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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6211250 No.6211250 [Reply] [Original]

Do you play the games fullscreen or windowed? Fullscreen for me.

Also, let's discuss something I noted in 12.8: it seems like input lag is nonexistan compared to UFO and gameplay just seems way more fluid, especially when compared to old title like EoSD. Anyone else noticed this?

>> No.6211255

I have a small monitor, so I use full screen. If you have a large or widescreen one, you foolishly overpaid anyway, but use windowed.

>> No.6211257

>it seems like input lag is nonexistan compared to UFO

Seems like ZUN's auto Aero disable did something here.

>> No.6211261

Small, eh? I have 15 inch CRT. Beat that, nigga.

>> No.6211263

Fullscreen! Fullscreen!

I don't feel comfortable otherwise, uguuu~

>> No.6211260


Why would you do that? Just sit further away.

>> No.6211270

It wouldn't maintain aspect ratio properly, it would look all stretched and distorted. Possibly pixilated, too.

>> No.6211276

ATI and Nvidia both have options in their drivers to maintain aspect ratio at full screen.

>> No.6211277

I have a 14 inch LCD for my tower. Just barely beat you.

>> No.6211278

>It wouldn't maintain aspect ratio properly

Either you or your equipment must be retarded if you can't find a way to make it pillarbox that shit.

>> No.6211281

Switch your spinnan/flippan cubez/squarez off and leave it off.

Windowed, so I can multi-task, and so I don't get mode switching. Be nice if ZUN actually made his games support resolution switching.

>> No.6211288

But other graphics cards don't have that option, and I've seen some ATI cards that don't support it.

>> No.6211294

I always hit alt+enter, I don't care if it's stretched.

>> No.6211303

I only gave it a short spin but you have to keep tapping the fire button to fire?

>> No.6211305


If your graphics driver don't have an option, try your monitor.

>> No.6211308

fullscreen. Although at times I've played better with windowed, I don't want to strain my eyes squinting for danmaku I may have overlooked.

I want to protect my eyesight

>> No.6211309

Hold C for continuous fire.

>> No.6211310
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Windowed or else this happens.

>> No.6211313
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>> No.6211318

You know I don't actually have a wide screen LCD, right? I'm just talking hypothetically based on what I hear about them.

>> No.6211331

wtf. not on my rig.

I put tag on "disable visual themes" on shortcuts (see options) which do the same trick, still noticeable difference.

>> No.6211341

How is UFO working out for you? Colorblind patch?

>> No.6211346
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Let me guess. ATi drivers?

>> No.6211345

>still noticeable difference.

That is really fucking strange then, because all the games 10 and above are all equally responsive for me and everyone else.

>> No.6211355

>input lag is nonexistan

There is a fix for the input lag in the older games though. I can't remember the name right now but you should be able to find it in easymodo.

>> No.6211357

Sometimes the monitor will force widescreen. Be sure to check your monitor settings in addition to your driver settings. I had troubles with my monitor forcing widescreen and just figured it out

>> No.6211360

I got a nice ati card awhile back. Worked great big upgrade over what I was using before. Several moths later now if I do anything other than firefox I get crashes and grey screens. Even touhou and dorf fort kill me. I'm a little frustrated.

>> No.6211364

I have always preferred playing them in fullscreen, even after having gotten this widescreen LCD monitor.
I find it funny how using the scaling thing on my NVidia control panel the image becomes EVEN worse (it's like it goes from 16:10, my native resolution, to 16:9 or something like that), but thankfully this monitor has some kind of 4:3 function which shrinks the image.

I prefer playing the fighting games on windowed mode, though.

>> No.6211365

Sounds like it's time for a reformat.

>> No.6211383

It's the 5770, there's not much I can do.
I tried that, I'm even using a new hardrive now. I've accepted my fate now, I was ill informed at the time and am now paying the price.

>> No.6211423
File: 357 KB, 647x906, 13f2c4f43e0013c81b8e224fc615f25c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For input lag, use vsync patch. You can find it on /rs/.

1.Copy these:
-vpatch_thXX.dll ("XX" being the specific game you're patching)
2.Paste into game directory.
3.Run the game using vpatch.exe

If you have an English-patched version of the game, simply rename the English game executable to match the original Japanese one.

>> No.6211434

I would like to add that you have to run vpatch.exe with Japanese locale, or using Applocale.

>> No.6211441

Windowed. They just come up the same size but with a huge black area around in fullscreen.

>> No.6211442
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When my 19" monitor broke down recently, I had to switch to my old 15" CRT one for a couple of days. Astoundingly, playing Touhou felt much easier with it, I finally managed to 1CC PCB and die on the last card of EoSD, even though I had been constantly failing to reach these for several months. Right now it's my second screen made exclusively for arcades.

>> No.6211456

>Input lag

>> No.6211479


Depends on the program in question and drivers etc. Turning it off certainly can't hurt in any case. ZUN knows this. Trust ZUN.

>> No.6211486

I don't think he does and no I don't.
I use a hacked th128.exe which won't shut off aero, no problems here.

>> No.6211489

You can reduce input lag in EoSD, IN, PCB & STB by disabling Directinput from settings. Works at least in Windows 7.

>> No.6211497

Anyone here have an especially large monitor or HDTV? Last time I tried playing th11 on my 32" HDTV it seemed a little easier since everything was bigger.

>> No.6211509
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>> No.6211538

I have a 27 inch LCD and I play SA and up windowed (because they actually scale the resolution) and everything else fullscreen (because they only run in a small box windowed)

Unfortunately, running PCB fullscreen causes my laptop to fuck up when I wake it up from sleep, even if it's not running.

Anyway, I run the games with aero on and never notice any input lag. You guys must have Fischer price computers.
