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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 380 KB, 1594x1183, I-I can't believe I showed you my breasts...!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6254623 No.6254623 [Reply] [Original]

L-LOOK! SEE! W-We really don't pad our b-breasts! And t-this is the last time Y-YOU'LL EVER SEE THEM! You stupid pervert! Accusing us of using p-paddos...! Fuck you!

>> No.6254628
File: 25 KB, 150x148, ahegao bearded kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6254627

I understand that you want to show us those fancy new implants you got from Dr. Yagokoro, but now really isn't the time.

>> No.6254629

I think you ladies need some soap in your mouths.

>> No.6254632

Best thread on /jp/.

>> No.6254633

Dude... what?
I'm half asleep, why are there 2 of them?

>> No.6254635

W-we'll put our FEET in your mouth!

>> No.6254638


That's gross.

>> No.6254642

Please do so.

Sakuya and Sakuya alt.

>> No.6254643

Oh my God, I'm seeing double! FOUR Sakuyas!

>> No.6254648
File: 32 KB, 533x430, pattyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6254660

And they are all stuttering.

>> No.6254663

You w-went a l-little o-overboard O-OP, it s-sounds like they're st-stuttering.

>> No.6254666
File: 85 KB, 500x759, 032006c9a9715fbcda8d565418718818c887f23a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Sakuya-san is the perfect maid, why is she so foul-mouthed and crude? She's supposed to be elegant, and reserved.

I do not think these two are Sakuya. I think Rinnosuke and Eirin are trolling us. Again.

>> No.6254669

W-we wouldn't be talking like this if M-MORONS like you would stop stressing us out! W-WE ARE NOT PADDO-CHOUS!

>> No.6254676

Imagine fondling an angry Sakuya's breasts while another angry Sakuya gives you a footjob of hate

>> No.6254679 [DELETED] 


>> No.6254678

shit posts
shit posts everywhere

>> No.6254681

Go be lonely somewhere else, OP.

>> No.6254685
File: 327 KB, 550x700, please do not look at my noble phantasm's name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening /jp/. My name is Saber, actually it is not Saber that is a class name for the holy grail war, I am a hero called King Athur (but this is secret so call me Saber). The hat is a special heroic possession called a noble phantasm. I ask of you, are you my master?

>> No.6254689

Shit, clones!
Which one do I shoot!?

>> No.6254694

I for one never questioned her never padding her breasts.

>> No.6254692

But king arthur wasn't a witch.

>> No.6254693


>> No.6254698

>I am a hero called King Arthur
Bitch, you tripping. Arthur was dead for millennium. Also, a guy.

>> No.6254699

Do one for Archer.

>> No.6254701

W-what? Really? Thank you, that means a lot to us...

>> No.6254702

Just sit this one out. They both can stop time anyways.

>> No.6254704


>> No.6254707

Ask something only the real Sakuya would know

>> No.6254716

Where's Banana Sakuya?

>> No.6254720


I don't get this joke.

>> No.6254728 [DELETED] 

Hello /jp/ this is just hypothetical but if I was a hero from the future called Emiya Shirou (actually no I forgot who I was) and I was a special magical servant for a holy grail war would that hypothetically make you a master also can we kill shirou

>> No.6254731 [DELETED] 


>> No.6254732
File: 179 KB, 360x600, I told you I forgot it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/ this is just hypothetical but if I was a hero from the future called Emiya Shirou (actually no I forgot who I was) and I was a special magical servant for a holy grail war would that hypothetically make you a master also can we kill shirou

>> No.6254747

It's the same sakuya, just one's from the future. Time travel and all.

>> No.6254756

sure, why not.

>> No.6254757
File: 27 KB, 315x486, 1250010630872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/ I am cirno and I'm the strongest!!

((I know cirno wouldn't know about /jp/ but go along with it lol))

>> No.6254759

not Eirin

>> No.6254760

Go fix dinner, slave.

>> No.6254767

Whoa, when did there become six of them?

>> No.6254772

Now do Kotomine.

>> No.6254775
File: 179 KB, 360x600, whoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok then I may not look it but I was good at cooking in my previous life. lol that is a joke get it because I don't know who I was so how would I know that

>> No.6254776


>> No.6254779

You're not the boss of me.

>> No.6254813
File: 49 KB, 427x283, 1272922809624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a sec-hic-ond, how did hic women get into the Zone?

I need more hic vodka.
