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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6266844 No.6266844 [Reply] [Original]

So, what did you do today? I played some L4D and watched Inyouchuu for the 20th time. That's....pretty much it

>> No.6266849

Started watching Railgun and Bakemonogatari.

The first one sucks, the second seems ok so far.

>> No.6266850

Just browsed the internet all day. It was too hot to do anything, even fap.

>> No.6266858

Been playing LoL with fellow anons for all day long

>> No.6266853

Played Castlevania LOS and caught up with the new anime season

>> No.6266856

I went shopping, and bought some much needed bacon.
Also ~10 hours of Touhou.

>> No.6266862


>> No.6266864

League od Legends...

>> No.6266865

Watched anime, ate, posted on /jp/, played Castlevania and slept. I just woke up like an hour ago and am resuming that cycle now.

>> No.6266867
File: 90 KB, 640x480, Comic-Con 10 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the convention today, took pics and all that and went to go meet Bkub

>> No.6266868

Went to my grandparents house for my grandfather's birthday party. Played yahtzee with them, sat next to my loli niece and watched her play games on my brother's cellphone. Came home, played cosmic break. Going to sleep now.

>> No.6266871

Slept, stared at my ceiling for a couple hours, slept, had my DS die.

>> No.6266872

i have also been playing castlevania
however i was playing harmony of dissonance

delicious juste belmont

>> No.6266873

That's a picture of me trying to play L4D, by the way

>> No.6266879

browsed /jp/, downloaded a shitload of music, then proceeded to delete it, fapped, and played some toho.

fuck ;_;

>> No.6266880

Absolutely nothing. I've actually lost interest in a lot of things lately. I'm not depressed or anything just.......it feels like my life has become a perpetual state of deja vu.

>> No.6266882
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Just woke up
Started downloading Canvas 2
Waiting for Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls - 01 AT-X raw
Rejoiced at Tantei Opera Milky Holmes subs (I didn't know crunchy was going to do this, was afraid that no one will)
Decided to drop Panty and Stocking (I didn't get better and I'm already watching almost everything this season)
Reported this thread

>> No.6266883

counted the amount of rounds of touhou 12.3 i played
apparently it's over 1700

i was a little surprised, seeing as i mostly only do vs com

>> No.6266887
File: 102 KB, 400x400, 1282311228036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched anime, played EoSD on Lunatic, played BF:BC2 with my bros, DJ'd for a few hours, drew a few illustrations, fapped. Now I'm on /jp/.

Forever alone. ;__;

>> No.6266888

Played Team Fortress 2.
Played City of Heroes (free trial weekend ended today, wanted to see as much as I could in the meantime).
Read a bit of a book.

And I've got a class at 10 am... today. How depressing.

>> No.6266889

Woke up
Ate breakfast
Went back to bed
Woke up
Played shitty internet flash game
Watched Asobi ni ikuyo
Listened to music
Browsed /jp/
And here I am!

>> No.6266891

I got that once after going for several days without sleep. I became an armchair philosopher and started babbling like a madman. In moments of lucidity I said some really profound things to a friend of mine going through hard times, that helped him change his outlook and get through them.

Stick with it for a while, it could turn out interesting. But then get some sleep.

>> No.6266896

Worked for 10 hours at Subway. Spent the rest of the day figuring out what Touhou figures to buy with my paycheck.

>> No.6266900

I played some Yume Nikki and watched Iron Man 2

>> No.6266903


>> No.6266904

cleaned my room
did some laundry

posted in a blog thread

>> No.6266905

thanksgiving dinner

>> No.6266907

oh yeah, and i was playing some battletoads and castlevania 3

i beat the turbo tunnel for once!

>> No.6266908
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Played some Transformice, changed my Steam name, and tried to work up the courage to play the demo of Amnesia the Dark Descent (I'm a huge coward)

>> No.6266909

I've just been browsing Danbooru, Pixiv, and /jp/ for the past 6 hours or so.

My life is so empty...

>> No.6266913
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Played L4D2, fapped, shit on the floor, mm I can't remember what I did during the rest of my day

>> No.6266915

Most of my days are spent traveling around the same few websites and hitting refresh. By "most" I mean "all"

>> No.6266918
File: 1002 KB, 2000x1250, Konachan.com - 75589 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well from 0~2:45 AM I was watching "Chuck" while chating on IRC and playing mahjong.

