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6199745 No.6199745 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6199764


Also you're now realizing that there is no sane reason to like Ilya.

>> No.6201434

what is this?

>> No.6201440

Oh my god I will literally rape you

>> No.6201439

Fall Semester Mike

>> No.6201446

i'm sorry i don't want to get raped

>> No.6201453

I just finished the Sakura route today.

Goddamn, why does everything beautiful end ;_;

>> No.6201484
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Except that she's the cutest, nicest, girl I've ever seen.

Yes, she's a little violent sometimes, but it's not because she's a bad girl, it's because of that damned grail war.

>> No.6201500

She is cute and nice untill you run into a bad end.
In wich case she turns into a complete monster.

>> No.6201520
File: 79 KB, 842x870, cef6126716e57d3b6eabd84223d455a891d20899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete monster
Let's not exaggerate. Don't forget what she was forced into. It's not her fault.

>> No.6201524


Her violent outbreaks are beside the point.

That's only because she thought Shirou stole away her only family.

Her Family House only cares about using her as a tool to get their centuries-old wishes, her mother is DEAD, her father, who she played with as a young girl, abandoned her, she had to go through hell trying to control a monstrous beast of a servant that would cause her unimaginable pain if he even moved a muscle, and to top it all off, she isn't even human, and will die in one year despite anything.

One year.

Ilya has one year to live, and she has nothing. No family, no friends, no one that loves or cares about her, and her entire purpose of existence as defined by her Einzbern House is to become a personality-less vessel for a magical grail so her selfish House can have their wish.

She had a mother that loved her, once, and she had a father that she enjoyed playing with in the snow. They laughed together, played together, and teased each other. Ilya pouted at her father's cheating during their games, and Iris watched her family with a smile.

And now all of them are gone. Her mother is dead, her father ran away, and when she chased after him, it turns out he died, but only after adopting a son you never heard of. He adopted another child, despite running off on the daughter he already had. He abandoned Ilya, ran away from her, and adopted a boy a year younger than her. And her father stayed there with that son, lived with him, and became his father, completely ignoring Ilya.

Also, You're strong, Berserker.

>> No.6201544

Ilya is the best Type Moon character.

>> No.6201552
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Best character period.

>> No.6201556

Correction: She's only nice until you kill Beserker.
Notice how everytime you bad end with Beserker, she cuts you up and makes you her slave somehow?

She only turns nice once Beserker is destroyed. What a two faced bitch.

If things worked like this in the real world, I'd have murdered my entire city by now.

>> No.6201561

She's so twisted it ain't even funny. Everybody that says otherwise is too much of a lolicon to see the truth.

>> No.6201571

Wrong. She's nice to Shirou while Berserker is still around in HF because Shirou tries to be friendly towards her from early on.

>> No.6201572

>If things worked like this in the real world, I'd have murdered my entire city by now.
Your mother died and your father left you for his job to nurture and support a city you never even heard about before following after him?

>> No.6201581
File: 83 KB, 640x360, ep04134..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people just can't understand!

>> No.6201596


She is a homunculus who had her mother die when she was a girl in a war, her father run away from home, who was born for the sole purpose of being a means for her 'family' bloodline's selfish goals, who was forced to endure the pain of controlling a beast many times her height and power, which caused her indescribable pain every time he so much as twitched, a loli who tracked her father down, found him parading as the father of some brat he adopted, seeming to have completely forgot about his daughter, who then becomes so taken with hatred that she decides to kill his adopted son in the most horrific ways possible as means of extracting vengeance for the pain she experienced while her father was gone.

Ilya is not a perfect person. She is not a flawless being.
She is emotionally stunted due to having her parents abandon her, due to being thrown into a winter forest to fend for herself, due to experiencing being attacked and nearly killed by packs of hungry wolves.

Ilya is not perfect. She has her flaws, she has her painful memories, and one cannot expect any human to get over such a childhood so easily.

>> No.6201636
File: 71 KB, 430x550, 53c6a5c0ba8126d2a50b30ef124563d18b9a5d68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way she could be more awesome is if she had a cape.

>> No.6201652
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People only like her because she's a loli.

>> No.6201665
File: 479 KB, 799x594, fha1275670898002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure people like Ilya for reasons other than her body.
Not to say her body isn't absolutely beautiful, but her...personality is quite nice too.

>> No.6201655
File: 92 KB, 480x360, 575a750a89c01b1ddab7c1f4b7e24b2fcc26a820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true, she's an adult.

