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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6195132 No.6195132 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /jp/.

What were your high-school aspirations?

>> No.6195134

eternal NEET

>> No.6195142

hokuto shinken master

>> No.6195144

I never had any. This was the only path for me.

>> No.6195148

Pei Shinken Master

>> No.6195151

Hero of justice.

>> No.6195153

Whenever someone asked me, I'd just say that I was going to be a hobo.

I guess I wasn't that far off ;_;

>> No.6195156

I never had any, I just went with the flow.
It took me dropping out from university and 3 years as a NEET to find out that there are things that I want to do.

>> No.6195158

had none and still don't.


>> No.6195159

I wanted to be a computer programmer. I ended up being an unemployed computer repairman.

>> No.6195162

High school? None. Its why my life is such a mess now.

Primary school? Paleontologist. Fuck yeah, dinosaurs.

>> No.6195164

So, OP´s first choice is god?

>> No.6195168

I just wanted to get the fuck out. Now I have to take college courses. Fuck.


>> No.6195170

Living in Hinamizawa and becoming a bride

>> No.6195179

We didn't have any aspirations lists.

>> No.6195181

i always wanted to be a combat pilot. i studied hard to enter the air force officer school, ran several km every day, went on a diet, got the reccomendation letters, etc. i passed all the academic and athetic exams without any problems. in the end i got turned down because i have flat fleet.

>> No.6195182

I never had any aspirations in high school. Well at the end of my final year I decided I was going to be a doctor so I went to med school, where my social anxiety became so bad I had to drop out. I switched to biology.

>> No.6195185


What do flat feet have to do with flying a plane?

>> No.6195186
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Just be glad you have enough money to pay for them. I would take college courses if I could instead of being unemployed with only one lousy certificate to my name.

>> No.6195187

First choice [Suicide]
Second choice [Political martyrdom]
Third choice [Suicide]

>> No.6195189

I didn't have any. Which is why I am where I'm now, as a 4 year and counting NEET.

>> No.6195192

You obviously failed to live up to your aspirations.

>> No.6195193

i have no idea, i thought all that mattered was eyesight, but i was wrong.

>> No.6195194

My last year killed any hope or aspirations I might have once had.

>> No.6195196

Air force pilot was my initial aspiration but I soon gave up on that after I got a PC when I entered high school and never left my room because of it. I then focused on programming which I easily got a university degree for but ever since I finished the course I've just had no motivation to go out and work. NEET for 4 years now, feels good man.

>> No.6195198

Astronaut, pastry chef, astro-physicist

Ahh to be young and optimistic

>> No.6195203

So, what you´re doing now?

Second-class tourism pilot?

>> No.6195207

Fuck, exactly same as me, except I dropped out earlier. I think you have to face reality at some point, whether it's by becoming independent, or by wallowing in the pathetic feeling of being a NEET for so long that you realize you have to do something with your life, before you can truly motivate yourself for a big goal like getting an education. High school is just too simple to breed any ambition. From my experience, the only ones who had ambitions back then were people who had inherited their ambitions from their parents.

>> No.6195208

>there are things that I want to do.

Such as?

>> No.6195211

I'm doing that now for the army. I'm nervous that I'll get turned down for some reason like that too. I have no prospects for other jobs

>> No.6195213

So by reading this thread you can say anime girls are true saying that you'll become NEET if you don't have any aspirations. Watch anime kids!

>> No.6195219

nothing, i also tried to get into the army and navy and i got turned down for the same reason.i don't understand why flat fleet are such a big issue, i use pads and i can run like a perfectly normal person, i shouldnt be treated like a cripple.

>> No.6195220

Dedicating your life to the glory of 2D is the best path one can take in life. There is nothing to be afraid of. To give up on your childhood dreams is part of growing up too.

>> No.6195226

Thought you were going to say you suddenly found out you were colorblind.

>> No.6195235

My goal in life is finding a goal in life.

>> No.6195238

They care about you and don't want you to hurt yourself

>> No.6195241

i dunno what it was back then, but these days i want to become a god.

>> No.6195243

I thought that was if you never joined any clubs.

