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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 265 KB, 768x1092, ohno1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6108847 No.6108847 [Reply] [Original]

I hate you /jp/ >_<

when I began posting here the worse I've done was buy some manga in japanese just for the fact of having it.

Now look how far I've fallen!

and its your fault!

>> No.6108865

Buying dakimakuras of big-breasted characters is pretty low.

>> No.6108868

>_< yourself, dumbass.

>> No.6108881



Only DFC dakimakuras are good

>> No.6108882

I have been here for years and i have yet to fall to that level.

God knows i want to, but putting up a normalfag act is quite important for work and so on.

>> No.6108891

How would your work be affected if you had a dakimakura in your bed?

>> No.6108893

If you actually feel shame rather than pride, than I have little to say. Stop giving in to social pressure and take tremendous pride in your love and dedication for our culture. People should appreciate what is in their hearts.

>> No.6108897

A shitty character from a shitty show? You still seem pretty /a/ to me.

>> No.6108898

Tell me about it man. I'm in college and people will blurt in Japanese history class "I think anime represents japan." I'm just like, ya i watch some not too much. Then I befriend some "Japanese" majors. Might as well be Anime majors. Fuck I feel like ranting. Hijacking the thread here anyone else dealing with this?

>> No.6108903

When he asks for raises and his boss comes over to his bed, he doesn't want him to see it.

>> No.6108906

I have random "friends" that tend to show up at my appartment whenever they damn please, so having somelike that could be.. bad

>> No.6108908

They could have a threesome.

>> No.6108913

Like this fag. He's probably the guy who shouts out I love anime and wears his Amagami t-shirt in public.

>> No.6108921
File: 120 KB, 658x1000, bc2029d91bdbab54561704f73b48e3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Cecily.

>> No.6108925

Of all the shitty shows you could chose, you went with this.
You are despicable.

>> No.6108935

That show was terrible, I would be ashamed as well.

>> No.6108937


>> No.6108939

You could've at least found one of the loli.

>> No.6108949

Either don't let them in or hide it in a closet when they come.

>> No.6108953
File: 215 KB, 850x1123, sample-9f10e72315104629534798034504b6f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more redheads.

>> No.6108954
File: 42 KB, 600x283, furobest-img600x283-1275991402ynx3rr34821..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get one of these.

>> No.6108979

Where can I get this?

>> No.6108996



>> No.6109000

So did you fags not finish Blacksmith or do you just like speaking out of your ass? It was fairly good.

>> No.6109016


shit sucked

>> No.6109021

I watched the show. It was shit, deal with it bro. All the moe big breasted shows are shit. It didn't help that blacksmith story sucked in the manga.

>> No.6109030
File: 39 KB, 704x400, shitsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was all I needed to see to know it was shit.

>> No.6109034

> >_<

You are not from here.

>> No.6109055

Good point. You're retarded.
>moe big breasted shows
Wow. You supplied a bit more detail but somehow managed to come off as even more of a retard than him. And you don't know what moe is.
Unfortunately, no.

>> No.6109066

Seems pretty accurate to me

>> No.6109075

>mfw /a/ thinks they know what moe is

>> No.6109077

Oh, the shitstorms from that image...

>> No.6109111

Spouting /v/ memes doesn't do much for your argument.

>> No.6109117

You're probably from /a/, so i'll give you a "DEEP ANALYTICAL" reason. Cecile shitty main character. Luke shitty main character. That little elf girl that helps Luke and character development sucked. Magic swords that come out of nowhere and Cecile who suddenly became her owner is retarded. Too much character drama that was really shitty. Also really bad action scenes, pretty pathetic. Go back to /a/ please.

>> No.6109120

/a/ doesn't.

I do. That's the difference. And when you say shit like "moe big breasted shows" that singles you out as a mentally retarded, shit-sucking chimp with no rational conception of your hobby.

>> No.6109138

Only people who say "I know what moe is" go to /a/. Please go back faggot.

>> No.6109144

>mentally retarded, shit-sucking chimp with no rational conception of your hobby.
When did this become about you?

>> No.6109146

Damnit thanks for reminding me that I don't have one.

