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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6179488 No.6179488 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6179492

is it too late to vote? it's ending in half an hour. will my code generate before then?

>> No.6179497

nope, it won't
But she's winning.

>> No.6179505

Saten does not deserve to win Saimoe, someone hurry up and knock her out already. Did anyone actually care about her before she was spammed here? She's only barely above the level of background character. Go away Saten.

>> No.6179518

Don't worry about it, she can only get so far before she's out. She'll flop against the more popular characters, easily.

>> No.6179530


>> No.6179533

Then how do you explain she's winning? Saimoe isn't a /jp/ contest by any means, which means she has plenty of popularity that can't have been generated by her being 'spammed' here. If you could turn off your autism for a minute you'd see plenty of people genuinely like her.

>> No.6179557

I can see that, but I can't understand it.

>> No.6179560

Saten is probably the best character in railgun and I dare say in the indexverse.

>> No.6179567

I will never understand her popularity. If she manages to win this whole thing, I won't even be mad. I'll just be confused. That would be like Senjougahara winning, or Takano winning, or something along those lines.

>> No.6179568

Huh, I didn't know the word originated from that kanji. Thanks for teaching me something new, Saten!

>> No.6179573

>I will never understand her popularity
meme spamming creates two reactions, people either hate it or join it.
Saten has little to do with the character herself, by now. I mean, we got japanese bird and bawson for how long before this?

>> No.6179575

Here watch this and you just cant explain moe.
Saten is just perfect in the eyes of many.

>> No.6179581
File: 559 KB, 1400x961, moe 147135 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Index is the best character.

>> No.6179593

>Takano winning

Do not compare the likes of Saten to Takano

>> No.6179604

ITT someone is STILL mad that Saten is popular.

If you took out the parts where she was in a coma, I'd say she had more screentime than Biribiri.

>Did anyone actually care about her before she was spammed here?

Someone had to care enough to spam her here.

>> No.6179605

1位 657票 佐天涙子@とある科学の超電磁砲
2位 648票 琴吹紬@けいおん!!
3位 100票 霧島翔子@バカとテストと召喚獣
Saten won. /jp/ 9 votes might be the difference for Saten winning against the blacktime slut,

>> No.6179609

This only makes me impressed with the effort put in. It still doesn't explain how she's popular, she's as plain as ever. Her voice acting is also flat.

>> No.6179612


oh fuck YES

>> No.6179615

Unfortunately /jp/ used proxies so the actual winner was Mugi. Where did that whole black thing come from anyway?

>> No.6179616



>> No.6179619

What's that supposed to prove? She still don't have that many Japanese made MADs about her, the other characters have her good in that field.

The truth of it all is that Saten never was that popular in Japan, and barely anyone posted about her at all prior to around mid-season railgun.

There was in fact a rather in-famous time when there was some kind of /a/ user, who by himself spammed Saten all over /a/, promoting her as his waifu, and he even declared that he was sad because no one else gave her enough attention according to him.
His spam was actually frowned upon, even on /a/, but eventually, people seemed to forget about all that, and I guess it didn't take more than a month or two before it had flipped around entirely, and all of a sudden Saten was the new cool thing to post on /a/, and it all started from there.
She barely had any attention at all prior to that.

>> No.6179620

You didnt read black time?

>> No.6179621
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>> No.6179624

>Saten-san wa sugoi kirei de, atama ga ii, kanojo ga ore no ichiban suki na bishoujo.
Typical Saten fan. Also, I'd say her atama is pretty warui considering her level.

>> No.6179625

Uiharu had her beat in terms of screentime, by far.

>> No.6179629

This doujinshi had as much influence on how Mugi is perceived as Platonic Magician had on Shirou:


For those interested, Black Time 2 is out as well:

>> No.6179633

Must be because I don't read Mugi doujin. She's the only main K-ON girl I haven't fapped to.