Fuck, why didn't my school have any clubs? If they did, I could get some friends with shared hobbies who could support me through hard times and prevent me from becoming a shut-in and later a NEET. It's all the governments fault for not making clubs obligatory. They owe me 3 years of my life back.

>> No.6195252


Thats the lamest reason for hating the government I've ever heard of.

>> No.6195253

A detective ;_;

>> No.6195256

None whatsoever.

I just went with the flow and ended up a NEET

>> No.6195270

It's a good reason. I agree with him, my life would have been much better if the government forced me to join clubs.

>> No.6195280

Your parents must be really bad if going with the flow ends with you as a NEET.

>> No.6195288

I've joined and left countless clubs and schools.
It doesn't always work that way ;__;

>> No.6195289

I want to make games and still do.


>> No.6195293

What's stopping you? Making games is easy if that's your only goal.

>> No.6195294

You're alone because you want to be alone. Clubs wouldn't have changed jack shit.

>> No.6195295

So we pick from the list shown?

>> No.6195296
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I wanted to be the super-villain of an epic story, trying to kill the good guys in their fight to save the world, and be a threat for humanity.

Now serious, I always wanted to be an engineer, or a programmer.

>> No.6195299

Oh, well. I'm just indecisive as to how I want to go about it, and unsure of my capabilities. I can program, sort of.

I also like making videos and animations, but I'm not sure if I want to pursue that as well.

In short, I'm the only thing stopping me, but the point is, I haven't given up.

>> No.6195300
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Mangaka. Unfortunately, the realities of the current industry made it too depressing.

But I now aspire to become a doujin artist.

>> No.6195303

I liked Dilbert and wanted to do vaguely defined technical things like him.

>> No.6195307

I wanted to be a doctor or a scientist.
So now I'm majoring in biomedical engineering, where I could still become either.

>> No.6195315

I literally had no idea. I really wish my high school had forced me to think about this, like Japanese schools do.

>> No.6195326

1.) Particle Physicist
2.) Chemist
3.) Eternal NEET if the first two prove unattainable

>> No.6195329

My high school forced me to think about this for 5 years and sign up for universities.

However when I went "Is it possible to just do nothing?" they simply went "Well... yeah".

Here I am.

>> No.6195331
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automotive tycoon

>> No.6195339


>> No.6195340
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Just a question to all those with high scientific aspirations like doctors and physicists, what is your reason? What drives you toward those goals?

>> No.6195343

fuck modern fansubbing. Seriously, stylized subs in the middle of the screen like that are the stupidest fucking idea I've ever seen. Totally cluttered and unnatural; almost always forces the viewer to pause just to make sense of what he's looking at. I hate them with all my hard

>> No.6195346

For the moment, I want to be a geneticist/genetic engineer. No fucking idea why I want such an off the wall career, but I'm currently working towards it. I've also always enjoyed writing though, and now I have learned Japanese to such a considerable degree that I may want to get a career as an author/translator (the translating being my main income until I could actually make money from books of my own). According to my time capsule from when I was 9 or 10 (was a 10 year capsule), I wanted to be a scientist.

>> No.6195348

touch little girls
any other reasoning is a lie

>> No.6195349

1) Pimp
2) Hitman
3) Alcoholic
So basically I wanted to be Hei before Hei was even created.

>> No.6195355

I didn't want to end up like /jp/

>> No.6195357

Engineer of some sort.
And now, here I am as a chemical engineer.

>> No.6195358

I want to understand the universe, in a way that does not involve subscribing to faith.

>> No.6195372

I wanted to write screenplays for movies.

I still do actually, in fact I've written a few already, just none are any good. Two novels too. Sometime perhaps one will be good enough to sell, maybe.

>> No.6195381

From what I've seen of this in anime, it doesn't seem too useful, just makes people think of what "could be cool to do, I guess", without any kind of regard for the reality of working with that. I bet they get a lot of shit like "professional soccer-player" or "video game designer". And take a guess at how many people will actually go through with that. Admittedly, it would cost quite a lot to create a system that actually works and encourages kids to take a serious look at their future and find some ambitions that are actually worth something, but anything would be better than telling people "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, JUST PICK FROM YOUR WILDEST FANTASIES, LIFE IS LIMITLESS", only for people to fall flat on their face when they leave school and realize life isn't that convenient.

