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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6200949 No.6200949 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6200962

because goons

>> No.6200998

Not sure if I'd hit that.

>> No.6201007

sauce of pic?

>> No.6201004

I'm 12 and what is this

>> No.6201014

so bland and unattractive.

>> No.6201018

>handles all the requests from the townsfolk.

>> No.6201040

Well, her name is STD...

>> No.6201048

What I don't see... Oh, what the fuck?

>> No.6201049


Atelier Rorona

>> No.6201060

What's her Japanese name?

>> No.6201084

they just though it would be hilarious to add a D, I think.

>> No.6201087
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I don't know why they switched to 3D either. Maybe somebody will make a 2D RPG series for the PS3, but until then, we will have to wait. Or play Disgaea 3, I guess, but that isn't even that good.

>> No.6201119

Cuderia is adorable in every dimension

>> No.6201137

Except the third.

>> No.6201152


Her name is actually Esty Erhard..

>> No.6201189

Disgaea 4 will have HD sprites, an online invasion system, and from the looks of it an awesome protag (at least he looks more original than Laharl2.0 aka Mao).
I have pretty high expectations for it.

>> No.6202256
File: 385 KB, 600x600, rorona1bd9bcf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Rorona for like 8-9 hours yesterday until my PS3 froze from overheating. Great little game.

But I also screwed up hard in the game because I got the shota homunculus instead of the loli one. So asspained.

>> No.6202305
File: 118 KB, 524x797, 1272921213930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HD Sprites

God damn that's the only thing I could ever ask for.

Fucking shitty SD sprites ruined my fucking eyes.

>> No.6202342

>I got the shota homunculus instead of the loli one

So you only get one or the other? How is it decided?

>> No.6202365


When do you get it? I'm on my third assignment

>> No.6202368

Forgot to ask, are they usable in battle or do they not really serve a particular purpose?

>> No.6202393
File: 227 KB, 700x700, rorona4599740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah only one or the other. And you get asked if you prefer little brothers or little sisters. I thought it was a harmless question, so I randomly choose whatever.

Actually this game has stuff targeted at every person: lolicons, male otaku, shotacons, fujoshi, etc. So I can see why it sold well in Japan.

My party conists of Rorona (normal sized bust), Cordelia (tsundere and flat ojousama loli) and Lionela (twintailed blonde nervous girl with giant breasts). And they have bishounen type playable characters for the fujoshi crowd.

>> No.6202403


Cordelia is cute and all but she's weak...

>> No.6202489
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I think she starts out weak, but she gets pretty decent later. Plus she's your best friend in-game; can't leave her behind.

Your homunculus gathers materials or makes items while you're off doing other stuff. Kinda like things from in the previous games.

>> No.6202516

Where to download?

>> No.6202535
File: 390 KB, 1254x1771, rorona397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same places you download other PS3 games? I heard Rorona was really small file size-wise (like only a few GB).

If the US version isn't ripped yet, then it will be pretty soon.

>> No.6202754
File: 19 KB, 168x232, skeptical loli samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have a way to run the ISO

>> No.6202765

I want to put my dick inside of all of these characters.

>> No.6202776
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>he doesn't know about PSJailbreak/Groove

Currently downloading some Wangan and Initial D

>> No.6202780

>he doesn't know about PSGroove!
I have 16 PS3 games downloaded already. I paid for Rorona, though.

>> No.6202809
File: 397 KB, 1216x1741, roronafd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/v/ nerd
>>insunating the PS3 isn't the easiest system to crack since the Dreamcast

>> No.6202820

I haven't looked into the jailbreak thing all that much. did they find a free way to do it yet?

>> No.6202830
File: 117 KB, 621x794, much like fallout 3 killed it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I paid for Rorona, though.
...thus funding the murder of 2D gaming.

>> No.6202840


you're going to have to spend about $30 unless you already happen to have certain compatible devices.

>> No.6202847

Buy a $30 ATMEL USB dev board and download the PSGroove hex file.
>much like fallout 3 killed it.jpg
Don't worry, I'm pirating New Vegas.

>> No.6202849

Someone was apparently working on a way of doing it using the PS3 controller. Might have been bullshit though.

>> No.6202858

So you bought the original Fallout 3?

>Don't worry, I'm pirating New Vegas.

Good to know you aren't beating the dead body of western 2D gaming.

>> No.6202862

Reported for implying.

>> No.6202875

Yeah, I bought Fallout 3 since I hate playing games on my PC that aren't MMOs or VNs and I hadn't yet modded my 360 at the time.

>> No.6202888

Please don't knock it until you tried it. Rorona is only a few GB and a babby could crack his PS3 so nothing is stopping you.

There is tons of great 2D art in this game. You can't expect everything to be like a Vanillaware game in terms of visuals or something.

>> No.6202890


>> No.6202897

So how did you play the original Fallout or Fallout 2? Or do you solely play 3D?

>> No.6202905

I played the first Fallout, but not the second. I do play PC games from time to time, but I'd rather not if there's a console version.

>> No.6202933

>babby could crack his PS3 so nothing is stopping you.

I'm lending my PS3 to my brother, who is actually going to use it for gaming instead of gathering dust in my room because there aren't any games I'm willing to play on it.

>You can't expect everything to be like a Vanillaware game in terms of visuals or something.

I'm even fine with some 3D in the game, even though I don't prefer it, but when everything is just full on 3D, I can't handle it. I mean all the other Atelier PS games had some 3D.

>> No.6202979


okay why are you in this thread again?

>> No.6202996

Because I like Atelier games in general, but hate Rorona?

>> No.6203035

>>because there aren't any games I'm willing to play on it.

This is just being as bad as the brolos who only play 3D FPS games bro. Graphics whores of both extremes or something.

I don't know what to say; I mean I'm probably one of the biggest 2D game nerds here so I can understand what you're getting at. But for a game like Rorona where the 3D models are covered up 90% of the time by 2D artwork it's kinda not a big deal. The focus of the game is still the 2D aspect no matter how you slice it.

Plus the game itself is still enjoyable. The only people who would dislike the characters in this game are those "no fun allowed" kind of people.

>> No.6203064

>This is just being as bad as the brolos who only play 3D FPS games bro.

I don't think they are bad for playing FPSes, it's just that their tastes are different from mine.

>3D models are covered up 90% of the time by 2D artwork it's kinda not a big deal. The focus of the game is still the 2D aspect no matter how you slice it.

All you have to do is google image search "atlier rorona" to find that this isn't true. 80% of the images have zero 2D in them.

>> No.6203124

Sure bro let's just trust google Gamespot screenshots over someone who has actually played through the game.

Anyways as a person who played pretty much all the Atelier games (even Elie and Marie) and Princess Crown 5,000 times I'm having a blast with this. I don't know what else to say. Enjoy not giving anything a chance and having your brother playing Modern Brofare on your PS3 all day I guess.

>> No.6203217

I don't really mind. I find doujin/indie producers just as talented as commercial producers and they are just as nostalgic when it comes to 2D as I am.

>Sure bro let's just trust google Gamespot screenshots over someone who has actually played through the game.

Okay, let's just assume you are telling the truth. Do you really think the PS4 Atelier game will have any 2D in it at all? They already proved they are willing to get rid of character sprites.

>> No.6203244
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>> No.6203245
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