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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 350x300, Logo-Emule,9-A-334-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6174649 No.6174649 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6174656

>hurr I'll keep downloading illegal material, they can't get me with p2p
serves him right

>> No.6174663

I remember when i used to download CP with this. I once had a 20 minutes vid of a Father who made "gymnastic" naked in the garden with his daughter. Had touching and all sorts of that in it, but nothing too hardcore.

>> No.6174664
File: 49 KB, 300x300, Laughing_Chimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still uses p2p
>he uses eMule

>> No.6174667


>> No.6174669

What, people still use eMule to share CP? I thought everyone just retreated to WinMX, emboldened by the belief that the rest of the world thinks it's dead. And by the way, good luck sifting through the list of bogus files that turn up every time you search for something on eMule.

>> No.6174668
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>> No.6174673

Real pedos get their CP off the police and FBI archives.
They got shitload there.

>> No.6174674

Tell me about that. The best thing I found was a series of Japanese spycams showing little girls peeing in a squat toilet. Some of them had a little fuzz on their mounds and their labia had started to blossom already, but most were very young and this excited me like nothing else before. Holy fuck.
Also, their pee was so pure and crystal clear.

>> No.6174676
File: 491 KB, 1000x1333, 1283342621926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, P2P is shit. I started downloading things (not CP) when I entered the Internet, but I switched to direct download as soon as the police closed Razorback and people got dispersed trough all networks.

Beside, P2P servers are being watched by the police. Cases like this one are not rare.

If you still download trough P2P, you sucks.

>> No.6174681

I never understood this, why are the police going after people who d/l these things instead of going after the ones who are uploading them in the first place?

It's like screaming about how showing rape in media is bad but do nothing about the rape actually happening in the streets.

>> No.6174682

I downloaded a few gigbytes of cp from some social site like facebook that allows private videos with account that have all my personal information. And I don't give a shit.

>> No.6174685

The simple answer is that they go after both, and doing so discourages the production and trade of it.

>> No.6174686

Spoiler: you can get pinched by the poh-leece if you distribute or share CP, but as long as you just download it there's nothing they can do about it because you are hardly traceable.
Me? My shared files directory links to an empty folder, anything that ends up there is quickly moved to another external folder as soon as the download is finished. Sometimes I put some rather innocuous (I dare say "artistic") photos of naked girls just to make sure that the "SHARE OR DIE" kind of users won't abort my download halfway through, believing that I'm a leecher.

>> No.6174690

>P2P servers

Huh, what?

>> No.6174693
File: 41 KB, 195x195, 1231823094225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sick fucks.

2d loli is alright, nobody is hurt

>> No.6174694
File: 437 KB, 890x1100, 1285172463289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vkontakte. it's russian social network. in russia, social networks are for cp.

>> No.6174697

>sankaku complex

>> No.6174700

You need to know who has what.

Anyway, this is not /jp/ related and hardly news, take it to /g/ they enjoy tinfoil hat topics.

>> No.6174703

You don't know shit about distributed hash tables.

>> No.6174706

Yeah, lol.

>> No.6174714

Inefficient compared to a server keeping tabs on everyone.

>> No.6174715

Sure looks like Russia has cornered the market on CP and spam sometimes.

You'd think there would be more spam advertising CP...

>> No.6174723

which cp videos have /jp/ watched before?


>> No.6174726

>Tell me about that. The best thing I found was a series of Japanese spycams showing little girls peeing in a squat toilet. Some of them had a little fuzz on their mounds and their labia had started to blossom already, but most were very young and this excited me like nothing else before. Holy fuck.

>Also, their pee was so pure and crystal clear.

there are quite a few of those. i can go one further and say that there was a japanese toilet spy cam video and a few of the little girls were HAVING A SHIT.

they were squatting of course and you could see everything, the tight hairless vaginas, the poo coming out of their little anus...

>> No.6174727

I don't memorize their names.

>> No.6174731

>I don't memorize their names.

well it should be in the file names anyway. also how would you remember which cp you have seen or not seen so you dont waste your time downloading ones you've already seen?

>> No.6174747
File: 25 KB, 352x288, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay or anything, but this one is my favorite.

>> No.6174758

While you're technically right, I think that's a bit of a nitpick. I'd say DHT is more reliable and the better route because it doesn't have to rely on trackers to stay up, less worry about THE MAN keeping tabs on you and don't have to pay the financial price of running trackers.

>> No.6174759

since some of us have seen cp, which ones your favorite? mine is:

1) "salty milk" vicky. EVERYONE has seen this so i dont need to explain this. very enthusiatic long haired 10-12 year old girl, sucks a mean cock.

2) viola. shes pretty new and stars with her uncle i think. she looks like she's about 7 to 8 years old and has long brown hair. VERY aggressive and orders her uncle to go or stop. usually seen playing with her pussy with a pen.

3) german girl, longish hair, VERY tight and shapely 10-12 year old body. wish i knew her name. her cp vid usually comes with a german song on it.

