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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6169847 No.6169847 [Reply] [Original]

Visual novel fans.

31 interviews with fan translators:
Moogy (co-founder of TLWiki)
Ixrec (head of Amaterasu)
Phar (YU-NO)
Kouryuu (Mangagamer.com)
Pondrthis (G-Senjou no Maou)
Necrosis (Gore Screaming Show)


>> No.6169880

I care SO MUCH.

>> No.6169893

Are you trying to turn eroge into the next "edgy scene you have been following since before it was cool following it"?

>> No.6169915

since when was it cool to begin with?

>> No.6169922

dunno, but people are sure acting like it is. I mean "interviews"? Seriously?

>> No.6169937

What does that have to do with making it 'cool'. Sure, I'll agree interviews are dumb and I have no interest in them, since I could use that time to read VNs or browse /jp/ instead. But I don't see exactly how this is supposed to have any meaning.

>> No.6169942

In before Fox News reports on the erotic Japanese games that are corrupting our youth.

>> No.6169943

Tell this to kotaku.

>> No.6169989

If anything I think the interviews were done for the sake of fan translators more so than the fans. As for fans, they couldn't give less of a crap as long as they get to keep playing

>> No.6170012

Oh how I hate that SnapShots preview popup thing

>> No.6170274

Not completely true.
A VN fan here, very interested in the VN translating community, and would very much like to contribute to it but sadly I lack any useful skills (not even editing since english is not my first language). Perhaps image editing if I get better with photoshop in the near future.

>> No.6170288

I don't think Kouryuu is a fan translator anymore.
Wait, was he ever?
I mean, I remember seeing him on gemot a lot before mangagamer came around.

>> No.6170347

No Haeleth interview?

>> No.6170368

Moogy didn't translate anything either strictly speaking, that's why it's more of a scene e-penis thing than talking about actual fan translations.

>> No.6170375

I sure don't know anything about it being "edgy" or "cool", but I won't deny that it has evolved into something that could be considered a "scene".

Anyway, I find these interviews to be a pleasant read. they might not matter much perhaps, but I am fairly interested in projects overall, be it original content, oficial works, or fan-projects such as translations.

>> No.6170394


He's a an editor for Sharin, isn't that enough?
Maybe you've forgotten that editor too is an important role in translation.

>> No.6170413

You mean he rewrote it.

>> No.6170440

Well, he did co-found TLwiki.
You can't deny the influence TLwiki had on modern fan translations.

>> No.6170646

The izmos/kingshriek YU-NO interview was great.
Necrosis interview was interesting.

There are some other good ones, but most are pretty boring.

>> No.6170711


I found all of them to be fascinating to some degree.

That said, it's a piece FOR the community ABOUT the community. Most of /jp/edos can move right along - nothing to see here.

>> No.6172349

Phar should leave YU-NO behind for a bit and translate the 2 Symphonic Rain Side Stories missing.

>> No.6174396
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Bumping for one more.

>> No.6174401
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This guy is definitely a cool bro.

Have a bump on me.

>> No.6174505
File: 753 KB, 799x599, 1283739076941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little Busters! (dango OR milkdango)

>I hear that the Komari patch is making progress nicely. Can you give a rough indication of an ETA for the patch for the fans?

>As Phlebas mentioned on the IRC channel, it’s gonna take about a month tops until the release of the patch. But he sure is a fast and skilled worker, so it could be less longer than expected.

>> No.6174508

Just keep KS filth out of your blog and you'll be just fine.

>> No.6176419

Cheers for Hoshimemo and Never7. And Ixrec and Moogy and the others.

>> No.6177974

There's some good info in here about the status of some translations and upcoming projects.

>> No.6177974,1 [INTERNAL] 

nah man it'll never happen
