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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6156417 No.6156417 [Reply] [Original]

How and when did you discover Touhou?

>> No.6156420

On /jp/, just now.

>> No.6156418

From McRoll

>> No.6156424

My threads on /a/ got Touhou hijacked.

>> No.6156432

Here, this was the first board I browsed on 4chan.

>> No.6156433

Marisa Stole the Precious Thing and Overdrive

>> No.6156435

IOSYS videos.
Yeah, sue me. I think it was about 5-6 years ago when Etrian Odyssey came out. I followed a related link from the FOE video and found Marisa Stole the Precious Thing.

>> No.6156454

A whiiiiile back, a friend of mine was playing this weird game on his laptop. I asked what it was.
"Oh, it's a shooter game, TooHoo or something."
"Oh, kind of like 1943 or something—"
Suddenly BULLETS. Millions of them. I was awestruck.

>> No.6156457

When Touhou was still raping the crap out of /a/.

>> No.6156467

I was walking one day trough the streets when, suddenly, I crossed the border by accident.

>> No.6156468

Through doujin manga people dumped in /a/.

Prior, I learned about the game's existence because somebody played it in the dorm lounge from time to time. I learned about the characters (just pictures no names) a bit afterwards because they kept showing up when I was looking for wallpapers.

>> No.6156473

From an internet radio, the guy played mostly IOSYS.

>> No.6156475

I did not discover Touhou, it discovered me. Yukari appeared in my room and offered me a trip to Gensokyo.

>> No.6156476

At the dawn of /jp/, I decided to finally search out those "Touhou" games on the Pirate Bay since they had finally gotten their own board.

>> No.6156502

Touhou Wiki I think, back when IN just came out. I thought a take on Japanese mythology that wasn't outright retarded was good so I got into it.

>> No.6156517

I... don't... remember... odd.

my memories start with me getting destroyed on EoSD. There must have been something before that, but I don't remember at all.

>> No.6156518
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Playing a StarCraft UMS map, a motion based map set to a remix of Invisible Full Moon.
Since it was such a good song, I looked for it.
Enter inescapable pit.

>> No.6156528

Sometime on /a/, around 2005? I think it was just before the IOSYS flash video for Border of Death came out. Being a Gradiusfag, I took to PCB like a pig to shit.

>> No.6156544

I don't honestly recall.. but it was last autumn when I was suffering from my usual kaamos-depression. I guess it was the usual IOSYS videos, cheering me up.

>> No.6156563

A bit over 2 years ago when I first visited /jp/ out of utter boredom.
Although Marisa Stole the Precious Thing was my first contact, I didn't understand a thing or gave it much thought.

>> No.6156572

My buddy was big into it and sent me a couple of the games to help me pass the time when I was deployed back in '05. I've been hooked ever since.

>> No.6156577


>> No.6156617

I was competing in illegal underground boxing clubs when I hit Touhou so hard the white arms of his dress got stained red. Then later I met Touhou's Friend, that Witch girl.

>> No.6156635
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The "feel the magic" touhou flash movie was my first real exposure to it where I found out what it was from.

I'd seen pictures like this one as well, but I didn't realize the character was from any particular series at the time. LOL REISEN IS GENERIC, yeah, we know.

>> No.6156660

When I first saw Tsurupettan and various iosys stuff I enquired with people what they were. They said Touhou and its a curtain fire game. I was none the wiser until about a month later I was looking at UN Owen was ronald.

>> No.6156679

What is touhou? Is it the source of that stupid "Cirno" meme?

>> No.6156719

Another IRL friend told me about it, back in 2006 I think, same time we found out about 4chan. I looked up some flashes like Overdrive, Border of Death and MSTPC, and decided to play PotFV.

The rest is history.

>> No.6157800

I'm not sure. All I remember, is one day PCB was on my computer, and I had to come to terms that there was a game I couldn't beat even on easy.

>> No.6157807

wara ningyo ni, wara ningyo ni, wara ningyo ni
gossun gossun gossun kugi~!!

yi er san yi er san one two three one two three ichi ni san,
yi er san yi er san one two three one two three ichi ni san,
yi er san yi er san one two three one two three ichi ni san,

eins zwei guten morgen yi er yi er ichi ichi ichi ichi

hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi hi fu
hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi hi fu
hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi fu mi hi hi fu
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi fu mi yo hi fu mi yo

>> No.6157839

See, /a/ had this RP thread between Alice and Marisa ...

>> No.6157844

no shit ?

>> No.6157850

When some fags on /a/ started posting about it.

>> No.6157852
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>> No.6157853

The first I ever knowingly heard of it was a touhou flash on a random blog that I came across, around Oct 2006. Then I came across more flashes, and suddenly it became big business on 4chan.

>> No.6157876

There was a 200 post thread on /b/ and I read it and someone posted a megaupload of PCB.

>> No.6157895

Theres no Sake in this canyon.

I regret nothing.

>> No.6157908

In 2006 I read about it in a local gaming magazine.

In 2007 a friend started including Touhou original and arrange tracks in the music batch he occasionally shared with me.

