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6279230 No.6279230 [Reply] [Original]

What is /jp/'s thoughts about etrian odyssey 3?

>> No.6279235

Its great. A bit too time consuming for my non-NEET lifestyle though.


>> No.6279238

It's a lot of fun. Excited to see what the 3DS game will look like.

>> No.6279239

I'm assuming it takes the same amount of grinding as the earlier games?

>> No.6279242


There's not a lot of grinding if fight every battle that comes up when you're exploring.

>> No.6279249

My only gripe is that the Monk, Hoplite and Zodiac are pretty much mandatory, so you only really get two slots for classes you want.

Even after subclasses, you need a dedicated tank and healer, and the Zodiac is pretty much the only reliable source of heavy elemental damage, especially with Singularity and Etheric Charge.

>> No.6279257

>the 3DS game
Confirmed or speculated?

>> No.6279260


Confirmed title.

>> No.6279263


I don't have any one of those in my party and I'm doing okay.

The thing about healing is that line-heal items become available around the time enemies start really working the party-hitting attacks. Princesses have a shitload of weak healing methods for bread-and-butter healing, and you can bust out the Madoras in an emergency. I'm not really using elemental damage much, either, besides applying oils for element-requiring monster drops. It doesn't seem to be a problem.

HP Up gives half again max HP if you max it, and a lot of Princess buffs give huge surviveability bonuses (like 70% extra max HP), so my defense is fine even without a Hoplite. The only thing I'm worried about is missing an element-attack nulling ability.

>> No.6279267


How far in are you? I can see doing everything up to the second stratum boss with an irregular party, but I don't even want to think about killing that fucker without Etheric Charged hellfires.

And the third stratum midboss would have destroyed me without anti-ice.

>> No.6279273

Only a Hoplite main is necessary, that is if you have glass cannons in your party. Monk can be sub even in postgame, and Zodiacs are not mandatory at all.

>> No.6279281


Fifth stratum here.

I used Ice Mists for that midboss battle. Don't remember the second stratum boss giving me trouble, either.

I'm running three Buccaneer/Princesses, an Arbalist/Princess and a Ninja/Princess, btw. Elegant as fuck.

>> No.6279296


>> No.6279315
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A bunch of people were saying that a Princess was good enough healing to get through the main game but I hit a block at the boss battle on floor 10. TWO party-wide attacks every turn. My healing just couldn't keep up. So then I retired her to Monk/Princess, and the battle was a breeze without even grinding her up. Freaking hell.

Why does my Lunlun have to be so useless? ;_;

>> No.6279340

I just spammed the multi-target sleep attack with my ninja. Locked them down most of the time, fight was cake.

How do people manage to build a monk/princess? Both classes have so many good skills I want to get, there's no way I could split points of a single char between them both.

>> No.6279366

Well, I've got a Ninja/Zodiac so I can forget about the passive healing. After retiring, I went straight for max Form Qi and Party Heal, then Immunization command. That got me through the midboss battle, and now I'm working toward Ad Nihilo. Probably Protection command afterward so I can stop spamming heals enough to buff.

>> No.6279368
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I think Drowned City has the cutest Etrians yet. I wish to be the loli ninja ;_;


Princess strikes me as an awesome subclass and a so-so main class. Their exclusive ability isn't very good. A Monk/Princess could actually be better at using Princess skills.

>> No.6279384


Ad Nihilo strikes me as pretty bad. I haven't seen many battles where you'd need buff removal, and you can eventually buy items that do it. Plus you need five levels of Attack Order, and those buff slots are better spent on defensive buffs.

>> No.6279407
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Is it supposed to be a form of game balancing or something? Giving the best portrait to a class that doesn't do well as a main.

>> No.6279408
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That guy went down hard.
And even in the lower stratums things seem to be fine.

Two Princesses, two Hoplites, and one Gladiator.
No monk, and no Zodiac.
Ketos himself was unusually easy other than his massive HP, but that mostly just made the battle longer, not that much harder.

