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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6152551 No.6152551 [Reply] [Original]

>Live in Southern Europe
>Still hot as fuck over here
>Keep all the windows wide open all day long because AC has given up on me many moons ago
>Every night, insects keep swarming into my room seeking some warmth
>One night, huge ass locust flies inside
>Pretend nothing has happened and keep doing my stuff on my computer, hoping it'll go away before I go to sleep
>Before I notice, it has flown on the back of my PC tower and it's crawling toward the back fan
>Hear some odd whirring noises coming from it, dismiss them just as my PC being an obsolete piece of junk
>One week later, I open my PC for my monthly cleanup maintenance
>Pieces of chopped-up locust all over the motherboard

>> No.6152557
File: 172 KB, 637x479, point and laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He lives in europe!

>> No.6152563

>they want to fuck

>> No.6152572

>It wants to fuck

>> No.6152583

>green text narration

>> No.6152626

Deal with it.

>> No.6152638

You can put an insect net in front of your window, you know.
They sell them for exactly this purpose.

>> No.6152643

>considers Yeurop hot

>> No.6152647

I have three dead flies on my window sill.

>> No.6152649

AC is the miracle of modern science and I'd gladly give up true love/internal organs/the internet if it was required to keep AC.

>> No.6152660

Europeans confirmed for subhumans with no regard for hygiene.

>> No.6152666

>this European has no regard for hygiene
>(missing universal principle)
>all Europeans have no regard for hygiene
sound argument bro
