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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6161875 No.6161875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6161884
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This one because I'm baked.

>> No.6161881
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>> No.6161888
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>> No.6161891
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>> No.6161894

I would be extremely surprised that there was someone ordering fast food in my house.

>> No.6161895

A bag of potato chips in England.

>> No.6161896

I don't think an American would order "crisps".
I think you have confused Americans with the English.

>> No.6161887

the fuck?

>> No.6161904

I think the britfag means french fries.

>> No.6161905
File: 46 KB, 800x573, what the fuck man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Massive amounts of shit-food
>Diet cola.

>> No.6161903

This is Soviet Russia. The only americans round here are spies, and they aren't fat.
There's also James Bond, but he is neither american nor fat...

>> No.6161902
File: 179 KB, 500x500, getout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.6161899
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>> No.6161898
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>my face when an american called a crisp a "potato chip"

>> No.6161910

Oh look, it's shitty cross-board nationalistic circle-jerk trolling.


>> No.6161913

Makes them feel like they are actually eating healthy

>> No.6161916
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>> No.6161920

I made a post about this.

"Crisps" are potato chips in England.

>> No.6161922
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>> No.6161923
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>orders crisps
I hate to break it to you, OP, but your fat friend is British, not American.

>> No.6161926
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>> No.6161939

What does it matter? All white people look alike.

>> No.6161934
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>> No.6161942
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>> No.6161943
File: 61 KB, 225x252, yfghf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the rare occasion that I go outside, I usually stop by Burger King and order around 12 burgers. The reactions I get vary since I'm severely underweight; some look confused and some think I'm just ordering for others.

Nobody knows the real reason. I'm an enigma.

>> No.6161945
File: 277 KB, 1439x1000, 1285015328125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face you make when muslims take over most of Europe.

>> No.6161951

disgusting subhuman detected.

>> No.6161952

What the fuck man? Are you bulimic?

>> No.6161960

I thought Turks did not have the right to vote in Germany?

>> No.6161965

It's time to evacuate Helen then.

>> No.6161966

No, I eat 1-2 when I get home and throw the rest in the fridge for later. I rarely go out so I have to order a lot when I do.

>> No.6161974
File: 14 KB, 126x253, 1278740691800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are Muslims going to take over /int/?

>> No.6161972

Turks aren't the only muslims.

>> No.6161970
File: 640 KB, 250x170, 1267834052043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you honestly tell me there is any real difference between England and the United States? Or even France and the United States?
No. You can't.
Now look at Asia.
You would have to be a lier or a fool to be able to tell me there is any real similarity between, say, the look or culture of the Chinese or the Japanese. THAT is real physical and cultural variety. Europe and North America are so fucking similar its disgusting. Its like you all decided overnight you want to look the same, dress the same, and act the same, and forgot to tell anyone else in the world.
You sicken me.

>> No.6161983

They already have. Why do you think there are so many 9/11 threads?

>> No.6161987

Yeah, that's what I'm about to become. I can't stop eating for some reason, every second there's something in my mouth. So this is what becoming fat feels like...

>> No.6161988

>Can you honestly tell me there is any real difference between France and the United States?
Yes, and if you think otherwise, you are fucking stupid.

>> No.6162003

Between France at large and the United States at large?
Yes, there is a HUGE difference.
Between New York City and Paris?
No. They are the same.

>> No.6161999

I heard brits have terrible food. I wouldn't be surprised if they were less inclined to pig out.

>> No.6162004

World's fattest country = World's most powerful country

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.6162010

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Not /jp/ related in the slightest, and shitty old troll image.

>> No.6162009

They just pig out on Indian cuisine instead. Shit is delicious.

>> No.6162021

Shanghai and Osaka are also incredibly more similar than China and Japan. All major metropolitan cities acquire similar traits. So?

>> No.6162031

I... don't think McDonalds even sells crisps.

I mean, what the hell, man.

>> No.6162044

Diet cola is preferred when eating because normal cola mucks up the teeth.