Provoke, in order for him to attack the front row, leaving the princesses unharmed most of the time.
His special attack was also a fluke, because it only affected the front row.
The guard buffs of the princesses combined with their heals are quite ok. With the royal veil together with the reinforce skill, everyone are passively healed between 100 and 150+ a turn, and that's without the overtime passive heal buff they can learn, and without items.
And the guard buff combined with the occasional guard from the hoplites helps as the party doesn't even need to be healed as much as otherwise while those skills are used. And the hoplites can even protect the princesses when necessary.

There are items for elemental damage, and the princesses also have their elemental buffs, and that elemental burst aoe attack.
Monks are useful, Zodiacs are nice, and Hoplites are versatile, but I can't really see them as obligatory if you are playing right.

Each class and each class combination have strengths and weaknesess, if you play them right you shouldn't have as much problems.

>> No.6279427

It's meant to separate the hardcores from the casuals. The casuals will just pick whatever class they heard were good so the game will be as easy as possible, but the hardcores will do anything to make it work with the cutest team they can make.

>> No.6279450
File: 647 KB, 850x432, sample_d1b0a95cf83919595c1eaf5fd02451290a373824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prince(ss) class really isn't that bad as a main class.
First of all they can equip great armour/shields, and decent weapons.

But their unique ability really isn't that useless. Sure you can use TP recovering items for quick and strong recovery, but their TP recovery skills are passive.
If you combine the eventual buffs they recieve with the all party limit buffs, they can recover a lot of TP during a battle, and during long ones it can certainly be something to be thankful for, and you don't have to waste turns using items.
A high level princess should be able to keep on dishing out buffs forever, without the need of refreshing items.

Other than that they have good HP and Vitality, but also good Agility and somewhat good TP.
Here are some stats at level 50 for comparison.

289 175 30 38 48 36 41
230 233 39 50 33 40 26
361 97 48 24 44 29 29
344 127 32 34 53 31 42

And I guess one could say that the Monk have better overall stats, but the Prince(ss)'s equipments are better, so it's kind of null.
And all in all, the Prince(ss)s' stats actually aren't that bad.

>> No.6279469
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A good idea is to field her in the back, sub-pirate and have her just buff stuff and chase with a gun and limit boost. You'll have to literally build a team around her though.

I personally go sub-ninja for my mine
Single-turn regal radiance, double veil, sarutobi to force veil longevity, and 1-point investment for 10% dodge is pretty ridiculous
Double commands(especially immune) along with double yield from passive/nobility kinda makes tp a non-issue.

>> No.6279487


Hm, that's pretty reasonable. I'm fielding a Ninja/Princess and prefer the Ninja TP-cost reduction skill since you don't have to let buffs wear off (which you don't want happening to Rally Order, if nothing else.) I don't worry too much about her offensive abilities. I like to keep three buffs up on the whole party constantly, so she doesn't get too many chances to attack.

>> No.6279519

How far in the game are you? People say that double line guard is a must later in the game, but I haven't been able to get there yet to see for myself.

>> No.6279537

The ninja sub, or simply yet, two of them in your party (with or without the same sub classes), fixes that problem like a breeze.

But then it becomes an issue of wether or not you have a suitable team to support a ninja sub-class, and wether or not you even want the ninja sub.
That or wether or not you could accept of having two of the same class in your party. All in all, Princes are great prince support, and they support the rest of the party as well, so depending on the rest of your team it doesn't have to be bad.

EO3 allows all kinds of combinations though, so many different kinds of things work if you just know what you are doing.

>> No.6279571
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I'm on the 5th stratum, not running a phalanx/hop or monk at all by substituting them with mists/madoras
I'll have to see how far I can go, and I'm pretty confident due to the game's open-ended nature

>> No.6279586

How does new game + work?

Am one supposed to chose one of the two paths? Working along side either Amoroad or the Sunken City?
Getting their class reward, unlocking the extra class, and then getting their respective endings?
Only to get the true end later that is?

Or is the replayability not high enough for one to chose a route other than the true one?
I mean, are you supposed to play the game three times?

>> No.6279594

NG+ is a lightning fast affair

>> No.6279631

Do you get to keep your party levels and everything?
Or is it just items and weapons and so on?

I guess you could more or less finish the game easily with end game gear alone, but does the skill points stay as well?

