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6181054 No.6181054 [Reply] [Original]

Something absolutely amazing just happened to me, /jp/. I absolutely suck at Danmaku, but I've been practicing hard. I was playing PCB on Normal, and I got up to the Prismriver sisters, being absolutely certain I'd lose for sure. I was dodging as hard as I could, and it was an utterly enjoyable battle all the way through, their amazing theme helping a lot. I was down to my last life and no bombs, however, and the last spellcard seemed impossible to survive through. Then, a miracle happened. I was breezing inbetween the bullets, not one of them hitting me. It was as if I was guided by the hand of a merciful god. I had no idea how long I had left to endure, but I didn't care anymore. I was mesmerized by the beautiful music and the thrill of facing death. I was ready to accept defeat. Then, I got hit.

At that very same millisecond, however, I beat the Prismriver sisters. This gave me a life, which I immediately lost, but this allowed me to keep my continue. I could not believe my eyes, then I laughed, paused the game, and cracked open a beer before getting utterly destroyed by Youmu in the next level.

Is this what Touhou is all about, /jp/?

>> No.6181068

you have attained Danmaku Satori

>> No.6181060

Yes. Lets take it easy.

>> No.6181087

>cracked open a bear

>> No.6181092

I want a beer now.

>> No.6181097

The first time you play Touhou, you play it like Space Invaders. You move back and forth frantically. You die a lot.

Then you realize that you can move up and down, too. You complete EASY MODO.

Then you come to understand streaming. If the bullets are aimed at you, you don't move frantically; you move slowly to one side in a very cautious, streamlined manner. You complete NORMAL MODO.

Then one day you realize that you can see the spaces between the bullets instead of the bullets themselves. You feel like Neo as he saw the truth behind the Matrix. You complete HARD MODO.

Finally, you realize that Touhou is not a two-dimensional game; it has a third dimension: time. As your mind thinks in all three dimensions at once, transferring the Z axis of normal experience to a Z axis of time, you finally realize how to be in the right place at the right time to beat the hardest of spell cards. You complete LUNATIC MODO. You have reached Touhou Zen.

>> No.6181123
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> Then, I got hit.

At that very same millisecond, however, I beat the Prismriver sisters. This gave me a life, which I immediately lost, but this allowed me to keep my continue.


>> No.6181169

New to Touhou.

After practicing EoSD on hard-mode and successfully defeating Meiling losing only one life, I decided to try a normal mode run to see how far I could go.

Everything goes perfectly up until I get to Cirno.

I die to icicle fall twice in a row.

I raged.

>> No.6181190

Is it for PC?

>> No.6181196
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New to Touhou
Play PCB for more than a month without beating it
Find about about vsync patch
Suddenly, no input lag
1cc with 4 lives left

Never have I trolled myself so hard

>> No.6181212

Good job OP, I am proud of you.

>> No.6181215

The trick to beating Flandre is conserving resources. It's possible to perfect her stage easily with MarisaA.

The only risky parts if you go for perfecting I would say are Silent Selene, the death fairy and the last batch of books. Everything else is easy including Royal Flare and Philosopher's Stone.

Especially Royal Flare, if you can get Marisa A's bullets to hit Patchouli right on during that card then it's clearable with only vertical movement. If you can get the right spot done it's clearable with no movement at all, but I always preferred moving through the gaps.

Both Silent Selene and the death fairy are both early so restarting if you die to them should not be much of a problem. But since the last batch of books is nearly the last part of the stage it'd be safer to bomb it.

Resources are a lot in Flandre's stage. Thinking about it you can only get 5 lives total. Three from the start, one from Patchouli, and the last from the last fairy. That also means only fifteen bombs. If you learn how to get to Q.E.D. with more than one life remaining victory is near gauranteed since Q.E.D. is only difficult right near the end.

>> No.6181234

I don't get this. What problem do people have with Icicle Fall normal? Seriously I never considered it difficult once. Simply stay near Cirno, move through one of the waves of bullets on the side when they start to converge then get back in front of Cirno with a small bit of leeway for her yellow bullets. Are there really people who try to stay right in the middle of the converging bullets? Converging diagonal bullets are one of the hardest things to comprehend danmaku wise. Seriously try to avoid them when you can.

>> No.6181263
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Did someone say "Icicle fall"?

>> No.6181267

I actually did just sit in the middle of the icicles and died horribly, and then I fucked up my respawn. A big part of it was that Icicle Fall doesn't exist in hard mode, so I didn't really have a strategy besides "ehh it can't be that hard the bullets don't even move that quickly FUCK DIDN'T BOMB."

It still felt bad.

