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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 800x600, cherrymaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6266043 No.6266043 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

Progress: First 41665 lines done. More than 1k throughout the rest in discontinuous patches.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

>> No.6266049

I see slow but steady progress.

>> No.6266057


Slow? The guy is doing up to 700 lines a day, that's pretty fast considering he's by himself.

>> No.6266076

700 'lines' a day. And translation accuracy is poor. Let's not jerk him off for using Atlas and Retrans here.

>> No.6266109

What does it mean, that there's a "dining room" on the island?

>> No.6266118

Do lines like "....." and "はい" count?
If so then I can do 700 lines a day easily

>> No.6266125

Keep fighting the good fight, guys. Some of us appreciate the effort.

>> No.6266130

Better than anything you can do, I'm sure.

>> No.6266140

Lines include garbage inserted by Retrans. The percentage is accurate, but the line count is off by about 75%

>> No.6266151

What percentage? All I ever see is number of lines

>> No.6266153

Look at all the TLwiki shills.

Still butthurt over losing the bid?

>> No.6266159

Uh huh, champ. You just keep giving reach arounds to someone using Atlas to translate a shitty moege. Enjoy your continually lowering standards driving real translators away from wanting to put in the effort to work on this stuff.

>> No.6266160

...and I keep seeing posts like this in every thread
What the fuck does tlwiki have to do with this?

>> No.6266165

Good work

>> No.6266168

Just Cudder samefagging all the time. Pointing out blatant translation or editing mistakes, or massive Retrans technical problems means that you're a TLWiki shill by default.

>> No.6266181

I see.
I guess I am a shill then because retrans is a steaming pile of shit™ with an AJAX interface

>> No.6266192

TLwiki tried to compete with this project months ago when it first started. They got C&D shortly afterwards, with barely 100 lines done.

>> No.6266193

Don't worry. We all are.

>> No.6266379

>bawww we're getting replaced by machines

>> No.6266563

So much non-constructive samefagging.

It seems to be the same shit with regularity just like the samefag can only visit 4chan at the weekend.

>> No.6266728

the guys translation is easier to fix in my head than what ATLAS spouts, so I appreciate what he's doing. <.<

>> No.6266770

This thing isn't going to be translated by anyone else, and I'd rather have this guy translate than ATLAS.

Sure, perhaps he's not as high of a quality as translators like The Witch Hunt, but it's sure as hell better than Moonrunes.

>> No.6266792

The first 1K lines or so seem to be a rather strange mix of a *very* liberal human translator, machine translation, and everything in between, but it becomes a lot more consistent and literal after that. At no point did I go "what the fuck does this mean", which is a good thing.

>> No.6266811

Yes, it's machine translated, and no, I don't care.

I just better not see anyone bash this game after this patch is released or say they think the 'game' is bad since they won't actually be playing the game but more like a bastardized version of it. Again, not that I care that the translation is bastardized, as long as the game's reputation doesn't suffer from it.

Which it probably will, dammit.

>> No.6266885

at least, it didn't for me.
I loved Kujo's route.

Is it just Kujo'r route that's finished in the pre-alpha patch released earlier? I want to play another route very badly D:

>> No.6267025

Only the very early parts. The rest doesn't look like it.

>> No.6267061

The game isn't even very good in Japanese though.

>> No.6267068

If you know basic Japanese, it very obviously is. Grammatical mistakes are constant and the real tell are the English homonym mistakes that someone who actually knew Japanese would never make. Example: 獲物 being translated as 'game' (something you'd play).
Not saying that makes it unplayable just that it's very obvious that it's taking machine translation and editing it to look real. Given the shittiness of MangaGamer and similar, I doubt anybody would notice.

>> No.6267284


>> No.6267291

Art looks cute. Is this all moeshit or is there substance ?

>> No.6267333

There should be a sticky viscous substance in the vicinity of your crotch.

>> No.6267398
File: 60 KB, 500x300, 500px-FlyableTrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6267550


Nothing is stopping you from adding to the project otherwise we'll take what we can get.

>> No.6267709
File: 18 KB, 227x300, 10085674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 754
Fourth file: 5555
Remaining Subtotal: 6733
Subtarget: -12
Total: 42419
Remaining: 31141

Still in Of Bell's route. Close to finishing it ;_;

>> No.6267747


This is build PA20101011071704.36 based on the state of the repository at approximately 2010-10-11 07:17:04 4ST. Contents:

5fca72763da74478a17f39bb7ff8d77e1efda4db 6543 FHTRANS_README.TXT
47e7429ef3744adb0abeae59c61be349d2fbe865 464308 SCRIPT.SRC
23fdbe98b52b0188a8820b707af65c495cf40fc1 2887955 TEXT.DAT

>> No.6268036

Flyable bump!

