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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6184358 No.6184358 [Reply] [Original]

how was youre day /jp/? I spent the entire day downloading porn, and my dick sort of hurts now

>> No.6184361

I went outside for once. The light hurts me.

>> No.6184363

It's 9am. I spent the entire night pretending to work on an assignment but instead browsing /jp/.

>> No.6184367
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Supposed to study for a test, but I played Etrian Odyssey 3 instead. Feels good man.

>> No.6184369

i lost my glasses, now i'm ashamed to lose something like that, i'm in despair, i'm fucking sad and these things cost really high

>> No.6184371

My day just started. Watched some Galaxy Angel, ate brunch, prepping to go the library to study biochemistry with classmates. Or maybe embryology, though I fucking hate embrylogy.

>> No.6184382

Been watching Boku No Pico, OP?

>> No.6184389

>I fucking hate embrylogy.

and here I thought /jp/ was full of super-pedos.

>> No.6184394

Embryos/babies aren't really children anymore than eggs are chicks.

>> No.6184402
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Interesting, I spent the whole day downloading eroge but my dick doesn't hurt yet.

>> No.6184403
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I had a 4 hour class this morning, then i spent the whole afternoon in a jazz bar with friends but i was reading bungaku shoujo, tonight i will probably study histo&embryo

>> No.6184411

played halo reach with my internet friends for 6 hours
played lara croft and the guardian of light for an hour or two
played and finished plants vs. zombies
fapped to a doujin i found on fakku
spent the rest of the day on the internet
currently trying to decide whether to play god of war 3, lara croft, or browse the internet until i get tired and go to bed

overall, pretty typical day.

>> No.6184418

You sure have lousy tastes in games. Except for Plants vs Zombies, that was a decent enough one, if too easy.

>> No.6184433
File: 754 KB, 600x833, ヨシザワ_モレシャン - ESPGALUDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i play everything bro. and lara croft and the guardian of light is excellent.

>> No.6184436

Even with NEETdom, you can't possibly have time for everything, can you?

>> No.6184441

Playing EVE Online... while playing/reading Utawarerumono

>> No.6184443

Sometimes I wonder whether I am the only one who, instead of fapping to a single doujin, opens up several different doujins of the same theme (loli, rape, intercourse with monsters, happy sex, etc) and faps to them all at the same time. I usually choose a particular girl to come to as well (eg "today I am going to ejaculate looking at Marisa", etc)

>> No.6184455
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well, not -literally- everything, but everything that can be considered good pretty much.

i have been slowing down lately since i've been aiming to get 100% achievements/trophies in all of my games, and that usually takes a good chunk of time.

>> No.6184467

Just how many times have you fapped to it, Arc?

>> No.6184472

The fact that you actually care about achievements makes you look like you have even less taste.

>> No.6184474


What makes you think I've fapped to it?

>> No.6184481


There is nobody in /jp/ who hasn't.

The first step is admitting it, Arc.

>> No.6184488
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but i like challenge.

>> No.6184489
File: 224 KB, 424x948, 1285210604426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a day like that a couple days ago. I saw this image and was like "I am going to fap to Oguie today." Oono almost got to me, but in the end I was able to finish the mission successfully.

>> No.6184490


No, I was just genuinely curiously what made you assume that I'd fapped to it.

Figured after we discussed that, we would discuss who we fantasized about being. Nothing could have prepared me for finding out that having a dude insert his hand in your pants while you're holding ice cream in a car would result in total radness.

>> No.6184495

I was going to do some work online but I got distracted by fapping and /jp/.

My fate has been sealed.

>> No.6184497

>Oono almost got to me,
Yeah, sometimes the Oonos win and I feel guilty afterwards because I didn't keep my promise.

>> No.6184515

You cannot watch that and not fap
Just sayin'

>> No.6184525

I've only watched a handful of the animated erotica and they all involved little girls, not boys. The one with the bunny was the best.