>> No.6181313 [SPOILER] 
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I remember you complaining about this, I read about that just a few days before I managed to clear her extra stage.
I found that most of Flandres spell cards were geared towards careful movement in between individual bullets rather than fast movements between them, for which Reimu would have been favoured over Marisa. I never had much luck on the extra stage with Marisa, especially as Master Spark whilst cutting through pretty much any boss in the main part with ease did nothing against Flandre. But that might just be my personal style, I've heard people saying they've done the extra stage with Marisa before.
Pic not related.

>> No.6181325

Once you figure it out you can do it 90% of the time without problems. For me it's just a matter of when to slide to the side, and circle around the convergent part and then back in when it stops. If you get the rhythm you'll be fine, if you mess it up slightly it's hard to recover without a bomb. Watch a replay.

>> No.6181351

Marisa B is the worst character for Flandre. Solely because the only thing that's going for her is her bomb. Try Marisa A. Marisa A is quite possibly the best character aginst her. Her bomb may be mediocre damage wise, but it still clears out the bullets in a pinch. And her damage is best in the game long range wise only being beaten by Reimu if you're capable of shotgunning. Shotgunning is not possible against Q.E.D. so the most optimal way to do it would be with Marisa A. I once captured the card and I felt ecstatic about it.

>> No.6181385

What is shotgunning?

>> No.6181408

Shotgunning is when you make a spread character get up close to make it so that all the bullets hit the enemy like a shotgun, hence the term shotgunning.

>> No.6181590
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>vsync patch
>no input lag


>> No.6181637 [DELETED] 



To >>6181215

You are a fucking hero and I hope you know that. I just googled what the fuck the vsync patch is and after hours of problems I got it working and holy motherfucking tapdancing christ this shit is insane. I used to lose all my lives to Cirno when playing EoSD lunatic, now on my first try with the patch I got to Sakuya. SAKUYA I TELL YOU.

So Flandre shouldn't be a problem now that I don't lose 1 - 2 lives at Maze of Love and generally will be able to bomb when in danger and not "oh my, I might be in danger in the next few second, guess I'll spend a bomb now"
But that aside, is the vsync patch considered "cheating" or is it okay?


The facht that you remember me really makes me sound like a whiny bitch ;_;

It's actually everything I did..
I do Royal Flare without moving and bomb the death fairy or the bunch of books if I'm not sure.
The problem was more in some of Flandre's Spellcards and that's where I come to


>> No.6181665

>>6181123 here


You are a fucking hero and I want you to know that. I just googled what the fuck the Vsync patch is and Holy Mother of God. I didn't get to Stage 3 on Lunatic EoSD before and now on my first try with the patch I got to Sakuya. SAKUYA I TELL YOU.


Thanks for the hints, it was practically everything I did before. I captured Royal Flare without moving, only bombed the last bunch of books or the death fairy and started Flandre every time with 5 lives. What fucked me up was that I wasn't able to bomb without the vsync patch because it's more like "Oh my, in the next 3 seconds a bullet may hit me, let's just waste a bomb" and Maze of Love was impossible without losing a life.


The fact that you remember me makes me feel like a whiny bitch ;_;

>> No.6181694
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This made me want to try some Touhou again, which one do I start with?

>> No.6181697

>The fact that you remember me makes me feel like a whiny bitch ;_;
Me remembering is more down to the fact that that is a really cruel thing to actually happen. Your whining is justified.
>vsync patch
I am curious. What sort of lag is there usually? I might try this tomorrow.

>> No.6181698


>> No.6181700

Yeah, Sakuya is a real bitch on most difficulties of EoSD including lunatic, but to tell you, remilia blows past everybody in terms of difficulty in lunatic.

When you do unlock Remilia in lunatic practice mode. Be prepared to practice her stage a lot. Her last two cards on lunatic are two of the most difficult cards in the game among other cards like Q.E.D. and Killing Doll.

Remilia's cards are all quite difficult so be prepared. You'll soon start finding Sakuya quite easy in comparison. The only thing difficult about Sakuya is her last card. Remilia's lineup is terrifying.

>> No.6181735


I haven't played on lunatic seriously before, I just wanted to try out the vsync patch and it was insane.

I've watched enough replays of Scarlet Gensokyo and Scarlet Meister on lunatic and there's no way in hell I'll ever come close to capture them

>> No.6181739


           ..   n             a  .. 
                   ______/  /
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                  .\  \/  /
                    .\  \/
              i      .\      a  .. 


>> No.6181766

Thats the spirit. You have become a real man

>> No.6181784

I can't tell you how many times I've killed a boss or their spell card, only to die a few milliseconds before the screen clears.

>> No.6181802

So I just looked up the vsync patch and I find out that it has a config file that allows you to set the window size to whatever you want. This pleases me.

>> No.6181817

o god I never put much thought at how I could get up to Sanae with no mistakes in MoF but catch HELL getting past Patchy & Meling, or never deathbombing despite knowing my timing was good in PCB. This patch is a godsend.

