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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6248918 No.6248918 [Reply] [Original]

It's time.


Join the /co/l/a//b/eration. with a side of /jp/.

>> No.6248928


>> No.6248926

sage with a side order of reported.

>> No.6248931

Can't say I care about some random cartoon I've never watched.

>> No.6248938


>> No.6248949

sup penguin of doom

>> No.6248963


>> No.6248981

You know you want it.

>> No.6248993
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The Sealed Realm of Gensokyo shall not avail you.

Please find another Sealed Realm, perhaps Avalon or Elfheim.

>> No.6248994


>> No.6248998
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Kindly spell Ālfheimr correctly, O Yama.

>> No.6249011

Well shit. /a/ was right about you guys.

>> No.6249016

I told you, I TOLD YOU ABOUT /jp/ MAN

>> No.6249025

A very interesting thread.
Unless of course it isn't relevant.
To those that care.
I can't say much.
Say what you will.
More is to come.

Fucking reported.

>> No.6249027

Would have gotten a better reaction if you didn't mention /a/ and /b/ at all, also a good number of us never watched the show because of age

>> No.6249035
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>> No.6249041

We don't give a damn about shitty western art.

Also, reported.

>> No.6249039

I've never watched an episode of it in my life.

>> No.6249042


Where's that copypasta of "Invader Zim fans are the personification of LOL SO RANDOM XD 'comedy' we despise"?

>> No.6249044
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So why didn't you listen?

>> No.6249054

This was a bad idea posting here, if anything /jp/ would kill all efforts to revive that shitty show. This thread might just get axed in a few minutes either way though so who gives a shit.

It's liked by the same people who still get a kick out of GLaDOS and saying THE CAKE IS A LIE etc. And also liked by mopey angsty rebellious teens, emos, goths etc.

>> No.6249056

The following is a tale depicting the events during which my life was completely changed in all aspects. I shall only be a few minutes, so if you will please, have a seat, and I will relate to you the story of how I became known as the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

It was on the western edge of the town of Philidelphia, Pennsylvania where I spent my childhood and adolescence, raised by my mother. I spent my days relaxing and enjoying wonderful leisure activity, usually by partaking in games of basketball just outside the school which I attended. One day, a couple of gentlemen, acting very suspicious and resentful of my playfulness, began to start some conflict with me. It was only one trivial brawl which I suffered through, but my mother indeed became rather worried. She told me when I returned to my home that I would be moving with my aunt and uncle in the town of Bel-Air, California.

I signaled for a taxi cab to pick me up, and when one arrived at the airport which I had just landed at, despite my decision to omit that part of my story, I became aware that the liscense plate affixed to its rear bumper had the word "FRESH" printed on it, and that there were couple of fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror inside the cab. I thought to myself that this taxi sure was a rare breed, but shook these thoughts from my head to return to the task at hand. I told the driver of the taxi to take me to Bel-Air. At around seven or eight o'clock that evening, and I jokingly commented to the driver that I would probably have to smell the inside of his taxi again at a later time. I then took a good look at my newfound kingdom at which I had just arrived. Indeed, I was at last there and I was prepared to sit on my new throne, to be dubbed the Prince of Bel-Air.

>> No.6249059
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>> No.6249066

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.6249070

Shion Sonozaki waited. The cicadas around her cried and chirped out of the forest. There were demons in her bloodline. She didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. Her warnings to Mion were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Shion was a Sonozaki for eighteen years. When she was young she watched the yakuza and she said to Oryou "I want to be head of the family granny."
Oryou said "No! You will BE POSSESS BY DEMONS"
There was a time when she believed her. Then as she got oldered she stopped. But now in the Watanagashi of the Hinamizawa she knew there were demons.
"This is for Satoshi" the demons crackered. "You must fight everyone!"
So Shion gotted her Tazer and zapped up the town.
"SHE GOING TO KILL US" said her friends
"I will beg at her" said Keiichi and he pleaded for Mion's safety promise. Shion hammered at him and tried to crucify him up. But then the police came and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! You must resist the demons" Keiichi shouted
Shion said "No, Keiichi. I am the demons."
And then Shion was a zombie.

>> No.6249081

Greetings, everyone. I am new. (One second - let me get this spork out of the
way.) My name is Katy, but you can call me the Penguin of Doom. (I'm laughing
aloud.) As you can plainly see, my actions have no pattern whatsoever. That is
why I have come here. To meet similarly patternless individuals, such as myself.

I am 13 - mature for my age, however! - and I enjoy watching Invader Zim
with my girlfriend. (I am bisexual. Please approach this subject maturely.)
It is our favorite television show, as it adequately displays stochastic
manners of behavior such as we possess.

She behaves without order - of course - but I wish to meet more individuals
of her and my kind. As the saying goes, "the more, the merrier."

Ah, it is to laugh. Anyway, I hope to make many friends here, so please
comment freely.


That is simply one of many examples of my random actions. Ha, ha. Fare
thee well. I wish you much love and waffles.


The Penguin of Doom.

>> No.6249088

I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice.
Anyways, I began to play Final Fantasy 4 about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the game, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last fight.
Then I played the game again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Rydia every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Rydia.
I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Rydia. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Rydia everywhere.
I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Rydia dolls.. Rydia is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave.
I'm in love with Rydia. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Rydia. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place.
So, this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Rydia break free from behind her glass prison.
Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her.

>> No.6249102

Why does the reading voice in my head always turn into this calm and neutral woman's voice whenever I read this?

>> No.6249135

I was going to ask what you were talking about, but then I clicked reply and saw all of the "autism" and "reported" posts that I filtered out.
Whatever, good luck with your petition or whatever.

>> No.6249139

She's mature for her age.

>> No.6249158
File: 178 KB, 715x1000, b28d29be3a1af4005d6d3887ed314645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best growing up ever

>> No.6249184

>Its /co/ and /a/ that make /l/

I love /co/ and /a/

>> No.6249208

Good luck OP.

I loved Invader Zim.
