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6145575 No.6145575 [Reply] [Original]

Can NEETs take it easy?

>> No.6145578

That's the ONLY thing we can do.

>> No.6145591

Define "take it easy"

>> No.6145619

Even in days where you aren't allowed to?

Not give a shit about almost anything

>> No.6145626

I took it easy today.
Will probably continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

>> No.6145638

Yes, I'm quite good at it.

>> No.6145651


You're not a NEET if you can't take it easy everyday.

>> No.6145652

It comes with the industry.

>> No.6145665

I've took it easy my entire life but my mum's been hassling me for like the last 3 months to get a job because she can't afford to "keep me" any longer so I guess I won't be taking it easy for much longer :-(

>> No.6145670

Just tell her, OK.
Rinse and repeat.
Take it easy anon.

>> No.6145673

Really? Oh well, since I can only take it easy one day (yesterday) I guess it's time to finish university and get a job. Both at the same time.

>> No.6145690

Yeah I have but now I have to avoid her or she quizzes me on Job Front extensively then gives me disproving cold stares and threats about cutting off the internet. I swear the women is a a Demon.

>> No.6145703

What you need is to concoct some illnesses to get on disability allowance, that or just work part time, enough to pay rent.

>> No.6145723

So avoid her. The key to being Hikki in america is convincing your parents that you're not even there. Even your most lucid on the spot moments around them must make you appear a breif step away from total brain death.
And avoid them like the plague when they are present. Absolute silence. Never let them guess your schedule. Don't keep one. Alienate, become unapproachable. Without appearing hostile. Become vacant. They can't argue with you if you won't. Sound earnest if you absolutely must. Everytime, everything OK. Never elaborate. Make it obvious you've lost hope but don't want to admit it. Eventually, it'll just become fact. Kicking you out would be your death.

>> No.6145736

Knowing my parents they'd just barge into my room at 6am open the curtains, throw clothes at me and demand I go outside and look for a Job. I wish I lived in Europe so I could claim welfare and and have an easy life.

>> No.6145775

No, she's a reasonable parent that wants you to get off your ass and find a job. Do you know how many things your mother is not going to have because her shitty kid is a lazy shut-in? I hope she cuts off your internet.

>> No.6145781

Don't you have some work to be doing for your job sir?

>> No.6145782

Make her threat ineffective.
Your typical NEET should have a backlog of several terabytes.
This will keep you busy until another alternative appears.

>> No.6145784

Not my fault she couldn't keep her legs shut.
It's her own fault.

>> No.6145785

Holy shit.

I've already been doing everything you've mentioned for the past three years almost unconsciously. I guess it's also fortunate that my parents are genuinely worried about my future and not how much of a burden I am. I want to try, but I just can't bring myself to do anything at all.

>> No.6145790

It's really the only way, unless you have a special case.
Don't worry about it anon, the world is changing. We may be given means, just hang in there until things work out for you.

>> No.6145792

Got 2 Hard drives full of vidya and anime man but I don't want to be without the internet, it's the only connection to the outside world I have.

>> No.6145793

Well, after 18 she has absolutely no obligation to keep you, I hope she stops feeding you.

>> No.6145800

As if a Mother would starve her own Son and or throw him outside, especially when she is worried about his mental state. This faggot is just taking advantage of the fact and emotionally black mailing his mother.

>> No.6145803

No one wants to. But I had to spend a year offline. I suggest finding a book torrent, there a nice 20gig one floating around. They'll keep you going when all else is used up. And save porn furiously. Try not to look at most of it. So you have OC for some time to come.

>> No.6145813

I don't think wishing death upon a poor innocent NEET is very nice, mister.

>> No.6145822


He's draining his parents' income and taking advantage of her worrying over his health.

At least abuse the welfare or something.

>> No.6145823

Wishing a parent to draw boundaries on their selfish lazy child and wishing that manchild to die are two very different things.

>> No.6145832

I certainly hope so. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6145836

>He's draining his parents' income
Welcome to parenthood.

>> No.6145839

>He's draining his parents'
They wanted to have kids, now they have to take responsibility.