>> No.6268527

not so sugoi

>> No.6268570

My work got overwritten with machine garble.
Fuck this.

>> No.6269453

You're lying, retrans would never do that

>> No.6270737


Oh you.

>> No.6270766

Wait, what happened to Hatsukoi? I demand that you finish that first, I want my loli romance first love game.

>> No.6270786

Cudder pissed people off and no one was motivated to work after the incest route was finished.

>> No.6270798

Well, start spamming it again until people get interested. It's bad to leave a project unfinished.

>> No.6270808


It was posted every day for months with zero translators actively interested in the project. The guy doing Flyable Heart said he'd consider doing Hatsukoi when he's finished.

>> No.6270811

Do you know English? Game as in something you hunt. I see nothing wrong with translating it like that. For shits and giggles, though, I actually looked it up, and it's defined as:
1 漁猟でとったもの。

Granted, I don't know what context you're talking about, but that's a perfectly valid translation of 獲物 in most contexts.

>> No.6270865

Speak for yourself. One is plural the other is singular. They are not equivilent at fucking all.

>> No.6270885

>Then we'll keep this vigor, and search the next game.

>> No.6270921

Thank you, helpful anon. Although that's even more Engrishy and fucked up than I remembered it being.

>> No.6271152

You mean your rather inaccurate translation?

You: "I guess... this is goodbye for now, Shou-san."
Him: "Soon.........it's farewell. Shou-san."

You: "It was a short time, but to me, that time was like a dream"
Him: "Really, it was a short time, but...it was a time like a dream for me."

"I believe I'll meet you again. I'll look for you in the future."
Him: "......I believe that I can meet Suzuno once more, I'll be continuously continuously waiting. I'll search for Suzuno in the future."

You: "Farewell. Please, find happiness for yourself..."
"Goodbye. Please, please become happy......"

You: Yui and Sakurako were missing.
Him: Yui and Sakurako aren't here.

Even if you say he's a machine translator, at least he preserves all the meaning...

>> No.6271332

Uh, only the third one looks significantly different, and it's just because I forgot to add in those words. And I chose to make the last one "were missing" instead of "aren't here" so that I could make a subsequent line:
They didn't "go missing." They "never were."

Which he left the same.

Whatever. I'll stop trying to help. I don't even know the context of the game.

>> No.6271343


>> No.6271364

Since when was accuracy a concern for this project anyway. There's literally a mistake every 3 or 4 lines.

>> No.6272003


Then why don't you do something about it? Nothing is preventing you from editing the mistakes and raising the quality of the project.

>> No.6272036 [DELETED] 

There's a world of difference between making the observation that man is being attacked by an army of starving killer bears and actually jumping in to save him.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.6272049

There's a world of difference between just making the observation that a man is being attacked by an army of starving killer bears and actually jumping in to save him.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.6272064

Same old bullshit carping and trying to run a project down without doing anything productive.

Don't bother with your criticism since you can't be assed to do anything about it. Restrain your impluse to comment any more in these threads.

>> No.6272101

No sir, there was some idiot in here harping on someone's 'translation accuracy' when clearly this project doesn't give a shit about that. My beef is with him not with the project.

>> No.6272445

Bzzt. Someone said they weren't going to work on it because all their work was erased. Then someone else claimed it was because his work sucked. Then everybody else said that all the work on it sucks. Then you came in with your usual BS. Meanwhile, you still obviously can't be arsed to edit the project, so tell you what... YOU start contributing.
So congrats. You've driven off another potential translator.

>> No.6272471

I'd suggest
They didn't disappear, they "didn't exist".

>> No.6272487

The usual BS is just that. The same tools spouting the same shit and contributing zero.
Just shut the fuck up.

If you don't like what going on with this project hide the threads and move on with your life. Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.6272493

Yes. Yes! More ad hom! Don't bother to defend the massive flaws in your project! Your angst feeds me! Sustains me!

>> No.6272526
File: 113 KB, 503x700, eva-stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, continuing.

>> No.6272527
File: 76 KB, 806x633, zombie A appeared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the shit comments and just continue with the translation.

>> No.6272569

It's not "my project" in any sense of the word other than the fact I want to play it.

I am not attempting to argue with you. You simply just need to GTFO and stop posting in this or any future threads.

>> No.6272635

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.6272646

I'm not even complaining about tl quality, but this is got to be world's slowest machine translator.
Come on, just run it through tl aggregator and call it a day.

>> No.6272653

looks like you can't read.

>> No.6272752

Maybe because it's not a machine translation?

>> No.6272785

what's next, saying the translators are held together by woodscrews and only 1.7% of the lines are correct?

