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6134689 No.6134689 [Reply] [Original]

PSP strikes again!


>> No.6134692

You're a slow one, aren't you.

>> No.6134729

There's no reason for me to get a ps3....are there...

I should just wait until the port the first game to psp, or wait for a ps3 emulator.....

>> No.6134777

So slooooooow

>> No.6134787

> or wait for a ps3 emulator
You're going to have to wait years for that, if there ever will be one.

>> No.6134796

I'm still waiting for a PS2 emulator.

>> No.6134813

Come on, why did they move on to PSP?
Yea sure VC1 was a slow hit, but it was a sucessful one nonetheless.
They didn't have to downgrade.

>> No.6134904
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>mfw I see PS3 fanboys bitching about their now non-existant sequels

>> No.6134907

This discussion was better when it was 12 hours ago and there weren't /v/ "my face when" troll posts.

>> No.6134979

It's not even a discussion anymore anyway.

>> No.6135024


Most budget PCs and even mid-level laptops handle PS2 emulation just fine nowadays. With the added benefit of looking way better on modern TVs.
I retired my PS2-fat, chipped with network/HD addon, to a most honourable for-display-only shelf-position years ago.

>> No.6137303

But I don't have an actual PS2.

>> No.6138061
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>> No.6138077

My PS2 emulator handles some games fine (I think .hack// was among those), some games with graphical glitches (Persona 3 & 4), and some games not at all/terribly (Odin Sphere).


>> No.6138178
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>> No.6138192


I sold my ps2 towards a PS3, there was some deal where you got a $100 credit or something. Of course, I bought a PS3 that had no backwards compatibility, so the joke's on me.

I know the day I buy a preowned PS2 slim or whatever, exactly a day later Sony is going to make PS2 emulation a PSN download.

>> No.6138592
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Yay, Selvaria.

>> No.6138818
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>> No.6139092

Hi /v/


>> No.6139117

As long as it isn't the godawful animu style, I'm fine with it.

>> No.6139122

>supporting the PSP instead of a real system
gg sega

>> No.6139138
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Kawaii enough for you?

That looks very charming.

>> No.6139144

That's hilarious. Even Japan is pissed about it being on PSP and they fucking love that system.

>> No.6139145

Yup. Also if anyone cares, sony tgs livestream.

Might have to keep refreshing to get connected.

>> No.6139148

How can there be a VC3 when there is no Tsukihime anime.

>> No.6139151

Well, I'd assume fans of the series have PS3s, so it's understandable.

>> No.6139168

Also more /v/ news

>1UP has heard from sources here in Japan that Vanillaware will be releasing Muramasa: The Demon Blade and Odin Sphere as downloadable ports. No word on which consoles, but it's reasonable to assume that they will appear on both PSN and Xbox Live Arcade.

How nice.

>> No.6139334

Ueda just said Last Guardian was coming Holiday 2011. So far.

>> No.6139419
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Deep Dark Fantasy game made for those who enjoyed Demons Souls.

>> No.6139423

Didn't everybody enjoy Demon's Souls?

>> No.6139444


A lot of people liked because they felt they had to and "IT IS HARD LOL"

>> No.6139463

Only the people that played it (obviously not this guy >>6139444)

>> No.6139561
File: 104 KB, 509x699, princess2022142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1UP has heard from sources here in Japan that Vanillaware will be releasing Muramasa: The Demon Blade and Odin Sphere as downloadable ports.

Man we'll never get a translated Princess Crown.

I'll still buy these games yet again though.

>> No.6139617

An HD Muramasa would be great.

>> No.6139720

For you, /jp/ers

>> No.6139746
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Did I just see Selvaria?

>> No.6139771

Supposed to happen during VC1

>> No.6139786

I liked the part when they showed the gameplay.

>> No.6139803

Will probably be the same as VC2

>> No.6139804

I liked how the video was HD, when it is on the PSP.

>> No.6139829

I liked how this game costs 0 yen

>> No.6139863

I liked that part where Magical Girls.
And drama.
And no game play.

>> No.6139870

Is this a new season of the anime?

>> No.6139891

It's actually the third season.
The second one was about a military academy suppressing super powered rebels.

>> No.6139962
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Longer trailer.

