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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6227855 No.6227855 [Reply] [Original]

Now that old thread's gone thanks to flaming faggotry and the buttmads,can we have a nice,long UBW anime discussion ?

>> No.6227864

No. Reported again for discussing anime. Reported for "buttmad".

>> No.6227863

No, remake this thread after I've watched it

>> No.6227867
File: 353 KB, 800x600, Diary-of-an-Anime-Lived-Fate-stay-night-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UBW is /jp/ related,fucktard.

>> No.6227873

Stop going back and forth with the guy, anon.

>> No.6227879
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Reported for spamming bullshit.

>> No.6227877

>anime discussion
UBW is related, anime discussion is not. Sorry.

>> No.6227889
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Since you admit that UBW is related,then the anime is related because,you know,it's called UBW.

>> No.6227893

If you don't care, why do you report?

>> No.6227898

I'm sorry, but anime is simply not /jp/ related. If you want to discuss UBW in any way on /jp/, discuss the VN.

>> No.6227900
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Being a good /jp/ citizen.

>> No.6227914

I don't see why you need to discuss the anime, anyway. It's shit, and everybody already knew it was going to be shit, so why do we need a thread about it?

>> No.6227919
File: 21 KB, 320x299, thenamelessone_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anime took everything good(which is already very little) about the VN and turned it into shonen shitfest.


>> No.6227927

Because people from /a/ love to drag their shit with them wherver they go. Same as people from /b/. They love to drag their mob mentality with them and memes with them wherever they go. It's no different here. People from /a/ are just dragging their shit with them and trying to make a board conform to its rules and expectations.

tl;dr - shitposters.

>> No.6227933


I'm loving it. Better than your average Umineko to say the least.

>> No.6227946

Nobody besides you cares about your anime.

>> No.6227956
File: 56 KB, 571x570, cool-story-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mob mentality

Yeah,because being alone,emo and edgy is nice and cool,eh ?

>> No.6227963

Being your own person is better than being reliant on others. Once again, reported for global rule violation.

>> No.6227967

And a Touhou anime isn't /jp/ related either, right?


Yeah, but I think condensing UBW into less than 2 hours was hopeless in the first place, even if they could have not handled the fight scenes so poorly.

>> No.6227971


Yeah yeah,whatever help you sleep at night,troll.

>> No.6227983

A Touhou anime is not /jp/ related, because before anything it's an anime, and you're discussing the anime's story and faults, rather than the original games'.

>> No.6227991


I think it would've been better if the time was not wasted too much on LOLDOLPHINS

>> No.6227994

If anime and manga is /a/-related and not /jp/-related no matter what, than why was someone banned for posting Touhou manga on /a/?

Because this is the board for shit like that. moot agreed, don't bother trying to deny it.

>> No.6228005

Cool anime thread broskis.

>> No.6228013


sage,hidden and reported for flaming faggotry

>> No.6228023

First off, if that is even true, that's the moderator's fault manga should be allowed on /a/, no exceptions. If for some reason Touhou anime even came out, it would not be banned on /a/. It would still attract shitposters to /jp/ who think it's alright to discuss anime here. Things would not change.

>> No.6228031
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Stop feeding the troll,anon.

>> No.6228041


Just ignore him. He's been samefagging about reports since the last thread.

>> No.6228051

But it's fun.

>> No.6228056
File: 436 KB, 176x116, 1233372782221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool anime thread guys. This is quality discussion right here.

>> No.6228061

So which end do we got this time ?

Seiba end,I'll wager

>> No.6228074


>> No.6228075

>no mana transfer
>command spells intact at the end of the movie


>> No.6228079

Reported for greentexting in /jp/.

>> No.6228082

Links plox?

>> No.6228090


Reporting for announcing a report.

I'll report myself later.

>> No.6228088

It's 90 minutes long and it's made by DEEN. I'm not watching it. The end.

>> No.6228089

Reported for /r/ in /jp/, and the person who responds with a link is reported for linking downloads outside of /r/.

>> No.6228095

Same site that every other anime gets released on

>> No.6228101

Reported for you.

>> No.6228105

No to mention /jp/. Take your "3DPD" bullshit out of /g/

>> No.6228117

Only if you take your /g/ bullshit out of /jp/ and /prog/.

>> No.6228118

True end.
But it's not really as if it matters.
The movie was rushed to the point where there were no connection between any character developement.

By the middle of the movie it was just "Look! I can do MAGIC! I just kept it a secret to you all, I "could" do this the whole time"
Then, there was like the first proper scene Shirou and Rin had gotten, but it was heavily out of place beacause you could wonder if it's correct to say that they even knew eachother.
Then they win, and all of a sudden they are like a couple.

The prologue, up to the point where UBW starts, is only 5 minutes. And the rest of it contiinues like that.

>> No.6228122

That's /a/ with the "3DPD, NO EXCEPTIONS" mentality. A fair amount of original /jp/ users like 3D little girls. They're cute, warm, and smell nice.

>> No.6228132


It's not that bad if you consider that you watch it for pure action.

>> No.6228134

Shut up.

>> No.6228142


>> No.6228137

Are the action scenes well done at least?

>> No.6228148



Be patient,site's been rather slow sometimes.

The xxx being www. and .com,obviously.For some reason this place doesn't like fileserve.

>> No.6228153

As promised, reported for spamming/advertising.

>> No.6228156

Yet "their" thing is acceptable on /jp/ because it's convenient for you, right?

