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6141337 No.6141337 [Reply] [Original]



So how long do you think it's gonna take DEEN aka Seibafags to make HF movie ?

>> No.6141349
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Heavens Feel would probably be split into two movies, it's very long.

The first movie would then probably blow up the Saber vs. True Assassin/Shirou vs. Zouken/Full power Rider vs. True Assassin fights for a climax and still have a hook end with Saber's loss to the Shadow.

>> No.6141347

How long did UBW take?

We'll be watching it on our toasters while reading DDD and playing An english release of F/ha

>> No.6141353

>HF movie

Do not fucking want.

>> No.6141356

>reading DDD
The official english release is planned on 2150.

>> No.6141358

Damned I'll be like 70 years dead. ;_;

>> No.6141369

If they can cram UBW into two hours, they can cram HF which has the most useless cooking and other shit scenes into 2 hours.

>> No.6141372


HF's climax was like three times longer than UBW's.

>> No.6141377

Where the fuck is this movie? I've been waiting forever.

>> No.6141379

Should be out and subbed in like 3 weeks.

>> No.6141382
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Japan,the glorious land of nippon which is off-limit to you filthy gaijin peasants.

>> No.6141383

HF only needs like 3 scenes
vs Berserker
vs Kotomine

>> No.6141389


I enjoyed ShiRider VS Black Saber.

The triumphant return of PEGASUS, bitches!

>> No.6141394
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>implying we cared for anything more than final scene in UBW

>> No.6141398


What, you didn't like Lancer vs. Archer?

It was one of the shortest to-the-fucking-point fight scenes that Nasu ever wrote. Quick melee exchange before BRING OUT THE FUCKING PHANTASMS

>> No.6141405

It also had more about Shirou's way of thinking, and his view on things in general and his relation to it.
A climax is no climax without anything building up into one.

But really now, a climax is only just that, a climax.
A climax is a rather bad indicator for quality and whatnot.
The real climax of HF could however be during the point Shirou made the choice of wether or not give up on Sakura, and the part of his ideal saying he couldn't, as opposed to killing her, take a huge blow personally as well as a strike on his ideal, in order to lessen future damage to it as it's likely that people will continue to die.
The scene at the end with Kotomine who people many people for some reason often consider to be some the climax, is actually a rather "bad" one, considering how everything have already been up and running for quite some time then.

But really, DEEN diminished the UBW movie to not much other than action to action and fights to fights with little underneath, completely wrecking the true climax and only stepping up the action as further they go.
They can without doubt do the same to HF and cram it into about the same time frame.
DEEN are real bad actually.

>> No.6141406

did you just ignore the climax of the route

>> No.6141408

No not really. I didn't care for the fight scenes.

>> No.6141409

Implying Deen wouldn't ignore it.

>> No.6141413


>The scene at the end with Kotomine who people many people for some reason often consider to be some the climax, is actually a rather "bad" one, considering how everything have already been up and running for quite some time then.

Actually, that's the resolution.

The climax is the projection of Rule Breaker.

>> No.6141426

Yes it is, but haven't you seen all those "SHIROUUU!!!! KIREEIII!!!! BEST CLIMAX EVER!!! XD XD" threads?
People seem to have a hard time telling the difference.

>> No.6141433

the climax was the scene in the park with ilya
if you ask me kotomine wasn't needed in hf at the end, the saber scene was enough. not that I mind.

>> No.6141439

The climax was Lancer's death, after that it was obvious the route would suck balls.

>> No.6141446
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This is the correct answer.

>> No.6141450
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>implying Lancers get to be important to the plot

He died as a diversion in Fate, he survived as a diversion in UBW only to get killed offhandedly and used as an excuse for how the previous villain got demoted.

>> No.6141449


Well,I doubt average anime viewers would want a 10 minutes long discussion of philosophies by Kotomine Kirei.

And Action sells best,be it japanese-made anime or the hollywoods. People's view about the anime is that it's still a kiddy entertainment,not a philosophy lecture.

Deen just played it safe,nobody wants to risk losing money by making DEEP stories that would be known as the best story-wise film while the audience didn't give a fuck.

>> No.6141452

But how are they going to depict Sakura as the disgusting worm-infested slut she is if they can't show anything sexual? Also HF is the most hated Fate S/N route, I doubt it would do well as a movie.

>> No.6141454

It's the best route though.

>> No.6141458


I still have a hard time figuring how the hell he got out from the forest,went all the way to the cavern,got past Saber and Sakura and then jumped out of nowhere like it's normal to be expected.

>> No.6141459


>Also HF is the most hated Fate S/N route, I doubt it would do well as a movie.

Okay first off
>Fate S/N
Do you even know where the slash goes? F/SN.
Second off
Even with the hate HF catches, it and UBW are both more loved than Fate, since Fate is considered to be a little on the boring side.

>> No.6141464

And yet still manages to be fucking awesome in spite of it all.

>> No.6141465

She would be a blood craving vampire.

>> No.6141466

Except Fate is the favorite route in the japanese fandom, which is the only fandom that matter since they are the ones who buy stuff.

>> No.6141469

Well he survived the assassin fight and Sakura so the ridiculous nature of it all starts from there. Probably no real reason to expect it to be logical.

>> No.6141472


Short story? He didn't. He was dead on his feet, remember.

>> No.6141473

He was already there most likely. Before starting the whole fighting thing Shirou noted blood stains around the entrance that must have been his.

>> No.6141475

Proof? I can't believe their taste is so bad.

>> No.6141474
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They already got the anime.

>> No.6141481

Because Kotomine is a freak.
He is the executioner prodigy.
In F/Z he does things like it all the time.

>> No.6141588

>In F/Z he does things like it all the time.

what ?

>> No.6142710

I think he means the jump out from fucking nowhere part.

>> No.6146150


>> No.6146169

Call me back when they do a something with Fate/Zero.

>> No.6146182
File: 58 KB, 868x596, sayonarafatedideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven's Feel would be shit in movie form. UBW is mostly mindless action and RESOLVE, but HF has a plot that's already misunderstood by most people. Deen would butcher every scene involving Sakura and Shirou's character development for the sake of LOLOLKILLERSLUTS. HF needs to be at least as long as the first anime, if not longer.

>> No.6146211

>HF has a plot that's already misunderstood by most people

such as ?

>> No.6146709

See the picture. It's pretty simple (Sakura and Shirou balance out eachother, saving them from their horrible fates), but people tend to ignore it and go "LOLOL SAKURA'S SUCH AN EVIL SELFISH SLUT SHIROU SHOULD KILL HIS INNOCENT GIRLFRIEND FOR SOME STRANGERS AND MEET A HORRIBLE END LIKE ARCHER"
Deen is known for making characters that one is supposed to have sympathy for look like complete monsters (Shion, Beatrice, etc.), so rushing it into a couple of hours would make the HateDumb surrounding her even bigger.