>> No.6145840

I guess what's I'm trying to say is, what are you so mad about?
You seem awfully upset about anon and how his family gets on.
Do you know him personally?
Just take it easy.

>> No.6145844

I'm guessing they are just angry because they have to actually work while this other guy is enjoying life and taking it easy at his parents expense.

>> No.6145853

I'm 20 and seriously worried about my future.

I owe my local community college $1000, don't want to pay them back and don't want to study again. What kind of job should I get that'll be okay to do for the rest of my life? I figure something with UPS/Fedex/USPS would be acceptable, easy to get and quite a lot of pay advancement. Do any other neets have employment ideas?

>> No.6145855
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Damn, I really can't be arsed getting up to reset my router man. :-(

>> No.6145859

That would kind of defeat the object Son.

>> No.6145863

>he posts on /a/

We don't like your kind here.

>> No.6145864

I can't because my parents are bugging me 24/7 to job search. I've been turned down multiple times already. How the fuck am I supposed to get hired with no experience and social skills? This is too hard and painful.

>> No.6145865

That's nice, you speak for the entirety of /jp/
Yeah, no.

>> No.6145869

Get a shitty job flipping burgers or stacking shelves, leave after 6 months, get a slightly better job with your previous experience then leave after 6 months and repeat.

>> No.6145876

>Get a shitty job flipping burgers or stacking shelves
But I've been turned down from those too.

>> No.6145877

Get the fuck out. /a/ is a terrible board, on the same level as /v/ and /b/. You should feel bad about posting there.

>> No.6145879


At least you didn't grow up as an impoverished child living in Moscow subway.

>> No.6145882

>Get a shitty job flipping burgers or stacking shelves
I think you're overestimating the capabilities of the average /jp/ NEET.

>> No.6145896

What about retail? How do managers typically get into those positions? Do they just network with the existing mangers and hope they put in a good word? How long does it usually take to get into that type of position for a competent, hard worker? It seems like they get payed better than teachers so it might be worthwhile.

>> No.6145906

Most likely been here way longer than you given your "omg gb2/a/" frustration, tell tale signs of someone who is new to /jp/

>> No.6145920

>tell tale signs of someone who is new to /jp/
>thinks the majority of /jp/ user base doesn't hate /a/


>> No.6145925

Becoming a Manager in Retail is a piece of piss, retail work is shit so it has a very high staff turnover rate (they quit) so if you stick with one job in a specific chain or shop you will rise quickly. I got my first Assistant Manager position when I was 19, of course being the Assistant Manager you get lumped with all the shit the Manager doesn't want to do, but when they're looking for a Manager to fill a spot in another store you will get first dibs then you can just sit back and chill. I get paid $34k just to sit on my arse all day in the back on the Computer, livin' the dream.

>> No.6145929
File: 312 KB, 1854x1416, /a/.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6145937

For a start I never said or even implied that, secondly if you're going to make a point, try and use sentences instead of green text spam. You're post is textbook /v/
Anyway I'm done replying to a retard such as yourself, don't bother replying because you're just going to get ignored.
Good day Sir.

>> No.6145943

Oh boy, you are a mighty fine troll.

>> No.6145948
File: 72 KB, 482x514, owned and buttangery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buttmad /a/ shitposter. Go back to /a/ already.

>> No.6145953

Troll or not, I can't believe I'm reading this. The redundancy of this comment is astounding. Well done.

>> No.6145970

Funny thing is this guy >>6145948 actually thinks he's the one on the moral high ground and just doesn't get what happened. Funny.

>> No.6145977

Thanks for the encouraging words, you just gave me the motivation to look for a job for the first time in years.

>> No.6145985


Let me guess, "OMG TROLLED SO FUNNEH XD" right?

>> No.6146001

Yeah realistically you can't not work, you will have to sooner or later, so might as well get to work on building that easy life, the sooner you start the sooner you can sit back. I can still enjoy vns, anime, internet and video games while I work, I actually get paid to do this and I don't have to live with guilt and shit from my parents or society for not working.
What are you waiting for?

>> No.6146012

Refer to your own post here >>6145948
Lesson learned, don't be a smart arse, especially when you're not smart in the first place.