>> No.6228157

Most of the Servants literally end up flying back and forth in the air at some point, like magnetic hummingbirds or something.

>> No.6228159

You're all reported for being giant faggots who report everyone who reported the ones that reported in the first place.

>> No.6228160


See for yourself.


And LOL@ the troll getting desperate.Just ignore him guys.

>> No.6228162

Whose thing? What thing? /jp/'s love for little girls? Things like that get deleted around here. That doesn't mean I go and post a bunch of threads about little girls. I just post other things. I don't shit up this place with stuff that doesn't belong here, like anime.

>> No.6228166

Again, reported for spam.

>> No.6228167


>> No.6228169




>> No.6228174


>> No.6228177

Ren meetup?

>> No.6228178


>it was just "Look! I can do MAGIC! I just kept it a secret to you all, I "could" do this the whole time"

He DID keep it a secret in all routes though.

>> No.6228179

How did you find my tripcode?

>> No.6228193

Okay, this is weird. I didn't make any of those posts. I'm going to speak with a moderator in IRC about this.

>> No.6228192


>> No.6228187
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>> No.6228186


>> No.6228201

I guess, but the only special ones were the first Berserker battle at the graveyard, the really short one in the prologue between Archer and Lancer, and lastly the one with Archer and Lancer.

But they do keep messing up.
Iliyas first line is a sudden "Go get them Berserker" and the action starts immeadiately.
It wouldn't be so bad I guess, but her just leaving the field afterwards feels even more out of place than in the VN.
But this time they realy did succeed at making Berserker feel not only ridiculously strong, but also fast and agile, just like he should be. And you get the feeling that he is superior.
But then when fighting Gilgamesh, it's like he can't even move even though he isn't stuck in the chains.
And they did cut the scene when he broke lose from the chains and he died pathetically fast

Then there is of course the thing about the single-colour glowing sword rain/spams, but I guess that's neither a new thing or all that bad.
But there is an even bigger issue with some of the sizes of the blades. at one point a sword the size of Berserker were shot

And Lancers jump backwards before throwing the Gaebolg is messed up, not only does he not jump away from the Church, but him and Archer have somewhat changed places, so he jumps closer to the church facing away from it. The jump is also a very short one seemingly, making it nothing special.
And no one cared about Archer blocking Gae Bold, and Archer wasn't even harmed.

But yeah I guess the action was kind of good otherwise, although a bit inconsistent at places.
Though I usually don't care about that sort of thing. But as mentioned, Berserker at the graveyard was done good.

>> No.6228211 [SPOILER] 
File: 398 KB, 689x957, 2640023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False White Rens should just give up and die! The only true White Ren in heaven and earth is me!

>> No.6228213


Dude, people have been sullying your good name for ages. You really should do something about it.

Also, I do think it's a shame that there isn't a place discuss anime INTELLIGENTLY on 4chan. /a/ is definitely not the place, but likewise neither is /jp/. So either be strong enough take back /a/ from the retards or quit your bitchin'.

>> No.6228219
File: 990 KB, 1280x720, [UTW] Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works [BD][h264-720p AC3][70764BA9].mkv_snapshot_01.26.11_[2010.10.03_16.41.04].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was sort of decent, but they only handled the Archer v. Shirou but even this was fucked up a bit, Lancer v. Archer scenes, actually any of the scenes containing Lancer, and the final scene decently well at all.
They pretty much completely fucked up the Shirou v. Gil scene and the Saber v. Assassin scenes. Only thing good about the Shirou v. Gil was the Shirou using Caliburn detail after Saber disappeared. But even so that was out of the blue.

>> No.6228230

Oh yeah, I also forgot how they can't aim with the sword rains at all. In Unlimited/Codes the sword rains at least aims at the target and hits approximately one meter around the target. Here the sword rains miss considerably, and the parrying looks funky.

>> No.6228233

>there isn't a place discuss anime INTELLIGENTLY on 4chan

Let's hear your example of the places that could be used to discuss anime INTELLIGENTLY.

>> No.6228245


>> No.6228280

The anime was horribly bad actually, it hints to all kinds of stuff all over the place, things they never elaborate on and drops the things imeadiately. That's not really good at all.
Then there is the fact how they completely missed several important scenes and it makes character developement feel really wonky.
But most of all, they sort of merged all three paralell, seperate routes into the Fate route, and added horrible original content on top of it.
It won't let you understand anything there is about the other routes, yet they throw the stuff in as if it would improve the thing.

No offense, but if you haven't read the novel, then I can't see how anyone could like the anime without being a sucker for anime overall no matter if it's shit.
It contains lots of shit it executes horribly, and things that was horible and not needed, and what's left was only carried out mediocre.
All in all not so good.

The UBW movie is different however, if you watch it you will spoil and ruin the second route UBW for you.
The movie was done on a whole other level, but unless you haven't read the VN I can't see it but anything but horrible, perhaps even more so than the anime.
If you have read it, you might actualy enjoy the movie. But the movie is still like reading a book, only skipping 5-10 pages for every 1 page you read.
The movie is only about 100 minutes long, and that's about the time it takes to read the prologue of the novel.
The movie, while rushed, will still spoil you on most of all important scenes, even if you may not understand them because of how much they have skipped.
And there is 0 character developement in the movie, and when they all starts to do things that haven't been explained, then you will feel heavily out of place.
Knowing the source material seems to be required knowledge for the UBW movie.
