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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6289931 No.6289931 [Reply] [Original]

okay /jp/ you guys are the experts on Japan, right?

Well, I'm studying abroad in Japan, and living in an apartment complex with several other exchange students. We each have our own apartments.

About three weeks ago, somebody pasted rubber cement all over my lock, preventing me from locking the door. I had to tell the International Center about it, we called the apartment manager, we had the lock changed, apologies and thank yous were handed out. We assumed it was a prank and that it wouldn't happen again.

It happened this morning.

As you can imagine, I'm less than pleased. The International Center even more so. We've already had the lock changed, but this being the third key I've been given since I got here for the same door is not a good thing. The other Exchange Students in the apartment aren't doing this, because if it continues WE ALL get evicted.

So /jp/, just what the hell is going on? If I've pissed someone off, it's not because I'm actively trying to, it's because I'm a dumb exchange student who doesn't know the customs yet.

>> No.6289936

>/jp/ you guys are the experts on Japan

What? Look at the board's name.

If you want Japan experts go to /int/.

>> No.6289937
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lol when u get back 2 america im gonna kick ur ass weaboo.

>> No.6289934

>/jp/ you guys are the experts on Japan, right?


>> No.6289947

Hmm. Maybe it's some weird gaijin hater from nearby. You should wait inside one day. Listen to when the guy comes to the lock. Then open the door and bash his head with a baseball bat. But that would be just mean.

>> No.6289952

What senses do we lack that we cannot see and cannot hear a magical cat world in our couches?

>> No.6289957


>Look at the board's name.

So what does "/jp/" stand for?

>> No.6289958

Keep a laptop always on on the inside of the door and wire a small, hard to see webcam to the outside. Record everything. You might not actually catch the culprit, but at least you can prove that you didn't do it yourself for whatever reason. This is a very japanese tip.

>> No.6289960
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>you guys are the experts on Japan, right?

Yeah sure.

>> No.6289962

Wait and catch the guy

>> No.6289963


>> No.6289964
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>> No.6289966


Touhou, Visual Novels and Lurk Before Posting Anywhere on 4chan.

>> No.6289968

Just Pedophiles.

>> No.6289975


Uhh, you sure you know how acronyms or abbreviations work? Tell me: what does "jp" stand for?

I've been here since the split you faggot, I'm just sick of retards acting high and mighty about Japan threads simply because they've seen others doing it and assume it's cool to feign elitism and nonchalance.

>> No.6289972

OP here,

I can see how this is going. Thanks to those that gave me solutions, but since most of you are unwilling to provide any form of assistance; fuck you.

>> No.6289973


Probably more appropriate boards for this topic. Good luck, OP.

>> No.6289977

Reported for trolling outside of /b/. I suggest you read the rules and adhere to them before you get yourself into more trouble.

>> No.6289984

>I've been here since the split you faggot

/jp/ is obviously not your main board. You might want to go back to /a/ if you're going to be rude and hostile.

>> No.6289989

What are /b/, /g/, /k/, /ic/, and /x/ abbreviations of?

>> No.6289996


If you were actually here since the split, you'd know that moot changed the name of the board to avoid this sort of misunderstanding and to divert your sort of thread away from the board.

>assume it's cool to feign elitism


>> No.6290006

I'm curious as to how this will pan out, post another thread with the resolution sometime, OP. Also, good luck with fixing this, it sounds like a pain in the ass, I hope you figure it out.

>> No.6290007

>/b/, /g/

The boards go in single-letter alphabetical order up to /g/. /b/ is a reference to futaba's board.


X-Files reference


'i' from /i/, 'c' for critique

/jp/ isn't an arbitrary board name like some of those, anyway. If that was the case it'd just be /j/. Stop playing the fool, what the fuck else is "jp" going to mean on a board dedicated solely to Japanese products?

>> No.6290026

/j/ was already taken by the Janitor board.

>> No.6290035
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>> No.6290055

I guess it does mean Japanese Products then. But that's not Advice On How To Stop People Fucking With Your Locks, so it looks like this thread doesn't belong here.

>> No.6290076

yeah it's probably a hater

they don't like you because they're racist so they'll just keep fucking with you until you all leave or get tossed

>> No.6290089

The true culprit is obviously a witch.

>> No.6290090

>studying abroad

Get the hell out of our board, normalfag.

>> No.6290105

Well if it's obvious that none of the exchange students are responsible for doing this then why don't you guys ask the apartment manager for help in catching the culprit? Better that than risking eviction for a crime you haven't committed.

>> No.6290117
File: 80 KB, 800x800, 1280446651752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god... All of your cute, little hearts is so full with hatred and malice. We must love each other! Now, I wanna see a grupal hug right NOW :).

>> No.6290120

It's probably because OP is an ass. None of the other students are being ignorant, and don't seem to be having any problems. If you go to another country show some damn respect. This isn't whatever shit hole you came from.

Also take this somewhere else.