>> No.6139975

So how do I get Edy in VC2? Is it DLC? Any way to pirate it?

>> No.6139981
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I want to see this flop in Japan.

>> No.6140001

go to extras and type this in
CR6BG1A9LYQKB6WJ for english

cheers mate

>> No.6140006

Remember when VC cutscenes looked like this instead of shitty animu?

>> No.6140010

So true.

>> No.6140030

i so fucking wish VC will be ended with 3 by having shit sale and IP destroyed.
thats how mad i am.

>> No.6140038

Thanks mate, I appreciate the Jap version code you added as well.

>> No.6140097

What are the best classes to change my soldiers into? Is it better if I go the left path or the right?

>> No.6140403

Yeah, they were 3D with ugly coloring made like with a pencil or something and ? And what's up with people saying "animu", it's like I'm with the white trash from /a/ or /v/. If you don't like Japanese art, I think it's time you go back to your GLORIOUS american games with your "superior" cartoon herp derp.

For every hater out there, grow up, seriously. A PSP isn't that expensive.

>> No.6140427

You shouldn't reply to bros who say "animu" or "vidya", bro.

>> No.6140454
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Keep one of each. Maulers and AT snipers aren't that useful once you get sniper tanks and scout-like Lancers.

Sniper Elites and the stronger Shocktroopers are a must. 1 or 2 Gunners to defend your base or as support fire for bosses. Some Fencers to defend your base or as boss/ace killers.

It boils down to what strategy you're using, but these are the units I found to be useful so far in game. September here.

>> No.6140469


The Ghost Tank will make you appreciate Maulers on a whole new level.

>> No.6140481

Ok thanks, I'm about to start the story mission for March (how long does the game go by the way?), and I'm just curious, all I've been using are 2xscouts, 2xshocktroopers, and one lancer and Cosette, sometimes I replace Cosette/lancer with the tank. So far I've always been getting S or sometimes A. Is there any reason for me to use that 5th class, engineer or whatever it is called?

>> No.6140511

Sometimes I Scout rush to capture bases, and sometimes clear missions with only Shocktroopers. There's no need to be particular about how many of each you're using.

Engineers are good since they can repair tanks and can double as Scouts. I rarely use them though.

I want to make one too, but damn game wouldn't give me my credits. I'll just count on Coleen in the meantime.

>> No.6143218


>> No.6143251

I heard later on Melodists are really good because you can debuff bosses to hell and pistols are really broken for some reason

>> No.6143273

It's so good-looking. ;_;


>Aliasse's pants, or lack thereof
Yes, please.

Anyways, on the bright side at least they stuck with some of the fucking awesome soundtrack elements of VC1.
I get chills when I listen to Valkyria's awakening or the Main Theme...

>> No.6143278

Melodists and Anthem Elites are both great but a little situational. The 8 shot series pistols are pretty good especially with an offensive engineer like Sofia.

>> No.6143295

The theme from the championship finals is amazing.


>> No.6143342
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Hitoshi Sakimoto is badass when it comes to themes and leitmotif in his soundtracks.

My pants exploded in VC1 when I heard him use the Main Theme as the chorus in that first battle theme (Gallant/Desperate Fight or something). Clever as hell; it like starts at like 1:14.

>> No.6143442

lolol zun likes to sniff wrinkly weiners.

>> No.6143448


Indeed, man, indeed.


"Final decisive battle" starting at :35 is just... fuck... I literally get goose bumps. Leitmotifgasm.

I suddenly have a compulsion to build a 1:1 Edelweiss and bring it to cons.

>> No.6143578
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I would love to drive that thing. I'd run over the /jp/ meet-up.

Playfully, of course.

>> No.6143619

Okay I like VC and all but I'm complete ass at it. Do I have to use a guide just to beat it on easy? I even bought the second one and am probably gunna suck more dick at it.

>> No.6143647

Abuse Smokescreen.
Alicia is broken. Marina's nearly so.
Abuse fucking smokescreen.
Engineers are useless except for letting snipers and lancers spam attacks (which is a pretty good ability, so stick them to those classes during combat).

>> No.6143651
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Me under the treads.

Imagine how much pussy you could haul with that. Shit makes Darcsens wet in their panties just looking at it.