Then again, it might be an oppurtnunity to try out a completely different party.

>> No.6279646

someone have a working rom for acekard 2i?

>> No.6279660

Spent so much god damn time sailing and looking for shit.

>> No.6279664

I just started. I think I want a princess, zodiac and hoplite no matter what. I also find ninja, gladiator and arbalist tempting. Could I get a quick team recommendation based on that?

>> No.6279690


You may as well take the Ninja for Bunshin if you're not doing anything else with that sixth party slot. As long as you keep them in the back, main-class ninja are decent in any role and great as support characters. Ninja/Zodiac seems to be pretty popular among people who want Zodiac skills.

Arbalists are good at pumping out damage, but that's pretty much all they're good at. I'm using one now and wouldn't recommend one unless you already have all the bases covered in terms of what you want your party to do.

>> No.6279732

I just want to ask a question I guess is pretty obvious.
The sea quests only gets harder and harder right?

You won't travel and eventually find a couple of easier ones, right?
It would be nice to travel across the seas and finish all the sea quests before the dungeon.
Also, Gladiator is a great subclass for a Buccaneer correct?
And the Stun Attack works together with Self Tought Swordplay as well right?

>> No.6279740

Oh, we got 6 party slots this time around? That makes it slightly easier. As far as what I want my team to do, I have absolutely no idea. I guess I'll have to suck it up and start reading the gamefaqs forums to see how the classes work in this one.

>> No.6279760

I'm more interested in the next SMT game.

I'll probably get this after I've finished EO and EO2, though.

>> No.6279763

Just take the Gladiator in order to have at least one great way to dish out easy physical damage.
Do whatever you want if you want a Ninja, but otherwise I would recomend another Princess or Hoplite for added defence/buffs in order to strengthen your overall team.

Then you might as well chose to subclass one of them into Ballista or Ninja later on.
If you want the Ballista I would recomend to subclass the Princess into it midway through the game, it is then it's the most useful after all.
Princesses are good at buffs and they are good at the back row and have decent stats for it, and the accuracy buff of the Ballista could be used to help your Gladiator with that devistating 9 hit hammer attack if you go hammer.
That or you could simply subclass the gladiator into Ballista, but it would be kind of a waste as all the Heavy Crossbow attacks would go to waste.

>> No.6279771

>Oh, we got 6 party slots this time around?
He meant the extra slot, for summons and pets/minions, not an actual party slot.

>> No.6279777


You still can only deploy a party of five, but you know how there's three slots in the front row and three in the back? Some characters have abilities that do something with the extra slot- Ninja clones, Wildling summons, Yggdroid bots.

Also, http://www.intothelabyrinth.net/etrianodyssey3/skillsim/

>> No.6279802

Thanks. Based on this, I think I'll do..
Hoplite, Princess, Gladiator
Zodiac, Princess

Or should I replace one of the princesses for a monk? They don't have so cute portraits, but they sound useful.

>> No.6279844

Just sub your Hoplite or possibly one of your princesses for a monk, if you feel you need to when you get the chance. That or your Zodiac if you can't find a better sub.
But as said, this is really if you feel the need for one.

Truth is that if you use your hoplite right, play the roles of your princesses correct, and have useful subs for all classes in a combination that works together, you really shouldn't have to have one.
Monks are without doubt useful, but they aren't a necessity and it isn't really correct to say that they can't be compensated by playing another party right.
If you play the buffs/cover skills right, as well as all other heals, Monks shouldn't be necessary, and then you can use that subclass spot for soemthing else.

>> No.6279852

Actually, warrior/ballista or ballista/warrior is an insane combination

Berserker vow and charge complement a ballista really well, vice versa proper form and pop flares for a club warrior, so it's win-win either way you build it.

Double-action front mortar with the proper buffs is also one of the easier setups for outrageous burst in the game.

>> No.6279874

Can anyone post a direct download link to the rom itself? I'm working off a computer that doesn't have WinRar on it, and the network won't let me install any unzipping programs.

