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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6109022 No.6109022 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Touhous /jp/ can beat in a fist fight

>> No.6109029

Pretty sure I could take Akyu

>> No.6109031


>> No.6109037

You will never hear the sound of a touhous jawbone shatter as it comes in contact with your fist


>> No.6109044

Nitori as long as she is out of the water, I would bust the bald spot off that lying anal ripping bitch.

>> No.6109046

noo my dangly wrists are too delicate, kyaa~...

>> No.6109049

Patchy. Assuming there's no magic allowed, she would go down quite easily

>> No.6109053
File: 36 KB, 250x250, kisumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really think you can take on Kisume? Don't make me laugh.

>sometimes it is some sort of oni or tengu

You hear that? Kisume could be the Third Deva of the Mountain for all you know, and encased her body to seal her strength. You know that the rest of the oni are supposed to be underground, after all.

Also, apparently Kisume is the only tsurube-otoshi in popular culture! Yay, some attention for once!

>> No.6109064

You disappoint me, /jp/, you bunch of barbarians. Clearly, wrestling the the fight to be fought against touhous.

>> No.6109067

Well I could kick her bucket-enclosed ass in a kickboxing match

>> No.6109070


Because /jp/ is full of nerds that, I'm sure, have been bullied for being fags at school when they were younger (or still is).

Nice wishful thinking. Now, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.6109072

yuuka, I hate cheaters

>> No.6109079


>> No.6109082


>> No.6109088

Who couldn't beat up a tiny Japanese girl?

>> No.6109091

I'll kick your ass right after I'm done busting up Akyuu.

>> No.6109101
File: 251 KB, 1116x1600, idk_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6109110
File: 360 KB, 600x450, akyuu uwaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could beat up Akyuu.
I wouldn't, though. I'm nice and so is she.

>> No.6109121

Wiggle, who is completely defenseless without her bugs, you should tear off her antennae to wreck her sensory skills so she can't escape the ass beating.

>> No.6109122


say dat to my face fukr n see wat happns.jpg


/jp/ nerds.

>> No.6109126
File: 678 KB, 655x1024, 72363de8624f8a552eb71664a4fdf43e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crush the Satoris. With your Mind.

>> No.6109133


Which you can't do because she can fly, probably summon a shitstorm of bugs--and you can't do shit but stand there defenseless albeit acting like tough shit but that's just a facade.

>> No.6109135

we should bring touhous to our world and hunt them

>> No.6109137
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>> No.6109142

Hunting youkai deep in the forests of Aokigahara would be a great tourist activity.

>> No.6109143

>implying lonely nerds have overcomplicated minds that can destroy 'The girl even the spirits fear' or whatever

Over-erotic thoughts, as you smartasses are probably going to find 'funny' as a response, aren't going to do shit either.

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6109149
File: 427 KB, 960x1280, kisume1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. See this? No matter how thick your muscles and penis are, BOOFy, chances are that you haven't exercised your head much. Did you know that hundreds and thousands of people die each year by being struck in the head by falling fruits from trees? Think how badly a falling loli-in-a-bucket would break you, unless you actually got adamantium skull or were cheating by wearing a helmit.

Even without her oni-like strength, Kisume can use gravity to kill you.

>> No.6109156

you guys forget that youkai are naturally physically stronger than humans right?
except for patchy all of them could split you in half with a half assed karate chop

>> No.6109161

would tewi's luck aura inadvertently help potential attackers?

>> No.6109165


Really was that even necessary? OH RIGHT, because you nerds are so insecure, you have to mention your dick all the time to reassure your masculinity.

>> No.6109170

No way man.

All that ovaltine I downed as a kid should have my bones as hard as fucking diamonds.

>> No.6109172

She's a wise rabbit and thus all the fortune goes to her.

None to you. Have fun crying.

>> No.6109173

Bah. I could totally take Nitori. Just knock off her cap and peel off her cunningly concealed skullcap to spill her skull-water and she'll be weak as a kitten.

>> No.6109177

Calm down, anon. We're not actually beating up any Touhous.

>> No.6109183 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 600x600, nitori reimu shirikodama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be raped by Nitori.

>> No.6109189


And yet you are here, posting on /jp/ like a nerd.

Why don't you go out to be a professional kickboxer, young man?

Or post pics of these muscles like the tough guy you are.