>> No.6181822

>You are a fucking hero and I want you to know that. I just googled what the fuck the Vsync patch is and Holy Mother of God. I didn't get to Stage 3 on Lunatic EoSD before and now on my first try with the patch I got to Sakuya. SAKUYA I TELL YOU.

You've raised my curiousity. After some googling I found http://mentaltoilet.blogspot.com/2009/05/vsync-patch.html and downloaded the vsync patch, but I'm not sure how to actually install it. Do I just put the vpatch_thxx.dll files in the respective touhou folders? I'm guessing there's more to it than that, and running the exe just gave me an error that I can't read

Can anyone explain how to properly install this vsync patch?

>> No.6181829
File: 97 KB, 640x480, Vsyncfuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here again, first attempt with Vsync after months of trying


You are my personal hero

>> No.6181832


Read this thread, it's the best thing close to a tutorial I could find.


>> No.6181836

Crazy lag with EoSD. Reimu or Marissa unfocused is almost a half-second behind whatever you input. You either get precognitive skills like a Jedi or you end up ragequitting.

Same with PCB and IN (though it's less a problem with IN).

>> No.6181849


I raged about Maze of Love somewhere, because it was simply impossible to dodge the bullets while hugging the bottom, I lost a life every time and sometimes two. Now I just captured it. JUST. LIKE. THAT.

>> No.6181861

Why do people keep on insisting on doing Maze of Love the hard way. Once you get the maze once properly you can pretty much get it every time after. Seriously trying to dodge it straight on is pointlessly dangerous. You have VSync patch now, right? Try it the normal way and see how easy it becomes.

>> No.6181863

I'm not that good (yet), but I know I should be at a level where I can ghost Patchy's cards--her non cards and Undine are my biggest difficulties and that's usually due to I know I should be x amount of pixels away from the laser's hitbox but NOPE, YOU'RE STILL DED.

Fuck Imma be on this all night until I finally get my long-deserved 1cc.

>> No.6181884


Undine is a bitch. I raged like a little faggot when Satori decided of all the Spell Cards Patchy has she has to use that one.

>> No.6181917
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So what does this mean?

>> No.6181923

Damn, I've been wanting to try the vsync patch for a while, but I could never figure out what the original .exe files were called so it'd actually detect them.

>> No.6181933

I used to feel the same about Undine, but really, once you figure out it's just streaming with some minor cross stream dodging, it becomes fairly easy. At least they didn't give Satori Emerald Megalith, or whatever the Lunatic version of it was called. I usually have more trouble with Philosopher's Stone anyway because I've yet to get used to the knife hitbox.

>> No.6181939


Can't tell you anything else than trying everything they're saying in this thread


Applocale, renaming the EoSD file to the moonspeak gibberish and the other ones to th07 th08, etc. should normally work.

>> No.6181968
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you deserve a screen cap OP.

>> No.6181980

Can't find the real game file.

Dunno how that'll help you but that's what it says.

>> No.6181983

Figured out the trouble, I'd copied over the vpatch_alcostg.dll as well. Removing it seemed to do the trick.

>> No.6182040

you need a few things correct to get vsync patch working with eosd.
1) rename th06e.exe to the japanese name
2) copy the vpatch.exe, vpatch.ini, and vpatch_th06.dll into the th06 directory
3) get applocale
4) run applocale in japanese mode on the vpatch.exe

>> No.6182061
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Followed this for PCB, but I'm getting an error.

>> No.6182145

PCB just needs to be named th07.exe. EoSD is the only one that needs to be in Japanese.

>> No.6182213

but if you do that, will the text in the game revert back to japanese?

>> No.6182216

Rename the Japanese on to T07j.exe and the English one to T07.exe

>> No.6182233

After all the times I post the VSync patch on /jp/, people still don't know about it.

Alternate download, english instructions.

I have the latest update and the one for GFW, but they're both in betatest. If anyone really wants it.

>> No.6182254

Sweet, now I got it working in English and everything.

Hopefully I can 1cc normal modo now on PCB.

>> No.6183228

I don't really have any problems with GFW, but I'd like to know where you go to get updates to the vsync patch, so I can get it myself when it comes out of beta.

>> No.6183282

I don't go anywhere specific, I just find stuff more-or-less happenstance.

>> No.6183326

Got the vsync patch working and played with a controller for the first time. It's fun playing unfocused and seeing how many bullets you can zoom through.

>> No.6183413


>> No.6183528

Holy crap, Deathbombing without knowing I'm about to die soon in PCB is awesome.

Running just the vpatch .exe after it's been run through applocale once works, right? Also, let's say I have a small flashdrive. Would the vpatch.exe need applocale to run on that, or does it not matter?