>> No.6279905

>asking for source

/jp/ does not welcome people like you

>> No.6279913

Loving it. Ketos was a pain without Hellfire but I beat him with 1 HP left on my Hoplite and it was one of the closest fights I ever had in an RPG. I'm on the third stratum and it's kicking my ass. I have a Warrior/Hoplite, Princess/Gladiator, Buccaneer/Farmer, Ninja/Zodiac and Hoplite/Monk. Took Hoplite for Warrior to get those delicious parries, Princess/Gladiator so she can actually use her sword for something after buffing, Buccaneer/Farmer because I didn't have a good subclass for him, Ninja/Zodiac because low TP element spam and Hoplite/Monk because I needed healing. I'm stuck on those stupid deep ones though. Probably going to finish exploring the 10th floor before fighting them again.

>> No.6279915

and then you replace it with

Launch it through the zoomer and it's all fine.
But you won't find anyone to help you with your unpacking problems, either do it with something like 7zip or whatever, or you are more or less out of luck.

>> No.6279963

>Reading /jp/
>Have Etrian Odyssey 3 music playing
>Scroll down a little
>EO3 thread

I am happy.

>> No.6280000
File: 104 KB, 473x1003, a44050db65e64f88197abc41d8df044b7650f898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running with a Hoplite/Ninja (good for tanking; probably not the best combination but works for me), Shogun/Pirate (dual-wield with pirate's swashbuckling ability nets me a bunch of free hits every turn), Ninja/Zodiac (good for bushin + Dark Ether 1TP spam + multi-hit attack; also nice for status effects and petrification spam), Monk/Princess (good healer and buffer) and Zodiac/Arbalist (reset skills when I sub-class'd her so I could get all the elemental crossbow skills; they work great with singularity and etheric charge).

>> No.6280041


Started the game with Hoplite, Gladiator, Princess, Arbalist, Ninja, did just fine all the way to subs. Didn't really have trouble on any boss. Some were close calls, but I was never killed by a boss I was prepared for (this one time, I didn't see the FOE, and uh...yeah)

Once I got subs, I put monk on my ninja. Never had a zodiac at all. Am on 4th stratum, game is still just fine.

I don't think any of those classes are really mandatory. Not having a monk just means you'll need to use some items more. Not having a hoplite just means you'll need to be more careful with defense buffs, and you might want to avoid stuff like front row shoguns and arbalists.

Not even sure why you listed Zodiac as mandatory. This game might have some classes that are definitely better than most (Princess, Monk, Ninja, Hoplite, Shogun), but it's not so hard that you will absolutely certain classes in your team.

>> No.6280112

I'm conflicted about the princess skills, particularly the passive heal ones. Do they suck like in EO I and II? What are their most useful skills anyway?

>> No.6280128

Yes sure, but it's still more of a case where you use one class to solely up the other one rather than using all of the class skills together.
A Gladiator subbed as a Ballista can have greater accuracy due to their passive skill that increases skills accuracy, but Gladiators can still get great accuracy by an ordinary aim team buff from a teammate ballista character. And you would still have to chose between hammer or crossbow.

Having a Ballista subbed as a Gladiator on the other hand is something I would say is more viable.
A Gladiator itself could be subbed into something like a Buccaneer, Shogun or even Monk due to the high strength.
But yeah, a Ballista isn't that bad either.

But if you already have a powerful support unit who can up the Gladiator's accuracy, then subbing the gladiator into another Ballista might be overdoing it.
But a Princess is also more suitable as a supportive Ballista unit that can still pack a punch, wheras a Gladiator one could be a great front row one.
But if the Gladiator's accuracy problem is solved, a Hammer one can be more useful as something else, because you foremost want to sub one into Ballista for the accuracy anyway, so then you might as well sub into someting to up the damage even further, such as Buccaneer or Shogun for instance.
And both Sword/Hammer Gladiator is great as Buccaneer with Lady Luck and Swashbucking, and the Shogun has suitable buffs.

>> No.6280158

Someday, they should release a console one or something (though I doubt it).
And it should have all of the old classes, as well as new ones.
And not just one dungeon, but several ones, and different cities with different diplomatic situations.

