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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6268587 No.6268587 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou - /jp/ related
Anime - not /jp/ related
Touhou anime - ????

>> No.6268597

>Touhou anime - shit

What do I win?

>> No.6268602

> Touhou anime
It's existence will be shunned.
There is also no Tsukihime anime.

>> No.6268606

Anime technically is /jp/ related, it's just not acccepted because there's already an /a/.

>> No.6268607

there is no touhou anime

>> No.6268618

It will be accepted on both boards with middle ground, or be mostly /jp/ considering that touhou and VNs are what we talk about the most here.

>> No.6268619

Anime - /a/ related
Cartoons - not /a/ related
Panty and Stocking - ????

>> No.6268627

Penises - /jp/ related.

>> No.6268628

Depends on how many backseat mods are lurking around when you make the thread.

>> No.6268637

Anything can be /jp/ related if enough of us wants to discuss it here.

Mods agreed.

>> No.6268648

then how come mods deleted a Saten thread with over 100 replies?

>> No.6268653

Everybody's wrong. Nobody is right.

>> No.6268658

This is pretty simple. Just draw a Venn diagram.

>> No.6268693

It doesn't count as the majority wanting it if it's hell of lot of samefagging. I think /jp/ has already made it clear that they don't want that shit spammed here.

>> No.6268712

/jp/ -

play VNs, lock yourself indoors
take out your dxxk, fap to loli
rape the maids, report everything you see
post in every thread, save for a new figurine
repeat after me: I am free

>> No.6268837


nobody wanted Recettear on /jp/, but Meido spent her time deleting 300+ anti-Recettear posts here


Meanwhile S@N threads get deleted without a second thought even if they have 200 genuine non-trolling posts
