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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6269134 No.6269134 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like my body?

>> No.6269143

looks like a epic winrar sanae :D

>> No.6269144

no, it is badly drawn

>> No.6269142

Yes, Sanae, I do. Let me give you my faith.

>> No.6269152

Is that how you talk to girls in real life anon?

>> No.6269160

I like everything about Sanae.

>> No.6269166

i tell them tits r gtfo lulz XD

>> No.6269168

Is that how you talk to girls in real life anon?

>> No.6269175

That's more like it.

>> No.6269222

>talk to girls in real life

>> No.6269249
File: 205 KB, 900x1107, 1277624540953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6269274

thanks op i came on cat she hiss at penis
i fapped so hard mine dong flew out da window i here its in china now
wow op i fap so hard my dick bigger 2 inches great vid
omg i coming cats and dogs thnx for pic!!
omg op i come so hard that I shot a whole in my wall. now my mom is angry and said i had a hug cock!
i came so hard im now a woman thx op
The hurricane winds generated from how fast I was whacking it knocked down my entire south wall of my house and now car alarms all over the neigborhood are going off.
I just shat my pants in class now i cant move or it will all squelch out and the girl near me is starting to notice the smell thanks op!
i know own a small fast food chain in rhode island thx op
thx op for share her exclusive move make sister grew dick to fuck my ass with
op i slipped on my own penis im calling the police fuck you op
super hot chick thanks op I came a whole mom
oh god all i have left to cum is bone marrow aaaah god no stop it hurts m bone marrow thx op 10/10
holy penis i shat pics of spiderman
epic win OP I cam shit and shat cum
I’m watching this now with my family and my granpa is winning the cumbucket challenge thx op 10/10
I came so hard my cum created a sonic boom and now I can’t hear shit thx op 10/10
your under arrest op for make this such fantastic porno movievideo, I birthed several sperm childs
thx op i came so hard my dick split open and wasps flew out and stung my mom 9/11
thx op i cut dick off and threw my dick like cum grenade 10/10
op made me cum like a small turtle call me franklin
awesome porno op I came in a poor man’s suit pocket.
omfg my dick got so hard i could fuck my own asshole!
thx OP! I had balck labador retriver dog and i cam on him now i have Dalmatian dog

>> No.6269319
File: 713 KB, 800x1000, 944c6e0d6f8555091d335ce138575f7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6269333

This reasoning is starting to get verrrry boring. Can't we just cut to the chase, and say "Sanae likes sex" or "Sanae is a rape magnet"

>> No.6269334
File: 1.40 MB, 1297x1373, sa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6269341

Kind of ironic that these kind of threads gets 150+ replies, this place is better than /a/. Never change /jp/, never change.

>> No.6269347

We do alternate already. "Faith" is just the most popular.

>> No.6269351


>> No.6269360

If I didn't like well-trodden ground, I wouldn't like Sanae.

>> No.6269362

I'm tempted to guess that's KoG Sanae Rape Chapter? Yes it is.

>> No.6269400

That was never my problem. I'm fine with different fan portrayals, but "faith" is such a tediously overused thing, like Kogasa surprise, and hungry Yuyu. And so on.

>> No.6269439
File: 83 KB, 633x473, reimu is unimpressed and has nothing to say to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sanae is a slut for faith XD oh btw PAD

>> No.6269440

Kogasa's surprise is overused? Since when? I never see her actually succeeding at it.

Anyway, I meant to imply that overuse doesn't bother me as much as it does you, but I guess I failed at that.

>> No.6269455

For a minute there I thought somebody bumped the chiptune thread.

>> No.6269490

Well that's OK. I'll shut up now.

>> No.6269736

You're not supposed to just accept irreconcilable differences so easily...

>> No.6269744

There's a chiptune thread?

>> No.6269750

Sure it hasn't even 404'd yet.


>> No.6269767
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x1367, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it can't be helped that trolls see the potential in this thread and bump it.

i just wonder how many samefags are on this thread.