>> No.6109190

that's ok i think i would be down with tewi beating the crap out of me

>> No.6109192

Youkai is just another term for supernatural beings in Touhou. There are all kinds. It's like saying whether you are stronger than an animal. Maybe yes, maybe no, it really depends on the type.

On average you are probably correct though.

>> No.6109195


Do it BOOF! Post a picture of your badass self!

>> No.6109198


>> No.6109199
File: 170 KB, 825x1042, 1281104930843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd stalk her, set up a trap, catch her and take her home, nurse her better and feign to be frightened by her attempts to frighten me.

>> No.6109203

>Or post pics of these muscles like the tough guy you are.


>> No.6109208


Just saying because this shit makes me sick.

You nerds always keep trying to reassure yourselves with the dumbest shit ever. It's not even acceptance anymore, it's all just excuses now.

And you wonder why you aren't socially acceptable.

>> No.6109210

I bet I could knock this fuck out of nobody

Not like I'd have to, no one fights with fists, only danmaku.

>> No.6109216

And then reality kicks in and you realize this isn't some weeaboo animu and that you just trapped a monster that's about to tear the living shit out of you.


>> No.6109221

youkai are youkai

celestials aren't youkai yet they are supernatural
ghosts aren't youkai either

>> No.6109224

PMiSS right? The thing that said that "all" youkai are unlimited stronger then a human? Well, apparently Kappa aren't youkai since "on dry land there is no big difference from the power of a human" and "their battle skills are also comparatively low, they seldom show themselves in front of humans". All in the kappa entry of the same book that says Wiggle, who isn't apparently a youkai either, is practically harmless without her bugs.

>> No.6109229


Which you won't be able to use because you're a regular human who's too lazy to do anything with his life and spends the rest of it by posting on imageboards.

>> No.6109231

Most of them, with a proper advantage. (sucker punch) Their muscles may be stronger but bone is bone and can be broken. Brains are brains and can be bruised.

>> No.6109235

How did you know I was bullied in school?

Also, Tenu.

>> No.6109237

>nerd trying to reassure himself

>> No.6109240

just like how sharks aren't faster than humans in land yet they are in water?

>> No.6109241

You can't compete against youkai in terms of physical combat, anon. you would break your hand.

>> No.6109244

Diamonds are brittle and shatter with strong impacts.

>> No.6109245
File: 131 KB, 656x518, 1281189074307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't like that. She just wants to scare people, that is all.

>> No.6109247


>> No.6109254

You'll break your hand hitting a normal person that hard. It'll still hurt them. It'll still hurt the youkai brains.

>> No.6109256


...but you're a nerd. I doubt you can land a blow on any of them.

Also, I'm sure they can regenerate pretty fast.

Anyway, have fun pretending you're tough shit., little nerd


Because you're posting on /jp/. You try to make up for the fact that you were bullied in school by then bullying people on the internet.

>> No.6109264

I could beat yukari using aikido but still in a fistfight as in boxing she'd make cheddar cheese out of me

>> No.6109270


Yet I'm sure she can still kick your ass in a fist-fight, you pansy-ass nerd. Quit trying to reassure yourself "she's just trying to scare people I can finally fantasize about my dream wife durr hurr."

and then nothing happens for the rest of your life

>> No.6109274

*posts image of ogre*

>> No.6109282


She can just manipulate your skill in aikido and thus you will lose anyway.

Also, lol @ weeaboo mentioning knowing aikido.

>> No.6109292

but she wud jus gap ur fists into ur face

>> No.6109312

Suigin would just use akido to redirect her manipulation of skills. Don't underestimate Suigin.

>> No.6109320

I'm afraid you don't understand how aikido works. The only thing her manipulation could accomplish would be removing her own skills.

>> No.6109325


I still will because he is a nerd, a tripfag, and is posting on /jp/ to amplify that nerdiness.

Also, ITT: nerds reassuring themselves that they aren't losers.

>> No.6109331

I am not a nerd >:)

>> No.6109335

I'm to busy being a complete faggot to be a nerd.

>> No.6109337
File: 206 KB, 988x628, me and my buddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6109339
File: 462 KB, 850x850, sample_abeae40a182169d4d1cd31cfed0c45d9c5461baa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling lucky, /jp/?

>> No.6109340

Well then, I guess I'll have to fish out that anal raping whore with cucumbers before I stomp on her bald spot.