Now I woke up at 6:50 am went to buy a kilo of yogurt, made some muslie with it and now I'm on IRC talking about stuff, browsing /jp/ and reading on the news on games and tech.

>> No.6266921

Trying to figure out how Ren'py screen works

>> No.6266923

Woke up. Watch Oreimo.
Receive major boner and masturbated to Oreimo doujins.
Browse /jp/ and get another boner 20 minutes later. Masturbate to another Oreimo doujin.
Browse /jp/ and watch more anime.
Nap then eat. Browse /jp/ more.
Then receive phone call from friend.
Basically telling me to stop being an insociable NEET.
Post in Blog thread.

>> No.6266925

Nothing much today since it's a weekday.
Currently at work surfing 4chan while working and downloading KR OOO
Yesterday I went grocery shopping and paid my telephone bills. Other than that I played CB for 3 or 4 hours, played pokemon diamond while waiting for downloads to finish.Watched Soremachi and MM before I went to sleep at around midnight

>> No.6266926

Handegg and luckswing, all day long. Now I'm about to jump in the shower.

>> No.6266930

I finished my term paper on the Abbasid Caliphate.

>> No.6266940
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Oh, wow, I almost forgot. I made a VN-type thing on PowerPoint for my friend to make fun of his job as a history teacher.

>> No.6266941

>Then receive phone call from friend. Basically telling me to stop being an insociable NEET.

This is why I'm letting my only friendship slowly wither away. Well that and he's become ridiculously obnoxious since highschool

>> No.6266948

I did my month's worth of laundry

>> No.6266950


>> No.6266953

That's what friends are for - ignoring and inevitably losing.

>> No.6266956

I've really been wanting to play Mitadake High but I can never find any games

>> No.6266963


oh fuck I want to play that so bad!

>> No.6266990

I wish someone made that for me

>> No.6267116

Oh man. I remember playing that game a couple years ago.

>> No.6267726

Man, I played through half of that game, I wanted to shit my pants half the fuckin' time. Only played through half because I built a new computer, I'll have to re-install it and finish it.

>> No.6267804

Downloaded a few Jungle albums, did work for uni, ate. Just chilling now waiting for lecture to start.

>> No.6267808

I went to donate blood so that I can visit my girlfriend in the states next year.But they don't want my blood cos I'm inferior.

>> No.6267814

If I were to walk into a blood bank and yell my blood type out loud they would probably knock me out and drain me till the last drop. Dem bitches crave mah O negative.

>> No.6267817

They don't even know my bloodtype(I don't know either)
I can't donate cos I'm lacking iron therefore I'm inferior

>> No.6267820

I spent the last six or seven hours smiling at the ceiling. Spent a few hours before that figuring out how to get disability. Browsing /jp/ for an hour or two, then I'll take a nap, and likely repeat the whole process.

>> No.6267827

I went salmon viewing today. 2 hour drive and 2 hour back only to watch for 20 minutes.

For those of you that don't know, salmon go back to their birthplace to lay eggs before they die.

>> No.6267831

Played on /jp/ and worked on game remixes all day. Same as usual. I should draw something once in a while.

The gym opens in like 30 minutes, but I'll probably just go nap again and go later tonight like I usually do or something.

>> No.6267899

I finished Touka's chapter in Sharin no Kuni. I was very disappointed in the lack of sex scenes.
Than I helped my brother decide on a laptop to get.

>> No.6267904

>watched Inyouchuu for the 20th time
yeah I never get tired of fapping to it either

>> No.6267907

I'm on my lunch break. Just ate, added Canvas 2 to my download queue, now playing Desire. Back to work in 20 minutes.

>> No.6267908

so how many of /jp/ plays tf2? and how many of /jp/ plays mmos ?

>> No.6267911

too socially awkward in my case, but it sounds perfect for those who can muster.

>> No.6267914

Approximately 4.0 of us

>> No.6267916

I was hitting on a somewhat attractive pedo chick.

>> No.6268020
File: 47 KB, 425x639, 1271501551834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up, had breakfast, read some Cataclysm stuff to see if it's worth trying and which class I'll level first, played HoN, played some mahjong, fapped, read up on new games that are coming soon, talked to some people on vent, browsing /jp/ right now.

>> No.6268028

This is why I should just hide these threads. I can't take it easy after I see the kind of things some of you do.

>> No.6268177

Crème fraiche tastes like shit. I can't trust the WI any more.