And you, you should of course be a third party mercenary/guild group, and depending on who's missions you solve first and what dungeon you finish of first etc could alter eventual routes/endings.
And each and every city/dungeon could have their own unique rewards and possibly classes and other perks.

The EO games are actually great, too bad all of them so far have been kind of small.

>> No.6280358

Optimally a ballista main should not be throwing points into support skills, as his/her job's pretty much to throw out as much damage as possible with the extremely limited tp pool at hand. Throwing precious points away into a support skill that both wastes a turn and is very very situational(only for the club warrior) is pretty silly.

I don't think you understand how absurd a charged front mortar is in comparison to your suggestions of pirate or shogun. I see no reason not to go warrior/ballista and be on the front-row throwing out charged mortars again and again.

No set-up, damage equal to or higher than a dedicated nine-smash warrior without the supposed hassle of putting 5 points into proper form to combat the horrible accuracy(something you are averse to for reasons unknown.)

A ballista/warrior front-row mortar character would no doubt output more damage compared to a warrior/ballista, but at the cost of missing out on the amazing health and vitality of the warrior class, and the ability to equip a shield.

If I were to main a ballista, I would instead sub for a shogun or zodiac.

>> No.6280575

>I see no reason not to go warrior/ballista and be on the front-row throwing out charged mortars again and again.
The reason would be if one already had two princesses subbed as Ballista.
A third one, even if it may be a Gladiator/Ballista, might be overdoing it actually.

And I also meant that in this case a Ballista/Gladiator might as well have done it better, but if one already have people subbed as Ballista it's not really necessary to switch one out in order to find a Ballista main.

And to charge and attack with Nine Smashes and to hit with all of them (which can be done without subbing as Ballista as long as you have high level accuracy support), can really do devistating damage by itself.
With that there is no need to go charged front row mortar, if one already have a strong Gladiator.

Instead, you can go for the Multi-hit approach, and focus more on the normal attack. Wild Swings and Swashbucking is for an example a great combination, especially with Stun Attack.

>Optimally a ballista main should not be throwing points into support skills
And yes sure, but a Prince(ss)/ballista already has buffs as a strong point by default, and if it can enable things like the Nine Smashes then it's without doubt worth it, especially when it can double as a party heal and TP regain.
And to have princesses with Heavy Crossbows on the back really ayn't that bad, especially with such a strong front.

I mean, 5 points into proper form isn't really that necessary as long as you have a level 5 buff of the party aim up skill. Or perhaps I have just been exceedingly lucky?

There is nothing outright wrong with a Gladiator/Ballista, but I would still prefer a Ballista/Gladiator. with the right support they should be able to survive somewhat even so.

>> No.6280584

But in a party that already has a strong front, and with great support, the support might as well join in on the damage apartment (Ballista sub for example), upping the overall damage output, while recieving even greater buffs, enabling things like the Nine Smashes that can be just as strong as a front row mortar, or even stronger.

In such a party, you might as well go the way of Buccanner or something and have the greatest Normal attacker there is after Shogun/Buccaneer.
Otherwise there is the Yggroid/Gladiator, but if you want to max out the damage output I don't really know if I would still call it viable.

>> No.6280609

>OP picture
I don't recognize the cover, does this version have all the tracks perchance?

>> No.6280661

Princess unique skill is the only way for you to have an endless TP usage engine in this game:

- Princess/Zodiac in one row with maxed Dark Ether
- x/Princess in the other row with 3-4 different buffs
- P/Z casts Dark Ether on the other row
- x/Princess buffs P/Z with different buffs for each turn.

Enjoy your free TP! Too bad the best skill is faster than Dark Ether though.

>> No.6280986

So after being appropriately called a timewasting faggot, I was sent here.

Is there a rom out there that's had all the random freezing fixed?

>> No.6280991


>> No.6281001

>implying I haven't already checked google before going here

>> No.6281008


>> No.6281018

>implying EO isn't a franchise /jp/ covers
>in a fucking EO thread
>on fucking /jp/

>> No.6281037

Let me do it in a way that you will understand
>Implying >implying isnt some /v/-tier shit posting.

>> No.6281053

Since /jp/ seems to actually talk about this game, anyone willing to provide some subclass assistance?

