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6113781 No.6113781 [Reply] [Original]

Do you cook your food yourself?

>> No.6113788
File: 17 KB, 97x87, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store-bought Ramen Noodles and Macaroni.
Can't cook much more than that.

>> No.6113798
File: 74 KB, 1024x576, 1280362838378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen from the store. Only thing i can cook.
I microwave some meatpies from time to time too. Tomorrow im going to try something brave and im going to some chicken. I hope it goes well. I eat only ramen and meatpies so a change in my eating habits would be good.

>> No.6113800

I gave up on cooking since I hate cleaning shit up.

>> No.6113807

I don't know much about Saten but why is she so pissed? Or is this a shoop?

>> No.6113809


made a shittier-looking but still tasty version of this today

>> No.6113816

I'm one of the better cooks in my family for what it's worth.

>> No.6113818

That is Uiharu and she was excited because of a buffet.

>> No.6113828

If my "cook" you mean "throw in the microwave or Foreman grill" then yes.

>> No.6113829
File: 121 KB, 540x698, 3c42121fc26ed2907172e58f040d0219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking up a few eggs and toast right now. I really cant cook much else though.

I'm really more of an arsonist than a cook

>> No.6113853

(;`・ω・)o━ヽ_。_・_゚_・_フ)) チャーハン作るよ!

>> No.6113868

I spend a lot of time cooking. I don't particularly enjoy it, but it's just disappointing if I have to eat bad food. Or rather, I enjoy eating good food so it's worth the time it takes to prepare.

>> No.6113870

Same quality as >>6113798, just different food.

>> No.6113877

I know how to make basic curry, spaghetti, and stirfry all of which has lasted me 2-3 years now. I should expand my repertoire but I'm too lazy.

>> No.6113924

my useless mom makes them for me, fucking bitch.

>> No.6113938

>I spend a lot of time cooking. I don't particularly enjoy it, but it's just disappointing if I have to eat bad food. Or rather, I enjoy eating good food so it's worth the time it takes to prepare.

You are awesome. Seriously. I want to be like you. I love good food yet stick to eating usual shit because I'm too lazy... i don't mind cooking actually, but it would require me to go out and interract with NPCs to buy things.

>> No.6113939

Well it's home made food. I bet it's good!

>> No.6113945

Other people are always cooking in the house so I rarely need to.

>> No.6113948

Every evening. As far as cooking goes, ask me anything; I'm pretty much perfect.

>> No.6113968

I love cooking.
I cook my meals as often as possible, I also sometimes bake cakes and cookies.
But the thing I like the most is other people enjoying my cooking - needles to say, it doesn't happen often.

>> No.6113976
File: 359 KB, 1024x576, chikin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Here's my dinner from a few weeks ago.

>> No.6113978


This changes things somewhat. Maybe on one of my braver days I can think of them like this instead of staying inside and starving.

>> No.6113986

I only make things that are microwavable, aside from sandwiches.

>> No.6113987

looks disgusting as fuck.

>> No.6113997

Don't use the microwave. Invest one time in a cheap toaster over. Enjoy all the frozen shit with out it being microwave hot/dried and gooey. Also cooks on a timer so you can forget it and it won't burn.

>> No.6114008

all i do is egg drop ramen and fried camembert with cranberries, because basically there is not better foods than that

>> No.6114016

I can cook but I never really have to as store bought food is cheaper(Think bags of rice and bread).

Also, I don't like using a microwave. Reduces nutritional value of a lot of foods.

>> No.6114019


cut your chickins in smaller pieces :<

also i hope that you boil them and not fry?

>> No.6114021
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Veggies and salmon.

Alone ;_;

>> No.6114031
File: 113 KB, 620x700, 1275758766244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the great at cooking, but I try to cook something decent at least once a week. I made banana pancakes for dinner tonight. Not exactly a balanced meal, but delicious and easy.

>> No.6114035

BOOF you are never alone. We know you.

>> No.6114041

Beats the bowl of ice cream I had for dinner.

>> No.6114042
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0156[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crab legs when the season comes and I migrate south.

>> No.6114043

I want anon to cook me dinner in a cute apron.

>> No.6114045

baked in the oven.

>> No.6114050

cook?? what does it mean?

>> No.6114056

Steam food and stir fry some stuff, pretty easy stuff to do.

That and buy the Japanese curry packets and make curry using them. (Although I don't know a proper recipe for Japanese curry....I don't trust the results on google).

>> No.6114059

I will, if I am wearing the apron only.

>> No.6114061

I enjoy BOOF POV adventures.

>> No.6114063

That looks pretty good actually, BOOF.

>> No.6114066

>I made banana pancakes for dinner tonight. Not exactly a balanced meal, but delicious and easy.
>banana pancakes

i demand a recipe

>> No.6114074

I can cook basic stuff and my chili is excellent.

>> No.6114075

Most of the time, yes. My family has never had any meals together except in the weekends and even that is nowadays rare. I like it because I dislike eating with other people, the sounds they make while eating are pretty disgusting.
Most of the time it cant be called "cooking", though, either I'll buy things I'll only have to heat up or make something very simple.

