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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6150185 No.6150185 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question, and please don't take this wrong. How many of you are Asian?

>> No.6150190

Only from the waist down.

>> No.6150187

Technically I'm not Asian but I do consider myself spiritually Japanese

>> No.6150193

I'm technically chinese

>> No.6150192

Is that because you like their culture and way of life better than where you current live?

>> No.6150195

I admire the way of Bushido and strive to follow it in my everyday life.

>> No.6150200

I've tried to watch some of the Japanese animations, but sometimes none of them are in English or have terrible subtitles. Can you read them and speak Japanese? Isn't it a difficult dialect to learn?

>> No.6150201

ITT: basic trollage

>> No.6150202

I'm not Asian and it doesn't bother me at all. I also prefer white girls, assuming they are young enough.

>> No.6150205

Asianfag reporting.

>> No.6150211


Before I was old enough to carry my own sword, my grandfather told me storys of his childhood, He told me how to use the sword and the bow, the weapons of a true samurai. He told me that my land was a new piece, he told me that japan was a place that honor mattered, Where man could be a hero, and do his duty before his lord and the Emperor.

All that had changed... War is now our way, I carry my sword, but this is no longer enough, War has changed, strength is now counted in guns, and any foolish ashigaro can kill a samurai... And this is honor???

I no longer really care because I desire victory more than honor...

My grandfather did not like this new way, but he would still see that samurai have courage, that I have courage, that we still follow the old ways, at least that much.

Once, the shogun kept order in japan, and the Emperor cared for us and the heavens, there was peace between the Daiymo, great leaders that owned the land, but that was a Life Time ago.

One day, A Daiymo will come to save japan and bring peace...

But will I be the one? Will I see this come to pass?

>> No.6150212

Oh, okay. I just was not sure about asking here, but it's a forum for some of Japanese culture. Just had some questions and was curious, so I thought I'd ask but it doesn't seem like it was a good idea here.

>> No.6150220

Well that's okay, don't worry about it too much. I'm sure you'll find a forum that meets your needs.

>> No.6150221

I hope young enough means under 12.

>> No.6150218

>Japanese culture
No, look again:
>Otaku Culture

>> No.6150217

You aint shit unless you're japanese

>> No.6150225

Glorious Chinese master race.

>> No.6150226


>> No.6150228

That's what I was thinking of, yes.

>> No.6150235

I am 100% asian. My family originates from the part of asia that is about 1600 miles northeast of Moscow.

>> No.6150236

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.6150237

>> No.6150241

I'm Black and (please don't take this the wrong way) Korean.Though I was raised in america and don't know the language.

>> No.6150247

so... you are african korean?
that's pretty nifty.

>> No.6150251

I lol'd.

>> No.6150254

Not really Asian, although I am like 1/8th Chinese. It doesn't bother me, in fact I'm glad I'm white.

I mean really, it's basically the only ethnicity with interesting hair/eye colors; the rest of the world is all just black hair/brown eyes. How amazingly boring.. no wonder so many of them envy Caucasian looks, whether they publicly admit it or not.

>> No.6150269

Grandma is full-on japanese. I'm 1/4, then.

>> No.6150270

Yeah but i wish i was just Korean I really don't like being around my "black" relatives.

>> No.6150275


>> No.6150290

Not Japanese?

You dont know SHIT about /jp/.

>> No.6150294

southeast asian here

>> No.6150296

korean master race reporting.

>> No.6150295

I'm Asian. I don't understand how this is relevant to anything? I don't even know Chinese.

>> No.6150299


>> No.6150301

Black People and Asians can get Brown hair too plus sometimes they can even get green eyes but that's mostly it.

>> No.6150308

I'm Dominican and I'm pretty glad I look white. Though it is pretty embarrassing when people at government offices ask me if I'd prefer to do something in Spanish...

>> No.6150309

I am a Turk. Does that count?

>> No.6150317

I'm Southeast Asian so yeah.

>> No.6150318

I'm 1/16th Chinese, does that count?

>> No.6150332

No. What does that even mean? 1/16th a person who had such an arrangement of genes that they appeared to be of the Chinese ethic group. Wow. It's fucking nothing.

>> No.6150333

>I mean really, it's basically the only ethnicity with interesting hair/eye colors
Yeah, when you lump all the diverse ethnicities of Western and Northern Europe into one and call it "white".

>> No.6150338


>> No.6150336

Yeah don't group us with fucking slavs.

>> No.6150340




>> No.6150348

That is very impossible

>> No.6150353

Jealous inferior race.

What is impossible for you is a cakewalk for us.



>> No.6150357

It means 1 of my 16 great-great-grandfathers was Chinese.

>> No.6150361
File: 245 KB, 600x700, e5e12a21f0e0e891f5552016fe428c8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could care less about my race but i was just saying that is impossible for you skin to be the color white.Get over yourself asshole.(inb4 u mad)

>> No.6150363


Turkey seems like it could be such a cool place if it wasn't for Islam, Islam everywhere.