Jesus, looking at it now it looks like a 1:1 scale would be goddamned HUGE. I don't think the artists appreciated the fact that when in the turret, your feet would hang down into the main "body" of it so much so that only maybe bellybutton-up (or less) would actually be in the turret.

>> No.6143660

Raita designed the mechanical stuff in the game (and did the character designs). He adores oversized tanks, so he probably just made it huge for the Cool Factor.

>> No.6143676


Be sure to include a Merkava elevator.

>> No.6143682

should I get a ps3 too play the vc games? Is it worth it, are there more /jp/ games and jrpg games like this on the ps3? Im coming from the ps2 which had a lot of jrpgs but i know that times have changed and there aren't as many if them..

>> No.6143687

At the end of the new trailer the character designer is contributed to Raita. Is he still doing designs or are they just crediting him for the original stuff?

>> No.6143706

>vc games
You mean the one VC game?
And sure, there are plenty of decent games for the PS3, I've got about 12. A lot of them you could get on the 360 though if you already have one.

>> No.6143716

So I can't rip the BIOS or whatever that's needed to run the emulator so that YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A PLAYSTATION.

>> No.6143744

No one dumps their own BIOS, just use google for that stuff.

>> No.6143758

There's a couple jrpgs out for PS3, some are not so great, some are good. VC1 is definetely good. Ar Tonelico 3 is coming out this spring and the new Atelier game drops at the end of the month.

>> No.6143793

What happened too all the rpgs sony use too offer, why was there such a change from ps2 too ps3? What do the Japanese feel about this? don't they want tons of jrpgs on there system? or are they just not coming over seas?

>> No.6143838

It's called Nintendo DS.

>> No.6143880

PS3 has some pretty good RPGS:
Valkyria Chronicles
Demon's Souls
Eternal Sonata
Star Ocean 4
Atelier Rorona
Atelier Totori
Ar Tonelico 3
White Knight Chronicles
Disgaea 3
Trinity Universe
Last Rebellion

>> No.6143890
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>Demon's Souls
>Eternal Sonata
>Star Ocean 4
>Atelier Rorona
>Atelier Totori
>Ar Tonelico 3
>White Knight Chronicles
>Disgaea 3
>Trinity Universe
>Last Rebellion
>good RPGs

>> No.6143891

Forgot to add Resonance of Fate.

>> No.6143904

I'm sure you've played all of them, right?
>Highschool of the Dead

>> No.6143917

Which were your favorites on PS2?

There's a lot of good RPGs on PS3 like the games Sudo listed. VC1 and Resonance of Fate are my favorites so far.

>> No.6143926

sorry but fxiii and wkc fail pretty hard, i was expecting so much more and they failed to deliver

can you say the same?

>> No.6143932

>sorry but fxiii and wkc fail pretty hard
Well that's just like, your opinion, man.
>can you say the same?
I have all of them except AT3 and Atelier Totori. When they come out in the US I'll buy them the day they're released.

>> No.6143941


I was thinking the same thing with the same exact titles.
I like WKC, but I know it's not a good RPG, but Level 5 should deliver with WKC2.

>> No.6143989

ffxiii just had bad story, good character development but stupid story plot, also linear as fuck progression, exploration? wait until the last quarter of the game
wkc's promised 50 hour single player turned out to be less than 20 hours, it was just too short to be epic, i soppose they sacked the single player to add on the multiplayer, and wkc2 is nothing fantastic either, enjoy your wasted emotional loss and your really stupid plot spoiler
i enjoyed both games but they're fairly average, but that's like just, my opnion, man

>> No.6144014

to add on, vc1 blew my mind away, so i totally advocate that game, i love end of eternity/resonance of fate as well
vc2 was a little disappointing, it had pros and cons, but vc3 will fucking rock, they're going back to the vc1 basics with some additions from vc2, and imo, vc3 will be what vc2 should've been

>> No.6144092

Please go back to /v/.

>> No.6144100


Merkava elevator? You're talking about the sloped armor Merkavas have around the base of their barrel? The pics I see of the Edelweiss, it looks more like just cloth and leather, almost.

I will come pick you up when it is finished, Helen, and we will ride around on my bitchin tank together. Boof can be driver, you're gunner, I'm TC. deleted can be the loader, huffing noxious fumes every shell because the 'weiss has no bore evacuator.