Front: Glad/hop, buc, monk
Back: Bal, Prin

What would work well for that party make up? I havent bothered setting everyone else and while it hasnt slowed me down yet, I would like to stop putting it off, I just dont know what would work well.

>> No.6281571
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Haven't spent as much time as I wanted to, but enjoyed it so far. Probably my favorite in the series. Played to the 6th floor in the Japanese version, and currently on the 4th floor in the localized one. It feels like a lot more classes are viable than in the previous games, in my opinion. Main party is: front - Princess/Hoplite/Monk, back - Zodiac/Wildling. It's a bit slow though, and the Zodiac is mostly useless in the beginning.

>> No.6282064

Since you're not using that sixth slot, make your princess a ninja. I want a second opinion on how well that double buffing/healing works out.

>> No.6282560

How do I kill Mother Dragons? They keep AOE head binding, and I can't heal if my head is bound, and I can't unbind my head if my head is bound, and Prevent Order isn't working for some reason, and even if I manage to wait it out somehow, I just get bound again.

>> No.6282566

Kinda lost interest after the 3rd stratum.
Leveling up the shogun is a pain.

>> No.6282577

Anyone have any tips for beating the Golem boss on the seaquest.

I'm having trouble beating the third quest, he kills everyone using reflect.

>> No.6282845

They're weak to ice and vulnerable to petrification(and instant death although the chances are kinda bullshit without a beastmaster), so a cloned ninja throwing out izunas is probably the fastest way to drop them

If all else fails, head bind them first through hanging.
There's a lot of ways to RNG abuse to earn levels really fast, at your point the penguin's probably the fastest.

>> No.6283166

>There's a lot of ways to RNG abuse to earn levels really fast, at your point the penguin's probably the fastest.
Mind telling me how?

>> No.6283318

Some neat ideas:

Zodiac/Ninja - Great later in the game. You can set it up to do elemental limits with it's clone, with Etheric Charge and Singularity, you can dish out 6k-12k damage pretty easily. Also, doubling up on the elemental attacks works wonders against some bosses.

Zodiac/Arbalist - If you're willing to invest a lot of points, Double Action works pretty well with single-target elemental attacks.

Yggdroid/Ninja - Get Bunshin, Nikudan, and Overheat, then watch as your kamikaze clones go on suicide missions to obliterate enemies. This works well with a Hoplite using bodyguard to protect at least on of the Yggdroids.

Gladiator/Ninja - Bunshin, Tagen Battou, Charge. Make clones, charge, use Tagen Battou. (More clones has a -considerable- effect on the damage)

>> No.6283556

Basically, Ninja+* is a good combination.

I'm sticking to Hoplite/Ninja, so that it can use line guard on both lines.

>> No.6283587

When should I rest my characters? I'm at the end of the second stratum and know I messed up some skill point allocation

>> No.6283596

I'm doing it at level 40, but that's just because that's what level I was when I got to the end of the third stratum.

>> No.6283601

So, I'm starting on the first EO, and I like it so far. Thinking of just grinding out to level 4 or 5 across my party at the free healing spring on the first level (it heals TP but that equals free healing) before going further, and mapping out the level as I do it, and saving before finishing. Will that work out alright?

My party is a Landsknecht, a Dark Hunter, an Alchemist, a Troubador, and a Medic. Is that alright? Should I just restart with a completely different party? I figured to make a balanced group and see the different classes, and since I'll probably swap them out later since there are obviously classes I have yet to unlock, decided it would be fine.

Also, any basic tips? Worthless skills or abilities? I don't want to go all-out faggot and use a guide or walkthrough (unless I play it a second time).

>> No.6283606

Not on PC? Complete and utter fail then.

>> No.6283617

Never heard of an emulator?

>> No.6283619

I know you're trolling but you can play this with an emulator~

>> No.6283630

what like those SNES emulators that play the game at resolutions of less than 640x480? Yea painful to look at.

>> No.6283644

But the SNES' native resolution is 512x448...

>> No.6283650

What's it like having a grandpa's computer and monitor?