>> No.6195390

>I wanted to be a computer programmer. I ended up being an unemployed computer repairman.
Higgins, is that you?
I don't remember, I don't think I ever had. As far as I remember I was a kid whining about how life is too hard. I still am and I need a fierce kick in the face and in the butt to do something about my life.

>> No.6195392

The genetics fag here. I'm going deep into sciences just because they always interested me in school. It was one of the few subjects that woke me from the drudgery of indoctrination. I am a long way from even actually being able to study anything directly genetic, but the required sciences that I am working through now are fun in their own right (finally understanding why all of these things I have observed throughout my life work the way they do). So in my case, it's really just curiosity and general interest in the subject.

>> No.6195398

That's impossible. You're just changing what you have faith in.

>> No.6195407

I didn't have any and still don't. I can't really imagine myself in any sort of job

>> No.6195426
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I wanted to get a 4 year degree.

I just started at USF to finish up my last two years. (After screwing around at my local college for 4+ years) Thank God for the Pell Grant (And poor people grants/loans) since I have no income of my own or family contribution.

>> No.6195430

Understanding the universe doesn't have to involve faith, through tedious research and evidence gathering scientists can come up with a complete logical working model of the universe. We will hopefully be able to explain everything, everything will have a mechanism. There is nothing faith based about it.

>> No.6195431

I didn't have any aspirations in high school, so I guess it's no surprise that I've been drifting aimlessly through life ever since.

I've always wanted to have aspirations, though. Wouldn't it be nice if some magic voice in the sky told you one day what you always wanted to do all along and you lived happily ever after?

>> No.6195437

You still have faith in your methods and that you are getting any 'real' readings at all.

>> No.6195448

My only aspiration before high school, in high school and since high school has been to be a decent-looking trap.

>> No.6195468

How's that working out for you?

>> No.6195481

what do you mean not real readings, every jet of hadrons detected a CERN is as real as you or I, every photon, electron, positron, proton, anti-proton, and neutron are quite real. Even if we cannot directly observe some particles there are still ways of detecting them, they interact through the gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, or strong nuclear force, we may not be able to see them with our eyes, but the evidence is plain based on their interactions with observable matter that such particles exist.

>> No.6195484

this includes all fermions and hadrons as well, mesons, quark, W+/- and Z bosons, etc.

>> No.6195489

Pretty good, thanks for asking.

Though I guess "decent-looking" is always in the eye of the beholder, especially with that sort of thing.

>> No.6195492

No method of observation results in the "real".

It is in basic theology recognised as early as 400BC.

>> No.6195498
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For all you know, CERN may not even exist.

>> No.6195510

It does exist.

>> No.6195514

Which is my point.

>> No.6195515

If I see that Smugcartes one more time...

>> No.6195568

There is no proof that the sun will rise tomorrow. Deal with it.

>> No.6195567 [DELETED] 

The argument is that when depending on perception (which you do in order to register a reading), there's no guarantee that what you perceive is real. This could all just be a very realistic dream or a computer realism. To bypass this argument, simply replace "universe" with "what we know as the universe".

>> No.6195570

The argument is that when depending on perception (which you do in order to register a reading), there's no guarantee that what you perceive is real. This could all just be a very realistic dream or a computer simulation. To bypass this argument, simply replace "universe" with "what we know as the universe".

>> No.6195571

Theology ≠ Science

>> No.6195582

I prefer not to take a philosophical approach to science. It's great to take a philosophical approach sometimes, but not in this case. For the sake of accuracy I will focus on the directly and indirectly observable.

>> No.6195587

reset router to factory default

>> No.6195588

I wanted to be a girl but I failed. Now I'm NEET,

>> No.6195593

For the majority of human history, the general population would have violently disagreed with you.

>> No.6195597

There is actually, the earth is in a stable orbit around the sun, no object with enough momentum is near enough the sun or the earth to strike them and cause their orbit to change so drastically (ie knocked out of the solar system) so that the sun would never rise or set. The sun has enough fuel to last a few billion years, I don't see any possible way the sun will not rise and set tomorrow.

>> No.6195604

That period of history is over, the past is gone, let's focus on amassing knowledge for the future.

