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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6144137 No.6144137 [Reply] [Original]

ok, it's 2010, /jp/

Who honestly still doesn't at least know the basics of the Japanese language yet?

>> No.6144141

I don't even bother with the language since it won't be any use for me.

>> No.6144143

Those "You could have learned ___ with all the time you spent on (insert board)" really pushed me to learn Japanese (or kanji mainly in this case).

Now it's eroge everyday.

>> No.6144145

All the basics, of course.

Only maybe 200 kanji at best, so I'm nothing close to literate, however.

>> No.6144148

I know the basics of any human language: subject+verb.

>> No.6144151

I know nearly 500 kanji. The most basic ones of course.

>> No.6144155

Still studying daily, dedicated a little over 1000 kanji to rote memory. There isn't a moment when I'm reading something and I don't think, christ what a shitty language.

>> No.6144164


>> No.6144169


>> No.6144171

I'm learning Chinese instead because I want my second language to INCREASE my chances of getting a job.

Also Chinese women aren't bitches like Jap women.

>> No.6144173 [DELETED] 

I'm probably know more kanji than anyone else on here, considering I've memorized the Jouyou, Jinmeiyou, and hundreds of others beside. Taking JLPT1 in a few months, and expect it to be a breeze. Feels good, man.

>> No.6144182

I probably know more kanji than anyone else on here, considering I've memorized the Jouyou, Jinmeiyou, and hundreds of others beside. Taking JLPT1 in a few months, and expect it to be a breeze. Feels good, man.

Also learning Chinese. Maybe we can be study buddies, anon above me?

>> No.6144183

>Chinese women


>> No.6144186

Oh, what a fool you are. All asian women are bitches, anon. But they are all a different kind of bitchy.

>> No.6144194

Chinese women are ugly tho unlike Japanese women. Also Japanese is the 9th most spoken language. More so than French and German

>> No.6144203

I learned the basics, then got bored and gave up. Much like every other thing in my life.

>> No.6144205

Kanji isn't too bad, but I don't think I'll ever get the grammar down.

>> No.6144225

I got to the 300 kanji mark and lost interest. That was two years ago.

>> No.6144223

I know nothing about Japanese. I cannot language.

>> No.6144231
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>Also Chinese women aren't bitches like Jap women.

>> No.6144258

Just starting on chinese now, while using anki to keep learning new vocab words when I come across them in whatever I'm playing (fuck you elona with your shit like 絢爛)

overall, I'd rather I had spent all that time learning math instead, but at least chinese will be easy to learn once I get the damn pronunciation down

>> No.6144347

>once I get the damn pronunciation down
Shi shi shi shi wo shi shi guo shi tien ng ng shi shi shi

>> No.6144372

If it werent for those fucking tones Chinese would be so simple. I just gave up and stuck exclusively to Japanese when I saw my 11 year old brother was getting the tones down quicker than me and could say them way better than me after he studied Chinese for a semester and I had taken Chinese for a year.

>> No.6144380

Yeah tones are a fucking bitch.

>> No.6144390

like 1100 kanji, kanji is fucking easy as shit, it's the grammar that's like a goddamn roadblock. kanji is raw time spent, grammar is not.

>> No.6144442


that shouldn't discourage you as languages, especially pronunciations, are easier to learn at younger ages

>> No.6144462

I'm still learning. Yesterday I saved Japanese Core 2000 from smart.fm to Mnemosyne on my cellphone. Now I have more time to review. Also I know about >90% of words required for JLPT5

>> No.6144489


>> No.6144511

But it's only spoken in Japan.
When you learn French you can at least make yourself understood in some parts of Africa, if you ever feel like doing that.

>> No.6144517

I don't get it; I found the tones of Mandarin to be pretty easy to hear and make, and I don't have any kind of ear for music or pitch.

Fuck Cantonese, though.

>> No.6144533

I'm going through the Genki textbooks. I'm at the beginning of Genki 2 right now.

>> No.6144541


>> No.6144555

If you can memorize *everything* presented in Genki 1 and 2 youll be able to have decent conversations and understand most things Japanese 6 year olds will say to

>> No.6144577

Gotta start somewhere.

>> No.6144594

Isn't that what all /jp/ers want anyway?
