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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6112980 No.6112980 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6112985

mfw this thread

>> No.6112988

Facebook is one of those social networking things right? Like the type of website people use to see how popular someone is and talk to friends?


>> No.6112998

I do have one

>> No.6112989

Because it's shit.

>> No.6112992

the offer for free mousepads ended before I could get a fake one

>> No.6113001

Because then all those people from high school would realize that I literally have done nothing in the past 5 years.

>> No.6113002

Because my goal in this life isn't gathering all the fake friends I can.

>> No.6113005

I have no friends

>> No.6113007

i don't have any friends

>> No.6113024
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Too many ads

>> No.6113062

No friends to keep in touch with.

>> No.6113084

I have facebook. It is useful for insulting the few friends and family that I have.

>> No.6113094

I do, but I haven't logged in for 6 months,

>> No.6113097

I have facebook, and 102 friends.

>> No.6113102


>> No.6113101

Because I'm not a cocksucking faggot.

>> No.6113099

I dont need fake friends

>> No.6113098

I made one back in college a few years ago to keep track of things on campus and exchange books/home work with classmates.

Now I don't use it for anything.

>> No.6113115

I do have one. However, I don't post anything with it... I just log in and creep on the lives of the people I'm friends with on there. People really are willing to publicly share a lot of interesting information about their lives to people like me who they've never really said one word to.

>> No.6113124

Technically I have a facebook, but I haven't touched it in over a year. Knowing how people are doing is something I'm interested in, but it's filled with crap everywhere and I honestly would rather not wade through it all. It isn't a matter of "I have no friends", because really once you become active enough on facebook suddenly everyone knows who you are. I just don't like it much. I guess my excuse would be "it's mostly a waste of time", but eh I'm on /jp/ so that voids itself.

>> No.6113187
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I do, but people dont care

>> No.6113262

I have a fake account, with 451 fake friends.

>> No.6113717

I don't, but a friend from uni made one pretending to be me and will add everyone who asks for a friend request. He also says yes to every invitation for parties, sponsorships etc which has resulted in several people asking me why I was never at their house party even when I had said I was coming.

>> No.6113722

No friends.

>> No.6113751

I used to have a facebook but I deleted it. I would constantly get spammed with annoying emails plus I never used it much anway.

>> No.6113755


this. Facebook Stalking eats up a good amount of my free time.

>> No.6113758

Because I value my privacy.

>> No.6113761

Facebook accounts are normals. Normals are not allowed post on /jp/. Of course I wouldn't have one.

>> No.6113770

I have one so that I can pretend I have some semblance of a social life. It's good for asking favors from other people that I am "friend" with.

>> No.6113771

>comic sans
/jp/ has really dropped in quality lately. I don't know where I'm supposed to go if /jp/ becomes another place for /b/-level people.

>> No.6113774
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I have friends, but unfortunately I have no face.

>> No.6113808

did the myspace thing dont see the point in facebook

>> No.6113820

I'll give in when Civilization for Facebook is playable

>> No.6113843
File: 331 KB, 512x700, 6e5b801fc858f1042d7f99f6f0e8fbdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.


inb4 rage

>> No.6113847


but /b/ is amazing board! there woudl be no /jp/ without /b/ cause really all visits this chan for /b/ only so all money is thanks to /b/ and /b/ only

>> No.6113857

Serious question now: what for would I need a Facebook account?

>> No.6113861

Roleplaying social network accounts - worse than normal social network accounts.

>> No.6113871

Just what you expect from a /k/ spamer.

>> No.6113872

You are just being jealous because marisa is actually having fun in facebook! :3

I have a account too. That way my parents think that i have social life and that im doing good. Nobody will never know that im actually dying inside!

>> No.6113880

Hell, if i know. Probably something about what new britney spears album or new awsome hollywood movie came out. And how cool some guys are.

>> No.6113883

I didn't have a myspace, I won't have a facebook, or any other thing like it. I don't care what other people are doing, I don't have anyone interested in what I'm doing, nor do I care if they are interested.

>> No.6113891

OMG facebook epic raeg goddamn normals i am different and unique how dare you compare me to common sheeple or even mention typical sex-crazy booze-addicted normalfags on this board my only home in the world I am soooooo buttraged right now omfg i am so mad, oh kawaii Meido-sama please delete this shit before I have an anneurism

>> No.6113893


>> No.6113944
File: 34 KB, 225x350, 79989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you, you're always so cheerful! And you like Saten!!

>> No.6113960

OMG facebook epic win dat friends list i am social and popular how dare you compare me to nerds or even mention things outside the social norm on this board one of my billion social homes in the world I am soooooo wasted right now omfg i am so stoned, oh awesome party please stop being so awesome before I pass out

>> No.6113970

Oh you! The world is such a cruel and a cold place so we need to have some positive thoughts from time to time! I think that everyone loves Saten. Some are just too shy to admit it!

>> No.6113993
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>> No.6114000

fuck get out you unvirgin
if you dont hump pillows and cry yourself to sleep every night because you're not fucking a 2D little girl and you're lonely and misunderstood then you dont know shit about /jp/

go back to /b/ you shit
only overweight neckbeard floorshitter virgins here

omg I'm so sad I'm going to cry, why was I cursed to be so much more intelligent than everyone else in the world? Nobody will ever understand me or love me but I don't care because I'm above basic human emotions and all people are sheep except for me.

>> No.6114017

No one comments on what i post.


>> No.6114024

fuck get out you virgin
if you dont party hard with your bros and fuck hot sluts every night because you're fucking -A-L-P-H-A- SOCIAL and nerds are so fucking jealous and lonely and cry about it online then you dont know shit about the world

go back to mcdonalds you shit
only people who women will actually touch here

omg I'm so alpha I'm going to brofist myself, why was I born to be just as social as everyone else on facebook? No nerds will ever bang more chickens than me but they pretend they don't care because they think they're above basic human emotions and that pisses me off

>> No.6114077

I hate Facebook not because of the astounding faggotry it house but because of the danger it represents to the internet as a whole.

For some reason, people (which include the powers that be) started to think that Apple shit and Facebook are the "future of the internet", proclaiming the death of the site-based net. Fucking idiots see it as a way to monopolize an unmonopolizable media.

>> No.6114099

As much as I hate people who hate things because they are popular, Facebook is the exception.
So many people hated Myspace because it was popular amongst teens, then Facebook comes along and its the greatest thing to ever happen to the internet. The fuck is the difference? Viral garbage.

>> No.6114100

I do.
With 5,000 friends.

>> No.6114104


>> No.6114120

Because my ability to deal with social situations has fallen so far that I have trouble posting on anonymous image-boards.

Well, that, and it never really seemed like my thing, I guess. I just didn't think 'Oh, Facebook, I want to be a part of that'. I still don't.

>> No.6114138

>50 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

God damnit /jp/...

>> No.6114160

i had one of the first 10000 livejournals
grew out of that shit

>> No.6114167

It's partly this for me. I appear to be doing fine since I'm a university student but I don't know anyone. A big part of facebook is showing off your 'social capital' - your friends and active lifestyle. Another one is looking at people's profiles and comparing their success to your own. The third reason to use it is to know what's happening, with who and where, so you can find that party all the sluts are going to. I wish to do none of these things, moreover, I don't want people commenting on me not doing anything.

>> No.6114173

I used failbook for a few days using a fake name... it was boring as shit, so fuck it.

>> No.6114203

I have a Facebook only a few friends. What's the problem?

>> No.6114229

I have a facebook page and I use the account to masturbate to the pictures of the friends that I could've had.

>> No.6114234

I've been trying to tolerate your bullshit up until now.