>> No.6272801

>there are numerous tl errors pointed out in the thread
>people claim it's a machine translation
>translator doesn't deny that, just asks people to manually fix everything
>then some fag says it's not a machine translation
>ignores everything else posted above

>> No.6272826
File: 5 KB, 126x122, 1284705009440s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those names

>> No.6272831

What experience does the 'translator' have with Japanese? I want an answer to that first.

Then, can we have a professional translator translate 100 lines somewhere, I don't care where, then compare the 'translator' that's working on this project with the 100 lines by a professional, thus proving either that everything is shit or shutting the hell up about it?

That's the only thing that'll satisfy me.

>> No.6272837

>Why is is slow AND poorly translated?


>Poor translation

Mystery solved.

>> No.6272858

ITT: pissed-off Rolls-Royce autoworkers invade a Toyota factory.

>> No.6272861

The translator can't be trolled. Even though you are trying really hard he will just ignore you cunts,

Give up and go away.

>> No.6272870

Yes. That is correct. Atlas has no emotions. He cannot be dissuaded by the petty word of humans.

>> No.6273027

REtrans: The Way It's Meant To Be Translated™

>> No.6273053

What the fuck is with those names.

>> No.6273066
File: 19 KB, 427x443, fh_names.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273297
File: 92 KB, 388x490, 6001_l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 446
Fourth file: 6001
Remaining Subtotal: 6287
Subtarget: -5
Total: 42865
Remaining: 30695

Finished Of Bell's route. Starting on Rice Wing Constipated Clothes.

>> No.6273312

This is reading atlas but fixed, not bad.

>> No.6273313

The OP does seem rather determined.

>> No.6273325
File: 269 KB, 724x999, 1263324135802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, how do I get Of Bell's route?

>> No.6273327

3 years of reading manga and VNs.


>> No.6273361


>> No.6273380
File: 60 KB, 270x530, 1279419338194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Here you go, have an Of Bell.

>> No.6273852

quick! someone make the patch! =O

>> No.6273940

It's because you deny this stuff that get people riled up and want to pick on the project.

Look, if you want to translate this with a machine and with barely any knowledge of the language, fine. Go ahead. No one else is going to translate this game anyway(probably). No one else is going to care except the people who want to read it no matter what. You ARE making people happy out there.

Just don't deny that's what you're doing, because that's only going to get people riled up and want to come in even more and fuck with your project. Looking at some of the mistakes and the quality of the English language, that's pretty much obviously what's going on here. I don't see WHY you'd want to deny it. Like when you see someone persistently sticking too a transparent lie, that just... bugs people you know. It's human nature. Drop the act and you'll get less trolls.

>> No.6273943

get out TLwiki shill

>> No.6273958

Yes, I know that's a joke but that kind of stuff doesn't help either...

>> No.6274033


>> No.6274172

The pathetic thing is that it's not.

>> No.6274251

sure is butthurt in here

>> No.6277139

Have a bump!

>> No.6278495


>> No.6278540

the first guys lines seem much better in general.
>I'll be continuously continuously waiting

>> No.6278824

So it seems you like more of a localization. This translator is more literal and precise.

>continuously continuously waiting

>> No.6278910

And if you're going to complain, at least complain about the shit that I'm seeing as I work my way through this file.

>「いや! 今日だけ! もうしないって事で」
>Just for today. I won't do it anymore.
Yes, even the quotes are missing.

>> No.6278946

I don't give two shits about this (besides Nozi Ito's delicious art, but even then it's still not worth it), but who cares if the translators are using some automatic translator or ATLAS or whatever? Some people want to read this, and they're making people happy. That's all there is to it.

>> No.6279015

Hear, hear.

>> No.6279039 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 557x228, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm semi-interested in helping translate.

pic obviously related.

>> No.6279046
File: 9 KB, 557x228, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm semi-interested in helping translate.

i like the art. alot.

pic obviously related.

>> No.6279120
File: 29 KB, 973x434, constipatedclothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's total: 493
Fourth file: 6494
Remaining Subtotal: 5794
Subtarget: -9
Total: 43358
Remaining: 30202

Given how she acts around food, Rice Wing Constipated Clothes is a surprisingly appropriate name for her.

>> No.6279134

Read the existing lines to get a feel for the style and conventions, read OP for instructions, then go right ahead. I recommend you start in the fifth or sixth file.

>> No.6279492

Well yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I said in post >>6273940 but then people got mad for some reason.

I don't see why they should have to deny it(unless they WANT the project to be trolled, which is quite possible. In that case I can come here everyday and troll if that's what you want.)

>> No.6279505

Superb work guys upto now, just wish I could help out somehow...

>> No.6279748

Up up up!