>> No.6114076

I fucking hate cooking. I can burn water. 9 times out of 10 I would rather get delivery because it means I don't have to make the attempt.

>> No.6114081
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_1832[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit /jp/.

Now I'm hungry enough for some chicken.

>> No.6114084

I cook everything I eat myself no exceptions. Well maybe a pizza a month or something when I'm too tired.
Usually make big batches, stew or similar yields great results, so I end up eating the same thing for two three days in a row but it usually ends up good enough to be bearable.
I'm not overly fond in cooking but I have a thing about being self sufficient and the fact I save a lot of money and eat healthily makes it a no brainer.

>> No.6114091

I can make decent food, I just don't have the patience to do anything complicated. It doesn't help that I'm usually already hungry when I start cooking.

>> No.6114089

My dad doesn't wash anything, not the pans not the utensils not the stove or the counter where the grease has overflowed to. Or the floor where it now pools and rots. Or his hands with which he prepares raw meat (every meal). I don't much leave my room, except gather more water. bags of shit and bottles of piss out he window fuck yeah!

>> No.6114097

Goddamn you're making me hungry

>> No.6114102
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_1834[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much food for one person ;_;

>> No.6114103

I cook my food for every meal and bake something nice once a week or so.

>> No.6114109


BOOF, I just have this impression of you as being able to portay this remarkably well-adjusted person with expert skill in concealment of power level. How close to right am I? I mean, that's your chicken in your nice kitchen with your high end olive oil, right?

>> No.6114111

I'm cooking a big pot of Japanese curry with chicken right now.

>> No.6114123

It's just cheap Costco olive oil ;_;

>> No.6114134

I nominate BOOF as my apron-clad chef.

>> No.6114158
File: 983 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some wine from the cellar, /jp/ drinks right?

>> No.6114166

not wine.

>> No.6114180

I wish I had a cellar. That sounds so cool.

>> No.6114202


Well, I bet it's fucking delish.

>> No.6114210


30 year old French Bordeaux. You fucking continental, you.

>> No.6114228


>> No.6114235
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>> No.6114249
File: 204 KB, 800x600, wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some wine too.

>> No.6114266

The microwave cooks it for me.

>> No.6114273
File: 779 KB, 2304x1728, 101_0170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made these the other night.

My seaweed was too short ;_;

>> No.6114280

>/jp/ drinks right?
Water, all day erry day. Maybe some orange juice if I'm feeling feisty.

>> No.6114286

It's that ham? I hope not because if so you ruined all that rice.

>> No.6114293

among the things that I can't do is cooking.... goddamn, there was a time where I tried to do some fried eggs and I ended burning my mom's hair, holy fuck... I had to give her money so she could fix her hair... my wallet suffered critical damage.

and since then, I am banned from the kitchen ;_;

>> No.6114297

Looks like spam.

>> No.6114303
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And dinner is ready!

>> No.6114308


>> No.6114315

Luncheon Meat...?

>> No.6114310

rice looks good but the curry..

>> No.6114316 [DELETED] 


Spam Musubi.

>> No.6114336
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, spammusubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6114345
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife cooks everything for me

>> No.6114347

I thought that was real from the thumbnail.

>> No.6114353

I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

>> No.6114399

Fuck, I'm jealous.

>> No.6114418


Sorry I took so long, I got distracted by other stuff. This is what I used and it turned out well.

>> No.6114864
File: 199 KB, 602x435, 1239679303841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live next to a subway.

>> No.6114884

But doesn't that mean they recognize you and try to get all normalfriendly with you? I hate that. Like this one guy at a place I used to like once called me by my name when I turned up. I never went back.

>> No.6114923

No it doesn't, you faggot.

>> No.6114935

Not really, most of them are a bunch of rude teenagers who usually quit after they get their first check. It's not like I'm going to a local convenience store, and how would that guy know your name?

>> No.6114937
File: 51 KB, 800x800, 126823869251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know right, I wish all people would just BURN IN HELL AND DIE IN AGONY.

Goddamn normalfags, trying to be "friendly" with me. Don't talk to me! Don't look at me! You can't understand the darkness of my black heart.

>> No.6114944

Why are there so many normals trying to satirize people who aren't normalfags on /jp/ today?

>> No.6114956

There's no reason to get emo about it. Sheesh. Just because you are detached from society doesn't mean you should start cutting yourself and wearing all black.

>> No.6114964

Why yes, I do. I cook chicken fried rice and fish and whatnot while silently laughing at my roommate that eats instant ramen for breakfast every day.

Granted he's far more social than I'll ever be and is already applying for a job...

Not quite sure what makes this /jp/-related.

>> No.6114985

Why are there so many 15 year olds trying to act cool and edgy on /jp/ this weekend? This place is to talk about visual novels and touhou, or talk about your experiences as a NEET, it's not your emo livejournal to whine about normalfags and how much better than the rest of humanity you think you are.

>> No.6115013
File: 26 KB, 229x206, 1284063964540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6115023

he mad.

>> No.6115050

Yeah I'm mad.

Now go apply your eyeliner and write some poetry, you mallgoth faggot.

>> No.6115241


He was trolling you, in case you haven't noticed.
