satsuki was perfectly normal before she became a vampire.

Which still doesn't really take away from the fact that freakishly demonic, insane and horrifying people seem to be drawn to him. Whether it be destined for them to end up as such or they simply started that way.

>everyone wanted him in their club. He's sort of that typical very popular loner ero-game lead.

Well the fact he hasn't joined any would at the very least indicate to me he's a bit anti-social.

>> No.630061

Akira and Akiriko's sister want his cock, STFO

>> No.630066

Because he's fucking anemic, faggot.

>> No.630077

yeah, it would be kinda bad to be running in a track meet and then have an episode.

>> No.630083

That makes Shiki sound like a Murakami protagonist who makes do with what he has, and doesn't really care much about anything.

>> No.630086


No need to start calling people names here.

And I find it weird that they'd ask a known anemic at ALL to join their sports club when, logically speaking, Shiki shouldn't even be able to participate in sports. Though my actual memory of those events is a bit clouded by alcohol and tiredness I can always be wrong.

>> No.630104

he's very athletic in spite of that, and everyone knows it. He's not the kind of anemic that's weak all the time, he just gets those episodes so he doesn't see the point in doing sports.

At least that's what I can piece together.

>> No.630111

Shiki almost never talks to anyone in school outside of Saachin, Arihiko and Ciel

>> No.630114


Still it doesn't make sense to me. Think of it logically.

"HEY! That kid there is a known anemic and passes out at random intervals! Let's ask him to join the track meet!"

I knew Japan had some pathetically weak people but I didn't think they were desperate...

>> No.630120


And he only started talking to Sacchin at the start of the game if I remember. He hardly knew about her, if I remember correctly, until he walked her home.

>> No.630130

It's an ero-game, what are you doing trying to put logic to the actions of its characters?

You may as well be asking why the only way to suppress Roa was to fuck Ciel up the ass.

This was just about whether or not Shiki was popular, not about whether his popularity was based on any sort of logic.

>> No.630143

He largely just blows people off, people know him and would like to know him better but he doesn't seem to want to talk to anyone if he can avoid it.

>> No.630144


He'll know her a lot better in Tsukihime 2, if you know what I mean,

>> No.630151


>It's an ero-game, what are you doing trying to put logic to the actions of its characters?

I actually find that humerus considering how often I've heard from fans of Tsukihime make it out to be this gritty and awesome piece of fiction.

Sorry for bringing powerlevel faggotry into this topic but I'm constantly lulzing over the fact that people here seem to enjoy discussing a piece of escapist literature (VERY escapist mind you) as though it were some grand interpretive literature.

It's hilarious when I think about it.

>> No.630160

every piece of literature has some shit that doesn't make any sense.

That's pretty much the only real problem with it.

>> No.630171


Not exactly. There's a difference between confusing for the sake of confusing and having a deeper meaning (derp).

Basically making something derp (yea I know derp a derp a derp but I blame Eva fags for that more than anything) is to make a bold statement about life and the direction it takes. Not necessarily a moral but a truth that it reveals through it's literature. Tsukihime and FSN lack this and so they remain escapist literature.

That doesn't make them bad or anything, escapist literature is still literature after all, it's just that one has a more artistic value to it than the other.

Really the most a VN will ever teach you is that people die when they are killed.

>> No.630180

neither has more artistic value than the other except to litfags and other people that love circle-jerking to their own smug superiority.

>> No.630186

Actually, Tsukihime always mentions 'that just being alive is happiness'.

Simply fooling around, walking, talking etc with no grand scheme is enough.

Since death is the absolute end, one should enjoy his life.

Except for Akiha True ending, where ...you know.

>> No.630189

I should add that if you really need a piece of literature to figure out something about life that you couldn't learn through your own experiences or through history or philosophy then you're probably fucking retarded.

>> No.630194

Kagetsu Tohya end!

>> No.630199

Yeah, I know.
Poor guy cockblocked for months.

>> No.630210


That's what art's about.

It's not about what the piece is, it's what the piece says. Tsukihime and FSN are porn novels you play on your computer. How are they more artistic than something like War and Peace or even the Theory of Relativity?

