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6197500 No.6197500 [Reply] [Original]

Which series has better protagonist? specificly male leads.

type moon has better abilities, back story, and epic/gar moments.
alicesoft seems to have been harems, character(personality), and not fundamentally flawed.

I would want to be an alicesoft lead rather than a typemoon.

>> No.6197503

>typemoon male lead


>> No.6197505

ITT Sengoku and BBA vs. Tsukihime and F/SN.

>> No.6197508

>epic/gar moments.

>> No.6197511

Fate would have been great if they had kept King Arthur male as originally planned and had a female protagonist.

>> No.6197513

Worst thread on /jp/ right now.

>> No.6197516

i wanted to clarify on "flawed"
Rshiki - personally disorder, anti-social
Tshiki - alternate personality disorder, can/will die due to his own power.
Shirou - delusional, naive, doesn't die when killed. emo in the future.

>> No.6197519

Gil lusting after Saver, so good.

>> No.6197524

gil could be a girl. that would be hot. she would look like arc but would wanna rape you......


>> No.6197526

Alicesoft, no contest.

>> No.6197530

there are a lot of other alicesoft titles, though i get what you mean cause most people don't play jap vers.

>> No.6197535

Nanaya Shiki isn't going to die due to his power. He's going to die due to the fact that he's already died once before due to being gored to death and having his life stolen.

It's like getting a disease, and recovering, but suffering extensive damage due to it that lowers your life expectancy.

>> No.6197540

Gonna go with Alicesoft here. The protag retardation is played out for laughs there. In T-M, protag retardation is painful, like Kampfer Natsurium dense.

>> No.6197542

Nanaya shiki doesn't exist, only as an illusion of Tshiki. Tohno shiki exists and will die if his eyes grow too powerful.

>> No.6197552

I think he meant SHIKI.

>> No.6197549
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>> No.6197547

this is a troll thread, but alicesoft all the way.

>> No.6197559

i know what you mean, alicesoft protags aren't exactly "smart" but they aren't slow to the point. they are more like idiots that are stupid cause they are strong enough to not need to be smart.

anyone played pastel chime cont..?
i played jap ver but don't know the personality of the male protag.

>> No.6197564

i know tshiki is actually nshiki, but everyone in japan refers to tshiki as "real shiki" whereas nanaya is ONLY the assassin alternate if nanaya wasn't wiped out/shiki became a serial killer.

>> No.6197566

Nanaya Shiki is "Tohno" Shiki. "Tohno" Shiki is going to die young, regardless of whether he uses his eyes or not. That's confirmed in Eclipse.

That's sort of the side effect of becoming SHIKI's gas station and dying once.

The only likely way of surviving is by becoming a Dead Apostle, which he in no way would agree to.

>> No.6197569

No. But I've played Widenyo. The protag there was basically a kind princely kid. Didn't expect that.

>> No.6197576

well there won't be moments where the protagonist is a serious underdog, by himself taking on and winning against the much stronger foe. all alicesoft leads are always strong as fuck and the games require you to keep them strong.

>> No.6197582

I played a little bit. From what I've seen, he seems to be the cookie cutter male protagonist that the main girls want to ride on his dick for no reason. Haven't gotten really far.

>> No.6197585

It would be interesting to see him forced to agree to becoming a DA. Too bad Nasu abandoned Tsukihime for Fate.

>> No.6197588


Even in Beat Blades Haruka?
(That I keep forgetting to install ... not that it would help as I cannot read moon)

>> No.6197614

haven't played that so i wouldn't know, but does it even have a male protag?

>> No.6197615

Nah. Takamaru is pretty useless. He's more assertive than almost any other protagonists, but even on the demon paths, he's just an evil giggolo with super power granting semen.

>> No.6197619

It's quite possible that he has run accross some kind of error in his logic or something on the tsukihime side of things.

We all know that Nasu is rather pretentious when it comes to the world he have come up with.
This may very well be why the remake is seemingly stalled and so on.
I figure he has something he considers a problem and that he has trouble with how to tackle it, in a way satisfactory to him.

