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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 372 KB, 800x600, flat-chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6204083 No.6204083 [Reply] [Original]

It's like they're not even pretending anymore!

>> No.6204128

That one "Rinrin most annoying reacting image in the world.jpg" has sort of affected my opinion of her.

Nice scarf though.

>> No.6204154

Go away fat neckbeard.

>> No.6204168

I just got home from the gym bro.

Hot as hell in there but I did my workout anyways. Now I'm gonna play with my new anime figure that came in the mail.

>> No.6204192

Isn't that a good thing?

>> No.6204210

what's this?

>> No.6204212

They're not pretending anymore... what?

>> No.6204215

u're mum

>> No.6204217


To have tits. Herr im Himmel!

>> No.6204224

They mentioned "flat chest". It's their first character with a washboard that you can have sex with and they are shouting it proudly in the voiceless demo.

>> No.6204328

>voiceless demo
What? Voiceless? Why?

>> No.6204333

BaseSon being assholes. Allegedly, it would cost too much money to add in voices, but if it sells well, a voice patch will come out.

>> No.6204338

>cost too much to add voice
>voice is already there but removed
>add voice
>cost too much
>my face
>your face
>our face

>> No.6204383

>implying anyone cares
Anon's voice patch will be out way before that.

>> No.6204393

Go suck a dick >>6204328 asked, I answered.

>> No.6204399


>> No.6204407

It's about licensing, not how hard it would be to do. Different parts of the license are owned by different people. The voice acting agency hold the rights to the voices and it must be purchased separately from the license to the game itself.

>> No.6204409

i dont think it works like that, son.

>> No.6204415

Well, it's the official explanation. The public relations guy for MangaGamer browses and posts on /jp/

>> No.6204420

but it does. Why do you think games like SRW never get translated? Paying all the rights for all the different voice actors agencies in that would probably bankrupt the company trying to do that.

>> No.6204421

blatant lie IMO

>> No.6204422

>Why do you think games like SRW never get translated?
same reason why most japanese games never get translated?

>> No.6204424


Actually, it can work like that. For instance, one problem with licensing a movie is that you might not have the license to use the music that was in the movie, since that license was only for the original release.

For this reason you'll sometimes find that DVD versions of shows will have different music than the TV versions.

Whether or not that is actually what happened here, I do not know. But it is definitely possible.

>> No.6204430

I don't think so. It's a professional statement for the records, and blatant lies could easily be investigated and used to destroy a company. Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions just because you are upset.

>> No.6204428

does movie company has to pay actors every fucking time they release a movie outside the country that it was made?

i dont think so.

>> No.6204434

This is all about the licensing. That's why Original Generation as well as Frontiers managed to come over: free from licensing baggage.

>> No.6204436

why the fuck should i be upset when i dont care about the so-called english vn community at all since i can read moon?

i, however, dont like corporate dogs

>> No.6204437


No they don't, because the actors sign away the rights to the footage as part of their contract. In JAPAN, however, for all we know the voicing agency could draw up a contract to make sure that what is used is ONLY used in the context of the original release.

Which, again, happens all the time with stuff like music. Just because something DOES happen somewhere does not preclude it from happening elsewhere.

>> No.6204442


You mean you don't like people obeying international copyright law and preventing their company from being sued into oblivion while trying to bring material from japan to a western audience.

Truly these are horrible people who must pay for their wicked capitalist ways.

>> No.6204444

if thats true then shit like Trinity Universe will never get localized since it has trillions of voice actors and is doubtful that it will sell at all.

however, Trinity Universe got localized.

>> No.6204448


Again, just because something happens in one situation does not mean it is identical to another situation. There is also the issue of funds available. One company might have the funds to pay the licensing, while another may not.

Or hell, it could be that not every agency licenses the same way in every single situation.

I know logic is difficult for you, but could you at least try to thing things through before speaking?

>> No.6204457

Ok. You're just being retarded now.

Enjoy your viral marketing, I guess.

>> No.6204475

I don't give a flying fuck about this game nor mangagamer since I already played it ages ago, but saying voice actors don't require copyright fees is retarded, Bangkok.

>> No.6204476

>Implying anyone on /jp/ understands moonspeak

>> No.6204478

Reported for being from /b/.

>> No.6204480
File: 566 KB, 1897x1400, OneInvincible02_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read Ikkitousen instead, superior adaption!

>> No.6204481

You're just mad because I know the truth. I'm from /jp/ and to me it's obvious most people just pretend to understand Japanese.

>> No.6204482

They do.

>> No.6204485
File: 16 KB, 263x190, 1281613735900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes there aren't any people who can read japanese

>> No.6204490

But you can't see topless deliciously flat Chouhi, because they all have huge tits.

>> No.6204493

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on the contracts. You can't know, and neither can we. But for some reason you appear to be hellbent on your assumption that they're being evil.

>> No.6204502

If they arent being assholes they would sell the game for $25 instead of full price minus $5 (protip: nobody gives a shit about $5)

and you guys are going to swallow whatever came out of their penis and lick it clean. instead of demanding proof and/or demanding what you should get in the first place.

