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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 401 KB, 1210x2170, 8_9_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6142257 No.6142257 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6142260

Fuck, now I want to go play some STALKER.

>> No.6142265

i said come in dont stand there

>> No.6142266

More like Ukraine.

>> No.6142274

play STALKER all day, erryday

>> No.6142292

go to /v/ with that shit. only good falouts were 1 & 2, fallout 3 is lame

>> No.6142294

Even /jp/ agrees.
Russia best.

>> No.6142300

Same shit, really.

>> No.6142305

i said come in dont stand there
i said come in dont stand there
i said come in dont stand there
i said come in dont stand there
i said come in dont stand there
i said come in dont stand there
i said come in dont stand there

>> No.6142312

Fallout 3? More like Oblivion with guns.

>> No.6142316


Slavshit here. All slavs that use cyrillic are copies of Russia. Rest are either copies of Poland or Yugoslav scum.

>> No.6142318

Indeed. The Ukrainians agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.6142346

Very cool stormfront response.

>> No.6142496


Stormfront... what is?

>> No.6142502


>> No.6142510

Now do a comparison of 2D games.

>> No.6142549

Good hunting, Stalker...


>> No.6142555

Elder Scrolls? More like Medieval Barbie

>> No.6142588

>pic of STALKER

>> No.6142592

Obligatory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kQTe4voKzI

>> No.6142607

Stalker needs to be an MMO

>> No.6142619
File: 613 KB, 1024x768, 1276381598023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stalker needs to be a VN

>> No.6142636

Korea is still the best.
That Blade and Soul is quite something, and that is coming from someone who usually despises MMO games.

But yeah, I don't really know actually, but if they are right about having done what wasn't possible before, then it might actually be good, or decent at least.
And that is really something for a MMO.

>> No.6142644

Females in a STALKER game? What kind of blasphemy is this?

>> No.6142648


Nothing unusual. You're in a place where laws of nature only apply when they want to.

>> No.6142651

What's the Korean game?

>> No.6142664

Whats the name of the American game?

>> No.6142665


blade and soul

>> No.6142669

World of using-low-res-graphics-settings-to-unfairly-compare-games.

>> No.6142687

High-res barely changes anything anyway... Still unfair tho

>> No.6142703

Blizzard will forever keep the graphics under par to make it playable for more people, they make up for it with superior mechanics and gameplay.

>> No.6142705

So this time Russia was added in OP's pic. I wonder what it'll be next.

>> No.6142707
File: 169 KB, 866x1208, Satorin Stalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6142778


also captcha
soviets 1790-1870

>> No.6142788

World of Warcraft in particular has nothing of that though.
They just bunched together what was already done in all asian mmos, and made one game out of it.
Ignoring how they didn't take anything unique from anything.
It is as plain as it can be.

>> No.6142813

I KNEW I saw Satori in the Zone the last time I was there.

>> No.6142814
File: 324 KB, 900x900, 7ad074724861b6e9d825110ee16c6a50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo would be so much better if filled with mutants, radiation, artefacts and anomalies...

>> No.6142818

Counterpoint: Bloodsuckers.


>> No.6142825

Those things are a fucking pain to kill. However, shooting them at long range is always the easiest.

INB4 Remilia

>> No.6142828

>World of Warcraft in particular has nothing of that though.

>> No.6142849

Problem is when they get the jump on you and it turns into some kind of awkward dance when they run around you in circles and you try to get your crosshair on them before they attack you again and just when the crosshair turns red they attack you and you're like "shit!" and shoot of a couple of shotgun shells in desperation (which miss of course and even if you kinda hit it does fuck all damage because I'm bad at videogames) then they punch you and turn invisible again and aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA

And the snorks, god damn those fucking snorks.

>> No.6142871

I'd shoot Remilia from real close range, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6142911

You will never travel with Satori through the zone and protect her ;_;