>> No.6201666

Well, because she looks like one, then.

>> No.6201668

> If things worked like this in the real world, I'd have murdered my entire city by now.
Some people turn into cynic mysoginists after one love rejection. Most teens tend to angst for months over petty things, war start for the most useless reasons.
You're on 4chan and you haven't realized this yet? Anyone going through what Illya experienced would have either committed suicide, be clinically depressed or went Columbine in the real world. But I guess it's easy to act tough on the internet.

>> No.6201680

>Some people turn into cynic mysoginists after one love rejection
Speaking from personal experience, anon?

>> No.6201683

She's not simply a loli; she's a high tier loli.

>> No.6201686

executing revenge on people, not directly involved with your tragedies, isn't the way of a nice person

tho the motive's solid

from "you're gonna get fucktornapart" persons perspective, she's one hell of a bitch monster all right

>> No.6201697
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I like her for her overall perfect look and personality, not because she looks like a kid.

>> No.6201699
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Nope. And I'll now proceed to dump some Illya images

>> No.6201712

where is this girl form?

>> No.6201724


>> No.6201730
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>> No.6201733

ITT: Lolicons saying killing and torturing others is justified if you have past trauma.

I'm not saying that Ilya has no baggage and that I can go through what she did without severe issues, but it doesn't justifying me doing anything to win the grail war and taking pleasure in killing others. PLEASURE.

Maybe in some twisted world where being bred as a tool and going through shit in the winter/having your parents leave without you knowing why justifies it, but it's called therapy in the real world. If you blatantly enjoy doing the things Ilya does citing your history as a reason, then you have issues.

>> No.6201745

>If you blatantly enjoy doing the things Ilya does citing your history as a reason, then you have issues.
>you have issues.

Holy shit, were the posts citing Ilya's past not enough to tell you she has issues?
Are you that damn retarded?

>> No.6201761
File: 125 KB, 1600x1280, 1252468595037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you blatantly enjoy doing the things Ilya does citing your history as a reason, then you have issues.
If I can't be happy, then why should anybody else have the right to? It's called justice.

>> No.6201767

>Ignore my entire post
>Single out one line out of context

I'm going to forgive you and assume that you are trolling and not a blatant idiot.
I'm pointing out that Ilya has issues, but that doesn't justify her killing people and torturing Shirou with no sense of remorse.
Not sure if troll.

>> No.6201768
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> being bred as a tool and going through shit in the winter/having your parents leave without you knowing why
you've said, you don't know how you would act because this is not a VN and you were not bred as a war tool.
it's so easy to say that we'd all be hero-like but the truth is that most of us would end up behaving like a less cheerful illya or sakura, if not even like shinji.

>> No.6201798

Problem is, her parents taught her the basics of societal norms. From what I recall of Fate Zero, she lived a very happy life with her parents. To suddenly believe that she has a right to kill others and relishing in their deaths, treating them as less than human, sounds completely retarded given that she was devastated when her mother died.

Please don't play the: "You haven't experienced this, you wouldn't know" card. It doesn't hold any weight when we have a thing called psychology and past-present experiences.

>> No.6201808
File: 703 KB, 675x956, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuu no it isn't! That's the same mindset as yukkuri abusers ;__;

Everyone just needs some more love in their life!

>> No.6201862

I love psychology while having disorders of my own and I can assure you that normal people are unable to relate with mentally ill people.
They might be pitiful or even nice but empathy is really rare. So it's not easy for someone who hasn't experienced any of that to understand her reasoning.

But even without pulling that card, isn't this what most people do? Reacting to traumas letting out their anger on weaker people.
Most bullied nerds tend to act really bossy and discriminating towards "lesser nerds" or subordinates.
Rape victims are most likely destined to develop a violent sex life or be afraid of human interaction.
I'm not saying it's fair that Illya goes and brings your head home but she's in a war and to her you're the one who destroyed her family.
Also, people who experienced happiness are most likely the ones to suffer the most when this happiness is taken away from them. Just like people who suddenly become unable to hear will lament theirs deafness more than people born deaf

>> No.6201918

I'm basically saying that it isn't justified.
I'm well aware that people can resort to these things, but better people will still be above it and have compassion for human life.

No matter how you look at it, it's not justified, even if it's tragic.

>> No.6201960

I love her in Heaven's Feel and I like to think that she redeems herself in good ends.
But in the end it's just a 2D novel. I'll keep enjoying my yangire characters but I respect your point.
