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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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626555 No.626555 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/.

Tomorrow, you meet a nice Japanese girl. She'll have all of the qualities you've ever desired, and will show a genuine interest in you.

The catch is, she is dying. Of cancer most foul.

Do you wind? Do you not wind?

>> No.626557

If wind means "fuck", I can't see why not.

>> No.626559

yes, I'd ask her to kill me and not have to worry about her getting the death penalty.

>> No.626562

I take it she's going to break in to my basement then?

>> No.626563

Wind? What? Well, I don't care, if she's 3D I'll have nothing to do with her. I guess I can be nice to her if she's dying, but she can't have the qualities I desire if she actually exists.

>> No.626564

I unfurl my resplendant feathers.

>> No.626566

Yes and I'll love her like she's my own daughter.

>> No.626567

If she had AIDS, it would be a fish of a different color, but it's cancer. J-jam it in for her last few months, then have her leave you her estate.

>> No.626581
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memento quia ventus est vita mea et non revertetur oculus meus ut videat bona.

>> No.626585

You are a terrible person.

>> No.626592


I am Anonymous.

>> No.626593



>> No.626596

I'll take her to the future, where there's a cure. Then we can grow old together.

>> No.626597

Remember that my life is but wind, and my eye shall not return to see good things.

>> No.626599


But... The future refused to change.

>> No.626603


The Book of Job? On my jaypee?

>> No.626605


It doesn't matter. Won't happen.

>> No.626606

Something in the lines of "remember that my life is but a blow of wind and these eyes won't see happiness again", it's a part of the Book of Job, I don't know the official english translation.

>> No.626611


There are no "official translations" of the good book, given there are so many different editions at this point.

>> No.626612


>> No.626616


Shit, I hadn't considered her estate. My ideal girl IS rich, so shit, I'll do basically whatever she wants until she kicks it and then be set for life. Ah, the glorious life of a trust fund NEET...

>> No.626620

I used to work the graveyard shift in an oncology-ward a few years back. I'd wind like a motherfucker. I'll deal with the issues later.

(in during not the first time ;_;)

>> No.626624

Meh, NEET doesn't care. Life of NEET was over before it begun.

>> No.626626

Anon has the weirdest jobs.

>> No.626628

Dolls can't die of cancer.

>> No.626631

I'd go out with her and whatever. at least it's a good reason for being a NEET

>> No.626633

I thought 'wind' meant 'go away'.

>> No.626638


Clinical psychologist is a fairly normal job, all said and done.

>> No.626658

Thats right. When you break wind, people usually go away.

>> No.626664

Three and a half turns.

>> No.626667

Most of my job history is strange. Like, really strange. I am Anon, after all.

>> No.626680

Wait till she's dead, rape the corpse

>> No.626682

Why is the Book of Job so unlike what I expected it to be?

>> No.626705


If my significant other died, I would make love to her one last time, but only while she was still warm. Also, I would weep until climax.

>> No.626716

The Bible has it's high points if you face it as what it is, a book. I like the Ecclesiastes and the Book of Job.

>> No.626731


I tried to read it a couple months ago, but the archaic English bullshit just puts me to sleep. I had the same problem with Milton, Shakespeare, etc. Too much mental effort to translate as I read, and I rage at shit like wherefore meaning why. Maybe I would've made it further if I had just flipped around between the good parts instead of trying to do it cover to cover.

>> No.626738

am i in a KEY game?

>> No.626767
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I kill her dead then go find Reimu.

>> No.626768

I learned in my childhood that whenever I think I'm safe, I'm about to fall into the fire, and loving something will simply cause others to ruin it. I'm better off alone and lonely, because there is nothing I want to see ruined.

>> No.626774

Dude, I'm an ESL-man and I can read archaic English no problem. Then again I've studied English for 14 years so perhaps I'm the aberration.

>> No.626785


Fuck you and your psychic powers, man. It's great that you can read minds and shit, but you don't have to fucking brag about it.