>> No.6204512


The shoe can fit on either foot, man. You are making wild accusations so maybe you should have the burden of proof?

Besides, were aren't even telling you that it is definitely the case. We are merely telling you that it is indeed possible for such a license agreement to come into being, and their explanation is not exactly as far fetched as you believe. There is plenty of precedent for this kind of thing in regards to music.

In fact, this can also happen when a celebrity allows their image in a product. Just because they allow it in once instance does not mean the company has the right to turn around and use it elsewhere. Same shit happens with art as well.

>> No.6204516

or just dont buy it at all, that is.


You guys are the customers. You should get what you paid. Not this kind of bullshit.

When are you going to wake up?

Oh wait. You wont pay for it anyways regardless of price/voice.

>> No.6204519

You aren't from /jp/ if you can't read and understand basic Japanese. You're not fooling anyone with your greentext either, /b/tard.

>> No.6204521

You are actually the one not from /jp/. Janitor can't notice your reports. Sorry.

>> No.6204523

Sorry if I sound mad.

But I'm trying to protect the rights of you, the customer. While, you, the customer, trying to protect the company that is raping you in the ass. (I'm, not their customers in any way though)

It's like xbox360 fanboys defending microsoft when people are trying to tell microsoft to fix their broken piece of shit. (I know gb2/v/ but whatever)

>> No.6204526


One problem with that logic. Usually licensed material costs more than the original for the simple fact that not only do the people that licensed it need to get paid, but the original creators will usually take the lion's share as well.

Good luck getting a company to agree to sell their products for a fraction of their original price, and then only get a fraction of that back.

Sometimes it bothers me that there are still people in this world that believe that trying to keep a company alive enough to provide a service is the same thing as trying to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.6204531

I know you're not doing it just for trolling, and if that was the case mangagamer would be a shit company indeed.
I still think it's a plausible enough reason and could very well be true, though.
Not like /jp/ is feeling the pressure of this "ultimatum", people are going to pirate it whether or not it has voices.

>> No.6204533

I won't be playing it without voices. I'll buy it and hope for the best. If after a long time there's no hope in sight then I'll bite the bullet and play it without voices or hope for a voice patch.

>> No.6204554

My speculation is they will release a voice patch even if it sold less than 2000 copies. (because the PLEASE BUY 2000 COPIES etc is just a viral anyways ____IMO____)

>> No.6204561

That loli is too flat in my opinion...

>> No.6204564


whats wrong with you you sick fuck

>> No.6204582


A) That doesn't really make sound business sense no matter how you look at it.

B) Even if it is true... who exactly is being wronged? The only people that are going to buy the game are people that are.... already going to buy the game? So they get voices either way?

Who exactly is being suckered into buying the game?

>> No.6204590

Someone already said that he'd make an unofficial patch. So nothing is really lost, just a lot of drama for the heck of it...

>> No.6204595

You must be retarded. The flat chest is loli's status symbol. Are you a moralfag?

>> No.6204601

The legit customers that had no plans to buy Koihime in the first place but will "buy to support the company!"

>> No.6204608


If they weren't going to buy it, how are they "legit" customers? I think you're inventing people that don't exist to further your argument dude.

>> No.6204612

by legit customers i mean people that dont pirate
or people that bought other games of the company

>> No.6204631


Do you honestly think that is how people work? Do you think that just because people don't pirate that they go around buying everything they can? Do you honestly think that if there are less than 1000 people that will buy the game that there will be more than 1000 who DONT want the game, but are willing to throw money away on something they don't even want?

That isn't how the world works man. If you can't even get customers for your product, you certainly aren't going to get handouts for your product.

>> No.6204660

>That loli is too flat in my opinion...
Not such a thing as "too flat".

>> No.6204715

that is how it works and is proven.
weeaboos will swallow anything without complain.

>> No.6204726

regarding to
>Do you think that just because people don't pirate that they go around buying everything they can?

Ahh.. the fanboy mentality.

>> No.6204769

My policy on piracy is kind of like this.
I have a set amount of money, and a so so (quite bad) income.
Other necessities, I use that money on things I enjoy, and I enjoy things like this.
Games (including VNs etc) is almost the sole interest that needs money I have, other than the rare and occasional Computer Upgrade or Figurine.

So I buy games, I buy them a lot.
I use the majority of my income on games and the like, the real thing is simply just so much better.
But as I have a limited amount of money, I can usually only set my aim on a select few titles over a long period of time.

After that however, I pirate.
I buy everything on top of my "priority" list for as long as my money goes, after that I pirate the rest.
And on a side note, the thing about people pirating things they wouldn't buy, or things they don't even want is blatantly false. Low enough on that priority list comes a point when there are things I would never buy, and even further down there are things I barely even want.

But I can't see this piracy as immoral in anyway.
If I put it this was, the industry have not lost anything because of my piracy, if anything possibly the other way around.
They still get as much money out of me as they can get, anything more is not possible because I don't have any more.
And say I buy X and pirates Y because my money wasn't enough for both, then it's simply Y's fault for not appealing to me enough for it to be the other way around, buy Y and pirate X. And the industry as a whole hasn't lost anything, because both X and Y belong to the same industry.