In 2008 I had been playing the games and for some time, started reading doujinshi and looking for more music arranges independently.

In 2009 I browsed /jp/ for the first time, started following specific events online.

In 2010 everything Touhou all the time

Feels good man

>> No.6157900

from this imageboard http://iichan.ru/b/

you see. the default name here is "cirno"

>> No.6157942

I wondered what was this tohoes you fags wouldn't stop fuzzing about, so I download and played the PC-98 games.

Up until this day I can't see what makes people think this franchise is so special...the games are fun, though.

>> No.6157965

2007 on /a/
nameless fairy hijack
downloaded the game to see what it was about

>> No.6158013

The games can be really rewarding and the flow of it is just enjoyable, thanks especially to the music. Often times people complain about how you can memorize bullet patterns but that's missing the point, I think. It's the overall experience when the whole screen fills with bullets and the boss theme kicks in. I had a huge grin on my face because of Zun art the first times I played too. I hadn't really played shmups since Raptor shareware and the nostalgia had a big impact on me too, I guess.

I first learned about Touhou from your ridiculous hijacs.

>> No.6158070

Two weeks ago.
I can't 1cc Normal EoSD yet, fucking Remilia swallow all my lives.

>> No.6158099

I saw "Marisa stole the precious thing" in 2006. On a little side note, I forgot that I watched that entirely and up until a few days ago I kept stalling on watching it. It was nice when I saw that and remembered watching it in 2006, not knowing what relevance the lyrics or actions the video had.
I thought Remilia was easier than Patchouli or Sakuya...

>> No.6158105

You may "know" DREAM.

>> No.6158135

troll training grounds

also, Ugen's Music

>> No.6158158

i've been aware of touhou since /jp/ was created, but i've only started playing it a few days ago.

>> No.6158161

I either have no idea what you mean by that or I do and if so, am very creeped out. Explain?

>> No.6158170

Not the guy you replied to, but


>> No.6158174

Ah, then it wasn't what I thought. I'm relieved and also thanks for that, I hadn't seen it before!

>> No.6158192

From IOSYS flashes when they started getting posted on 4chan, so I guess it must have been around 2006.

>> No.6158204

I went on /jp/. There it was.

>> No.6158206
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Someone posted a gameplay video of a fighting game with little girls that wasn't Arcana Heart.

>> No.6158290


this. i came to /jp/ expecting japan/general
instead, i got touhou and im@s
feels good man

>> No.6158572

c68 doujin in old /a/

>> No.6158587

SWR videos when I was looking for fucking MB.

>> No.6158767

/tg/ when people used to post with random touhou images.
Was anyone here at the AWA Touhou panel?

>> No.6158784

Touhou hijack lol. Even then, I didn't start actually getting into Touhou until I started playing Hisouten/Soku and UFO, I used to ignore it for the most part.

>> No.6158803

Looking for video game music on youtube then bam, millions of Touhou remixes

>> No.6158809
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I wanted to do this to Reisen.

>> No.6159320

How: from Wikipedia, I was awestruck by a screenshot of Yukari's spell from Phantasm, you know which one.
When: about a year later after my first death in PCB StB was a fresh game, so I started sometime around spring of 2005, I think.

>> No.6159331
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The usual way.

Touhou hijack lol, Nameless Fairy bot spam on /a/ etc.

>> No.6159347
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On /a/ when Touhou was posted every 5 fucking seconds.

Then someone posted a pic of Yukari and I fell in immediate love. Such a gorgeous woman/monster

>> No.6159362

I found a demo for Imperishable Night on some random site for games.
Internet research took me the rest of the way.
Haha, I was among the first wave of people to get /a/ really going about Touhou, back in the day.
Good times, good times.

>> No.6160818
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My friend downloaded Twinkle Star Sprites and we played against eachother, and then I set out to find a more recent game similar to it, found PoFV and it all went downhill from there.

>> No.6160863

I like how this is funnier than most 4koma despite coming from Shrinemaiden of all places.

Japan, not so good.

>> No.6160868

IOSYS, Innocent Key & Danbooru obviously!
And while visiting /jp/ for visual novels

>> No.6160869

When I found Heaven on Earth

>> No.6160886

When I fapped to a pic of some loli being fucked. Nevertheless, it was tagged as 'touhou'.

I just now fap to sexy delicious touhou lolis.

>> No.6160890

Ran Ran Ru

>> No.6160975

Went to a small local con, found laptop running PCB with a dualshock connected, was hooked instantly.

>> No.6160986

wait a minute. i thought touhou were those japanese shooter games where there's like a thousand bullets on the screen you have to avoid with your ship.

what Touhou is this?

>> No.6160991 [DELETED] 

POST YOUR AWESOME PICTURES shoot the bullet thread on /v/ when it just released

>> No.6160993

POST YOUR AWESOME PICTURES shoot the bullet stickied thread on /v/ when it just released

>> No.6164001

Found some pics of Sakuya a few years ago, saw boyfriend was playing game with her in it, ask about it, hooked.
