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File: 264 KB, 1280x720, KS-Pigtails-at-Dream-Pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6217445 No.6217445 [Reply] [Original]

OK, little refined ladies of /jp/, another shitty korean MMO thread incoming!
Get ready to post your getthefuckout,buttmadvirginnerd and reportedfor/v/,astroturfindandviralmarketing pictures! Don't forget to hide the thread after reporting it, so it won't bug you ever again!

Name: Kitsu Saga
Current status: Closed Beta
Primary selling point: YOU CAN ROLL AS LITTLE GIRL WITH TSUNDERE PIGTAILS (see that picture? THAT'S YOU!)
Secondary selling point: you get super cute little flying fox as your personal pet. Actually, you can have 8 of them!

Where: http://kitsusaga.aeriagames.com/

Other interesting info: made by the same company as Grand Fantasia, so expect to grind everything.

CB just started, so you aren't missing much, taking it easy and joining late. There is still plenty of time to hop in, organize and kick butts out of losers playing as proverbial space marines.

>> No.6217461

Looks possibly decent. Unfortunately, I only have a shitty laptop.

>> No.6217458
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>> No.6217462

I hate pigtails. ;_;

>> No.6217471

That's one creepy looking fox.

>> No.6217478

Okay, it's cute and shit, but aren't they all? I'm more concerned with the playstyle.

>> No.6217486

not even japanese

>> No.6217518
File: 482 KB, 540x671, 1283825078467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kitsu Saga
The name alone makes me want to stay away.
Does it have any redeeming features?

>> No.6217526


>> No.6217548

>Okay, it's cute and shit, but aren't they all? I'm more concerned with the playstyle.

I haven't seen a single MMO worth playing based on playstyle. Going for cute dress up is probably the smartest way to deal with MMOs to avoid disappointment.

>> No.6217566
File: 398 KB, 1279x1023, Kistu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another picture of YOU and your extra fluffy pet Rans.
See how your feet have sunk into the ground? That's right! System requirements is bullshit! So even if you have PC clocking a few decades, give it a try. There is a good chance you will be able to enjoy your forbidden fruit of being a monster slaying innocent little girl!

Hate pigtails, charming lady? We have got your desires covered! You can roll a girl with Saten-style hime-cut!

The playstyle is the same shit as always: grind 10 boars to level up, grind 20 boars to grind enough points to level some skill giving 0.3% buff per level, etc.

>> No.6217634

getthefuckout,buttmadvirginnerd and reportedfor/v/,astroturfindandviralmarketing3D;PD

>> No.6217767

So there's nothing to do other than grind? No PVP, no crafting, no boss hunting, no fun?

>> No.6217771

Oh, look the "THINGS I DON'T LIKE SHOULDN'T BE ON /jp/" backseat moderators. Why does everybody on /jp/ think only what they like belongs on /jp/?

>> No.6218178
File: 453 KB, 1439x899, Scorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another report from the frontlines, where little girls battle evil! AND THEY ARE STILL WITHOUT YOU!

We are going to take a look at Factions and Classes.
There are 2 factions: the tigers and the dragons. They both suck equally, both have 4 classes different (so 8 classes total) and both can be friends and hold tea parties, so pick whatever!

Notable classes:
Wanna be Yuugi or Suika? Like to punch your enemies to death? Then pick tigers/godhand! You can switch from tank to berserk mode in a flash!
Wanna be Cirno the Baka? Roll with dragons/watermoon! They specialize in ice spells and some healing stuff. Roll and be the strongest little girl of them all despite playing obviously a support class!
Wanna be Wriggle? Roll dragons/astralomen and summon bugs to help you chew your opponents to death!

Who would publish a MMO without PvP, crafting and other necessary grinding elements nowadays? Of course everything for the standard roll is included: PvP plus rankings for e-peen wagglan, weapon/armor crafting, group instances, field-bosses, mounts, foxes, real cash only vanity costumes, husbando-waifu system, skill macros and other related shit.
And KS is as fun as any other free MMO.

Last self bump. Just thought /jp/ would like once in a while to really play as little girls (no gender locked classes and all).Or as little boys.

>> No.6218201

Gonna give it a try I guess.
I'll probably spend more time making sure my little girl is just cute enough rather than playing, but that's how it usually goes with me and mmos.

>> No.6218214

Not kawaii enough for me

>> No.6218573

What's your ingame name?

Do you have a guild?

>> No.6218642

Well i'm in.

Anyone wanna party together to make the grind less painful and more fun?

>> No.6218674

I've literally tried every online game that was posted on /jp/ these past 5 years, so of course I'm going to try this as well.