>> No.6109342
File: 195 KB, 800x600, Komachikuri!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, is the inverse true? Did I used to get bullied on /jp/ because I didn't get bullied in school, and was actually admired by many?

I'm not even sure if the average /jp/er could beat up yukkuri.

>> No.6109345

I know a guy who beat up a bear by himself during a survival camping trip.

He doesn't post on /jp/ because he's too busy not being a nerd and pretending he knows how to use aikido. True story.

>> No.6109352

You didn't get bullied in school but you sure as hell didn't learn shit.

Your logic is equal to that of a special needs autistic student.


>> No.6109355

you always manage to fascinate me with your shitposts.

>> No.6109359
File: 9 KB, 170x226, photo-158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a nerd, I work out 3 times a week with ufc trainers and fighters, I can also play the guitar better than any of you dream.

>> No.6109362
File: 26 KB, 480x360, OniBeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, I have the ultimate anti-oni weapons on, so after I kill the drunk bitch I'll place her dismembered horn on my mantle.

>> No.6109369

>in my imaginary animu world

Seriously, then, why are you here posting on /jp/, you fucking nerd? Quit lying to yourself and realize you're a failure.

>> No.6109373

It's a fist fight. Don't bend the rules now.

>> No.6109378

You started of as an OK troll, but now you've just become obvious and unfunny. You can leave now if you want.

>> No.6109383
File: 17 KB, 300x400, photo-132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha your jealous!

>> No.6109387

o4l i literaly applouded

>> No.6109390

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?

Honestly, I'm not even trolling. I just want you idiots to realize you're faggots. Quit fucking hiding the truth and going SLUT DICKS SLUTS because really, you're not fooling anyone, you lonely piece of shit.

>> No.6109392

I believe you shouldn't call me a nerd
I have practiced Aikido for many years
Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is

>> No.6109394

Damn, that guy is white as hell.

Surely, he has never seen the sun before.

Of course not, he's on /jp/ crying about his feelings getting hurt.

Again, as always, you fags are trying to laugh to hide the tears.

>> No.6109399


>> No.6109402

Touhous are too light to use Aikido on.

>> No.6109408


nobody cares

you're still a nerd that keeps trying to reassure himself and this post just amplified that

>> No.6109409

waht thef fuke is is gooing ons

>> No.6109411
File: 39 KB, 640x480, photo-140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you wouldn't say that to my face.

>> No.6109413


>> No.6109414

Believe it or not, I wasn't always a handsome stud. I used to an anti-social loser like you, until I started Aikido more than a year ago.

In Aikido, you need to communicate to your partner to be successful, my partner was a very talkative person, I couldn't help but open up to him. He's now my best friend, and through him, I lost my old ways and became a man.

>> No.6109425

>I lost my old ways and became a man.
who posts on FUCKING /jp/.


The face only a mother could love.

This is why you fap to animu porn.

>> No.6109433

I decided to take a stroll in the park today in my Aikido suit as I like to call it, the weather was great. I found myself a great spot for doing Aikido techniques, as I train, a beautiful woman came up to me and tapped my shoulder. I was so immersed in training that I mistaken her as a threat and grabbed her arm, tossing her to the ground. I quickly realized my mistake and apologized, she accepted the sincere apology of mine.

Afterwards she asked me what I was doing, I explained to her that I was practicing the ancient and mighty Japanese art of Aikido, she gave me her phone number, wanting to discuss more of Aikido.

An obvious excuse to meetup once again to have sex because I already told her everything about Aikido.

>> No.6109443

I don't know, that guy could be quite dashing if not for the pronounced effort to look like a retard. No acne, and good facial symmetry.

Get rid of the beard and some of those prodigious eyebrows, and he'd be passable.

>> No.6109448


cool story bro

now pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6109449
File: 28 KB, 384x301, flan suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't here to talk about Touhou in this thread, then I must politely ask you to leave, please. Insecurity about masculinity? It seems you really don't even know the slightest bit about /jp/ culture. We are all lonely Polish lesbian girls who love our passion! We're here, we're queer, deal with it!

Back on topic, chances are that only the human characters like Maribel and Renko are on par with normal people. However, witnessing how quickly Sanae adapted to Gensokyo and joined the EX main characters, coupled with suspicions about Maribel's true identity, and one can argue that challenging anyone in this fictional world is probably a poor idea, lest one is looking for a painful death (or sex if you think this is an h-doujin scenerio).