Because the latter mean something whereas the former don't really mean ANYTHING other than the plot and characters they betray. Call me an artfag or a butthurt literaturefag all you want. I really don't care because it's true.

I am a stuck up little prick about this shit. Why? Because it interests me. I love writing and I love reading. And I love thinking about a work as much as I love just vegging out and losing myself in a work. You'll always have fags like me measuring a piece's artistic value.

The difference is that while some would condemn the VN's for being nothing more THAN very escapist literature I'm mature enough to enjoy it despite the fact it lacks any artistic meaning. Kinda like how you can enjoy those harem anime's despite the fact they're mostly the same and only good for fapping.

>> No.630219


Live and learn? Come on we all do that every fucking day. Literature at the VERY LEAST gives you an idea through another's perspective on something.


>'that just being alive is happiness'.

Which is kinda a simple meaning really... I mean it's not like "living is good" hasn't been drilled into your head already.

>> No.630230

The theory of relativity is not a piece of art. It's a piece of science.

Literature that tries to mean something usually ends up being intolerably boring with only a few exceptions. Well, unless you read them without trying to get all derp about it.

I read novels for personal enjoyment. For personal betterment I read academic journals and nonfiction things.

>> No.630236

Actually, many argue literature etc, are not about the content (what it is about) but HOW(the process).

Othello (Shakespeare) is pretty much a story about a Nigger in a white country, where his political enemies make him jealous of his wife and he kills her.
Themes are discrimination, jealousy and conspiracy.
Nothing original.

And yet he made it a fucking masterpiece.

Dialogues, characters, presentation made it great.

It's the writing itself in this case that makes it art, not the themes.

And what Tsukihime suffers is the WRITING, not the theme and character concepts, one could argue.

>> No.630246


>Literature that tries to mean something usually ends up being intolerably boring with only a few exceptions. Well, unless you read them without trying to get all derp about it.

That's actually the point of interpretive literature. They're typically suppose to reflect life SO well it forces you to come to grips that real life is boring and stupid. Still it's enjoyable WHEN you get all derp about it.

>I read novels for personal enjoyment. For personal betterment I read academic journals and nonfiction things.

Then you and me are two different people apparently. Wow what a shock.

>> No.630253


This I could also agree with. Nasu is and remains a very drab writer...

>> No.630256

There is almost no literature out there with a meaning that hasn't been fully explored by academics long before the book was written.

And most of the novels that were written with a "new" idea tend to be accompanied by a much fuller exploration of the ideas contained therein.

An example would be existentialism and writers like Sartre and Camus who wrote novels expressing existential ideas in tandem with essays and philosophical texts exploring those ideas in depth.

>> No.630258

He is very good in writing despair and suffering, one must concede.

>> No.630264

Shakespearean wankery is for tasteless faggots.

>> No.630272


True but to see those thoughts and ideas through another's eyes is what makes literature an interesting piece.

Living and learning teaches you about yourself. Reading and learning teaches you about others.

>> No.630277


Anyway, in most cases, how you do something is generally most important than WHAT you do, for it to be considered art.

>> No.630281


... wait... so would you say Nasu is Japan's only Emo author?

>> No.630289
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Emo is about pretentious suffering and attracting attention (though it should just be about the fans of a shitty music genre).

Nasu's bad ends and characters are NOT about pretentious suffering.

>> No.630301

That's a cop-out. Only an idiot can't make those kinds of connections on their own.

Or, if they're really out of touch with reality one need only look to history to see that those things are true.

I, for one, *know* life is boring, pointless and generally shitty. I don't need a novel to tell me that. I could read through some intolerable literature to figure out that people are shitty or I could read about real people.

Knowing what happens to real people in the context of certain ideas is much more interesting than reading a piece of fiction that tells you what you already know.

>> No.630303

Never came off as emo to me.

>> No.630321

what if Shiki transforms into Nanaya by taking of his classes

>> No.630322

>Knowing what happens to real people in the context of certain ideas is much more interesting than reading a piece of fiction that tells you what you already know.



>> No.630329

Well, I could tell you that life is NOT boring, pointless and generally shitty.

Your life is what you do, what you want and what you perceive.

What your life is and what happens does not apply to everyone to call it that.

