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6159565 No.6159565 [Reply] [Original]

An ominous tea is brewing.

>> No.6159574

Does anyone on /jp/ even drink tea?

>> No.6159572

Looks like semen to me.

>> No.6159576

I do, usually Earl Grey or Black without any additions, like fruit tea though.

>> No.6159582
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Tea expert here, ask me anything

>> No.6159583

you make tea with bags in those shitty coke glasses too?

>> No.6159585

My tea of choice is this stuff that comes in a box containing hundreds of bags for a couple of dollars at the grocery store. Chug tea all day, it's cheap and rough but so are the common name brands these days so man up and slam the caffeine.

Cheaper and healthier than chugging soda all day for your habitual caffeine overdose.

>> No.6159589
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I'm drinking some Earl Grey right now incidentally. In the morning I will sometimes put some milk and brown sugar in it, but, at night I just have it plain, and leave the bag steeping in the mug the entire time so that it's as strong as possible.

>> No.6159592

My tea of choice is always loose leaf green tea from Japan. I am a tea snob.

>> No.6159596

>he doesn't have tea ceremonies!

>> No.6159598


n omnious PEEE is brewin moar liek


>> No.6159601

If I had a chasen and matcha, I would definitely do tea ceremonies.

>> No.6159605

Nice coke class full of fabric and floor sweepings. Faggot.

>> No.6159644

I wonder how Rafflesia or Welwitschia tea would taste like.

I bet they'd be expensive as fuck, given how rare they are, not to mention Rafflesia has tiny, flaky buds that pass for leaves and Welwitschia only ever grows two leaves in its 1000+ year life.

>> No.6159695
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Earl Grey.

>> No.6159783

that cup is pretty gay

>> No.6159786

Don't you mean Pretty Grey

>> No.6159788

at first, I thought that thing in OP's picture was a pickle

but I suppose it could just as easily be dried shit from the floor

>> No.6159791
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>> No.6159803

oh u

>> No.6159832

I knew it, you have the same glass I do. I wasn't sure from last time.

I thought I could use the glass so when I saw the offer at mcdonalds so I bought it. It's nice. I use it as my main glass.

>> No.6159836

Yo are you that guy that made that thread about swallowing warm Hershey's kisses?

>> No.6159849

Goddamn, I didn't know other people used this cup for tea.

>> No.6160014

Btw, are these plastic?

>> No.6160021


>> No.6160037

In my country they are. ;_;

>> No.6160048

How do you even hold that hot glass cup?

The water IS hot, right?

>> No.6160098

Let it cool off a bit?

>> No.6160115

>he doesn't drink tea while it's hot

>> No.6160141


>> No.6160162

I think there is something wrong with my tongue....
I always wanted to enjoy tea
But i just can't....
Does the tea quality affect the taste too much?

- I have only tasted Teabags tea

>> No.6160176

>implying iced tea isn't superior

>> No.6160177

My mom makes tea for the family all the time. It's a culture thing for me.

Teabags are okay if you're lazy.

>> No.6160201

>he doesn't swallow the leaves and brew the tea inside his stomach!

>> No.6160287

Wait... so no one in America drinks tea?

>> No.6160291


Try using milk/cream and more sugar.

>> No.6160297

What? Nobody even implied that. Millions of Americans drink tea all the time.

>> No.6160327

Americans are too busy having coffee enemas.

>> No.6160338


Then why is it so weird for you?

I mean this:

>> No.6160341

did you ever make tea from pencil sharpener shavings?

was it good?

if you never did, do you have the craving to now?

>> No.6160362

Is there a proper way of making iced tea? Everytime I try to do it it ends up tasting horrible.

>> No.6160371

That's a single obviously away-with-the-fairies anon. Don't pay attention to something so far out and listen to your common sense.

>> No.6160372

did you put it outside in the sun?

>> No.6160376


>> No.6160382

i think that's one of the steps you're supposed to do while you're converting it from water

>> No.6160400

walk to a store
take a carton of it
pay for it
take it home with you

>> No.6160409

But that's boring and it requires me to go to the store.

>> No.6160442

Concerning brewing it yourself I assume you grossly underestimate just how much sugar is in commercial ice tea. It's pretty much soda.

>> No.6160450

Well, I haven't really tried iced tea sold in stores.

>> No.6160463

Making sweet tea like they have at mcdonalds or whatever is easy. I like it like that but it's because I am a fatass living in the south. You just put five or six teabags in a pot of boiling water, take it off heat, cover it and let it sit for like 4-5 minutes. Add like 5 cups of sugar or so and a bunch of ice and rinse the tea bags out. It's cheap in every sense of the word and not very sophisticated but it's good.