4) another blonde german girl, about 7-8 years old with fairly short hair. usually seen with her little 4-5 year old sister. one of the cp vid she is in, her father is sitting on a chair (facing the camera), she is on his right and her naked little sister is on his left.

the older sister has shirt one but not wearing pants or panties. her father also wearing a shirt but no pants. she tries her best to suck on his red erect cock, then climbs on top and to the front of him so that he can rub his penis on her tight pussy. she climbs off again and continues sucking his cock, the phone rings and he ejaculates but unfortunately, wasnt able to shoot his cum in her mouth.

when watching this video, i like to pretend i am the guy getting his cock sucked by the 7-8 year old german girl.

fuck i wish pedophilia was legal.

>> No.6174765

holy shit people still use emule?

>> No.6174769

Reported to FBI.

>> No.6174770

I like how peaceful /jp/ is when maido is not around.

>> No.6174767


Germany is pretty big in this "CP-business", huh?

>> No.6174775

Doesn't mean squat on p2p since you upload while d/ling, I think I'll just stick to loli and traps.

>> No.6174782

>>6174765 holy shit people still use emule?

I know, right? it's probably distributed and monitered by the feds

>> No.6174785

Can you post links to these videos, bro?

>> No.6174786

>Germany is pretty big in this "CP-business", huh?

not really, the ones i listed were one of the few german ones. most the ones ive seen looks like from eastern europe like valya.

oh i forgot, another good cp video is the one with a 6-8 year old french girl. shes obviously french because she is speaking french.

anyway at the start of the cp vid, she is holding and playing with a cat. then it skips forward and she starts taking her clothes off.

this is the best part: she is only 6-8 years old but she has an amazingly delicious body, the best ive seen for a girl as young as her. she is squatting, completely naked (except a necklace) and you can see her flat chest, vagina everything. like i said, she has a nice body for her age, no baby fat and not skinny either.

the end of the vid, the pedo tries to get her to suck his cock. she has a small taste but evidently, she doesnt really like it.

>> No.6174790

>Can you post links to these videos, bro?

sure, but can you show me your badge first?

>> No.6174792

See >>6174747
This is the video I fapped the most to in my whole life.

>> No.6174793
File: 14 KB, 201x169, bigboss_OO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes obviously french because she is speaking french.

>> No.6174796

>Doesn't mean squat on p2p since you upload while d/ling, I think I'll just stick to loli and traps.

why not download cp, you know, ELSEWHERE (not just p2p) instead of masturbating to loli hentai?

take it from me, i like loli hentai as much as anyone else but sometimes, only a cp video of a real 10 year old getting fucked can do the job.

>> No.6174800

>This is the video I fapped the most to in my whole life.

this is the second mention of this video, i've never seen it before and she looks a bit old. whats it about?

>> No.6174798

I ain't got no badges, sir.

>> No.6174801
File: 14 KB, 351x450, badge_704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go.

>> No.6174804

I made both those posts. I just felt like saying twice because I really love the video.

>i've never seen it before and she looks a bit old.
It's a boy... with another boy. But it's not really gay if it fooled you, I don't usually like boys, it's just an exception.

>> No.6174806

>I ain't got no badges, sir.

the point i was trying to make is that i am not going to do the job for the fbi/lea (law enforcement agency).

if you dont know where to download cp, either that means you are not ready to learn where to get it yet or you are a lea employee.

if you are in fact a lea employee, then just download cp from your own servers. its well know that the fbi themselves have the biggest collection of child porn. they are the ones who make the fake pay for child porn websites.

>> No.6174810

>I'm not gay I just like little boys

>> No.6174816

Nothing gay with fapping to some sort of 3D boku no pico.

If I was gay, I wouldn't be ashamed to say it, but I swear I'm not.

>> No.6174817

>if you dont know where to download cp, either that means you are not ready to learn where to get it yet or you are a lea employee.
or maybe I'm just uninformed and stupid

>> No.6174818

>It's a boy... with another boy. But it's not really gay if it fooled you, I don't usually like boys, it's just an exception.

well i guess youre safe, for this video at least. nobody (like the fbi) cares about boy child porn. its girl child porn where the outrage is at.

i dont like boys either, but that doesnt stop me from masturbating to boku no pico.

im still heterosexual though because i just pretend pico is a girl. he certainly looks the part.

>> No.6174820

>or maybe I'm just uninformed and stupid

yep, and that means youre not ready to learn where and how to download internet child porn.

im not making fun of you, this is for your own sake and protection due to the pedophile witch burning hysteria we have in society right now.

>> No.6174822

It's legal in my country though

>> No.6174824

being a pedo is like being a witch? really? hmm, nice selling point.

>> No.6174827

Do you really want to get yourself into that? You have to take many precautions to make sure you're properly protected and ingrain your attraction to children deeper into your mind.

Just stick to what you have imo, it's not worth the effort it requires and possible repercussions if you make a mistake.