>> No.6150364

What about albinos?

>> No.6150365

I'm Filipino American, but most of my great grandparents are Chinese.

>> No.6150367
File: 389 KB, 750x750, 68dff1ec6588ccda04c43849c23a257e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've never seen one up close but i guess they are an exception

>> No.6150369

>Filipino American
Doesn't exist. It's either you're the former or the latter. How can say you're the former when you can't speak the language or know the culture?

>> No.6150375

I love it when people from shitty Asian countries try to distance themselves from their shitty races.

>> No.6150382 [DELETED] 

You don't even what a 'race' is.

>> No.6150390

X American means X ancestry and American citizenship. It has nothing to do with language or culture. And who said anything about knowing or not knowing those?

>> No.6150391

You think anything other than physical racial characteristics matters?

>> No.6150411

Chinese Filipinos are the only ones the Philippines wants to show on TV. Not even the Philippines likes the native Filipinos. Sort of like the US and Native Americans.

>> No.6150417

I'm not Asian, but I do carry a dakimakura around in public and am officially married to an anime character. DOES THAT MAKE ME ASIAN ENOUGH OR DO I NEED MORE SURGERY?

>> No.6150442

I'm half Chinese.

>> No.6150444

>X American means X ancestry and American citizenship
Bullshit to begin with. I would accept that if it was about the parents but no. I just can't believe that immigrants carry their former nationality to their next home country and tell their kids that they're a mix of both. Seriously.

I love the ethnic minorities because I get to experience the culture. Only faggots who don't like culture wouldn't like minorities

>> No.6150462

You really can't believe that? Wow, you are fucking retarded. Or playing dumb.

>> No.6150467
File: 50 KB, 500x353, 104-gob-stabbed-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6150477

I'm 100% Cambodian and I hate Thai people.

>> No.6150490

I hate it when people have nationalities near me. I come to the internet to get away form that.

>> No.6150503

>I just can't believe that immigrants carry their former nationality to their next home country and tell their kids that they're a mix of both. Seriously.
Uh, what?

It's not a mix. "African-American" doesn't imply "American" genes. If they meant Native American, they'd say that.

>> No.6150505

Would you like us to discuss our personal experiences with racism?

>> No.6150522

My parents were Filipino citizens when I was born in America, making me a dual citizen. What now?

>> No.6150525

What the fuck? Are you telling me 4chan is 70% asian? Brb killing myself.

>> No.6150532

Sure, but in a thread about what race you are, why would you say 'X American'? American is not part of your race, it signifies your nationality.

>> No.6150535

unless you're a dirty mexican who refuses to assimilate, by the second or third generation you're just as american as anyone else in the country.

>> No.6150536

Disgusting anchor baby.

>> No.6150543

Right, but remember that white Americans are the most American.

>> No.6150537

I've never understood why having dual citizenship matters. Are you planning to exercise it at some point in your life?

>> No.6150578

Americans are, with few exceptions, mixed. Frequently, it would be very bothersome just to list all the countries of origin. Noting nationality in this case is very relevant in explaining race.

>> No.6150579

Nah, I've never even claimed my Filipino citizenship. Dual citizenship is really more of a hassle than anything. Depending on the situation, you could get double taxed. You're also pretty much screwed if both countries draft you into their military.

>> No.6150586

What happens if they both draft you while they're at war with each other? Do you have to kill yourself?

>> No.6150589

protip: american is not a race either

>> No.6150591

lol all asians hate all other asians
And all asians hate the Japs

>> No.6150592

Whoa, that happens? How do they decide which country gets you?

>> No.6150594

Filipino Reporting
I am currently struggling with my self-identity. While culturally, I am American, I am a brown fuck that can't assimilate with other Filipinos. However I know the language enough to communicate in an elementary-grade level (Seriously, that's all you need, a lot of people there are idiots who haven't advanced past elementary school.) Coming from me, I admit that Filipinos are really shitty when it comes to identity issues, and most of them end up being dominated by other races. (Notice how Filipinas LOOOVE Whites?) Either way, fuck it. I'll play my Touhou and don't give a fuck about anything.

>> No.6150631


For all the shit they get from everyone, I don't really mind Filipinos, at least from all my experience with them (which is considerable since they seem to be everywhere in the southern Bay Area). They tend to be hardworking and such around here; there is nothing to outwardly dislike about them.

I am sort of envious that, since they are Asian, people don't really give them shit for being otaku, not in California at least (I know that in Asia it's a whole other story). And yet, they can also be white/normal as they want and still fit in fine because they don't really carry that stigma that some people have towards Japanese/Koreans, and yet since they aren't black or Mexican either, mildly racist people (and there are a lot in the US) don't really flip their shit over Flips.

>> No.6150635

Not so much Islam anymore. Secular state.
