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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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619474 No.619474 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I had a Japanese girlfriend...

>> No.619477
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We all do Anon.


in b4 pigdisgusting.

>> No.619479


>> No.619481

aya-sama ;_:
she'll be my wifu one day.

>> No.619483
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Enjoy your crushing reality.

>> No.619485
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>> No.619495

That's your low-class jap.

I'll bet my fucking life in a casino ship, get more money than a chink with a PH.D will make in 2 lifetimes and marry dear Aya.

>> No.619491

aya who?

>> No.619498

in b4 that picture of the japanese girl with glasses laying on her back

>> No.619499

The shitty mspaint kanji make it obvious its a shoop. I'm pretty sure I've heard it was too. Not that japs are by nature hot though. I'm sure a lot of work goes in still.

>> No.619503

jap girls are really funny when they speak in english. they keep talking about how much butt sex hurts, or how their pubes have split ends. its kinda gross, but turns me on

>> No.619515

I had a Chinese girlfriend once. Though I pretended she was Japanese in bed.

>> No.619516

keep doing LSD, buddy.
it sure helps when you're daydreaming.

>> No.619521


>> No.620748

>I'll bet my fucking life in a casino ship

Unfortunately your life ain't worth shit. Unless you're signing up for a lifetime of slavery or prostitution. Then you're worth slightly more.

>> No.620753

I'm not exactly high maintenance. I have low standards because I treat people how I want to be treated.

As long as they dress decent,love me for me and enjoy my company.
Having that and her being Japanese would be an epic win on my behalf.

>> No.620754

name of this?

>> No.620755

Nothing but trolls and fools in this thread.
I leave myself wondering which I am.

>> No.620758
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This hasn't been posted yet?


>> No.620768

I lol'd

>> No.620770


Combat Amphibians

>> No.620771

>I wish I had a Japanese girlfriend...

>> No.620779
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Do Japanese girls really cry during sex?

>> No.620798
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Dunno, but heres another. Got it from a 3-D thread.

>> No.620799

I went out with a Japanese girl for a while last year, she goes to my college. They are fucking weird, wont lie to you, its probably the most painful relationship you'll ever be in. After a few days you'll get sick of them, over the top laughs, stupid fucking shyness and their clingy nature.

>> No.620806

Enjoy your hairy,gibberish talking girlfriend with horseteeth.

>> No.620807
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>> No.620808

Just be like "bitch get off me, I'm trying to play my toehoes."

>> No.620814
File: 39 KB, 240x400, 1210783353602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of all this rape talk. One DOES NOT rape Hirano Aya

You approach her softly, take her dinner, make her feel special...because she is.

When it comes time for you two to part ways, don't be greedy, kiss her gently but once on her supple pink lips.

And if by some grace of God, Aya wants to partake in the physical act of love with you, don't rush things. Take your time, you have all night together.

And when that moment comes for the climax of your evening, you had better not even think of arriving until you bring her screaming into orgasm followed by the gentle panting of her come down.

Even in the afterglow of your love making, you continue to hold her, caress her, comfort her until she drifts into a content slumber.

Admire that sleeping beauty you hold in your arms, and thank whatever deity residing above you that they could create a woman so perfect, let alone bring her to you.

Can you do that, Anonymous? Are you man enough to accomplish this task set before you? If you can't answer this question positively, then you sir do not deserve Hirano Aya!

>> No.620825
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That's okay, anon. You can have her. I couldn't give a shit.

>> No.620826

Remember when she didn't look like a slut?

>> No.620831

over the top laughs; at least she is enjoying her self.
stupid fucking shyness; I'm not the great social communicator either.
their clingy nature; most women are.

>> No.620829

lol NO

>> No.620834


>> No.620837
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>> No.620838
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>> No.620896


I'd do them both.

>> No.620897

Anon if you wanted an unappreciative slut who doesn't cling to you, you should have dated a white girl.

>> No.620912

fuck yes i will

>> No.620926

Agreed. I'd rather have a girl who doesn't always put herself and her interests first, and actually makes an effort to please me through various means. Also, I prefer cute to "hot" I suppose, so Japanese and other Asian girls are perfect to me.

>> No.620927
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I want to fuck my Japanese teacher

>> No.620937

I would rather date a white girl, but I'm too nervous to approach them. So I settle for Asians instead.

>> No.620942

What's keeping you?

>> No.620947

White girls are good for one-off sex, but Asians are for dating and stability. Also, you can train them to have better sex than white girls.

>> No.620954

I don't think chubby Japanese MILFs find twenty-something white guy students attractive.

>> No.620967

I wish that Japanese girl that likes talking to me would come visit more often

>> No.621089

trust me, clingy is the last thing you want
A couple of years ago (has it really been that long, also lol blog) I dated this girl (caucasian) and she fucking followed me everywhere!