>> No.626787

Anon is waiting for someone he hates enough to date.

>> No.626791

All I'm saying it gets easier with time. Just like with Touhou or Meltan, practice makes perfect.

>> No.626793


If you've really got such bad mojo, I've got quite a long list of people you should date. Start with that guy who posts the Aya threads.

>> No.626809

Anonymous is a sociopath who has never known a single emotion but hate. Then, one day, he meets a girl. A girl who, simply by existing, makes every fiber of his being rage. A girl who will teach him to love.

Anon's Bad Day
Coming Summer 2009

>> No.626816


>> No.626820


You better fucking deliver on your promise. Shit sounds educational.

>> No.626822

Sounds like Conker's Bad Fur Day to me.

>> No.626837


Fuck, where's my Anon's Good Day?

>> No.626883

Anonymous' Nice Days

>> No.626905

hmmm, you know, the idea doesn't suck as bad as all of last summers movies, and at least Hollywood wouldn't be raping another childhood hero to death.

>> No.626915

>all of the qualities you've ever desired
does not compute

>> No.626946



>> No.626970

Summer '08

>> No.627001

But, I already know a nice Russian girl!

And a Chinese lesbian.

>> No.627002

Definitely wind.

There is no reason to try to give her the best time possible with what time she has remaining. Whats the worst that happens ... an anon has a happy memory?

>> No.627017
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I'll take her to Owaji Island, if you know what I mean.

>> No.627025
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>> No.627048


When your work is shit, but you hate your days off even more, you know you've got a problem. The guys used to hurry me from sport to sport, trying to find something which would resemble my idea of a good time. It's been 2 months since they gave up, giving me a sense of perverse triumph.

It wasn't that I wasn't trying hard - I was. But work in an oncology ward for some time and you'll never see anything the same again. I got sick watching people who had cancer. People who didn't have cancer made me sick.

I shouldn't have come here. The young people around me evidently thought drinking more than you could hold and prancing around while plastered constituted happiness - I couldn't stand them, knowing that tomorrow I was going to have to tell at least five people they were going to die. I felt like the prophet Job at a Babylonian orgy.

I got up to leave the revelers, and walked past the bar-


It wasn't a thing you'd normally notice. In other words, you'd have to be half-expecting to see something like that to catch it.

I did. And there it was.

>> No.627049
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>> No.627051


I'd witnessed this done before at a bar in London some years back, and this time the effect was no less spectacular. I heard three definite smashings, and was for a while lost in some commotion.

Two big guys appeared from nowhere, hauling me up by the arms and directing me towards the exit. I tottered a little unsteadily in their grip. One of them muttered something, but I couldn't hear him above the noise. I didn't resist, allowing myself to be marched out.

To their credit, I wasn't ejected unceremoniously on the pavement, but firmly escorted out. One of them looked around for a cab, but as there weren't any, decided however I got home was my own business.


I turned around.

The Japanese girl was looking a little wet, and more than a little pissed off.

Before I could even react, I was the victim of what I could only call a chain combo.

>> No.627059


It would have your standard Hollywood ending. She teaches anon to love.

...It would be the penultimate act of trollan.

>> No.627062



>> No.627063


>> No.627067



"And that's something I thought you could reflect on for the rest of your life, seeing as it won't be that long."

Without giving her a chance to reply, I walked out of the ward.

Somehow it didn't feel as good as I thought it would.



>> No.627089


N O W.

>> No.627102
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im sorry anonymous, ill do my best

>> No.627105


>> No.627115

not really a track since we decided not to update anything until we have a playable version of the game.
but you can check Colombia's blog

>> No.627116


Mexico of Anonymous thought he could save the project if they donated enough money. But in the end, he just ran to Panama, and so he fails at life.

>> No.627171

/jp/ - blogs

>> No.627248

In other words: has to be non-existant?