>> No.6283660

which is lower than 640x480

>> No.6283668

My POINT is that anything higher is just upscaled and you wouldn't get higher than that from a real SNES either, dumbfuck.

>> No.6283679


They run at the native resolution. It's not the emulator's fault that the SNES has that resolution.

If the problem is that it looks small on your higher resolution screen, you can always multiply the resolution and/or maximize it to fit the screen. If your problem is that SNES games have that resolution, then what the fuck are you bitching about, and why the fuck are you playing SNES games if you're too stupid to deal with it? The games are good; you're just a faggot.

Playing it on the actual console won't magically give you a higher resolution. You're an idiot. Fuck off.

>> No.6283683

It looks nicer on a console.

>> No.6283687
File: 40 KB, 1920x1080, snap0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pixels means it's better!

>> No.6283688

>It looks nicer on a console.

No, it doesn't. You're just inventing excuses.

>> No.6283696

>It looks nicer on CRT
Fixed for you, technologically impaired fuck.

>> No.6283717
File: 2.39 MB, 2048x3072, Etrian Odyssey_11_226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out my EPIC RESOLUTION game!
Look at all of those pixels!
I swear, it cost a lot to get this huge DS, but it was worth it!

>> No.6283724

Fucking beautiful.

>> No.6283726

It did, otherwise nobody would have played snes game because it would be too painful to squint and try to figure out what that tiny blob is supposed to be.

>> No.6283736


I see that your problem is because your emulator is currently set to run as a windowed program only as big as the native resolution.

You should read my other post.

You CAN have the emulator run full screen or maximized, you should know. You also confirmed the fact that you're an idiot.

>> No.6283745

Except it looks horrible if run in full screen on a modern LCD.

>> No.6283753

That's why you should use CRT monitor/TV.
Your SNES will also look like shit if you'll hook it with HDTV.

>> No.6283769
File: 226 KB, 600x847, 1228436758865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first Etrian Odyssey, the best/essential team was Protector (front), Medic (front or back), Troubadour (front or back), Survivalist (back), and the last spot could be any class (I liked having a Hexer). It's pretty much unavoidable, especially for the postgame (i.e. past B25F).

The troubadour keeps team TP refilled and can be used to give elemental effects (if you don't use an alchemist), the Survivalist deals the best physical damage in the game and has First Turn, the Medic is needed for Immunize (lowers both physical AND elemental damage significantly), and the Protector is really only necessary for anti-elemental skills.

But before the postgame, most teams should work. I used the "standard" PLSMA for the majority of the game until the fifth stratum.

The best place for grinding EXP is the third stratum. There is an enemy frog that calls for allies, so just keep one alive and defeat the others until 30 or so have been killed, then finish the last frog. It'll give a lot of EXP.

Short answer: Any team (your current one is fine) will do until around B20F. The most significant skill to master as fast as possible is the Medic's Immunize. Good luck and have fun!

>> No.6283776


Why don't you have a CRT monitor? They're only the best. The only reason I don't have mine right now is because I moved and had to leave it behind.

Also, I don't mind the look of it on an LCD too much. But maybe that's because the actual gameplay and content matters to me more than lolgraphics.

>> No.6283782

>Why don't you have a CRT monitor?

Because I don't live in the stone age.

>> No.6283787


Thanks for the tips. I guess I'm on the right track. I'll try not to grind too much for exp until the frog trick (and I'll probably use that time to raise a new party). It's just that the dungeon can be annoyingly murderous on your frontline HP and your medic's TP when you just start out, so I'm just smoothing that a bit.

>> No.6283789

>Because I don't understand the differences between the monitors.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.6284095

Why would small resolutions look good on CRT?

>> No.6284117

What are you talking about, pixel graphics look absolutely amazing on LCD monitors (as long as there's no vaseline filter on them).

>> No.6284354

you should be able to solve this.

>> No.6284584


>> No.6285061

Auuugh, it took me 46 turns to get the Golem's HP down to 0 and when I finally did... +2776 HP! What the hell just happened?

>> No.6285424


I'm pretty sure he can only ever do that once per fight. That seems to be a special ability of his that always kicks in at 0HP, unrelated to his HP-regen buff.