>> No.6174829

>well i guess youre safe, for this video at least. nobody (like the fbi) cares about boy child porn.
Really? Is it because it's less cruel? Each time I look at boy cp I like it more because they all seem to enjoy it way more than girls.

>> No.6174831

I already am into this
I just got my material from other sources

>> No.6174837

I meant "it will ingrain.." I didn't mean you should try to cement your attraction.
If you're a pedo you should try to stop being a pedo because it's depressing and possibly dangerous to children.

>> No.6174851

>nobody cares about boy child porn.
Do Women watch cp too? Or only men?

>> No.6174853

>Really? Is it because it's less cruel? Each time I look at boy cp I like it more because they all seem to enjoy it way more than girls.

i just mean in general, nobody cares about the suffering of little boys compared to the suffering of little girls. everyone likes little girls, thats why a little cute girl was the main star of the 2008 beijing olympics.

society doesnt care about missing little boys, or male circumcision, or prostate cancer or men who have been raped.

but if a little (especially white) girl goes missing, or a little girl gets her vagina mutilated, or gets breast cancer or gets raped, then the outrage happens.

not to mention female child molestors and they get lesser sentences than male ones.

>> No.6174858

Can you at least post the salty milk one?
I have never seen it and I feel out of the loop

>> No.6174860


How the fuck would you get CP from (and on, for that matter) a social network site?

Surely people would accidentally stumble on it, report it and get it taken down. Right?

Unless there's some crazy obscure search criteria, but even then.

>> No.6174863

Because in Soviet Russia, CP take down YOU!!

>> No.6174866

>Investment Banker
Who unbanned you?

>> No.6174870

I don't really know what to say. This is pretty sad.

I guess it's true, girls are pretty advantaged in society.

>> No.6174875

Not really. The rapes alone more than make up for any imagined advantage girls have.

>> No.6174879

>How the fuck would you get CP from (and on, for that matter) a social network site?

>Surely people would accidentally stumble on it, report it and get it taken down. Right?

this is a wonderful irony. as the pitchfork wielders continue their crusade against pedophiles, they fail to realize that the more they try to desexualize children, the more children become THE BIGGEST PRODUCERS OF CHILD PORN.

i dont think youll read this on CNN but most new child porn these days are made by teenage girls showing their naked bodies on webcam, not by random pedophiles around the world.

>> No.6174883

No, not really. It's easy to not get raped if you're cautious.

Also, Banker, do you think it would actually be possible to... "meet" a boy without getting in trouble? Not that I'd want to, of course, I'm just curious.

>> No.6174885

>Also, Banker, do you think it would actually be possible to... "meet" a boy without getting in trouble? Not that I'd want to, of course, I'm just curious.

that solely depends on whether the boys parents or guardians find out about it.

i'd suggest you read an online document called "The mule's guide to fucking children" or something like that.

its in pdf format but a text version should be available on pastebin

>> No.6174886
File: 10 KB, 178x192, hibiki_proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that the most civilized discussion in /jp/ is about CP.
This is why I can't bring myself to hate this board as much as it sucks.

>> No.6174887

wow, the internet just got a liittle bit smaller for me today.

>> No.6174889

>"The mule's guide to fucking children"
What the fuck? There's a guide called that? Is it legal?

>> No.6174888

No, not really. Most rapes are by known people. Constant vigilance should not be the answer.

>> No.6174891

>It's easy to not get raped if you're cautious.
caught me slippin'
time to walk that shit off

As far as meeting kids, you're best off with family or family friends. Building trust with parents is the most important part. If you just wanna play and touch and you're not too old, go to public pools and start playing with the kids, eventually they will start clinging on you and asking to be thrown around.

But really, this stuff is crushingly depressing. Try to not get too focused on kids.

>> No.6174900

I'm 19 and I look younger. You know what, your idea is actually pretty good.

>> No.6174902 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 418x407, 1275252690643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is reported.

>> No.6174903

Hey IB do you have a video of a girl called Valya? if I link you to it will you link me to Saltymilk.mpg in exchange?

>> No.6174909

>female child molestors
Isn't that obvious? Who of us wouldn't want to have an older women rape us when we were young boys?
Men think like that.

Who would want to do this yourself. The appeal is about watching.

>> No.6174908

Oh! One last important question: is making out with a kid actually illegal? I guess not, but I just want to make sure.

>> No.6174916

Depends on local laws, I'd just assume it is if I were you.

Because just watching can be difficult for some people.
Forming a close relationship with someone younger can be exciting and amazing. Usually it's stressful and depressing though.

>> No.6174924

>Hey IB do you have a video of a girl called Valya? if I link you to it will you link me to Saltymilk#### in exchange?

ive seen both already. salty milk is vicky, a child porn star that every pedophile has seen.

just download it from winmx. since vicky is so popular, everyone is an uploader.

>> No.6174934

What are you going to do when the boy becomes older and no longer has the body you're attracted to?

Will you still like him? Or do you only like these kids for their bodies?