>> No.6109148

>so i'll give you a "DEEP ANALYTICAL" reason

Using a variation of the word "shit" every other second in your defense somehow doesn't convince me that a show is bad. In fact, that vomit didn't even contain anything close to a "reason". You just said everything was bad. Are you really so stupid that you can't even come up with a solid reason and just base everything on your own critical reaction? Are you 14 years old?

>> No.6109159

I'm also on /jp/ and I also know what moe is. Go fuck yourself.
Is "NO U" the best you can do? Pathetic.

>> No.6109160

And can you come up with 'solid' reasons as to how it is good?

>> No.6109176
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot20100904233248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6109181

Can't take it easy? Go back to /a/ please. We can tell you're on /jp/ but obviously you don't belong here.

>> No.6109197

>durr its bad
>durr tell me why its not

>> No.6109211

>belong on /jp/

Did you not get the news, dude? 4chan died. You can tell people they don't belong on your board all you want. Shit is culturally dead regardless.

>> No.6109213
File: 66 KB, 750x1000, 6754372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post some Lisa

>> No.6109223

Some boards are fighting to stay alive. Like /ck/... but ya. /jp/ died to /a/ fags a long time ago. I'm just in denial.

>> No.6109225

Nobody knows what moe means, it isn't a real word. People just started going "I'm moe for x" and nobody bothered to make a definition for moe.

>> No.6109238
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot20100909020730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6109253

You realize what board most people here originally came from, right?

>> No.6109275

I'm not saying Blacksmith was the greatest show of the year or even of its season, but it was most definitely not shit. It successfully conjured a neo-fantasy medieval feel with a strong cast of characters with backgrounds that extended beyond the surface.

The main short-comings were pacing issues and in-between quality. The former is evidenced by Charlotte's rushed entry and exit, as well as the series' sudden end and move away from addressing the substance of the battle with Valbanill. The latter was surprising but not unknown from coming Manglobe and put many people off.

Solely because a katana was cut in-half in the first episode and it didn't fit everyone's expectations doesn't mean every aspect of the show you really didn't pay attention to was "shit". Grow up, kid.

>> No.6109277

/b/? That's the one most people admit to, anyway.

>> No.6109304

Wow. Tell that to Azuma, Akamatsu, Galbraith, Shingo, Murakami, Okada, or anyone who has actually defined it. No one knows the exact origins, but that doesn't magically make it not exist.

Don't go making shit up simply because YOU don't know what it means.

>> No.6109311

Makes more sense if you think about it, a lot of the filth from /b/ should have a total lack of social skills that in some way or another parallels ours leaving plenty of room for similar interests. the lot from /a/ strike me as privileged youths bored with spending their parents' limitless money and come to the internet to bitch at each other.

>> No.6109313

Medieval setting in blacksmith is very poor, or atleast how the anime introduced it. Have you ever read any other medieval fiction? You probably haven't if you think blacksmith's world is well done in the anime. The characters and cast are pretty weak actually. Some of the characters have weak personalities and when the show tries to build up character development for them it sucks. Also action was shit. Lolkatanacutinhalf Go back to /a/ kid.

>> No.6109329

Yet I bet you can't describe the meaning right? That's because it doesn't have one. People should just go back to using the term "fetish," which is a proper word with a proper definition and a proper etymology.

>> No.6109341

A fetish is sexual, and that's not always the case.

>> No.6109350

Just because you don't know the meaning, doesn't mean it doesn't have one kiddo.

>> No.6109357

Actually, fetishes are not always sexual. Sexual fetishes are, obviously, but that should be obvious.

>> No.6109365

In defining a slang word as amorphous and misunderstood as moe, the ability to accurately and definitively determine a competent, objective description settles close to impossible. Resultantly, demarcating parameters from which to aggregate a more wholesome image is by far the most responsible means to draft what approaches salience as a “definition”. Moe is currently many things to many people, but there is a basic underlying structure, a foundation from which contrast and debate can responsibly be fostered. In general, the basic parameters of what moe can be defined as include at the very least this: A personal, emotive attraction, love, infatuation, passion for or related response to two-dimensional characters from anime, manga, video games and other otaku-focused media art.

It's really quite simple. You've just fooled yourself into thinking its not understandable and you've been unable to understand it as a result. That's the kind of logic that rots societies and minds. Seriously, read some Azuma or Shingo.

