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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 728x498, IMPORTANT MESSAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6161738 No.6161738 [Reply] [Original]

I have noticed that the Avatar for White Ren is available for public use
And that the original owner is not between us anymore
So i would like to ask for /jp/ permission for me to become the true White Ren
That is right, and i don't want to hear any complains from you guys because people only seem to use this avatar to troll and to submit invalid reports
That is why from now on i will be taking the cognomen of White Ren
And with it i swear that i will become one of the greatest posters of /jp/
End of the message

>> No.6161746

White Ren was always a shit poster, and as we all know a copy can never surpass the original, so you too shall always be a shit poster.

>> No.6161758


>> No.6161760

Reported for trying to use The Almighty Ren for something other than reporting.

>> No.6161764

Reported for trying to be more of a shitposter than i am.

>> No.6161768

Alabama still comes here you shitlord

>> No.6161785

You see /jp/
That is what i meant, people who use the cognomen of White Ren don't have any shame
Wouldn't you guys prefer a White Ren that contributes interesting things to this board?

>> No.6161788

There can only be one.

Fight it out with all the others, bathe in their blood and the title shall be yours.

>> No.6161792
File: 180 KB, 743x757, 1253792681394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make your own trip, why steal someone else's?

>> No.6161793


Well, it's not like anyone can stop you, you know.

>> No.6161794

>There can be only one

>> No.6161817

Because i want to make /jp/ a better place to live
And by assuming the cognomen of someone as remarkable as White Ren i can change the minds of the /jp/ users
Just think about it
What would you think of a /jp/ full of posts with the quality of Suigin, Sion and ZUN!bar?

>> No.6161828
File: 70 KB, 327x338, stoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you think of a /jp/ full of posts with the quality of Suigin, Sion and ZUN!bar?

>> No.6161832

>What would you think of a /jp/ full of posts with the quality of Suigin, Sion and ZUN!bar?
It would quite possibly be the worst board on the entire internet.

>> No.6161836
File: 50 KB, 507x371, Keep_on_trollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6161838
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, 1250786386533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who cares has filtered White Ren long ago. You could make a much larger impact with a fresh name of your own creation.

>> No.6161856

Reported for doubting the legitimacy of The White Ren Legion.

>> No.6161858

What about that White Ren who posted the pic of White Ren reporting from the toilet? Isn't that guy White Ren?

>> No.6161861

Hmm...Dear Maria, i'm afraid that is not my style, i think the best way to deadl with /jp/ is by doing something like this even if it ends up into a great flame war, i respect you and your opinion, but i will deal with it in my own way.

>> No.6161868

You have no right to say anything, White Ren.

I make great posts about games and stuff.

>> No.6161878

I just noticed Ren stopped posting on the 25th of august
rip Alabama

>> No.6161882

Call yourself

>White Ren (Improved) !YLuFFdRcFQ

>> No.6161886
File: 98 KB, 800x444, 1280030141604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I make great posts

>> No.6161889


Dear God...the shit triad have come

>> No.6161908

Why are you quoting invisible posts anon?

>> No.6161911
File: 141 KB, 807x1033, qma3e7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have posted this screenshot so many times that it has lost all meaning.
