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6268264 No.6268264 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6268272

Zun's is pretty good. Cola's is more realistic, and it gives me the creeps.
And Alphes' is just an stylized version of Zun's.

>> No.6268273


>> No.6268268

none because i don't watch that piece of shit

>> No.6268279

Alphes' has grown on me ever since I've started playing Hisoutensoku. Zun still feels best for the actual shootemups, though. I love his cute and durpy art style

>> No.6268280
File: 132 KB, 591x712, 1286806490283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6268283
File: 155 KB, 768x1084, zun art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't pick ZUN art over all others, then you have no right to be a Touhou fan.

>> No.6268286

Cola version makes her look like she's 10 years old.

>> No.6268289
File: 125 KB, 1024x480, Suika_rough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I has a ZUN Suika

>> No.6268290

Posting in a Touhou thread!

And isn't the Alphes version the ZUN version? Her outfit from TH08 or whatever.

>> No.6268296

Cola's and maybe ZUN's because Yukari looks more like a loli in those pics.

>> No.6268340

ZUN has the cutest drawing style.

>> No.6268553
File: 81 KB, 1000x774, 522c49c3fd7a0174b060b639faf6a230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN. He knows how to put good looking fashion on his touhous. Too bad he sucks at anatomy.

Which reminds me, which Yukari outfit is the closest to official one? her PCB one or IN version?

>> No.6268571

I haven't read a single touhou book.

>> No.6268585

That's like saying "which of ZUN's hats is his official one, the one he wore at Reitaisai this year or the one he wore to Comiket last winter?"

Also, I'm not as much of a fan of Yukari's simpler outfit, so I kind of have to say Alphes by default. It's not like I don't like it, but Alphes' is more interesting. Man, I forgot she had all those hair ribbons. I'm a horrible Yukari fan.

>> No.6268594

Hugely better.

>> No.6268596

I've been wondering why her gaps have ribbons. I mean, frills in clothing is a-ok and kinda obvious, but on gaps? It's disturbing.

>> No.6268615

It's symbolizes the clitoris.

>> No.6268630

They keep reality from ripping in half. Also, Zun art is best.

>> No.6268666

How old is she supposed to look, anyways?

>> No.6268672

I prefer Cola's because that and he draws a very fappable Marisa.

>> No.6268684


>> No.6268695


ZUN is terrible, and I can't get used to Cola's.
