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6146723 No.6146723 [Reply] [Original]

So, bit of a BAWWW thread; last night I finished playing through Kirari's route in KIRA*KIRA. I was actually doing this first since I initially found Chie the most appealing and wasn't expecting much so was just getting it out of the way...
All I can say is that that was the most brutal route I have ever seen in a VN. At first I couldn't stand her, then I was 'MY WAIFU', then it was just emptiness. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck full of bricks. I'm trying to play through Sarina's now and it just feels lame and whiney in comparison. Feel free to call me a big girly-man but holy shit, I haven't felt this emotionally moved by something since probably F/SN.
Anyway, I just had to vent and this seemed like the best place for it. Feel free to offload any off the BAWWW feelings you've got from this or any other VN or whatnot. I'm hoping I'll feel better if this turns into a commiseration circle-jerk, but I'm sure you lot will know what's best.
P.S. The captcha 'and dumpoi' seems wildly appropriate here. Somehow.

>> No.6146731
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>> No.6146755

Yes, this route stole and broke my heart last year. I had a very similar experience as you, but found Sarina most appealing and went with her first. And that especially made me more blind to Kirari's route, since even the terminally sick girl ends up being happy.

By the way, there is actually a "True End" for Kirari route after you read all three, though frankly the Normal End is the best and most emotional in my opinion.

>> No.6146809

There's happy True End for Kirari, you should read that, and then continue to Curtain Call. First part from that is pretty meh, but another half focuses on Murakami, and that's fucking awesome.

>> No.6146817




Yeah, I did hear about that, but honestly I'm not super-enthused after playing her normal route through as I'm expecting a glib 'SOWEE HERE HAPPY ENDING OKAY?' sort of thing.

>> No.6146818

Kirari is so hot.
You gotta admire her burning passion.

>> No.6146836

Well, the good end has a bit of darkness as well, as you have to kill Kirari's father for her to live and be happy.

>> No.6146839

Trust me the true end still has enough sad parts...Especially the scenes involving Kirari's father.

>> No.6146844
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I think we're forgetting the main issue here.

>emotionally moved by something since probably F/SN.
>emotionally moved by F/SN.

>> No.6146855

I remember thinking the end of the Fate route and one ending of the HF route was sad.

>> No.6146864

Archer and shiro fight made me love Gar.

>> No.6146884

Kira Kira was an awful visual novel, in my opinion. But I guess that's MangaGamer for you.

>> No.6146890


Thank fuck. I want to nuke that guy. Probably won't help though, having seen the intial route. It's not like it'll just go away, I guess.


Eh, you seriously didn't get anything out of it? I have to agree with >>6146855 in that the Fate route had me feeling like a lump for a good while. Guess I'm a big sook.

Yeah, same here (hence the mention). I think in this case it was all the more

>> No.6146906


You mean Overdrive; Mangagamer just do the trans as I far as I can tell.
What didn't you like? If you have any recommendations go ahead; I'll need something to do on night shifts after this. That goes for anyone else too.

>> No.6146912

Chaos;Head. But I'm not saying it's bad because Manga Gamer translated it, I'm saying they don't translate GOOD visual novels, as with both Manga Gamer and JAST. They just translate crappy slice of life ero games.

>> No.6146915

What am I supposed to answer to an awfully uneducated opinion thrown up like that?

"No, you are wrong, it wasn't awful, it was good."

"u fukcind trol stfu!!!!!"

"i'm taste is better than you're taste"

Actually, pick the answer you want.

>> No.6146921

Seriously? I really liked it, definitely liked the whole band atmosphere. But I guess if you don't the game would suck for you.

>> No.6146930

Awful taste confirmed

>> No.6146933

Fine. I'll tell you why I disliked it. I thought it was a pretty simple slice of life visual novel. I got up to the first ero scene with Kirari, and I dropped it. It was just BORING for me. There wasn't anything interesting, it was just kids in a high school with some shenanigans. I didn't like any characters. But hey, if you enjoy it, good for you, I just seriously fucking didn't.
I could have enjoyed the band atmosphere, but mixed along side crappy characters (MY OPINION) and generic punk rock, it got stale. Some parts like the whole swearing in English was fucking funny, though.
Hey, my opinion man. Respect it, like how I respect yours instead of saying your taste is shit because you like Kira Kira.

>> No.6146974


That's fair enough. I figured my own tastes wouldn't appeal to everyone. I just finished Sarina's arc and I seriously want to pull my own face off now, so my opinion on KK is still 'afloat'.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. I've actually wanted to give C;H a go but haven't got around to it.

>> No.6146985

Well I highly recommend it. It's my favourite visual novel. Made me cry like a bitch a lot, and was in general an interesting story with a great atmosphere earlier on. Atmosphere starts to degrade into pseudo-science powerlevels shit near the end, but it's still amazing in my opinion.

>> No.6147005

I don't see what would make you cry in Chaos; Head.
The only thing that made me cry was photoshopping those goddamn scanlines.

>> No.6147016

I just loved it all. When I knew how it was going to end as well, I just got very sad. I don't know why. I guess it's not the forced space AIDS crying at least.

>> No.6147261

I was just thinking that I don't mind the music in this. I've been leaving the game on auto-progress and absent mindedly trying to play the BGM.
Not touching the actual vocal songs though. Ugh.

>> No.6147293

The only part of FSN that made me cry was looking at the time log after I finished reading.

I cried like a bitch during Kana ~Imouto~. The "normal" ends made me feel terrible.