>> No.6197627

Yes. Takamaru. He fucks the heroines to let them use their super powers. He's happy to do it and all about saving the world, but he's useless in a fight.

>> No.6197708

The protag from Beat Angel Escalayer is like that too. They're basically batteries.

>> No.6197710

They're essentially the same game, so it makes sense.

>> No.6197714

I think i would want to be rouga over shiki, shirou or rance. he has it pretty good.

Though shirou and shiki have much cooler powers than punching bitches in the face.

>> No.6197736

is beat blade haruka one of those games where you're supposed to fap to the heroine getting raped and other bad things happening to her?

>> No.6197745

Sort of. If you play the demon routes, then you have to let the heroines lose to the monsters multiple times (gets them raped) which unlocks alternate sexual training scenes where Takamaru is all about the s&m and forcing them to have sex with other men for being failures and not good enough for him.

If you play well though or never do the demon paths, you won't see almost any of that stuff.

>> No.6197894

I empathize more with Type Moon leads since they exhibit actual human decency and characteristics. Alicesoft protags are a little more dense and so exagerrated that they don't feel natural.

I'd probably want to be Shirou the most though.
Well toned body.
Knows how to cook and clean the house.
Good grades in school.
Reality Marble.
High potential for projection magic rape.
The ladies love my earnestness and dedication.

>> No.6197943

>claims others are more dense

>> No.6197957
File: 231 KB, 618x624, shirou knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Shirou delusional? And what's so wrong about being "naive"? In real life people, even teachers, keep randomly commenting on how pure I am for no reason at all. I don't get it. What's wrong with being determined to be unerringly kind to people and always being helpful to others? Wish for a better world is wonderful, in my opinion. He is a Champion of Justice and strives to protect the weak, and even if he doesn't succeed in the ultimate goal, what he has accomplished along the way is still something to be tremendously proud of. Shirou as a whole is also definitely more complex a hero than any Alicesoft protagonists that I know of.

Alicesoft has my vote

>> No.6199128

Source of pic

>> No.6199149
File: 1.01 MB, 682x1023, manshow_063_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even as a boy, shiki is manly

>> No.6199154
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>> No.6199220

Where can I find this manga? I'm just used to millions of doujins, but I'd rather read something more legit.

>> No.6199281


i have no idea where to get the actual translated ones apart from google.

>> No.6199284

Nitroplus >>> them

>> No.6199287

Jesus, what's with all of these Type-Moon threads lately? An influx of /a/?

>> No.6199288

I wouldn't choose neither of those two, I would go with Eushullys protagonists.

>> No.6199296
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>> No.6199308


>> No.6199338

I just went to /a/ and saw a 200+ reply Fate/stay night thread on the first page.

Why don't you go back to /a/ and discuss it with your buddies over there?

>> No.6199347

The TM fags are pretty annoying but they don't post that much these days so they are okay.

The real cancer in /jp/ these days are the Umineko fangirls/faggots, holy fuck are they annoying and retarded, reading the Umineko threads feels like reading a livejournal about Twilight.

>> No.6199356

I wanna be a liarsoft lead.

>> No.6199370

>Stop talking about VNs I don't like guise, srsly ;_;

>> No.6199401

It's not that. Actually, I quite like Type-Moon's visual novels.

But they have already been discussed to death. Type-Moon threads always end up being stupid pointless arguments about the same topics, and they get old really quickly. >>6199230 is a perfect example of what I mean.

>> No.6199404

Alicesoft leads. There's something to them that I can't put my finger on.

>> No.6199411

What the hell? You might as well be comparing characters from Clannad to Maiden Rape Assault's cast.

>> No.6199419

He is basically a Nitroplus character, his awesomeness is only shown in Fate/Zero that was written by Urobuchi

>> No.6199430

I have a BBA question, before I get to National chapter should I go with Idagawa Ren or Senpuuji Kyouko for my first run?

>> No.6199448

Alicesoft male leads!
Though I don't mind Type Moon main characters, I like both Shiki and Shiro and I love to see how Shiro either grows out of his idealism or matures without giving up his ideals depending on the scenario. I love naive characters but Alicesoft still has my vote.
