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6198477 No.6198477 [Reply] [Original]

Which Touhou would you want to summon in the Holy Grail War, and as what class?

>> No.6198479

In before 300 posts.

>> No.6198486

god i hate you OP.

summon: op's mom
class: extreme whore
noble phantasm: Giant Gang Bang (Reality Marble)

>> No.6198488
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Yukari as archer.

>> No.6198491
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Cool lightsaber, OP.

>> No.6198493

Tenshi, change your hair back. Blond doesn't suit you.

>> No.6198494

But that's Gates of Boobylon, not Unlimited Breast works.

>> No.6198497

I'd summon all of them then go piss off Shiki or something because he can kill servants.

>> No.6198498

I don't know enough about Fate/stay night to properly answer your question ;_;

>> No.6198506

Don't you dare start that.

>> No.6198513

What's the problem bro? I'm just saying that if you summon all the Touhous as servants, Shiki can kill them.

>> No.6198524
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>can kill servants
>what's wrong bro?

>> No.6198532

Some Touhous don't even have lines/points of death.

>> No.6198533

>advice dog
>thinks Shiki can't kill servants

>> No.6198539

But if you summon them as servants they do

>> No.6198552

Shiki can't kill servants, word of god.

>> No.6198559

Nope, I'm pretty sure Shiki can kill servants

>> No.6198561


Suffice to say.

There are 9 classes so far, but you can forget about two of them.

Saber - Swordsman, or any melee weapon that isn't a polearm. Generally power-based.
Lancer - Spearman, or any polearm. Generally based around speed, with more range than Saber.
Archer - Ranged combatant, generally the oddest. Doesn't have to use a bow, but optimally fights at a distance. Also doubles as a general "ranger", the most independent class.
Rider - Mounted combatant, commandeers something. Could be a horse, could be a chariot, could be a boat, could be a dragon, could be a space shuttle. Riders ride.
Caster - Mage, fights with spells. Pretty obvious.
Assassin - knife in the dark. Not a "combatant" in the usual sense. Also good at trap-making and information collecting.
Berserker - true brute force, no thought allowed. Insane, but enhanced because of it.

>> No.6198573

Any of the witches could be Caster, but witches don't exist anyway.

>> No.6198598
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Suika as Berserker.

>> No.6198620
File: 616 KB, 1199x1320, touhou_mei-ling_nonbei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hong Mei Ling as High School History Teacher

>> No.6198619
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Remi's pretty obvious.

>> No.6198634

Mima for Avenger.

>> No.6198655

Mokou as Berserker
Remilia as Lancer
Marisa as Caster
Reisen as Archer
Alice as Assassin
Yumeko as Saber

>> No.6198660

You forgot Rider. Reimu could be Rider.

>> No.6198661

You forgot Komachi as rider.

>> No.6198664

Yeah, who could be Rider? I'd say Reimu because of Genji or one of the Satori sisters since animals listen to them.

>> No.6198667

Needs more boat summoning.

>> No.6198675

Whoops. Komachi sounds like a better rider than Reimu since she's known for riding a boat and controlling distances.

Mokou as Berserker
Remilia as Lancer
Marisa as Caster
Reisen as Archer
Alice as Assassin
Yumeko as Saber
Komachi as Rider

>> No.6198676

Rikako for Rider.

She rides a fucking jetpack.

Or, uh, Rika. EES as her NP.

>> No.6198681

Rider needs to be a Touhou riding another Touhou.

>> No.6198695

Yumeko as Saber
Yuuka as Lancer
Elly as Archer
Rika as Rider
Alice as Caster
Meira as Assassin
Luize as Berserker

>> No.6198696

flandre as assasin

>> No.6198698
File: 14 KB, 250x250, kisume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kisume for Rider class

>> No.6198703

Lol wut. She already qualifies as a Beserker.

>> No.6198722

Icarus as Saber
VIVIT as Lancer
Hirano as Archer
Yuuta as Rider
Muse as Caster
Mei&Mai as Assassin
Yuitia as Berserker

>> No.6198770

Remilia can kill Dead Apostle Anscestors. Discuss.