>> No.6195610

>That period of history is over
Not entirely.

>> No.6195619

Sorry, not good enough. Have a wikipedia article.


>> No.6195623

Valid point, it is for the most part over in America, Europe, most parts of Asia, and Australia. At least there is no violent repression of religious dissent.

>> No.6195631

I still think it's not too late for me to do something about my life but right now I'm too scared to do anything.
NEET life is great and I wouldn't want my 2D wonderland to be taken away from me but my desperate need of love will drive me insane.

>> No.6195644

This is a good point to make. Science hasn't always been right. Mistakes have been made. Science is a dynamic field, when errors have been made we correct them, when a model is wrong, we repeat our observations and construct a new model if we have enough data, if the laws of Physics change for some reason then scientists will study it and come up with a new model to describe the new system.

>> No.6195656

Why not just a part time job, then get some grants and go to school?

Really, this isn't as difficult as most of you neets seem to think. Just take it a step at a time.

>> No.6195668

It seems a lot harder when you're scared.

>> No.6195675

I wanted to achieve a technological singularity and have total control of reality. Now I want to do research in either AI or neuroscience.

>> No.6195689

My aspirations...
>God-Tier Graphic Designer

>> No.6195709

Neuroscience is better.

>> No.6195715

They're both very interesting, probably two of the most interesting classes I've had through uni. And they mesh well together.

>> No.6195722

A good person.
I have not succeeded.

>> No.6195734

What the heck would I have to do in order to get into robotics? I'm talking the crazy research robotics with nanobots and advanced applications, not designing dinosaurs to jump at people on Disney rides. For some reason robotics has always been another of my "That would be cool to do" jobs. I don't even know what to label designing rail guns and shit as, but that's right up there as well. Anything involving magnetic forces is fascinating to me.

>> No.6195746

I had none, I still have none. If had any aspirations I certainly wouldn't be posting in this shithole.

>> No.6195755
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>> No.6195781

I guess that would be physics or electrical engineering?

>> No.6195788
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>> No.6195818

My parents are willing to help me with college, they keep a special fund for it too.
But I've always been really hurt by the 3D world and my social anxiety + personality disorder aren't exactly helpful.
Maybe starting with just one little step will change things a little.

>> No.6195825

At first I was like
>Biology ftw , fuck yeah.
But then I

>> No.6195866

First Choice: psychologist
Second Choice: pharmacist
Third Choice: corpsman

>> No.6195873

It's not as hard as it may seem. I started university last year and at first every fucking thing scared the shit out of me. I would only leave my room to go to the bathroom, because I wanted to avoid the people in my dorm as much as possible. Over time I developed a tolerance and now I just greet them. That's all I do and I'm probably beginning to go dead on the inside. But it still beats being afraid. Also my parents aren't ashamed of me anymore.

>> No.6195901

I was always undecided. I knew I liked staying inside though. I guess it was only natural that I became what I am today.

>> No.6195914

I wanted to be a pilot. Then I realized you needed like 20,000 hours of flight time before you start making anything decent.
Then I wanted to be a historian. Then I realized that you can't make a career out of a history degree outside of education. And I don't want to be a teacher.
Then I decided on Psychology, which is where I sort of am working on in university now. I kind of thought about going to med school to try and go for Psychiatry, but then I remembered that I am fucking horrible at mathematics and couldn't handle a year of Calculus, not to mention Organic Chem and whatnot, so that went right out the door. I don't actually plan to stick to Psychology, I'm going to see if I can't handle the LSAT in a year and shoot for maybe a degree in International Law.
I've got crazy ambitions, but I fail to actually do anything with them. If I can pull this last aspiration off, I can prove to myself that I'm not an absolute failure at everything I attempt.

>> No.6195960

I like to pretend I am some terrible tripfag, and that real life is /jp/. It works well, and is kind of amusing. You can even have gimmicks like Aikido. It doesn't even matter what happens. If you piss someone off, you won't see that person anyway in a year. On the flip side, you might make some friends and then you can form some kind of posse, much like the IRC circlejerks for tripfags.

Just keep in mind that everything is transient, and that fat nigger you're rooming with this year will only be a memory the next (much like a 404'd shit-thread).
