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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 8 KB, 251x251, ban a tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6165105 No.6165105 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6165108

I'd like to ban all of them.

>> No.6165110

what happened to Jones?

I haven't seen him around, though admittedly I haven't really been around lately, but he used to be around at almost all hours

>> No.6165113

I love hypothetic "what if" threads. They're so useful and enriching.

>> No.6165112


>> No.6165115

Currybutt..... Oh wait.

>> No.6165116

He has a girlfriend now. I'm surprised he still actually visits /jp/.

>> No.6165118

:3~ !RAKiSUtaAA for literally being a faggot.

>> No.6165121


>> No.6165124


>> No.6165125

White Ren or Scandaroon or Suigin...
Seriously they are all awful.

>> No.6165128

Suigin is just ironic/tries to be funny, the other two shitpost on purpose

>> No.6165129

I also haven't seen him around

what the fuck man
I spent only about a month (or was it two?) away from /jp/ and all the tripfags are seemingly gone

I've only seen mugen and his stupid tripcode that's all fucked up because he's trying to evade some filter?

oh and Sakura is here and there too, Remilia in his share threads.. what else?

>> No.6165137
File: 63 KB, 480x318, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa for being so fucking secondary it hurts.
He should fuck off to shrinemaiden.

>> No.6165143

It's not "ironic/trying to be funny" when 99% of his posts belongs in /b/.

>> No.6165146


>> No.6165147

One of the tripfags that post in the idol threads. I'll strike their ringleader and the whole chain of command will go down with him.

>> No.6165148

>>6165125 White Ren

>> No.6165150

GAY!bar is still around posting greentext and reaction images.

>> No.6165151


>> No.6165154

All of them

>> No.6165158

Scandaroon and/or White Ren. You couldn't pay me to ban, eg: Marisa Kirisame, Arcueid, Mugenjohncel, Satori Komeiji.

>> No.6165164

Jones for being a terrible poster
Zun!bar for /a/ level posting

NACK for /v/ / /int/ level posting and circlejerking with Sudo
Sudo for being retarded and circlejerking with NACK

>> No.6165166

Fujiwara no Mokou

>> No.6165182


Although if you ban any of the trips they just post anonymously and then you can't even filter them.

>> No.6165184

I want to be a tripfag so people can recognize me, but I can't keep up with Internet persona.

>> No.6165185

>You couldn't pay me to ban, eg: Marisa Kirisame, Arcueid, Mugenjohncel, Satori Komeiji.
Congratulations, you are a TERRIBLE poster.

>> No.6165189

Jones' new trip is: Ayashiro !Hime2512LA. Judging from his formspring, he was still around one day ago.

>> No.6165191

Too bad, I think they're colourful, and they're far preferrable to White Ren/Scandaroon who do nothing but post "REPORTED"

>> No.6165199

They just do that ironically, those people are horrible posters. But I don't mind Marisa since she's a good girl.

>> No.6165200


>> No.6165208

Who cares. Ren/Scandy still don't contribute anything. They're just worthless.

>> No.6165215

And you think those shitposters contribute anything or worth a fucking damn, no?
They are just horrible avatarfags, RPers, especially mugen. I bet you like deleted as well.

>> No.6165233

Roleplay sucks, but I don't particularly care about it. I care even less about "the correct way to use the picture field" and sixty-thousand other /jp/ "laws".

ie: I take it easy. You get butthurt.

>> No.6165252

White Ren (all of him).
I've never gotten into a scuffle with Scan, but every time I do see Scan he's having angry arguments with people.

>> No.6165258

Koishi-themed topic stayed alive and untrolled for 2 days. Scan is already banned.

>> No.6165259

Either nipaa or Bernfag, they just annoy me and ruined both characters for me

>> No.6165262

And this is Otaku Culture related how?

I sagfe ur thread, lulz

>> No.6165263

Reported for being one of the worst posters on /jp/

>> No.6165265

>I spent only about a month (or was it two?) away from /jp/ and all the tripfags are seemingly gone.
Let me guess... you are one of those insecure people who uses filters and nannyware... right?

LOL!!!... I OWNED YOU!!! I BET YOU ARE BUTTHURT RIGHT NOW!!! NOT!!! (OK just kidding... were really friends right!)

NO!... I can bribe my way out of hell anytime I want!

>> No.6165267

Then why do you even care about White Ren/Shitty Scandaroon "REPORTED"? Why did you have to get all defensive and use some memes to assert your point? If you truly take it easy, you won't even post in this bashing thread in the first place.
You are not *gasp* 'butthurt' because they reported your shitty /a/ threads and meta threads, aren't you?

>> No.6165273


>> No.6165281
File: 176 KB, 1127x509, What a great poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6165285

Oh my, it seems that I was so butthurt that I can't even use grammar properly

>> No.6165286

Everyone that's posted ITT. And all the others.

>> No.6165288

Oh well.

Pet peeve. We all have them.


>> No.6165295
File: 211 KB, 819x819, 1275362535194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just a little lonely, he wants some friends, that's all. Too bad he can't fit in.

>> No.6165307

All SHITPOSTERS (suigin, NACK, white ren, currybutt, sion, ZUN!bar, ) that don't actually contribute anything to the board.

Seriously, how does it feel to be a rock stuck under a cog?

>> No.6165305


>> No.6165317

White Ren because he's the most annoying faggot around here.

>> No.6165319

But those "shitposters" you guys are frustrated at bring out the true flavor of /jp/.

>> No.6165321

I like how /jp/ is comparing tripfags that post certain types of threads they don't like to tripfags that only post to say "REPORTED" and trollbait.

OH NOES THAT PERSON IS A SECONDARY WHAT A FAGGOT! As if that matters. You were a secondary at one point too.

OH NOES THAT PERSON POSTS RP THREADS! Some people enjoy those threads.

Your subjective opinions don't mean shit. As long as some people here enjoy threads, there is not reason to force your opinions into getting them banned. They are a part of this community just as much you are.

>> No.6165324

Is he even a tripfag now?

>> No.6165329

He makes a lot of pointless and stupid comments.

>> No.6165330
File: 14 KB, 191x234, doushio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw my favorite tripfag ain't listed and everyone seems to love him

>> No.6165334

What the hell is a formspring?

>> No.6165337

Every post ITT is reported through multiple proxies.

>> No.6165338

Croatia, he seems to mistake /jp/ for /v/ a lot.

>> No.6165341

did you start browsing /jp/ yesterday or something? He even cracked another respected trip just so he could inspire more buttangery

>> No.6165343

mugenjohncel and all those faggots who use gaia-like faces.

>> No.6165349
File: 292 KB, 515x555, 1266647857724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6165355

A place where people ask question and you answer. Just google it since I can't post the link on 4chan. And please make an formspring account since all the cool kids are doing it( Jones, ZUN!bar, Suigin, Sids-chan etc), and to fulfil this Anon's fantasy: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/S6077877#p6077889_25

>> No.6165355,1 [INTERNAL] 