>> No.6184527


Apparently, normalfags find it horrifying.

I wanted to know why the other Anon automatically assumed I'd fapped because it's often bandied about here that I'm one of those dreaded Normalfags. Either I've been improved, or people know I'm TRUNEET and just imply otherwise to troll me.

>> No.6184533


>implying you don't browse /jp/ in a dress while pretending to be princess of all vampires

>> No.6184538


I am the same person
"Normalfag" doesn't even cross my mind when it comes to you. If you were normal you would have left this board a very long time ago

I just assumed you fapped to it because to be able to recognize that specific cumshot just implies such a thing

>> No.6184549


Funny, I browse /jp/ in a cloak with a glass of red wine and pretend I'm Dracula.

Yes, yes, "die monster, words as empty as your soul", heard it all before.

>> No.6184571


>pretending to be princess of all vampires
>implying I have to pretend
>implying I'm not the real deal

>> No.6184572

you're the biggest loser in this board so i agree

>> No.6184577


But you're not Altrouge Brunestud!

>> No.6184578

You know the real Arc is a worthless womanchild who can't even keep a gentle little girl/cat succubus well fed, right?

>> No.6184586
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>> No.6184587


/jp/ is full of manchildren. It seems as if I've chosen the right place.

Would you like to play...trucks?

>> No.6184595

Trucks? When I was a kid, I payed dolls with my best and only friend, who was a girl my age. Then she moved away and I haven't had a friend since.

>> No.6184596

What the fuck you are an idiot. Trucks?

>> No.6184599


>> No.6184601

Can we play with dolls? They're my friends, I'll introduce you to all of them!

>> No.6184603

No Anonymous, we are all friends here on /jp/.

>> No.6184604


combo broke'd

>> No.6184610

How about I broke your head and you stop posting such stupid babble.

>> No.6184613

Sure, I liked it when Kordex posted his dolls.

>> No.6184803

I just woke up... I'm kind of hungry so I think I'll toss down a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of cranberry juice.

I don't feel like fapping to delicious 2d right now, so I guess I'll continue packing up my place so I can move. You know...packing up figures, art books, and games is a real pain in the ass.

Later, I might take a break and toss on a few old anime laserdiscs for old times' sake.

>> No.6184841
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New apartment I assume. You must be exited.

My day has been ok. Bit depressed for no good reason. Played some good vidya, made some music, then brushed any trails of dust from my figurines. Normal day. Don't want to bother anyone too much today. Good goal for today.

>> No.6184842


Packing figures is a pain, but the worst part is having to walk with them from the street to your new place. In my case, only two/three figures (including boxes) fit into a moving box, so I opted for the shameful route.

>> No.6184853

>I spent the entire day downloading porn, and my dick sort of hurts now
Wait, you're fapping to downloads?
You're kinda wierd.

>> No.6184858

Presumably, he is downloading images while masturbating to them. I would think just saving the URLs would save space, but I guess he is worried the site will go down.

>> No.6184884
File: 49 KB, 480x272, cla_th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Cladun & preparing for the eventual eviction by parents on the side.

>> No.6184961

I played a bit of Trickster Online with my sister earlier.

Right now, I'm going to take a shower since I reek alcohol and after that, I have to do the groceries since my mother is gone overseas for a month.

I fucking hate it.

>> No.6184991
File: 185 KB, 1280x960, move1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not really an apartment. I'm moving out of the shit condo I'm in and into a much nicer townhouse unit.
I guess I'm excited.... Though any excitement is overshadowed by the sheer pain of dealing with the logistics of it all. I fucking hate moving.


Your not kidding... My biggest frustration are all the little pieces of sticky plastic used to protect them in the box. I have no idea how any of them go back on, so I just wing it. If I was really nuts, I'd video tape the unwrapping process so I could reverse it.

I do feel a bit weird walking down the hall in my condo building and riding the elevator with an armload of figure boxes... but whatever. If someone has a problem with it, they can fuck a band saw.

