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6147744 No.6147744 [Reply] [Original]

Yukari is forever in the form of a 17 year old girl.
Reimu was about 16 in the first games.
reimu's body is more mature than that of Yukari's.

>> No.6147751
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Not everyone develops the same way, you see.

>> No.6147759

>Reimu was about 16 in the first games

[citation needed]

>> No.6147766
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And yet Reimu's mom is still hotter.

>> No.6147787

ok... how old was she than? she can't be forever 17 you know.

or do you say a 10 year old toddler beat Mima?

>> No.6147835
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so now what?

>> No.6147839
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Reimu is the next Yukari. Discuss.

>> No.6147852
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yukari can't die.
reimu can't live forever.

so how?

>> No.6147856

Yes, though I don't see why you are calling 10 year olds toddlers.

>> No.6147865

Yeah, Mima was nice and gave her powerups all the time.

>> No.6147882

you are off the point. sorry for the insults btw.

th1 or th2?

>> No.6147894

th2, the one where Mima wasn't a dead schoolgirl.

>> No.6147911

First reimu needs to learn how to gap
Also bawwww:

>> No.6147928
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Reimu's hair also spontaneously changes color every other th game.

Either gensokyo has hair dye and reimu is a slut, or ZUN is inconsistent with his artwork (shocking, I know).

>> No.6147935

She could simply get Marisa to cast a cosmetic spell. Shouldn't be so hard.

>> No.6147957

You know that they also change eye color?
And no, they don't dye their eyes.

>> No.6147962


2.eirin potions
3. Yukart's fooling around again
or 4)lens from mennosuke

>> No.6147999

Which reminds me;
Did iku got into the old hag alliance or not?

>> No.6148018

Are you posting drunk good sir?

>> No.6148031

no but it's way past my badtime.
plus i seen some chapters of some shoujo anima and i LIKED IT
so i'm feeling kinda high

>> No.6148079

self bump

>> No.6148094

Are you Russian?

>> No.6148118

no, israel.

>> No.6148139

Yukarin will turn 17 until the second anime episode...and that's apparently not going to happen.

Yukarin will never turn 17 ;_;

>> No.6148141

Same difference, we all know Israelis and Russians are Slavjews.

>> No.6148160

well israel has a lot of arab jews as well and etiopia jews.
and even a big amount of france jews and amerijews.

>> No.6148163

forever 16?

>> No.6148167

Isn't the majority of France and Amerijews of the same stock as the German/Russian Ashkenazi, with either Slavic or German surnames?

>> No.6148184

well it's kinda complicated... there is a cultural diffarance between the people that ware born here and are decendents of those that escaped here years ago, and those that just recently came here out of less urgent needs.

sage for /int/.

>> No.6148213

ofc, not all jews that came here b4 1948 came because of the the rise of a certain group. some ware idealistic. the point is still, those france and americans jews are still 'newfags' who haven't turned their colors to the dry colors of the middle east.

>> No.6148715

