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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6135701 No.6135701 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder: UBW's DVD is coming out next week

I have no clue how good/bad it was, though.

So, as I pray...

>> No.6135706

DVD? What DVD?

>> No.6135704
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Nanoha movie was better. Takajun agreed don't bother him about it.

>> No.6135712

FINALLY. It's like /jp/ was hyped for it, but then once the movie actually came out and nobody had a rip, it just disappeared from discussion even though word is that it's pretty good though crammed, but above expectations for the most part.

>> No.6135720

Obviously, Nanoha is generally better than FSN.

Although still excited for UBW.

>> No.6135722

Sept 30 isn't next week.
Also Nanoha movie on same day.

>> No.6135724
File: 35 KB, 525x459, 1282243288767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nanoha BD/DVD comes with English subs, supposedly. Would you, /jp/?

>> No.6135725

supposedly much better than shit tier animu.

>> No.6135730
File: 147 KB, 791x551, 1279223336610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best be joking nigger

>> No.6135740

UBW: the movie

>> No.6135742


>> No.6135744

Yeah, my mistake, for some reason I thought it was coming out the 23rd.

>> No.6135749

How was the UBW movie anyway? Any info on that?

>> No.6135751

Wow I've seriously completely forgotten about it. Well it's cool to remember about something good right before it comes out.

>> No.6135758

I'm considering buying the blu-ray.

>> No.6135762
File: 55 KB, 320x404, ubw movie cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the cover looks cool.

>> No.6135773
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Well going by the guide screenshots it looks pretty.

>> No.6135775

I would have totally bought the limited edition if it came with something decent, but at least Amiami's version only comes with a puzzle. Bah.

>> No.6135776

How long does it usually take before subbers get to it and release it? One to two weeks after DVD release?

My friend watched it and he said it's just one big action scene and that the fights are awesome.

>> No.6135786

Honestly, I'm more interested in the Nanoha movie than the UBW movie. Loli and beamspam, fuck yes.

>> No.6135793

So it's UBW then.

Depends on the interest, so start the hype machine now to get the subs in 2 days. If enough people want it subbers will want to level up their e-penis and fight for it. That Nanoha comes with subs already kinda helps too.

>> No.6135805

In other words, an eyecandy jerkoff session to UBW fanboys?

Meh, I'm pretty much okay with this. Wasn't expecting anything much, so this is pretty cool news.

>> No.6135818
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I heard Shirou's chant is in engrish this time.

Not sure if want.

>> No.6135847

Pretty much.
The cut out most exposition and unrelated dialogue, take the more important scenes and tell you 'Here they are, look how wonderful moving frames are'. And the action scenes are good.
If you have rea UBW, it's a great compliment. Targeting Fans.

>> No.6135949

DEEN are seriously shit.
They suck at portraying characters and to convey their feelings/thoughts.

Action is the only thing they can do, and for all I know they aren't even great at that.
They will just make it look like one big action fluke.
inb4 people claiming that's all that UBW is.

>> No.6136023

not true! there's also sex saba and rin, or does that count as "ACTION"?

>> No.6136027 [DELETED] 

as opposed to...?
UBW's chant was always in English

>> No.6136043

Shirou says it in Japanese when fighting Gil; mirrormoon just decided to use the engrish in their translation for whatever reason.

>> No.6136057


Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpU97_ZEk48

>> No.6136292

The grammar was correct, no?

Anyway, they used it because it's the official english counterpart, and otherwise it would mismatch Archer's official version, that is actually used in game in english in the Japanese version.

>> No.6136315

Huh, I always thought Rho Arias was Archer's projection, not Shirou's.