>> No.6204774

Then there is of course the whole argument about waiting.
For instance, buying title A and B, not being able to afford C, and then simply wait until you can afford it.
Sure, that is possible, but it's really not that attractive.
In this consumer world that we live in, there are produced more things than I will be able to consume in a lifetime, and new things pop up all the time.
By the time I could afforc C, there will most likely have popped up a new A and B, therefore I could might as well have pirated C the first time.
And then again, it's not something unheard of to buy games you have pirated, I have done it before.

I don't see why people are so nitpicky about piracy, are all the faggots that attacks piracy as immoral, such assholes themselves that they only pirate and simply store up cash not using it, and assumes everyone are the same?

>> No.6204797


Proven where, exactly?


I'll let you in on a secret. Come in close so you can hear this clearly. I wouldn't want further misunderstanding between us.

I have never played this game. I have never purchased anything form the company in question at all (I've heard bad things actually). I, in fact, wasn't even aware of this game's existence at all. I know nothing except for the screenshot posted.

You know what brought me here? It was you. I saw some dumbass shooting his mouth off about something he obviously had no clue about, and I just had to engage him. And you know why?

Because I was bored. I was bored and trying to stay up to fix my sleep schedule, so I decided that talking to a retarded person would be the easiest way.

So long answer short. No, I am not a fanboy. I just love arguing with people who have no clue about how the world works, and want to direct their impotent rage against things they do not understand. I didn't think you were retarded enough to bring the fanboy card to bear. Man that was a fun surprise.

But you know what? You are starting to bore me. I was hoping there was more to you than "capitalism bad", but I guess I was wrong. I am disappointed, anon. I was really hoping you'd be entertaining enough to keep me awake.

>> No.6204844

Perfect retard there.

Not even going to explain why.

>> No.6204851

Oh and btw.
I bet you're under 20. Because you obviously know nothing about how the world works (笑

>> No.6204860


27. I have seen quite enough of the world, thanks. I was really hoping you'd be able to muster something better than that. Now I'm falling to sleep. Goodnight paranoid-anon. It was fun.

Polite sage so this shit doesn't keep going up to the top.

>> No.6204865 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1284383418866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, Zun!bar?

>> No.6204867

i bet you also are Ph.D. in mathematics and have a loving family and a wife too, right? (笑

>> No.6204869

>polite sage
Oh you.

>> No.6204873

meh, we had a perfectly good derailment in one of the first demo-threads. Includes lack of voices whine/anon-saves-the-day-patch.


>> No.6204880

Got to blame the people who prefered talking about something else than about Rinrin's delicious flat chest.

>> No.6204885


Hahaha, what? No, no. Nothing like that. Flat broke, no degree in anything, and fucked up the only relationship I ever cared about. So quite the opposite I suppose.

That said, in all seriousness, I think you should probably lay off the impotent rage and suspicion. Not every company is out to fuck you up the ass, and people are just going to think you're stupid for believing they are. Don't get docile either, but you probably also shouldn't be an abrasive dick about it.

With that I really am going to sleep now. It was fun.

>> No.6204886

I still don't understand why would you suck a rapist's cock. Even if the rapist rapes you because of a good reason.

I, myself, personally will kill the rapist even if he is forced to rape my ass because he is threatened.

>> No.6204888

>>But you know what? You are starting to bore me. I was hoping there was more to you than "capitalism bad", but I guess I was wrong. I am disappointed, anon. I was really hoping you'd be entertaining enough to keep me awake.

Yeah people are going to take you seriously when you type up something like this. Probably from /v/ or something.

Yes. I'm not sure how a simple picture could make me buttmad. But Rinrin does it; she has a second one too I think.

>> No.6204913

I never even realized that was her.
I don't like this.

>> No.6204931
File: 134 KB, 498x683, inugoya20080502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Rinrin is so cute! Why the hate ;_;

>> No.6204933
File: 42 KB, 400x300, e3b114a6_1250308909916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'd rather discuss Shuri's delicious flat chest than that pig.

>> No.6204942

Well, imagine getting trolled into the stratosphere by ol' Rinrin for months.


She's fappable, but she's also evil incarnate.

>> No.6204961

If you're worried about the game don't be. All the KHM mfw-images prevalent on this board are from the anime.
Considering the actual context they're lifted from it's more a testament to the impressive ability of anon to shitsmear anything we touch by association no matter how adorable the source-material originally may be.

>> No.6204968

She's not that bad in the game. She's even extremely cute and pedo.

>> No.6205000

How dare you compare the best girl with a pig?

>> No.6205093

Awesome bangcock thread guys. Way to go.

>> No.6205105

You should had bumped it, to see if more drama could get in again then.

>> No.6205479

Anon's voice patch is already out.

>> No.6205536

Why is there faggotry in my Koihime Musou thread?

>> No.6205539

because mangagamer

>> No.6205556

Zhang Fei would rip you to pieces.