>> No.6109368

Fetish isn't sexual.
Social conditioning to create attraction towards a person, place, or an object
Sexual fetishism, sexual attraction to objects, body parts or situations not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature needed to satisfy.
Go read the dictionary bro.

>> No.6109371

Your inability (or unwillingness) to define it, however, does.

>> No.6109372

If you don't understand the word or it's uses and origin, then why are you here picking a fight about it? I don't really understand your motives.

>> No.6109377

People like to sling the word around because they think they know what it means and they don't like it. But that pisses off people who actually know what it means.

Welcome to 4chan, 2010.

>> No.6109382

I think people are just mad at this guy.
I think he's master troll.

>> No.6109385
File: 671 KB, 850x1042, sample_fe900823bc95c9634d7d7cc446f85b5767a54bf9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP, here's to walking down the best path you could have chosen in life!

>> No.6109396


>> No.6109398

It seems he's rather frustrated, in regards to this whole ordeal.

>> No.6109424


>> No.6109440

>Person with nipaa in tripcode says big breasts are low.

Love the irony.

>> No.6109465

I love how the shit in this thread died when people actually started backing up what they were saying. Can you guys just grow up and do that from now on? This place would be a lot better.

>> No.6109471

What's the irony?

>> No.6109481

Huh? I thought the one guy who liked Blacksmith realised it was shit and left back to /a/.

>> No.6109490

Still here and already responded here >>6109275

You're retarded.

>> No.6109492

I agree man. Everyone started calling show shit for no reason, but to make it worse the guy who said it was good gave no reason either. But also we gotta chillax and take it easy. No need to call each other "monkeys" because we don't agree with your opinion.

>> No.6109516

It's not solely medieval. Fantasy above all. In that, it succeeded.

>Have you ever read any other medieval fiction?
Don't compare apples and oranges. We're talking about the anime.
>characters are weak, action was shit
This is where you explain instead of just saying shit. I've already said how each character develops overtime, and different aspects of their identity or character change or are revealed, especially with Luke and Lisa. The action sequences, particularly Cecily's duels, were short but well-done. I also manage to recognize its awkward pacing and dodgy quality in spots. You're just biased. Have fun with that.

>> No.6109541

We done here?

>> No.6109562

What the fuck is this?

>> No.6109570

A question mark?

>> No.6109578

A question deep almost as the mystery of life.

>> No.6109590

Please refrain from answering if you haven't got the slightest clue of what I am talking about, or rather, asking.

>> No.6109591

Ya arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.

>> No.6109627


>> No.6109631

I read a second hand story of hlj's failure to properly package some figures that arrived with damaged blisters, and I am trying to argue with you as if I was the one that packed, shipped, and delivered them to your fucking door. Hint: one is a doctor and the other is from a vn.

>> No.6109632

newfag detected

Also, 日本語でやってみよう? means "do you want to try it in Japanese?"

>> No.6109636

Misfire? What the fuck?

>> No.6109639

Get the fuck out of /jp.

>> No.6109645

/a/ fuck off

>> No.6109660

Yeah, no.

>> No.6109663

That was uncalled for.

>> No.6109665


everyone in this thread.

>> No.6109672

There are only two good characters in this thread.

>> No.6109681

Yea yes.

日本語でやってみよう? means "do you want to/should we try it in Japanese"

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.6109684

Fuck off, I don't want to talk with you if you are going to be like that. I'm not stupid, are you? This is fucking true.

>> No.6109689

What are you talking about?

>> No.6109691

japanese products are shit and gay, WTF do you buy them for? Their cars and bikes are good, their electronic products are okay, but animu and mongahs are piece of fucking trash.

>> No.6109695


Do you know where the fuck you are?

>> No.6109696

That was uncalled for. Don't call me gay!

>> No.6109709

not /a/

>> No.6109713

This thread somehow got worse. Holy shit /jp/

>> No.6109718

Obviously you don't.

>> No.6109719

I can't tell whether you're stupid or just stupid.

>> No.6109733


What's that say?

>> No.6109741

The only two challenges with money are earning enough, and spending it wisely.

>> No.6109782