>> No.6285793

How do you deal 5000+ damage on the manticore boss in one attack?
That seems impossible.

>> No.6289562

I remember that.
I tried to win with two hoplites who were only level 14, and my idea was to stall the entire thing by using overwatch on eachother the entire time in order to survive, and then to stall the thing by supporting those slly people with items reguarly.
The idea was to win, and get some level 40 rewards or something, and sky rocket their levels.

But yeah, when the Golem's HP went down, it all of a sudden got that +2776 HP boost, and then everything failed.

Is there some other sea quest where you can greatily rely on your allies and survive on the back row?
The Sea Quests only gets harder and harder right? So I figure that isn't the case.

>> No.6289592

Suicide assistant will prevent the golem's clench-revive
Bring more casters and less physical classes
Use aegis defence(physical) or for mission 3, charge tactic

If all else fails just try later, his normal drop's just a heavy armor while his conditional should only matter mid stratum 4, by which time he should easily be farmable

>> No.6289597


1) Tagen Battou + 5 clones
2) HP-cannon
3) Fuck it, use a formaldehyde

>> No.6289604


Buddha's Stone Bowl quest (First King Penguin quest with Kirikaze)

1) Have 1 member in your party
2) Save game when you select solo sea quest
3) Soft reset game
4) Load file, go to solo sea quest, select Buddah's Stone Bowl
5) Select lone party member and put them in first slot on front row
6) Follow these instructions in the fight:
Turns 1-3: Defend
Turns 4-6: Escape
Turns 7-9: Defend
Turns 10-14: Escape
Turns 15-16: Defend
7) Win battle and get 22k exp for your single character
8) Save, rinse, repeat.

>> No.6289615

>2) Save game when you select solo sea quest
>3) Soft reset game
Umm, what does this do?
>Turns 4-6: Escape

>> No.6289621


RNG manipulation in order to get the battle go according to plan.

>> No.6290924

Does Form Qi affect the heal from Reinforce, Protect Order, Royal Veil, Triumphant Cry and Monarch March?

>> No.6291837

I believe it doesn't work with the fixed recovery skills.

>> No.6293279

Should work with protect command

>> No.6293362

>use limit
>game freezes
fuck this shit

>> No.6294405
File: 18 KB, 248x203, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ken to mahou to gakuen mono3 >>>>>> etrian odyssey 3

>my face when male characters can use female skins and voice

>> No.6294544

Man, why you gotta keep acting like such a fucking weeaboo?

>> No.6294574

Unfortunately, those of us who don't know Japanese are left in the dark since no one is bringing over Ken to Mahou to Gakuen 2 (let alone 3) stateside. The first game was alright, but I wouldn't put it over the Sekaiju no MeiQ series.

>> No.6294838

Oh yeah, those games.
Well they felt more "JRPG-ish" wheras these are more Dungeon Crawler games.
The map matters at all times, even during battles, and they even give you that radar thing to make the "random" encounters less random.
It's less about "winning" battles, and more about surviving in the dungons for lengthy periods of time etc.

While the games "are" within the "same" genre, they are still somewhat fundamentally different and differ greatily both in the RPG and Dungeon Crawler aspects of the games.

>> No.6294868

>game freezes
Then don't play it on a card.
Use the emulator and have it up and running on your HD TV using a gamepad. It looks great! It isn't that bad actually, it's somewhat nice.

>> No.6294875


There's a patch out for the rom and most cards have their firmware updated with the patch, too.

>> No.6294910

Just some heads ups for people who don't know (I didn't)
If you see blue flowers, they are a shortcut. ALWAYS. Watch the walls for blue flowers.

If you rest someone AT level 5, they lose no levels but reset all skills anyway. If you rest at level 6, they go back to level 1. lolbugs.

>> No.6294919

That's not a bug

>> No.6297157

So does the OST have all the tracks?

>> No.6298664

I got a question, do you really need too icon and wall everything? or just find all the areas on the map?

>> No.6298705

It's a good idea just for reference or if you're a completionist. Though, I've only played 1 and 2, I still think it's the same deal for 3, except you have more icons to use. In 2, I ran out of icons.