>> No.6179637
File: 384 KB, 849x1200, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to fap to Yui then?

>> No.6179640

Not really, I did it once around the time the anime first started because of her stockings, then never again. She's too moe to be fapped to.

>> No.6179638

I don't lurk /a/ and I hate Saten spammer like most of the people on /jp/.
I did watch Railgun and I realize it was much better than Index solely because of Saten.
A level0 trying her best, using level upper because of her weakness and lastly saving everyone with a baseball bat. I doubt that qualify as a useless side character.

>> No.6179644

You listed pretty much the only useful thing she ever did. Generally, she was just hanging around the other more useful girls, being annoying. She reminds me of myself in high school.

>> No.6179645
File: 118 KB, 595x841, 1280862991137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure what's going on in this thread but i'm grabbing some of you anons with me!

>> No.6179646

You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it does.

>> No.6179648

Miyako lost by 2 votes.
Sion's opinion is invalid.

>> No.6179652

Railgun didnt have anything else besides the stuff I listed.

>> No.6179655

I used it once. It is my belief that moe and sexual attraction can overlap, but if it's all moe, it's more like a fatherly feeling that can't even be tainted the same way a fatherly feeling towards a little girl might be.

>> No.6179669

>she's as plain as ever
Because most of the people liking her are just as plain as her or as much as a loser as her.
The same reason why loser characters that suddenly become strong are so likable and popular.

>> No.6179672

/jp/ - Alpha as fuck

>> No.6179676

She was the only girl in the main cast that went through a personal conflict. The other girls outside of maybe Uiharu had no significant character flaws and because of that, they were boring.

>> No.6179704

Well, that's actually objectively true. But what's her name, the stripper girl, she did the same thing and she's more moe.

>> No.6179726

Hey, now.
Misaka liked cute things, but she couldn't show it because she was afraid the others would make fun of her, right?

>> No.6179741

Black Time isn't canon, Saten's level upper drunk binge is.

>> No.6179743
File: 2.55 MB, 4500x950, 9764915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you prefer females over males and you don't read the Index novels and Railgun manga.

>> No.6179746


*drug binge

Yes, I mad.

>> No.6179750

>drug binge
What? Refresh my memory please. I dont remember this.

>> No.6179751

How does that count as a personal conflict?

Kuroko was a walking character flaw waiting to happen but that's also why she was interesting to watch.

>> No.6179757

The most accurate translation "Moe" would be something like "That which is attractive".
And yes, it's not attractive in a sexual way, but it can be.
It's just plain and simple, something attractive.

>> No.6179759
File: 349 KB, 690x1000, 11690726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is everyone voting Azusa and Fumino today?

I guess we can have Saten vs Saten today and Saten vs Saten next round

>> No.6179762

In other words, a fetish.

>> No.6179764

No thanks.
I used my code earlier only for Saten. I doubt I will vote again until the next Saten match.

>> No.6179766

momoko and fumino for me

>> No.6179766,1 [INTERNAL] 

So did /jp/ really thought Mugi was going to win? I have to say you guys sure underestimated Saten san's popularity... She's the most beloved railgun girl in Japan.

>> No.6179771

Not quite, but similair in a way I guess.
Moe can be in a sexual sense, but it really doesn't have to be.
A feitsh has to be in a sexual sense, because it's a sexual attraction and not just an attraction.

>> No.6179780

>A feitsh has to be in a sexual sense, because it's a sexual attraction and not just an attraction.

No, it doesn't. Look it up in the dictionary instead of just relying on what people commonly use the term fetish for.

>> No.6179796

Well.. sure, I just assumed one definition because I didn't think any of the other I know of was it, due to the context.

1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.
2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.
3. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
4. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

I am fairly certain we can rule out the magical stuff, then there's the sex thing, and finally the last definition I know of, something one is obsessed over, but that's not quite attraction, that's more like obsession/fixation.

I can be wrong though, but this is the "fetish" I know of.