>> No.6185026
File: 12 KB, 444x414, 1283207726666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Condo? Bro, you hope you don't live on the bottom or top floor.

>> No.6185029


nice canvas art. Did you print them or buy them?

>> No.6185136




I bought them from NISA...

>> No.6185143

Aren't they like $300 each?

>> No.6185159
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.... They are. Laugh if you wish.

>> No.6185172

Is that your old condo, or the new townhouse? It doesn't look bad at all.

>> No.6185187

Today I just woke up but I had the best day I've had in years yesterday. Found a female 4channer and we discussed various /a/-/jp/ topics for like an hour and a half. She even has 3 dakimakura. I was impressed. Gonna see her again on monday.

>> No.6185209

>we discussed various /a/ topics for like an hour and a half.

Get out of /jp/

>> No.6185216


Old condo. It's a studio so I don't have a bedroom... It's way too small (453 sq/ft) and I'm running out of places to put things. I also detest living in a building with other people right across the hall. To top it all off, there's only one elevator and it's a rickety piece of shit.

>> No.6185219

/a/ topics as in Anime, not /a/ memes or whatever. I don't browse /a/.

You'd probably be lying if you said you don't watch any anime.

>> No.6185222
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>> No.6185226


She's 300lbs and lesbian.

>> No.6185228

I just woke up, and I'm eating cookies for breakfast. I'm probably going to watch anime and play FFXIV for the rest of the day.

>> No.6185230

>cookies for breakfast
Cooooookie crisp?

>> No.6185231
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>play FFXIV

>> No.6185234



>> No.6185236

I need something to kill time until Atelier Rorona arrives.

>> No.6185238

OK, we get it you have no taste.

>> No.6185239

To be honest, I wouldn't be really surprised if she was a lesbian. I'd be fine with an irl friend to discuss this stuff with, really.

But she isn't fat.

>> No.6185244

My day has just started. I'm forced to deal with a birthday party today, but if I'm lucky my parents will go out tonight and I can have the house to myself. Then I'm going to cyber with people on Second Life as a cute trap

>> No.6185248


Is she autistic and talks in short excitetd bursts while fidgeting with anything she can get her hands on? If so, shoot her, and then shoot her again just to make sure she knows she's dead.

>> No.6185249
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No, anon, it is you who has no taste.

>> No.6185250

Do you have a problem with Rorona, anon?

>> No.6185253
File: 31 KB, 329x459, catgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I was going to play some Transformice But it seems to be down. Guess I'll play some super mario galaxy 2

>> No.6185261

I was pretty disappointed with SMG 2. It was way too similar to the first game, and the level design wasn't as good.

>> No.6185267

That sounds more like me than her and I'm not autistic!

>> No.6185269

Yeah it doesn't really "get" me like SMG1 did. It's still a beautiful game though, even if the "FIND 120 STUPID HIDDEN STARS" thing after the end is dumb. With dead rising 2 coming out in a few days I doubt I'm going to 100% it

>> No.6185276


.... You know what you must do then.

>> No.6185285
File: 36 KB, 590x480, natsuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the whomp's fortress level. Took me back to a simpler time when I still had hope for my life

>> No.6185292

Dead Rising 2 was a letdown for me, as well. I downloaded the 360 version and finished it the next day. It has improved survivor AI and you can make your own weapons by combining other ones, but other than that it's the exact same game as the first.

>> No.6185302
File: 96 KB, 233x272, well you see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but other than that it's the exact same game as the first.

That's fine with me since I loved the first. I've already dumped hours into Case Zero

>> No.6185305

How big is the area compared to the first?

>> No.6185309
File: 585 KB, 276x252, cryin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The co-op seems fun. Or at least it would be if I had any friends to play with

>> No.6185311

I liked it too, but it still felt too samey. Especially since the first game came out over four years ago. I was hoping for more changes/improvements. Also, the melee combat is kind of shitty, which was problematic against a certain boss where it's hard to use weapons.

