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File: 103 KB, 747x1042, cup of tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6166756 No.6166756 [Reply] [Original]

Tea thread~

What are you drinking tonight?

>> No.6166767
File: 3 KB, 105x126, 1283683211549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not tea, that's for sure.

>> No.6166779

Drinking some Earl Grey at the moment. I'm not too adventurous with my tea drinking.

>> No.6166790


more like
this fine evening

>> No.6166784

Don't you mean this afternoon?[/spoiler

>> No.6166796

Not quite evening yet dude.

>> No.6166882
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1536, Picture 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green tea with dried pineapple, mango, carrots, oranges and various herbs.

Sweetened with 1tbs of german rock sugar.

>> No.6166889

Apple cider

It has my tastebuds all excited for when my Apple moonshine is finished on Halloween.

>> No.6166890
File: 1.23 MB, 1536x2048, Picture 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infused at 175 degrees for 60 seconds

>> No.6166907



>> No.6166909

This is why you don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.6166913
File: 67 KB, 271x240, forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink earl grey, I think I'm more of a coffee man though.
Drinking either makes me stay up for a very long time, so I only drink when I'm desperate.

>> No.6166920

I don't understand the gravity of this situation, please explain.

>> No.6166921
File: 1.22 MB, 1536x2048, Picture 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it makes me appear sensitive!

>> No.6166933

Since when has sensitivity got anyone laid outside of a 80's teen movie?

>> No.6166940
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Oh look, a tea thread. Green for me please!

>> No.6166943

I had wisdom teeth out a few days ago so can't drink anything hot. However, I have a selection of teas from a shop near my house. When it comes to green tea, I usually have loose leaf Japanese sencha or Chinese Gunpowder "Temple of Heaven." Black tea I like Assam Dimakusi and a blend called Stockholm Blend that contains "orange peel safflowers calendula blossoms rose petals vanilla and apricot."

>> No.6166944

Don't listen to them, I find your beverage choices very attractive.

>> No.6166953

I see SOMEONE has taste in /jp/.

>> No.6166967

I guess some mint tea will do for me
Oh btw tripfag... is this stuff any special since it's from germany? We call it simply kandis here.

>> No.6166973

It's brown and costs more, it guess that's it.

You know the germans make good stuff.

>> No.6167000
File: 643 KB, 1680x1050, Henry Hatsworth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cold and I'm all out of chamomile, any suggestions?

>> No.6167001

just wondered, because I haven't thought that we were a big nation of tea drinkers

>> No.6167003

Irish Breakfast tea is my favorite from the few I've tried. Early Grey is tolerable, but I'm not fond of it. No green tea for me.

>> No.6167017

mint, elderberry, linden, black tea with lemon

any tea is fine since the heat eases your sore throat and the liquid helps to flush your body

>> No.6167022

How can you not like green tea?

>> No.6167026
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Thank you sir.

>> No.6167035

Tea with less caffeine is better. Drink it with little-to-no sugar.
Actually, if you have a cold, a salty broth would be better.

>> No.6167050

I don't care for the flavor or the strength. Though admittedly, I've only had various bottled green teas. Perhaps I should make my own so that I can make it weaker. What about white tea?

>> No.6167066

White teas are good. They're my favorite right after greens.

>> No.6167071

I posted "Wow."
I was just impressed. I guess I gave off the wrong vibe

>> No.6167080

jasmine tea is my favourite

>> No.6167091

Patchy and I will soon be drinking White Peach Wuji Oolong and eating sugar cookies. Will post a picture in a moment.

>> No.6167101

Monkey picked oolong is best oolong

>> No.6167119

Irish breakfast tea.

>> No.6167149

I got it from a tea store called Teavana, I'll have to go there and ask/complain about the monkies or lack there of.
Is it SUPER Irish breakfast tea?

>> No.6167162

Ceylon and assam make it DAMN SUPER.

>> No.6167217

anyone know of any online stores that sell high quality tea leaves?

>> No.6167246


>> No.6167273

Right now i have a glass of jasmine pearl tea.

>> No.6167314 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 480x640, SNC00258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid flash. Or maybe it's her heart glowing But really, look how happy she is that I brought her a snack.
www.adagio.com has pretty good tea I'm told.

>> No.6167329

What Type of tea is that? Its such an unusual shade of green.

>> No.6167331
File: 137 KB, 480x640, SNC00258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid flash. But look how happy she looks because I brought her a snack.
adagio.com has good quality I'm told.

>> No.6167362

They have a good selection with plenty of info, fast shipping, and cheap samples to decide before you invest in a tin of something you don't know. Their specialty is western style tea but they do carry everything. I'd suggest picking out a dozen or so of the dollar samples to see what you like.

>> No.6167614


>> No.6167636

Right now I'm drinking some oolong. I just bought the leaves and they were ridiculously expensive, but it was so, so worth it.

>> No.6167672

Funny, I was just pouring myself a cup of Japanese green tea.

>> No.6167684

I can't drink anything caffeinated. I have ulcers at 19, and it fucking hurts.