>> No.6109453

Oh you, quit trying to flatter yourself.

>> No.6109456
File: 40 KB, 640x480, photo-141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see your deformed fat ass face.

>> No.6109458

Back to /b/, please

>> No.6109463

>Insecurity about masculinity? It seems you really don't even know the slightest bit about /jp/ culture.

And that is why you are all losers.

>> No.6109469


"It doesn't take a chef to know the food is shit."

>> No.6109472

Probably Patchy. I'm not much of a fighter.

>> No.6109475

We already know we are losers.
Everyone who posts on 4chan is automatically a faggot too.

>> No.6109477
File: 58 KB, 251x251, 1283739056943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he is posting in a forum

>> No.6109484

I am a good cook thank you very much.

>> No.6109488

I actually meant it. You were funny at first, and presented some decent, almost rational seeming arguments. Now, however, you've begun to resort to name calling, and using the same retorts over and over. I merely suggest you get some new material before you continue.

>> No.6109489


Yuugi. One sieg heil and she's down for the count.

>> No.6109494
File: 14 KB, 575x80, ultrashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know how to enable BBCODE?
holy newfaggotry

>> No.6109499

haha suiging, your to easy too troll

btw this post is immune to metatrolling so owned gg no re

>> No.6109503
File: 189 KB, 656x856, Wriggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I don't hit girls.

Also wow I don't have a single Rinnosuke pic. I guess wriggle will have to do.

>> No.6109507

>post count

I can't fucking believe you care about that.

>> No.6109508
File: 260 KB, 497x371, whosthatpokemonitsnerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, nice niggerlips, bro. You look kind of like a fish. It's also like I can smell you through my computer screen.

Maybe this is concept art FOR THE GEN V POKIEMENS?!

>> No.6109518

I use that script to see which trips are newfriends and which are just people with names changed/old trips I forgot about

>> No.6109519

There is no touhou boxers.

The only time a person should limit themselves to fist in a fight is in boxing.

>> No.6109535

How do you enable the code and have the post count, etc?

>> No.6109539

Can /jp/ beat ZUN?

>> No.6109542


nerds fighting nerds

>> No.6109545

This is a great idea, let's beat ZUN and force him to make whichever Touhous we want.

>> No.6109546


>> No.6109565

Was that really that funny?

>> No.6109572

>force him to make whichever Touhous we want.


>> No.6109575


inb4 self-inserts or generic waifus

>> No.6109579

ends in gangbang

>> No.6109587

Ends in tea party, more like.

Maybe it's time for a new iteration of those "draw your own Touhou in MSPaint" threads.

>> No.6109588

Tiny video cameras are advertised everywhere.

>> No.6109596

>generic waifus

Why would I create my waifu when she already exists? Self-inserts would be more likely, but I don't know if I could bring myself to doing that.
I'd probably just make a bunch of over-powered loli Touhous just to make things interesting.

>> No.6109605


Wow! You're an aspiring fanfic writer!

Oh ho, self-inserts, how could I expect less from /jp/?

>> No.6109606

Wow, and here you were thinking that everyone in the world was going to be celibate just like you. The best present is giving of one's self.

>> No.6109614


>> No.6109621



>> No.6109628

Never take rejection personally.

>> No.6109634

That's silly, ZUN-sama is armed with the only power that even Suigin's aikido bows down to: the Power of God, aka Hoard of the Fandom. Not even the greatest aikido master can overcome a stampeding mob of hundreds of thousands of fat otaku charging forward without any regard for anything but their new limited edition loli Cirno h-doujin and figurine package. Some Alice cosplayers will probably take a dump on your face while you're being trampled. And ZUN can summon them without spending a single MP.

Ever hear of the worf effect? Is even the ancient martial art of aikido is defeated, what chances do you have?

>> No.6109637

That's silly, zun-sama is armed with the only power that even Suigin's aikido bows down to: the Power of God, aka Hoard of the Fandom.

>> No.6109641

A herd of touhous

>> No.6109643


I think you need to tone down the troll a little. You're a bit obvious.

I've always imagined ZUN as the supreme master of drunken fist.

>> No.6109644

>Some Alice cosplayers will probably take a dump on your face while you're being trampled.
You will never, ;_; etc.

>> No.6109649

Never,; vsz etc Fascinating.

>> No.6109666

If he's that obvious, I think you should, you know, stop feeding him.

>> No.6110010

just punches? Marisa