Going out for a drink with "the guys" (who actually says that)? Guess who we ran into on the way to the pub.
Planning to spend an evening programming on something? Guess who's there.
LAN party? She found her way there (she didn't even like videogames for crying out loud)

She was nice, and I mean that as in type of character, not as in her assets (although that was ok, not fine, just ok I guess). But it drove me insane that everywhere I went, she'd be right there.

Now, you're gonna say "lol, you don't deserve a girlfriend if you prefer spending time programming over being with her" or something like that, but out of 7 evenings in a week I need to have one where I can do something _I_ enjoy. When she's around you constantly, or constantly calling you, it's... well... just too much. Give me some fucking room, woman, it's not a fear of commitment thing (love that argument)

Broke up with her, and she fucking started stalking me. It's creepy to have someone constantly show up at your regular places to hangout for 6 months. My friends and I changed our routine, and lo and behold a week later she'd switched too. She'd start dropping by with my former housemate on a near daily basis (and she didn't like that either after a couple of weeks)

It ended when she finally got a new boyfriend.

>> No.621120

i wish i had a girlfriend... i dont really care about nationality

>> No.621121

Cool story, homie.

>> No.621155

I would like a clingy girl as it would make me feel special.

Hell, I'd like any girl.

No fat chicks, though.

Or niggers.

>> No.621156

Did you at least hit it?

>> No.621160

I wouldn't call that clingy... that's more psycho. Japanese girls aren't like that. They're clingy in a good way that doesn't invade your personal space.

>> No.621191

Thats not clingy thats crazy. Clingy isn't that.

>> No.621193

Its like leveling up a pokemon.

>> No.621217

Of course

Well, during the whole stalking thing she did creep me out and I did think she was psycho.
But when we were still together she was actually relatively normal. Kind, gentle, whatever... No bunnies on my stove, no sensational dramas involving sharp objects, just really clinging to me.

From what I hear she hasn't changed in that aspect. She eventually married her new boyfriend (fuck, time really flies), and except for the time she spent stalking me she's still pretty normal. I avoid her like the plague though, so I only know what people tell me these days.

>> No.621504

Damn right. Being an RPG completist helped me more than I'd ever thought.

>> No.621582

*has a date with a japanese chick today that asked me out, not vise versa*

>> No.621585

Welcome to the superior world of Japanese dating. Even if its just tradition, its nice to see the women doing some of the work.

>> No.621619


Hell you had it good. Mine drove me up the wall. One minute she's throwing a fucking tantrum and the next she's crying her eyes out begging for you to come back (which I was stupid enough to comply with).

I wished I kicked her in the teeth or something.

Anon is right. 3D is definitely.. pig disgusting.

>> No.621645

Japanese girls are supposed to be motionless and passive in bed. They're called "tuna" which has positive connotations.

Enjoy fucking a doll

>> No.621653




>> No.621715

hey, you know what? I'd hit that waitress...and hit as if in would have sex with

>> No.621808

At least they actually get to fucking. Amerikkkan women are fucking cockteases.

>> No.621849

I'm one of those people who wish they had the balls to ask out any girl let alone a oriental one >.o

>> No.621860

glad you've finally realised that normalfag.

>> No.621874
File: 3 KB, 90x117, 1210801189421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of years ago (has it really been that long, also lol blog) I dated this girl (caucasian) and she fucking followed me everywhere!

Going out for a drink with "the guys" (who actually says that)? Guess who we ran into on the way to the pub.
Planning to spend an evening programming on something? Guess who's there.
LAN party? She found her way there (she didn't even like videogames for crying out loud)

She was nice, and I mean that as in type of character, not as in her assets (although that was ok, not fine, just ok I guess). But it drove me insane that everywhere I went, she'd be right there.

Now, you're gonna say "lol, you don't deserve a girlfriend if you prefer spending time programming over being with her" or something like that, but out of 7 evenings in a week I need to have one where I can do something _I_ enjoy. When she's around you constantly, or constantly calling you, it's... well... just too much. Give me some fucking room, woman, it's not a fear of commitment thing (love that argument)

Broke up with her, and she fucking started stalking me. It's creepy to have someone constantly show up at your regular places to hangout for 6 months. My friends and I changed our routine, and lo and behold a week later she'd switched too. She'd start dropping by with my former housemate on a near daily basis (and she didn't like that either after a couple of weeks)

It ended when she finally got a new boyfriend.

>> No.621880


Subtract that, and you're good to go.

>> No.622210
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>> No.622338

Remember guys, Japanese != Japanese American

Most Japanese in America are essentially white people since the rate of immigration from Japan is extremely low compared to Korea and China.

>> No.622443

me too. ;_;

But then I don't even approach guys I don't know that seem cool, and I'm not even after sex from them.

I just don't have anything to talk about to people I don't know very well.

"so how 'bout that weather."

To make my post relevant to the topic, I would like a Japanese girlfriend over a white girlfriend, no real reason aside from the fact that I've had nothing but trouble from white women.

>> No.622467

ITT tl;dr: white women are PIG DISGUSTING DO NO WANT.

>> No.622477

I'd date a white woman too, but I'm not going out of my way for either.