Each one has a unique life and lives in a unique way.
Thus, reading about the lives of others (even if it's fiction) is not pointless.
There are as many viewpoints as there are people.
And since noone can experience everything, you can at least see it from someone else's life (NOT LIVE it though).


>> No.630332

what I mean by that is, there are plenty of diaries, letters, etc to draw your own conclusions from.

It's easy enough to make connections about how other people are with a fairly cursory knowledge of psychology, history and philosophy

>> No.630330

>taking of his classes

What, like skipping school? I've skipped class tons of times and I never turned into a killer.

>> No.630356

hey, wasn't that much easier and quicker than writing a 500 page novel?

If you want to say something, say it. I don't care how awesome you are at writing metaphors and shit, if your writing is just social commentary masquerading as literature I'd rather you just write an article in a journal.

That way I don't have to sift through your abhorrent writing for the sole purpose of figuring out what you could have said in less than half that. Or said much more clearly in the same amount of text.

>> No.630361


>> No.630363


>I don't need a novel to tell me that.

They don't tell you that. It REFLECTS life in that it's boring and shitty but it's not there to tell you that it's boring and shitty.

Take Death of a Salesman. Willy Lohman is either sympathized by half the audience or despised by the rest. Why? Because he reflects a real person. He is an incredibly flawed and rather unlikeable character with JUST enough redeeming qualities that you can marginally feel some sympathy for the guy when he commits suicide.

>Knowing what happens to real people in the context of certain ideas is much more interesting than reading a piece of fiction that tells you what you already know.

Just one problem with your logic here. How do you even go out and learn about this stuff in-real-life unless you were to actively peruse emotionally unstable people and watch them do this shit to begin with. People go out and socialize yea but how can you be sure your perspective is the right one?

If you actually FOUND yourself in a morally drab or conflicting environment you'd probably be just as lost as the people around you. Literature can at least let you watch over a scene like that as an audience and learn about it more from an objective standpoint.

Maybe I'm just barking up a wall here but I think we're far too different people here mentally to agree on a point. And frankly your points about referring to people who enjoy literature as being "idiots" (please correct me if my assumption is wrong) tells me that you're a bit angered/arrogant or biased toward this viewpoint.

>> No.630381


Wait now you're saying we should just restrict ourselves to a specific medium?

Tell me do you think all painters/artists or political cartoonists should just shut up and write "I THINK COMMUNISM STINKS!" in bold letters on a wall then walk away?

>> No.630406


And to add onto this.

You strike me as being a sort of straightforward and unimaginative person who proffers to have things told to him upfront as is.

I on the other hand am an abstract thinker who enjoys looking into the subtility of text and finding meaning there. You see where this is going? Were two different people here yet you seem to be labeling me as being an idiot or uncreative despite the fact I already know a lot of what I study.

Ya see I don't read to LEARN things I read to get a second opinion on something.

>> No.630407

I'm very arrogant, but I usually just like to use insults to stir people up.

I know plenty of perfectly intelligent people who enjoy literature over history, philosophy, etc. I certainly don't begrudge them their enjoyment of it, but as far as the utility of literature it seems that it's main purpose is for bringing academic ideas to nonacademics.

>If you actually FOUND yourself in a morally drab or conflicting environment you'd probably be just as lost as the people around you. Literature can at least let you watch over a scene like that as an audience and learn about it more from an objective standpoint.

That's possible, but it's equally possible I may not be. As you said earlier in this thread, everyone is different, so there's no saying one way or the other from your point of view.

>> No.630424


>I'm very arrogant, but I usually just like to use insults to stir people up.

Huh. Also a bully.

I know plenty of perfectly intelligent people who enjoy literature over history, philosophy, etc. I certainly don't begrudge them their enjoyment of it, but as far as the utility of literature it seems that it's main purpose is for bringing academic ideas to nonacademics.

Typically why books are sold to masses.

>That's possible, but it's equally possible I may not be. As you said earlier in this thread, everyone is different, so there's no saying one way or the other from your point of view.

That's true but it's also quite possible that your idea of the right solution just might end up making this MUCH MUCH WORSE.

>> No.630442

Is it can be drama tiem now?

>> No.630451


OP here. Yea I'm tired of this bullshit too. Topic's closed.
