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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6265400 No.6265400 [Reply] [Original]

So is this board only about touhou or about something else?

>> No.6265418

I meant 2008

>> No.6265411
File: 41 KB, 550x440, 1286651635177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about everything that /a/ got sick off back in 1998. Touhou, visual novels, NEETs, hikkikomoris, etc.

>> No.6265420

Wait, 1998? Was 4chan around back then? Or was it still being hosted by Something Awful?

>> No.6265431
File: 21 KB, 131x225, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is for autists

>> No.6265434

It happends that all i see is touhou threads so this boards gave me that impression.
I like the part of hikkikomoris, i hope i find people like me

>> No.6265439

pretty much this


>> No.6265452

>being hosted by Something Awful?
jesus christ

>> No.6265473

/jp/ is like /a/ but is not limited to just anime and manga.

I guess you could say it's like a mix of /a/ and /v/ and a little bit of /s/.

>> No.6265474


>> No.6265475

I don't know why moot didn't deleted this board yet.

>> No.6265477

Touhou, visual novels, dating sims, figurines, character-printed pillows, and being a sad, pathetic loser.

I think that basically sums it up.

>> No.6265481

because a number of use formed a suicide pact and told moot that if he deleted this board, our blood would be on his hands

>> No.6265500

>visual novels, figurines, character-printed pillows, and being a sad, pathetic loser

Well, that is basically me, but still, this board could talk about a few more things rather than touhou (i don't understand the fuss about it)

>> No.6265501
File: 70 KB, 437x423, from moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, this caused him to write suicidal messages himself.

>> No.6265505

It's just something everyone seems to like, so it's a safe topic. That and little girls in general.

>> No.6265506
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 1280824784819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meido will delete off topic threads, she is most particular about enforcing /jp/ traditions

post your normalfag stuff enough and you'll find yourself banned

>> No.6265514


Elona threads are often successful, but I haven't seen one. They're touhou-related, game-related, little girl related, autism-related and other fun things.

>> No.6265519

I've used this analogy before for this, but I rather liked it and it worked, so here it is again.
Imagine you have a toilet, and the pipe under it is leaking shit everywhere. You decide to install a bag to hold all of the leaking shit and prevent it from getting everywhere.
Now, the hole you had to reach through to install the bag was rather small, and the bag has reached the point at which it is full enough to be larger than the hole itself. To remove the bag, you would probably have to squeeze the shit from the bag, sending it back up the pipe to the toilet bowl. You have a choice now, do you keep the bag of shit there which is doing a perfectly good job, or get shit all over the place trying to remove it.
Moot has decided to leave the bag, /jp/, and all of the shit in it, touhou/VNs etc. instead of pushing it all back into the toilet bowl, /a/.