>> No.6185313

Not him but judging from the maps it looks like it's at least twice as big. It can also have TONS more zombies on screen at once

>> No.6185322

It's bigger, but not by leaps and bounds. With the first game I had to restart it a couple times because I missed too many survivors and wasn't sufficiently leveled up for the later parts of the game. Dead Rising 2 is definitely easier, I didn't have to restart even once.

>> No.6185324

Are there any big fuckoff weapons that will kill anything easy, like the minichainsaws and mega buster from the first game?

>> No.6185335

Why restart at all? When I played the first I played through the 3 days like five times before I even attempted doing the plot or saving lots of people

>> No.6185338

I'm sure there are, but I didn't really mess with weapon creation too much because it was a hassle to find the needed items to make the better ones. I just made a nailbat (both components are in the maintenance room outside the safehouse) every time I went back there and had little trouble for 95% of the game, including the psychopaths.

>> No.6185352
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Alone at my place while my parents are away; eating, fapping and being lazy.

>> No.6185356

My day minus the fapping, replace lazy with tired because I only slept for 3 hours this night.

>> No.6185360

A lot of people weren't aware you could keep playing after story failure. I don't know how they could miss that, but it's true. If I HAD to do missions all the time I'd hate dead rising

>> No.6185362
File: 95 KB, 640x361, enjoy your pig disgusting 3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really have to explain why I don't like Rorana again?

>> No.6185365

Oh, you. Get a tripcode or something.

>> No.6185369

Getting Saint was cool because it was like I was bill murray in groundhog day. I've seen everything happen so many times that I could set my watch by them

>> No.6185382

I still want to believe that /jp/ mostly prefers 2D. Getting a tripcode would make it seem like I'm the only one who avoids 3D games or something.

>> No.6185398

I like 2D more as well, but I'm still going to buy and play Rorona. If people don't buy their games, they won't bring anymore of them overseas. I'm a piratefag most of the time, but I want to support niche JRPGs.

>> No.6185405


>> No.6185406

Someone play with their cute affectionate little sister today.

>> No.6185413

Since when are Gust, Namco, or NIS small niche companies? They are all huge corporations. It's like saying Final Fantasy is a niche game.

>> No.6185440

I stole a piece of womans clothing that I found left behind in the laundry machine. My heart was pumping so fast and I had a raging boner when I was on my way up again to my apartment.

>> No.6185444
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Does it fit

>> No.6185451

Gust is not that big of a company, and NISA is probably is the smallest of the JRPG publishers outside of Japan. I don't see how Namco factors into this equation, since they're not involved with Rorona.

>> No.6185454


Of course it does, i'm very slim.

>> No.6185457

>NISA is probably is the smallest of the JRPG publishers outside of Japan.

The fact that they have a presence outside of Japan at all makes them big already.

> I don't see how Namco factors into this equation, since they're not involved with Rorona.

They are the Japanese publisher.

>> No.6185466

>The fact that they have a presence outside of Japan at all makes them big already.
They're still smaller than the other Western JRPG publishers. NISA games always sell less than those published by Atlus, Namco, Square-Enix, etc.
>They are the Japanese publisher.
I wasn't aware of that, but I hate Namco anyway since they only see fit to release one out of every four Tales games in the West. I really want to play the PS3 port of Tales of Graces, but they won't even release the Wii version, let alone that one. I hope the team that's fan-translating it actually finishes the job.

>> No.6185478
File: 4 KB, 538x538, Namco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as Namco became NBGI they became shit. They used to have a lot of awesome original properties and now it's just rehashes of their long-standing brands and licensed drivel.

>> No.6185482

I might be wrong, but that's what I heard, anyway.

>> No.6185508

Namco and original properties? Welcome to the nineties!

>> No.6185519

The 90's were the golden age of RPGs, anyway. It's been all downhill from there.
